Chapter Three: Memories
June 5, 3000
Jewel's P.O.V.
I sighed as I looked at the photos of the most recent crime scene, then the note that was left behind “Madam Red…” I mumbled looking at the name the killer gave themselves, I read the note again and again one line always gets me...'aren't you supposed to be the best detective, Jewel?'... I hated this, I AM supposed to be the best detective but she was only making it harder to solve the cases but a least I know she was the killer of the first victim. I leaned back in my chair and began to wonder “how I could possibly solve this case and get the killer out of the streets and get the people of London safe, I know that it's gonna take a long time to even get a dent in the case the only thing I have is, this name Madam Red...and the fact that she or he is the murder of the first victim and the new victim, so how do I advance?” I was talking to myself again this was how I think.
A few hours later, I still had nothing and it was honestly getting on my nerves and I felt like screaming, but I knew I couldn't get frustrated I needed to have a sound mind to get through the case.
John's P.O.V.
Working on this case seems to be causing Jewel some stress, I understand how she feels though, this case is stressful and we aren't getting anywhere with what evidence we have. We are both up late working and still, we are getting nowhere fast, and the longer we take the more lives that could be taken which isn't good but we may have no choice. “Jewel, why don't we wait a bit until we have more evidence to use?” I jumped when she started yelling at me “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? YOU WANT TO WAIT?!, WE CAN'T! SOMEONE COULD BE THE NEXT TARGET AND YOU WANT TO WAIT?!” I knew I shouldn't have said what I said and I regret it now “sorry...I was just thinking maybe if we do wait, the case would get easier on us so stress wouldn't be the cause our deaths…” I really didn't want to end up having a heart attack while investigating...I sighed as my sister glared at me “I'm sorry sis...I'm just worried about our health this stress can really hurt us and you know that” I sighed and stood up and hugged her “I just don't want you to get hurt, and by hurt I mean have a heart attack, I don't want to lose my sister to that, we've already lost our parents to that, and I can't go through that again…” I smiled as I felt her hug back, I loved my little sister to bits, she was my best friend and my only friend
Jewel's P.O.V.
I knew what he meant, and I loved that he cared about our health but the case was important too and I knew we had to put a stop to the murders. With what little evidence we had, the case just seemed like it was at a standstill which wasn't good. “ I know John, but we can't just stop, when more people are gonna get killed, and I love that you care about me, and I know if we get stressed even more than we know it could both kill us, and I can't lose you either after all you're all I have left.” I started crying a bit, remembering coming home after school, only to see our mom crying...
“Mommy, what's wrong? why are you crying?” I didn't understand why she was crying I looked around, looking for daddy " Where's daddy?" I was worried about him now "Mommy?" she hugged me close "I'll tell you once your big brother gets here sweetie..." I hugged her back. I was confused…
I watched as John walked in “Mom, Dad, Jewel I'm home!” I ran to him hugging him “Mommy has something to tell us about daddy John, and daddy isn't here” he picked me up and looked at my mom I could tell he got scared of what she might say “Mom?” he said as he sat down he held me closer “I'm sorry babies...daddy will no longer be with us...daddy died of a heart attack” the next thing I remember is my brother crying onto my shoulder, then I started crying worse than my mother and brother, I didn't want to believe it “ NO! DADDY IS JUST AT WORK!” I struggled out of my brother's arms and stood at the door waiting for him, I only cried harder as my mother picked me up she gently bounced me “Sweetie, daddy isn't coming back...he is up in heaven watching over us, daddy isn't at work…” she had forcefully stopped her crying to comfort me…
I hugged John tightly crying more as I remembered that part of our past. “I still didn't want to believe that he is dead, even as a grown woman. I didn't want to believe that our father is no longer with us” I looked up at John and smiled a little as he held me close to him “I know Jewel, I don't want to believe it either… He gently wiped my tears away....but remember what mom said… ‘he is up in heaven watching over us’...just remember that” I nodded as I listened to him, I understood what he was meaning and I knew I had to get over it I broke the hug and smiled up at John “I love you, John,” he smiled “I love you too, Jewel” I wasn't sure what I'd do without my brother around.
John's P.O.V.
I smiled down at my sister, I loved her, and I promised our parents that I would protect her. I know I can't protect her forever, she is a grown woman and I'm technically not her boss anymore, but she sees me as her way of comfort and I promised I'd always be there for her. Especially during this case if she needs to be held or needs someone to talk to, she comes to me. I know soon someone else will be able to fill my position, and I could find someone else to take care of. “I know you're grown woman now, but I still see you as a child… I am so glad to call you my little sister and I will forever be here for you, trust me.” I ruffled her hair and smiled as I saw her smile again, I know life has been tough on her ever since she was five and when I was ten, it's hard to believe that we are five years apart since we both don't really act our age “let's take a small break, and relax our minds, we both need it” I walked with her to the living room and got used both some coffee and turned the TV on to a documentary about Jack the Ripper “it's strange that our very many greats grandfather was working on the case huh?” she nodded already sucked into it “yeah, and how this case remains unsolved, I remember that our father told us about him and now this was his many great granddad’s first unsolved case and I guess it has been a tradition each year for our family, because I looked into it and each detective in our family had one unsolved case. I just hope that this case I have now isn't the one that stays unsolved..” I nodded. “I hope it isn't either.” I watched the documentary with her both of us taken metal notes about each murder and each suspect we always tried to solve the unsolved murders. Sometimes we do, and then again we sometimes don't. It was just the way it was and we still didn't really understand it all if it can't be solved. We always joked that the police cover certain things up so the case can never be solved, and sometimes we think that's true.
It was the next day and no reports yet of a new murder Jewel was still working but she was on the couch instead of her office chair “Good morning Jewel.” She smiled as she looked at me “Good morning John.” I sat beside her, turning the TV on. Everyone was on edge and we both could tell cause of the recent murders and people made sure they had some form of protection. Even fathers who had guns now had them out in plain sight hoping it would scare the murderer. “I hope we get this case solved soon cause if we don't they are gonna blame us and who knows what they'll do.”
Jewel's P.O.V.
I didn't want to think about that at the moment, because I don't want to know what they would do to us if we can't solve the case. I sighed and looked at my older brother. “I don't know John and I really don't want to know, but we better have a plan if we can't solve the case, I really don't want to leave our country because of all the hate we would get.” I didn't want to leave because of my best friend the only friend I have actually and I know my brother knows that I have a friend who I hang out with, but he teases me because he knows I have a crush on her and I honestly hate that he teases me “wait you know the real reason why I don't want to leave” I blushed as he chuckled and nodded “that's funny how you tried to lie to me” I smiled a little hearing his chuckle he always found a way to make me happier.
It was almost seven when I left the house to meet up with Xyl it has been a while since we last went out on a date and I thought it would be good for me just to get my mind off the case and have my mind on the woman I love. I was wearing a nice casual blue dress and matching flats, my hair was down and freshly straightened I wanted to look cute for my love and I knew she would love it because she always calls me cute sometimes I hate it but that just proves to me that she really loves me with all her heart and would do anything for me. I sat on a park bench and waited for her to arrive.
Xyl's P.O.V.
I mentally yelled at myself as I rushed to wash the blood off me, I completely forgot that I had a date with Jewel. I rushed to brush my hair and to get dressed I knew it was just a casual date so I wore a simple red shirt and some black pants to go with it I slipped on my shoes and ran out the door to the park putting my hair up as I went. As I got closer to the park I walked the rest of the way to catch my breath, I smiled seeing Jewel on a park bench “Sorry I'm late I took a shower” I smiled and pulled her up to me holding her close “It's fine Xyl it gave me a bit of time to clear my mind before you came anyway” I nodded knowing she was on a case, what case I don't know. I just hoped she wasn't on mine I would hate myself if she was and would turn myself in. She nuzzled into me which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, god I loved this woman. “I love you, my sweet Emerald” I gave her that nickname because of her beautiful green eyes that shined like an Emerald, Jewel smiled happily her cheeks slightly pink “I love you too my dove” I loved my nickname it gave me the feeling that I was pure again every time she called me that. “Let's go on our walk” I held her hand now and started walked and smiled as she squeezed my hand and walked with me. It was always so peaceful around her whenever she was beside me, I felt sane, I didn't have the urge to kill, I wrapped my arm around her seeing my killing partner in the distance.
???'s P.O.V.
I growled seeing Xyl with that detective, what was she thinking being all lovey-dovey with the detective!? My blood boiled I hated seeing Xyl with her, I was becoming jealous, I knew who I was gonna kill whether Xyl liked it or not, Xyl will be mine, I don't care what I have to do. I followed them making sure I wouldn't be detected by Xyl or Jewel, all the while I was thinking 'Xyl is mine, she is mine, 'Xyl will be mine even if I have to force her to become mine!'
Xyl's P.O.V.
I knew he was watching, but I ignored him he didn't matter right now, Jewel mattered to me, I held her closer and smiled "I love you, my dove" seeing her blush and smile made my heart flutter. God I loved this woman so much "I love you too, Xy" I loved the nickname she gave m, it just made me fall in love with her all over again, I would do anything to see her smile, to hear her laugh. She was perfect, just perfect. I loved her, I know my killing partner loved me, I know I've told him I wasn't into guys, but he never seems to get the message that I'll never love him the way he wants me to love him.
Jewel's P.O.V.
I couldn't stop smiling as I walked with Xyl, I leaned into her a bit as we walked smiling more than ever, I loved her, she was so sweet and she cared so much about me, the way her eyes sparkle when she looks at me and her laugh it was like an angel, I loved how we fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces. I let out a small happy sigh and relaxed as we walked, I didn't need some fancy date to be happy, all I needed was Xyl, and I was happy.
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