The Return of Makai's King
Sitting by the window, Kur was silently reading as waiting for Velacera to return. Though it's been a few hours since Velacera left Kur did not mind now as they could understand the language in the books that rested on the shelves. The walk yesterday was rewarding as it eased Kur's nerves to know exactly where they had ended up. It certainly was different but Kur did not mind now as much as they did when they first came here. "Kur can you help me," Kur heard the door open as they stood placing the book gently down and walked over to the door as Kur held out their arms as Velacera placed a box in their hands and went to the patio's ledge before calling out to someone else, "Fundicarne."
Kur looked out the doorway to see in the far distance there was a shadowed figure walking closer. "Come on Kur go set that on the counter cause it seems Fundicarne is already done" Velacera gave a soft smiling turning to Kur as Kur looked down at the package before nodding going into the kitchen area of the home and setting it down as they could hear the chatter between Velacera and Fundicarne. "So how did it go Fundicarne?"
"It was surprisingly easy as once the tooth hit the flames it seemed to take place and manifested its own shape itself which is rare entirely," Fundicarne spoke as they stepped up onto the patio, "then again the knowledge that we have access to is vague and seemingly stereotyped but since Kur is here I guess there are a few things in the book not making any sense."
"Yeah, I've been making personal notes," Velacera sighed looking at Fundicarne, "since they are living with me I've been writing down the observations that are the complete opposite of what the book says... Though they are learning at expendable rates they have a little hesitation towards explaining what actually happened to them... They become deathly quiet and shuts down to a point of looking away and not speaking."
Fundicarne shifted his weight from one side to the other, "like you when had visited the mortal realm, you barely talk about that," Velacera turned his head, "see so you two have something in common, work around it and try to see eye to eye."
Velacera frowned as Kur walked out onto the patio, "Velacera what is the matter? You seem upset?" Kur asked wholeheartedly as they saw their friend very much going through emotions. Fundicarne patted the pouch as another third hand came up and handed an object to Fundicarne.
"Do not worry for now as Velacera is remembering something," Fundicarne held out the object. It was across with a triangular shape with three points at each end. Four gems placed in the triangular shapes, "it merely formed itself but it should do the exact job that the star object use to do." Fundicarne handed it over to Kur. It was as big as a 2 ft statue but thinner than a 60-page storybook.
Kur looked down at the object before humming, "on this jacket there's room for something in the middle do you suppose it could reside there?" Fundicarne got onto the patio and walked around Kur.
"From what I am seeing then yes it can act like a buckle in the back but I need to see the results if it can withstand your powers," Fundicarne walked from behind Kur crossing his arms, "cause I also have something extra to add to your whole attire as it came to me when creating that thing." Fundicarne pointed to the cross as Kur held out one hand and energy gathered once more to the center of their hand. The energy flickered and cracked in the air as it created a sphere of purple bluish light the cross glowing as well as it controlled the energies from shorting it out.
"That's amazing!" Velacera spoke coming out of their silence seeing the energy finally taking form, "that must be the most basic form of a Celestial Star but for you able to still do that you must still have some of your stars still existing..... Your Star status is still there but no star by your head." Fundicarne nodded their head as the hand in the pouch came out again dragging chains with a grappling blade came out five grappling blades in all.
"Well these should hold up and your powers should be able to control them like the second part of you for fighting and such," Fundicarne went behind Kur, "hold your arms out in a form of a T and hold it there until I can hook the cross to the back and connect the chains to them." Fundicarne grabbed the cross as Kur did as he instructed.
A few sounds of metal clanging before silence. "Kur use a bit of your power as I want to see if my assumptions were correct if this new metal will react to the way it sees fit to the owner," Fundicarne came from behind Kur putting a tool into the pouch. Kur nodded their head before focusing on the draw of energy as the chains moved on their own wrapping around Kur before settling. "As I thought, now they look much intimidating than either of us Velacera," Fundicarne looked to the side to see Velacera with a faint smile.
"Excellent work like always Fundicarne and it really does suit Kur," Velacera had a soft tone to his voice, "thank you for this it really means a lot now all that's left is to see how Kur holds up during a battle and to see if they use purification before even using other methods so that way we can correct them," Velacera noted before anything else Fundicarne took a step forward.
"Then let me handle this then," Fundicarne pulled a hammer of the sorts out of the pouch and crouched ready to battle, "cause you to know exactly why I did it, to begin with... Now Kur let's battle." Kur gave a concerned look before looking to Velacera.
"It's okay Kur," Velacera nodded his head, "he's inviting you to fight him, its an honorable trust testament... not many hellspawns would ask for a battle they will enforce it by attacking first. This is the middle ground battle fight with your all but remember what I told you before," Velacera held out his hand leaning forward a bit, "Hellspawns can be heavily damaged by healing or purification magic.... due to nature of our creations... This is just to see if you can withhold that instinct to purify another hellspawn I'm battle that's all Kur," Velacera explained as Kur nodded their head.
"Very well, then I accept your offer of a battle," Kur gave a short bow before they shifted their weight to match the pose as Fundicarne. Kur knew not one thing about battle but if it's anything like what they have been reading then following a pattern of basic defense so they could avoid the hammers sheer force behind each blow.
"Ready....... Set......." Velacera spoke as Fundicarne tightened their grip on the handle of the hammer, "FIGHT" Fundicarne brought the hammer from an overhead slam onto the ground as the ground shook and Kur narrowed their eyes watching Fundicarne's every move. Fundicarne's movements though seemed slowed due to the weight of the hammer but Kur noted the precise hits Fundicarne made. Kur only had a second to dodge an attack Fundicarne had launched swinging the hammer widely left-handed. Merely missing a millia-hair Kur jumped backward and brought themselves onto a low hanging branch from a tree.
Kur's core raced to feel the adrenaline rushing through them as they finally understood what the feeling of excitement could reach in a mere moment threatening to physically severally harm them. Smiling Kur brought focus into controlling the chains wrapped around them as they moved with little noise. A fighter's instinct they read has many forms and many different reactions. "I see now," Kur breathlessly said as they jumped from one branch to another as Fundicarne tried striking at them again. "Now" Kur smirked as they jumped to the forest floor the chains glowing in a small tinted hue floating around them, "I understand by what those books always said, a flight or fight instinct can vary on the person in general... I see now...." Kur moved their body out of the way as Fundicarne brought the hammer down from over his head to hit Kur.
A chain merely wrapped around the pole of the hammer before tugging and releasing it from Fundicarne's grasp. A gasp escaped both of Velacera's and Fundicarne's mouths as they saw Kur hold the hammer high in the air. Successfully disarming Fundicarne for now as Fundicarne reached inside the pouch once more pulling an ax out. Kur gritted their teeth knowing fully well the simple fight isn't over yet. Nothing is ever that easy as Kur dodged a straightforward attack from Fundicarne. "So disarming is a technique Kur is substituting instead of their natural purification powers..... So they're aware of making adjustments even though they never fought before," Velacera whispered under his breath watching the two of them fight.
"Heyo, Velacera" Velacera turned his head to see Lokomoor and Dadaki coming up behind, "why are Kur and Fundicarne battling already. Kur never battled before... So why the rush?" Dadaki asked pointing to the two fightings.
"Fundicarne wanted to battle to fully trust Kur and it works out as we are uncertain if Kur could keep their purification power under control battling other hellspawns... Since King Enma's sincere hate of exorcists and anything that involves purification. So this is just a safety precaution due to King Enma returning in a few days," Velacera swallowed saliva as he watched the battle continued, "I'm just hoping King Enma doesn't take Kur as a threat first sight...... Kur is completely different from others that have purification power... Kur is more docile than jumping to purify everything. I watched for two hours straight last night the candle creatures surround Kur last night swirl around them and even land on their head while Kur sat there doing nothing....."
"So do you think Kur being docile will put King Enma's worries at ease if he finds out Kur is a Celestial?" Dadaki said as she looked at the battle watching as the ax was whipped away from Fundicarne's hands as Kur caught it in their hands observing what they had just confiscated from the blacksmith hellspawn. "I mean Kur seems like one of experimenting and observing is more to their style but then again King Enma has had bad experiences before and has based many books off his experiences. It might be nearly impossible to sway King Enma into thinking one Celestial is different than the others...."
"Kur IS different. Just these few days with them have had the book proven wrong in everything other than them simply being a celestial," Velacera resisted raising his voice as he felt a wave of strange anger he did not expect to feel over something so trivial, "oh dear already Kur has taken four of Fundicarne's weapons but they still refuse to attack Fundicarne with anything or use his weapons against him." The two girls looked towards what Velacera was talking about before seeing Fundicarne lose a spear from the chains whipping it away from him. Fundicarne reached once more into his pouch grabbing another sword.
"Disarming is all they are doing," Lokomoor noted, "meaning they are limited in their skill and are avoiding their purification powers..... That's good but how long can Kur keep up disarming Fundicarne as his pouch is an unlimited pocket." They all held their breathe as Fundicarne went in for another attack but became surprised as Kur used the metal spears handle as a shield preventing the sword from moving any closer to them. "They stopped Fundicarne's attack!"
Astonished by the sheer fact that Kur had already caught up on how to use weapons just by watching Fundicarne gave Velacera a thought, "they're observing and learning just as Fundicarne keeps attacking. Kur is adapting and overcoming anything that puzzles them... They're learning by hands-on so they're basically evolving to fit in and survive..... This is something the book never mentions! Survival instinct. Fundicarne is basically a teacher in Kur's eye as Kur is merely mimicking what Fundicarne has already shown."
"Well at least we know Kur is capable of a fight without their purification powers," Fundicarne said aloud as he backed off before striking again only for Kur to once more stop the attack with the spears handle. "But they haven't attacked me yet so they're only still defending themselves. Playing the defense..... They need to learn the offense way before we deem Kur able to fight..... Ghhh." Fundicarne grunted as he had to block. Kur had turned the spear to where the blade was pointing towards Fundicarne and was merely resting upon the sword's blade. A spark erupted once making contact. "I spoke too soon, geez how many more surprises do you have up your sleeve Kur?"
Kur gave a confused look, "I have no intentions of harming you, Fundicarne as seeing how I could harm you and cause hatred towards my way so I am merely mirroring what I have learned so far." The four hellspawns were shocked as Kur admitted they were mimicking Fundicarne's attacks. "Am I not doing well?" Kur asked in a tone of curiosity. "Do I need to improve on a technique?" Kur was asking genuinely remarkable questions but the four wouldn't respond.
"No you're doing far better than what we all presumed but it's just that it's shocking a Celestial, like yourself have so much control unlike what is told in our books about Celestials," Velacera answered trying to voice his thoughts, "it's remarkable that it's not stereotypically seen in all Celestials but it's due to the facts of King Enma's experiences that we know from so this whole Celestial being as a friend is so life-changing we are all shocked and astonished that within the few days you have resided here almost a week now you may have easily been born here... You've adapted faster than what was written in books. We had based everything around that book and watching you personally... The stereotype that was created by unsavory Celestials towards King Enma you do the complete opposite."
The other three nodded their heads in agreement with Velacera's statement. "Velacera is correct," Fundicarne spoke up, "you have proven the book wrong every step of the way and show new things about Celestials that we never even seen. You filled several gaps in a book our King wrote from experience...... If King Enma's experiences were the same as we are experiencing it...." Fundicarne trailed off as he shifted his weight to launch another attack to only be met with an attack by Kur. "You keep steady and focus even when we were talking that's good... Many hellspawns will try to catch you off guard and attack you that way," Fundicarne complimented Kur as he launched another attack before once more a chain wrapped around his weapon tugging it out of his grasp flinging it across the forest floor.
"Well at least Kur is extremely good at disarming and blocking attacks, " Lokomoor pointed out before watching Kur get more active and now is in a full fighting stance and actively fighting Fundicarne. "Now it seems like they're having fun fighting Fundicarne," Lokomoor smirked.
"I mean they are getting the hang of it so it only makes sense they're having fun now," Dadaki giggled watching the two battle. Kur gaining speed and agility with each attack Velacera smiled.
"Now how is King Enma gonna react to Kur being here?" Velacera went frozen as he forgot completely about King Enma not being in Makai and visiting his parents for three weeks..... Any day he could return.
"Shoot," that was all Velacera could say as he looked back at Lokomoor who suggested the situation with King Enma, "I haven't begun to think that how long has it been since he left to visit his relatives?"
"I'd say the day before it would have marked the third week since King Enma has been away," Lokomoor shrugged her shoulders, "so it's a mystery if he shows up randomly." Velacera became rigid as he calculated everything. He didn't have the time he wanted to take to teach Kur more before King Enma's return.
"Dang it," Velacera looked back at the two battlings as he watched Kur trip but before falling face-first the space warped before they landed on both feet behind Fundicarne and recovering fast and attacking. "Do you think King Enma will listen to me...... I mean I am one of the first hellspawns he created..... Would he give me benefit of a doubt?" Velacera thought aloud. Both girls shrugged their shoulders before going back to watch the two fight.
Time has passed since the little battle ended. It turned into being a mutual win as both were satisfied with their fight. Kur was softly smiling walking next to Velacera on their way to a simple pathway. Velacera wanted to walk to clear his mind and think and Kur wanted to accompany their friend on their stroll. "That was very entertaining today," Kur joyfully spoke to nothing, "Fundicarne was an excellent opponent. Though I believe I was not in sync with fighting as he was, I wish to battle with him shortly as we have a tie to finish after all." Kur looked over to Velacera as he wasn't responding like he usually does. "Is everything alright, Velacera?" Kur asked worried for their friend.
Velacera looked up at Kur before frowning, "I'm afraid you might not be able to as King Enma is due back from visiting far away and it's really up to him if you can reside here..... And I thought I would have more time but Lokomoor reminded me of the near homecoming of our King. Usually, I can be confident I can explain topics to him but he has always held a deep hatred towards Exorcists and anything of purification... He's very protective of everyone here and thinks about our safety first thing and if King Enma deems you as a threat well I fear I cannot defend you without repercussions... "
"I care for your safety as well," Kur frowned mirroring some thoughts, "uncertainty can play cruel games to someone's consciousness but fear not as when the time comes we'll figure out something." Kur closed their eyes before sighing, "I have learned so much from you and your companions and it worries me you fear for my well-being as you do." Kur turned their attention towards the path. "But I have good intentions we can figure this out and be rational about the whole situation. I have no ill intentions towards anyone here as so far I was treated with warming hospitality..... I met with violent hospitality then it would vary. But fear not I find everyone here unique and extraordinary!"
A faint smile played across Velacera's lips as he nodded his head. "I suppose that's one way of looking at it but I still worry as King Enma will not hear you or me out. Or let us explain to the reasons why you are here in Makai without much of sanity lost," Velacera retorted as he stopped causing Kur to stop as well and look to where Velacera was looking. Looking back at Velacera to see their friend tense and having a sense of fear. "K—King Enma!"
"Velacera, get away," a cold deep voice spoke, Kur assumed it was King Enma's voice as it sent little shivers down their spine, "Get away from that Celestial now!" Velacera gritted his teeth before shaking his head taking a step in front of Kur and spread his arms. "Velacera what are you doing?.... Get away from that Celestial," King Enma's voice raised a slight as Velacera refused to move.
King Enma was about to speak once more before Velacera shouted, "NO" both Kur and Enma showed a sign of shock before Velacera spoke more sternly and tried to hold his voice from cracking, "Please King Enma hear me out," King Enma narrowed his crimson eyes. "This Celestial is different in every way that the book speaks about..... over the course of a week of me first finding them til now has been polite and adapted to our way of life. They even refused to use their purification magic in battle with another hellspawn as I witnessed it myself. They instead learn how to fight in other ways than relying on their purifying magic. Please, King, Kur is different. I swear on my name that Kur is not like other Celestials. Just give them a chance King Enma!"
Kur could see Velacera physically shiver as they watched for King Enma's reaction. "Very well let's head to the castle for privacy," Enma breathed out with controlled tones, "I will be the final judge either or not this 'Kur' is different or not." King Enma turned around and started walking towards a large medieval castle shaded with deep colors and miasma surrounding the area. Though it itched at Kur's core. They ignored it as it was their purification magic wanting to purify the area in which they will not due cause of the possible harm it might cause. their friends. Gulping down the uneasiness Kur lightly grabbed the shawl part and closed their eyes trying to force the uneasiness and the urge to purify down gritting their teeth.
"Kur are you alright?" Velacera asked as his voice was cracked sending Kur signals that Velacera was very nervous.
"The sense of Miasma is overbearing and is sending my powers in a frenzy as the miasma in the air nick and tease at my purification powers almost in a sense of testing my boundaries and my control," Kur gulped as they felt the power of purification tried to come out but they managed to make it back down. "And it's pushing but I won't budge even the slightest," Kur grunted as they held back their power once more.
"Don't worry Kur," Velacera gave a slight squeeze to Kur's clenched hand, "once we are inside the castle the miasma will exponentially die down for you to feel at ease."
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