Night Terrors

(Art was done by me)

Kur looked at Velacera who was deathly quiet sitting at the dining table looking down at his hands. Kur had merely sat on the stool nearest the sink as Chuma came back down grumbling as he held a bowl whisking a wooden spoon. "You really need to close up your jars of nutworms as I found some weird vermits trying to eat the nutworms but there were a few of them laying belly up in some acid rain that leaked through your roof." Chuma sighed as he set the bowl down before grabbing something out of his pocket, "So I do have to say this verbally though with how you Celestials functions you won't feel the pain in the effects as much as would anyone else but it will feel like someone rubbing wintergreen leaves on your skin in freezing weather for a few hours."

"May I ask why Velacera is so sad?" Kur asked as they looked back over to their friend. Chuma looked back to see Velacera somewhat sulking at the dinner table.

"It's best that he tells you himself," Chuma sighed holding a plain metal barrette in his hand, "I am glad I still carry this around with me..." Chuma motioned for Kur to lean forward as he slowly moved Kur's black hair away from their eye and held it back with the barrette, "there... that should keep your hair from rubbing against the paste and to also save you from another washing as I can still smell the herbs near you especially your hair."

(Maskless Chuma)

Kur tilted their head right as they were confused, "I have not bathed within the last few days." Chuma raised an eyebrow, before shaking his head and handing Kur a dish towel, and grabbed the bowl.

"Like I said," Chuma sighed, "Celestials are a wholly different logic of existence but for now close your right eye if you can as I need to apply the paste." Kur closed their left eye but their right did not move. Chuma froze, "shoot, Kur open your eyes again and then blink three times," Chuma set the pastedown and grabbed his penlight setting it to the highest setting before pointing in Kur's right eye. Kur did as told but their right eye did nothing in response. "That's strange.... it might be possible that the eye is frozen in place due to purification magic giving so much to heal it but it's proving to be a dull body part with no response... Kur can you see the light I am shining through your right eye?"

Kur was silent before frowning, "I only see a dull light no features of anything with my right," Kur stated as Chuma removed his penlight away from Kur's eye.

"Your right eye is blind," Chuma sighed, "permanently... but I am unsure if your magic will try to re-animate your eye later on in time. But for the current diagnosis, you are blind in your right eye. Now stay still and lean back so I can safely close your eye since it's not responding with any nerves." Kur leaned back as Chuma lightly pushed on the right eyelid and slightly pushed it down but Kur grunted in pain feeling the pressure. "Well, you have the feeling of your nerves still but they aren't able to close your eye."

"So they are able to feel the pain but not actively use that side," Futsura noted as he turned his head towards where Chuma and Kur were. Chuma nodded his head as he grabbed the bowl once more before sticking his finger in the paste before slowly and gently applying it to Kur's right cheek.

Kur hissed as they felt the freezing effect of the paste, "well the purification magic is sensing the paste and is reacting normally to the paste. But I still say Kur should visit my clinic in a few days so I can keep a close eye on this as their purification magic may act up in violent ways with the paste. Velacera are you listening to me?" Chuma turned around to see Velacera still sulking. Sighing Chuma coughed trying to get Velacera's attention.

Velacera jolted and looked up, "y-yeah I can swing by with Kur in the next few days." Chuma nodded his approval as he finished rubbing the paste on Kur's cheek.

"Hand me the wrapping as I need to wrap it back up as Kur is debating about rubbing it due to the mint effect happening as of right now," Chuma held his hand out behind him expecting Velacera to hand the fresh clean wrapping to him. Doing so, Kur sat up a little as Chuma began wrapping the bandage once more.

"How long?" Kur asked gaining the attention of Chuma, "How long until I gain my eyesight back in my right eye?" Chuma gave a sigh and fastened the wrapping around Kur's eye.

"I have no clue as most healing abilities depend on ones own willingness but since your eye ended up the way it did," Chuma took a step back turning away and wiping his hands, "I would give it time and sometime in the future you can try healing it again but you must settle your magic as it may cause harm to the other hellspawns." Chuma set down the bowl in the sink and turned to Kur. "My suggestion is to learn to push down your purification magic and maybe adopt different forms of magic as to help sustain your own purification magic to only when you need it the most."

"That's why we're at the catacombs in King Enma's castle," Velcera spoke softly after being silent for so long, "I was looking for spells that Kur could perform without using their purification magic. But the ones in the catacombs were more about summoning than actually performing magic." Chuma hummed before looking over at Velacera. 

"Interesting but if we want Kur to start adopting different forms of magic maybe we can do an older fashion way of starting out this," Chuma crossed his arms, "there's the old method of soaking the fabric in the essence of a potion with the herbs of the trade. But we can try that method or basically teaching them like they are a toddler until they have become seasoned in the practice..." Chuma looked back over to Kur who had raised an eyebrow seemingly interested in what was being said, "either way you choose they will eventually learn different forms of magic."

Velacera sighed knowing fully well they would have to discuss this with Kur. "Velacera," Velacera lifted his head to see Orcus waving a single hand, "we plan to stay....... for a month... bring Kur with you..... to the clinic as we are very..... intrigued with your new...... friend." Orcus gave a smirk half hidden by the lip of his raised neckline.

"I-I will," Velacera nodded his head, "I'll see you three around good night." Walking them out to the porch Velacera waved them off as Kur stood behind waving slightly as they were still unsure about the new faces they have recently met, "So.....Kur shall we head back inside and make some tea before ya'know I tell you my reasons?" Kur raised an eyebrow before nodding their head.

"Yes, we shall," Kur spoke calming as they reached up to rubbed the bandaging. Before Velacera grabbed Kur's arm.

"Chuma said not to scratch or rub it," Velacera said coldly as he pulled Kur's arm leading them inside once more. Velacera let go of Kur's arm once inside as he just stood there, "sorry Kur why don't you start making the tea I need to grab something from upstairs I'll be down once you are done." Velacera headed up the stairs out of sight as Kur stared up before sadly humming and headed back to the kitchen to start on the tea. 

Kur hummed as they started the stove and placed the prepped tea kettle on the running flame grabbing the grinder and the tea leaves. Kur seemingly looked at the grinder, dazing before snapping back looking at the leaves once more. 

Further down the path unknown to them Chuma, Orcus, and Futsura were walking down the paths before Futsura spoke. "So any reason why," Chuma and Orcus looked at Futsura, "Velacera acted strange when Chuma mentioned the guilt he felt?" 

"That is sadly not my information to tell," Chuma hummed behind his mask, "Only actions will tell how that Celestial will react but I have a good feeling that the Celestial will only react with good intentions and not seek harm to Velacera.... but I am only going on first impressions." Chuma shrugged his shoulders before tuning out walking a little faster. Back at Velacera's home, Kur has finished grinding the leaves when the kettle was hissing as Kur took two teacups out of the cabinet. Setting them down and putting the strainer in the one they took the kettle off the burner and bringing the spout close to the edge of the strainer and pouring the water filling the cup and letting the strainer soak in the cup as Kur grabbed the other strainer and had done the same process to the other one.

There was the creaking of the steps as Kur turned their gaze to the stairs to see Velacera coming down without his hat on his head. "Oh," Velacera gave a soft smile, "See I told you I'll be down by the time you finished making tea. Shall we," Velacera point towards the living room as gesturing to bring the talk out to a more comfortable sitting area. 

Kur grabbed both teacups and headed towards the living room as Velacera sat down first on the armchair in the corner. Velacera placed his hands on his knees as Kur set the teacups on the centerpiece table as they sat in the opposite armchair, sitting across from Velacera. "So, how do I start this..." Velacera trailed off taking his hands off his knees and grasping them together taking a deep breath. "I was one of the first hellspawns King Enma created and one of the first ones to ever leave the safety of Makai. I was always curious about the outside world of Makai as King Enma would always describe it to his first hellspawns so after trial and error I had finally gotten permission to leave Makai and explore the outside world. At first, I was amazed, I was, you could say, filled with ambition as I explored the surrounding forests and creeks even valleys as far as mountains...but I met a small village. At first, I was curious of other beings outside in this village, I met the mortals in that village but a few priest and nuns came into the village spouting this high religion that made them think that the only way that not to go to this made-up place called hell is to do as they said... I for one never thought someone could be this foolhardy but I have mistaken the human race as intelligent but I thought wrong..."

Kur raised an eyebrow watching Velacera tense his whole body. "A religion?" Kur asked in a slight whisper. Kur has heard of the term before but never in a sentence. Especially in a way that sent chills through their spine.

Velacera heaved before looking past the rim of his glasses at Kur, "these priests and nuns pointed me out of the crowds and started their parade of harassing me, and let's say they were speaking about cutting me up and offering me to this representation of evil... I have never heard of them before but I got the feeling it wasn't good. They accused me of many things backing me into a corner. I was told to never harm the outside world as it was more fragile than the safe reaches of Makai... but with these priests and nuns cornering me, harassing me... I-I just wanted it to stop.... to make it all go away." 

Kur noticed the high hitch in Velacera's voice as they watched him take off his glasses quickly covering his face before Kur could see, but Kur could already guess what was being covered by Velacera's sleeve. He was crying. "They would not listen to my words as I told them to go away and leave me alone. But they wouldn't so, I-I turned into my monstrous form to make them go away..." Velacera's voice hitched more as he spoke, "but the thing was I had no control and in turn, I hurt more than what I had initially planned.... not only did I harm the priests and nuns I also killed everyone in the village and turned the village and several valleys into melted candle wax..." Kur stood without a sound seeing their friend crying, it hurt seeing their friend cry. So in an attempt to calm their friend they kneeled on the ground in front of Velacera and embraced him tightly. 

Velacera tensed a bit as he looked away from his sleeve. Though without his glasses he could still tell who it was, as he dropped his glasses onto the ground reaching and fisting his gloved fingers in the fabric of Kur's shirt, "It's alright, I'm here." Kur soothed softly as they felt Velacera moved and grip onto the sleeves of their shirt. 

"I-I didn't mean to," Velacera hiccuped, his once purple flame on top of the strand of hair changed color to a gray and became a dull light. Kur didn't know of this, but they will worry about detail later as their main focus is to focus on Velacera's comfort. "I felt so ashamed and that King Enma would be disgusted by me, as I broke my oath. So instead of coming home to Makai and reporting it I ran and hid..... the harsh environment was so cold to me and I stayed in the mortal realm afraid I would be punished for what I did... I let the environment have its way with my being as it became fiery hot during the blazing summers and the drop of freezing winters. I was afraid but I thought it was fair as I killed many innocent lives... I was afraid of dying but I didn't want to go home to Makai..... During seasons upon seasons at a time I would slowly lay in the mouth of a cave watching everything age and disappear..... I could still see the destruction my monstrous form had caused. I watched as nothing grew there and became barren..."

Kur felt Velacera shiver within their grasp, rubbing Velacera's back, just small circles trying to soothe the shivers Velacera loosen his grip before tightening his grip once more, "I knew that I couldn't die unless my relic that was hidden away on orders by King Enma was broken, but I started to think that maybe facing judgment was better but I forgot my way back. I didn't know how to return to Makai, so I stayed more seasons in the mortal realm... that was until I encountered Futsura, he was doing an errand for Orcus that day, he was strolling through the woods and was walking past the mouth of the cave when I had merely laid down to continue starred into the distance."

Kur hummed lowly as to say they understood as Velacera wiped his tears away, hiccupping. "I-I didn't mean to harm anyone....."

"It's alright I understand," Kur whispered softly, rubbing Velacera's back, "you're safe, you're okay." Kur kept murmuring those words along with rubbing Velacera's back trying to calm their crying friend.

"I spent so long with Futsura and Orcus avoiding everything," Velacera hiccuped gritting his teeth, "learning how to control my flames, to make them more friendly, I know I can't bring those innocent lives that I took but I could prevent more lives... an-and" Velacera felt Kur's embrace tightened around him. "K-Kur?"

"It's alright," Kur spoke softly hiding their own emotions wishing to be expressed, "mistakes and errors will always happen. Not a single being is perfect, what happened was due to emotions, emotions are a force, not even I understand but I know how it feels to feel the guilt of some unfortunate events happening. Fate is fickle though many believe they can try and change it. It's truly undecided until it happens... please do not beat yourself up anymore, I share thy guilt for causes of the loss of my star and the lumerians and demons that resided there..." Kur embraced Velacera a little tighter, "please do not weep as it saddens me to see you this way...." 

Velacera had a wide-eyed stare before tearing up once more before burying his face against Kur and cried a little bit more but Kur still held onto Velacera. Velacera's sobs and hiccups turned to hitch of breath and small weak hiccups. "d-do you really mean that, Kur?" Velacera asked as Kur nodded their head. "D-do you hate me? Are you going to leave me?" Velacera asked..... voice cracked as if any moment he would break again. 

"No," Velacera froze as he half expected Kur to hate him, "but I have my reasons..... your past only describes what you have been through, it does not have an effect on my personal opinions and I will always support you as you mean so much to me..... so please do not fret our friendship as it means my existence. Nothing can change my opinion about you, not even the gruesome backstory."

"Kur," Velacera wiped his tears as Kur reached for Velacera's glasses before placing them back on his face, "I truly don't deserve any of my friends or yours or King Enma's kindness......" Kur only lightly smiles hugging Velacera more.

"It is alright and yes you do deserve kindness as we all appreciate you," Kur gave a smile patting Velacera's back, "You are a very good friend!~"

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