Chapter 1
A/N Chuck is kind of the bad guy in this
I haven't seen most of the show, so there will be a lot of mistakes, this was just necessary in my life atm
Im guessing Cas just doesn't have a mom, so self-insert, here I come!
A long time ago, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a handsome prince, and his mother. This kingdom was San Fransisco, California, the year, 2007. He wasn't actually a Prince, but the way his mother treated him, it felt like it. Castiel, at eight years old, with his raven-colored hair, and icy, blue eyes, had a great life. He helped out in his mother's diner, Val's, and had loads of friends. He had everything he could ever want.
"Happy birthday Cas!" It was Castiel's birthday, and his mother had just brought out a cake. "Make a wish!" Castiel thought about it. There was nothing he really wanted. He had everything, a caring mother, good friends, a nice home, and a good plan for his education. What else could he need? He blew out the candles, having to blow twice, as one candle wouldn't go out. "Oh! I'm sorry!"
Castiel's mother had accidentally tripped and fell onto a bearded man, who just smiled and told her that it was fine. Soon, the man, who's name was Chuck, married Castiel's mother. With Chuck came his two sons. Lucifer, and Balthazar. They were all one big, happy family. On the day of the wedding, when they were taking a family picture, Lucifer knocked the bouquet out of Castiel's mother's hand. The flowers hit the ground, and as Castiel bent down to retrieve them, the camera flashed, taking the picture. Chuck told the photographer that they only needed one picture.
"Prince Charming led Cinderella to his carriage, and they drove off into the sunset. They both lived happily ever after. The end." Castiel's mother closed the book of fairytales and placed it on her lap. "Mom?" Castiel asked, looking up at his mother. "Do fairytales come true?" He asked, eyes shining in curiosity. His mother considered the question. "No, Angel, I don't believe so. But, I do think dreams can. Dreams are your greatest friend, and heaviest burden." Castiel smiled up at his mother.
He glanced at his shelf, and saw that things had begun trembling, shaking the collecting dust off. Suddenly the house shook violently. It was a major earthquake. Castiel lost his mother that day. Because his mother had not left a will of any kind, everything had gone to Chuck, including Castiel himself. His bedroom was emptied, and moved to the attic. His kingdom had fallen, and he was the only part still standing.
"Cas! Wake up! It's breakfast time, so bring me my food!" Castiel jolted awake as the speaker in his bedroom went off. He pushed the button to speak. "I'll be right there." He pushed himself away from his desk, where he had fallen asleep studying, and got dressed. He attempted brushing his hair, but it would just muss itself up again, so there was no point in fixing it now.
Castiel walked down the stairs, and brought his step-dad his food. Lucifer and Balthazar were learning yoga, not thirty feet away. "What did you make today?" Chuck asked, not looking up from his newspaper. "It's a salmon filet." Castiel set the plate down on the porch table beside his stepfather. Lucifer and Balthazar were attempting a partner pose, but Balthazar kept falling onto Lucifer. They started fighting, yelling at each other. "What're you standing here for? You have a job to go to!" Chuck shooed Castiel away, and started eating the fish.
Castiel walked to his beat up mustang, and drove to the diner, which had been renamed, Chuck's. He pulled up and got out of the car, walking to the bathroom to change into his uniform. He walked out with skates, and an apron. He skated over to one of his only friends, Jess. "Cas, can you get the napkins?" Jess asked. Bobby, the cook, started flipping pancakes, slipping one to Castiel before continuing his cooking.
"Cas, you need to get going. You're gonna be late!" Jess called, wiping down a table with a rag. "Don't worry! I'll go when I finish cleaning these tables." Castiel replied, scrubbing at a ketchup stain. Jess took the sponge from him. "No, get your butt to school!" "But Je-" "No! Get going!" Castiel obeyed and changed out his uniform for a pair of black skinny jeans, converse, and a red T-shirt under a trenchcoat.
He drove up to a red house a few blocks away. He honked the horn twice before Gabriel came out, a cherry-flavored lollipop dangling from his lips. "Bye dad!" He called, before readjusting his backpack strap and walking up to the car. "Hey Cassie!" He greeted, before climbing into the passenger seat. "Hello Gabriel." Castiel replied, starting the car.
They arrived at school after a few minutes of driving. "Look, there's a spot!" Gabe pointed out. Castiel started driving towards it, but was stopped when a shiny, purple car full of cheerleaders veered into the empty space, covering two of the marked parking spots. The girls giggled and got out of the car. Gabriel watched the obviously leader, all blonde and sparkly, with a dreamy look in his eyes. "Gabriel. Out of all of the girls in our school, you had to have a crush on Meg Masters?" Castiel asked. Gabriel bit his lip. "Shut up, Cassie. Let's not forget about your cyber boyfriend."
Castiel hit Gabe's arm. "He's not my boyfriend! He is just a friend, who is a boy, that I talk to." Gabriel smiled. "Yeah. You keep telling yourself that. Oh, there's another spot!" Castiel shifted gears to pull in, but was stopped by a 1967 Impala pulling into the spot, a group of football players sitting inside. They all got out of the darkly colored car, and everything seemed to stop.
The driver climbed out, locking the door. Castiel couldn't help but watch him walk towards Meg, freckles and all. "Dean Winchester, and Meg Masters." Castiel turned to his friend. "That couple contains so much popularity, they rival Nicki Minaj." Gabriel just laughed and took out a new lollipop, throwing the first one's stick someplace in his backpack.
"Good Morning Lawrence High Squirrels!" Sam Winchester, the school's announcer, and Dean's brother, greeted over the PA system. "The big homecoming dance is coming up, and ticket sales end tomorrow, so buy your tickets now! The theme is Halloween, so dress for fun!" He started into the Pledge of Alliegance a few minutes later. Castiel was sitting on a bench by the courtyard, tapping away on his phone. 'Hello.' His phone gave him a notification. 'Hey, what u doing rn?' 'You first.' Castiel typed.
'I think Mr. Collins is checking out the new teacher, Mr. Atkins or something.' Castiel looked around him and caught their science teacher, Mr. Collins, rubbing his stubble and glancing at the new teacher, Mr. Ackles' behind. He laughed before looking around to try and find his penpal. His phone beeped. ' ;) ;) ;)' he sent a smiley face back. 'Hey AngelBoy, we really need 2 meet up soon' the bell rang as Cas sent his last message. 'Yeah, DemonHunter, soon.'
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