It had been a couple of days since I found out about just how trapped to being alive I was, and I had to accept it. Knowing that I was nothing more then a puppet on a string tragically doomed to reign throughout the world endlessly without cease, not being able to cut my cursed strings myself.
I adamantly refused to give up on my desire to depart from the realm of the living, but as of right now I had to succumb to being defeated by Sebastian, momentarily.
Though, despite my unwilling acceptance I like a human hearted fool had been profusely avoiding Sebastian, not letting myself be caught up in any situation where I was alone with him. Mostly because what would I say anyway?
So, with the moon high in the sky surrounded by the hazy midnight clouds I slept within the cocoon of warm covers in the guest bedroom which I had recently become accustomed to.
Dewy chilled condensation sprinkled across the windowpanes, and the luminescent moon rays flooded into the room, casting a blue glow across my unsettled face.
With my eyes slammed shut, a deep frown was contorted across my features as I tossed around. Turning from side to side, shifting wildly in bed, and feeling like the cozy blankets were strangling me like a noose around someone's neck.
I was plunged deep within a grueling nightmare, sinking further, and further down into the black sea of my past.
Reliving it again I stood as a mere ghost, staring at my former child self who was stuck underneath that fallen column, my old self grimacing in agony. I saw it all again, the disintegrating bodies of my parents who, engulfed in the raging fire, became nothing more then ash on the ground. My whole home was crumbling into but mere, fallen embers. My world had turned into a flickering flame, and I as a mere bystander, trapped in my own cruel dream, could only watch in horror.
I heard the exact same sounds too, the horrendous shrill screams of those who were caught ablaze, the crumbling, falling buildings that collapsed like dust in the devilish fire, and just the eerie haunting silence of the once lively places, and people who were now completely gone.
The stench of bubbling blood mixed with polluted gray smoke, and the tornado like inferno kept devouring everything in its way.
Beads of sweat trickled down my numb, ice cold face as I continued to toss, and turn on the mattress, my pained look distorting my facial expression.
Silently, I begged, pleaded for someone to shake me awake, throw me off the bed, force me to come out of this tormenting bad dream.
Though awakening me slightly I felt my hand intertwine with someone else's. Their glove adorned long fingers lacing together with my own, making me snap out of my horrid fantasy.
In my dream a faint window back into the present appeared, and desperately I lunged towards it, desiring so much to awaken.
While still feeling that cold hand threaded with mine I fluttered my foggy eyes open, noticing a dark figure stand beside me, their presence silhouetted by the moonlight.
Blinking a couple of times I woke up some more, out of my dazed state, the figures face becoming clearer, and I saw that it was Sebastian.
I then recognized that the persons hand that I was holding was his, so abruptly I retracted my hand, and let my arm fall to my side as I sat up in bed.
"What are you doing here?" I snapped, my voice weak, scathing with resentment.
"I came to close the drapes since you always forget to," Sebastian began to explain. "It wouldn't be good to have the bright morning sunlight hit you in your vulnerable sleeping state. Though I then noticed that you were kicking rather erratically due to your nightmare, and then you held onto my hand tightly. So, how could I leave?"
"You should of just pulled your hand away." I fended, averting my eyes from his, earning a simple chuckle from the dark butler.
"Well, perhaps I should of, but I couldn't bring myself to. The scene reminded me so much of when you were younger, and when you used to have such dreadful nightmares. You used to always want me to comfort you back then, and to think you actually felt better with me, a Demon, holding your hand."
I sighed, glancing over at him for a second. His handsome pale face outlined in a blueish hue, his crimson eyes glowing like twinkling, secretive stars. Showing both beauty, and mystery.
"You can go now." I said sharply, and with a nod he listened to my wish, waltzing back towards the doorway.
"As you wish. Though I do hope that one day you'll have sweet dreams." Sebastian commented before leaving, his sentence slipping into the back of my mind as I ripped the comforter off me.
A brush of cool air nipped at my warm skin, and I fetched the white silk robe that was hanging off from the wooden chair that sat in front of the vanity table.
Tying it around myself I covered up my knee length lace nightgown, and I then went towards the door.
Peeking out cautiously into the dark hallway I checked to see if Sebastian was indeed gone, and when I didn't sense his presence anywhere near I shut the guest bedrooms door behind me.
Tiptoeing down the long corridors of the Phantomhive manor I went on my way towards the library, being as silent as I could, dodging past a couple of squeaky floorboards.
The hallways walls were rather bland, adorned with mostly plain wallpaper, and a couple pieces of artwork hung from nails, all in golden frames.
Though, briefly I halted in my tracks, a single photograph catching my attention.
Staring at it closely I noticed that it was a picture of a younger smiling Ciel with Lizzy, and his parents.
"He looked so happy back then." I thought to myself before continuing down the narrow, dimly lit passageways.
Soon I found myself in a whole new wing of the grand mansion, and as I was just about to pass by another mysterious emerald stained door I heard the sound of muffled whimpers coming from inside.
Freezing in place the sad sounding cries made me into but a mere statue, not able to go any further towards the library which was just in my sights.
Twisting to the right on my heels I sniffed for a moment, and recognized the scent immediately. I was in front of Ciel's master bedroom, and the sorrow embedded groans were coming from him.
I was stuck in place, unable to ignore it, and so, meticulously, I turned the brass door handle, opening up the door just enough so that I could slither in.
I really didn't care that I probably shouldn't be in his quarters for I was solely acting on the fact that Ciel was upset.
He too, was having a nightmare just like I had a few minutes ago, and I couldn't allow him to be trapped in his own bad memories any longer. The ghosts from his past were haunting him, tormenting him relentlessly at his weakest time when he cannot escape because he's asleep.
Slowly, I approached his frowning small form which was encased in blankets, and took a seat on the edge of the bed.
He looked like he was about to cry, the silent tears threatening to spill out from his shut eyelids, and I stared down at him.
Ciel looked more like a thirteen year old should when he didn't wear his eyepatch, but I knew what lied within his usually concealed eye, a dark secret which no child should have.
Gently, I began to shake him awake, lightly rocking him by his shoulders, making the Earl's scowl worsen.
With a sudden jolt Ciel sprang up, a terrified scream escaping his lips, his hetero-chromatic orbs widening with fright.
Swiping a pearl handled revolver out from underneath his pillow he pointed the silver barrel of the firearm straight at my head, his index finger trembling against the trigger.
Cocking my head to the side a little I gave him a deadpan look, not at all fazed by the weaponry that was aimed at my skull.
"Your initial reaction is rather quick to an intruder coming in, but I've been here for about five minutes now, so I'd work more on refining your senses to be more keenly observant," I critiqued. "Also, you're holding your gun too tight. You have to be relaxed, yet ready to strike at anytime. And, I wouldn't target someone's head, it gives your enemy too many chances to either duck, take your gun from you, or dodge the blow."
Ciel sighed, putting down his revolver.
"What are you doing here anyway?"
"Gloomy evenings like this seem to always bring out the worst of nightmares, don't they?" I cogitated, avoiding his question.
"I was not having a nightmare." Ciel retaliated defensively, pushing himself up, and leaning against the bed frame.
I crossed one leg over the other, my black nails drumming against my thigh.
"Yes, I've tried that tactic too, but I've found that denial doesn't stop the pain much. It just stops you from being controlled by it, that said sorrow, and horror. You see, I too am constantly bombarded with visions of bad times at night, so all I know is that all you can do is wish that morning comes soon."
Ciel seemed to scoff at my answer as he laced his hands together neatly.
"Now, again, why did you come here? So what if I was indeed having a nightmare?"
I half smiled at the Earl's words, adjusting myself so that I was further on the mattress instead of just perched on the edge.
"Well, I did say that I saw myself in you. So, perhaps I in some way do care for your well being," I pondered. "A few minutes ago I saw a photograph of you with your parents, and Lizzy. You carried around the same smile that I used to have with my own family, and then with Sebastian before he left. That kind of innocent, naive, yet beautiful smile that once broken is truly a tragic loss for no matter what you do, and no matter what may change, you can never again obtain that same sweet childlike smile. A smile that knows no pain."
Ciel caught wind of the little detail that I let slip past my lips, and with an intrigued gaze he viewed those revealing words of mine as his prey.
"Your family? I thought that supernatural beings didn't have families. Aren't you just a creature of hell without any relation, or ties to the human world?"
I exhaled deeply, already feeling the pressure, and curiosity brim in his large orbs.
"Ah, I wasn't planning on letting that slip out yet. Well, maybe I'll tell you some things just to get your mind off your nightmare." I defeatedly admitted.
"I was once a human girl." I finally unmasked, earning a shocked, and dumbstruck look from Ciel.
"What!? Then how did you become a Vampire, and why would Sebastian stay beside a mere human without being bound by a contract?" He dissected, spouting off numerous inquiries, his inquisitiveness getting the best of him.
I stared down at the deep sapphire ring that rested on his nightstand. The midnight blue gem flickering with exquisite beauty, and opacity.
"Our stories are very much alike, Ciel, as I've said. So, I'll fill you in on why I said that to you in the past," I explained, peaking the boys interest as I continued to stare at the illusive royal blue stone ring that glimmered with brilliant mystery.
"The year was 1666, during the Great Fire of London. I was a thirteen year old noble girl who had just lost my home, my family, everything to the vile flames that spewed violently, and I was close to death myself. Though I didn't call out for help, nor did I plead to Sebastian to save my life when he appeared before me. When I first saw him full in his devilish, horrifying Demon form I wasn't frightened, so much as I was just relieved to see someone in my final moments, even if it was a hellish creature."
"What did Sebastian do?" Ciel interrupted, his hands gripping onto the soft cotton if his sheets, his knuckles turning a stark white.
"He offered me a gift," I answered. "The gift of eternity, infinite power, and the ability to not die by such mere trifles like fire, weapons, poison, or anything. So, in my miserable state I accepted, and drank his blood. I then became a Vampire, and for many years after that night Sebastian stayed by my side. He protected me, helped me, and gave me happiness. To me, I never saw Sebastian as a cruel, ruthless, villainous Demon, but merely as a kind dark guardian who had given me so much, all without needing to."
A frown stitched across my forehead as I thought back on it all as fragments of sweet, nostalgic memories played throughout my mind like subtle records of happier times gone by.
"But, perhaps I was foolish back then..." I blurted out, pondering out loud. "For only seeing the part of him that I wanted to see, and choosing to put a blinding veil on what I didn't want to think about, or maybe Sebastian altered who he truly was to best portray what I wanted him to be. Just like how he became your faithful servant, a butler. Though I really could of sworn that he did harbor at least a shred of love for me..."
"I can't imagine Sebastian loving anyone," Ciel stated with a placid exterior. "But, I can testify to the fact that he doesn't view you as just anyone, that is for sure. Since you've come here Sebastian always seems to be so attentive towards you, the way he usually is with me. However, unlike with me, who holds a contract with him, he's not shackled to you at all. So, everything he does, or says to you is entirely that of his own free will."
I glanced over at the navy headed boy, his one deep purple eye which held the shimmering contract symbol glistening in the dark room. The star like insignia sparkling, and twinkling lucidly.
"Well, you best get some sleep. I've taken up enough of your time with my little tales."
With that Ciel accepted that I was finished revealing more to him tonight, and he hunkered back down in bed, resting his head back against his plush pillow.
"Is there still more to your story? I still find it to be quite fascinating." He asked.
"Well, yes. I suppose there is more. Though I've rambled on long enough. Besides, you are a child who needs rest." I said a tad sarcastically, but Ciel was far too exhausted to spout off about how he's not a kid, and try to act like an adult.
I tugged his blankets higher up, and tucked him in snugly before I rose from the edge of the bed.
"Goodnight, Ciel. And, if anyone should have sweet dreams in this home I would rather it be you than me."
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