Demon Child

Miku's POV:

I looked up at the adults looming over me. They all wore large, sinister smiles, large white coats and weird goggles. A weird combination of you ask me. But what can I do? I'm just a kid.

"24601. It's time to experiment again~" One of the white coats said. He had curly blonde hair, his eyes covered from his goggles.

"Again? But I just got out from an experiment!" I whined, crossing my arms. A white coat with silver hair clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing my arm in a death grip and dragging me out of my cell.

"Shut up you brat! Be thankful we haven't killed you off like the others of your kind!" He muttered, glaring at me. I giggled and stuck my tongue out.

"You're just jealous that I'm more fabulous than you!" I replied. The silver haired white coat tightened his grip on my arm before throwing me into a dimly lit room. There was a metal table in the centre of the room and a large fire in one if the far corners of the room. I stumbled towards the metal table before tripping and falling to the floor. The blonde white coat yanked me back to my feet before tossing me onto the cold table. He strapped my arms and legs to the table, the restraints dug into my skin in a painful way. I grinned and looked up at the dark ceiling.

"What's the point in the restraints. Not like anything you'll do will hurt me." I stated.

"Shut up." The silver haired white coat grumbled. The third white coat that hadn't spoken yet, walked towards the fire and picked up a metal rod that was in the flames. He walked back over to me, the end of the rod a bright red. The blonde white coat rolled up my left sleeve, an insane grin making it way to all their faces.

"This will help us mark that you are our property. Our experiment. Our weapon." The blonde said. The third white coat pressed the hot metal to my skin, pressing down. The skin around the metal seemed to bubble up somewhat and became burnt. I blinked once before laughing loudly.

"That tickles! Hehehe~ Stop it!" I yelled, squirming around on the metal table. The third white coat pulled the rod away, revealing a bloody and burnt mark that kind of looked like two circles connected to each other. It looked kinda cool.

"WHATS WRONG WITH THIS CHILD!?!" The third white coat yelled, stumbling backwards and dropping the metal rod. Fear was written all over his face. The yellow haired white coat clicked his tongue.

"Tch. Newbys. Why are we always stuck with them...?" He asked. The silver haired white coat wrote some stuff down on a clip board before un strapping my arms and legs.

"We'll need to run more tests on 24601. It's not the first time physical pain hasn't seemed to phase her." The silver haired white coat said to the others.

"She is the daughter of that demon dragon." The yellow haired white coat spat, glaring at me. I grinned and sat up, looking over at my shoulder. The blood had stopped gushing out of the wound and the burnt skin was mending itself slowly, forming a deep scar. It looked really cool!

"Wait! THAT'S the daughter of the demon dragon?!" The third white coat yelled, his face palming rapidly.

"Duh. That's the whole reason why she's still alive. The only experiment to actually survive our tests. Our ultimate weapon!" The blonde yelled. I winced slightly at the volume before jumping off the table.

"Can I go now? I wanna check on Momo." I stated. The silver haired white coat sighed and rubbed his temple before nodding.

"Fine. You have five minuets with 23705 before your next experiment." He stated, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room. I grinned happily and skipped along side him. After a minuet, we arrived outside of another cell. Inside the cell was a small girl with short purple hair and dull blue eyes. She wore a torn and dirty dress that went to her knees. The dress was stained with old blood. The silver haired white coat opened the cell door and looked down at his watch.

"Your five minuets start now." I ran into the cell and landed next to the small child, waking her up in the process.

"Momo! Momo!" I cheered.

"Miku! Are you ok? I was so worried when you didn't show up yesterday!" Momo cried, tears pouring down her cheeks. I wiped her tears away and smiled softly.

"I got caught up with all the constant experiments. They seem to be getting more and more frequent lately." I stated. "And don't worry. I'll always show up."

"Promise?" Momo asked, holding her pinky out. I grinned and linked pinkies with her.

"Promise!" I cheered. Momo smiled, her tears long gone.

"Now..." I said, lowering my voice slightly. "I've been planning a way for everyone to get out. I'm going to keep everyone occupied sometime soon while you guys all run away. As far away as you can. I'll be close behind. Just wait for my signal." I muttered. Momo blinked once before nodding. I grinned and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! Great!"

"Times up 24601!!!" The white coat called. I stood up and waved towards Momo.

"Bye Momo! See you soon!" I called. The silver haired white goat dragged me away from Momo's cell. A random white coat re locked the cell door. "Where are we going now?" I asked, looking up at the white coat. He ignored me.


After a while of walking down a bunch of stairs, the silver haired white coat threw me into a room. There was a single chair in the centre of the room, and a one way glass window facing the chair. The room was kind of warm, to me at least. The white coat was sweating buckets and he had only been standing in the room for a minuet.

"This experiment could lead to your death." The white coat stated, making me sit down in the chair.

"Huh? How so?" I asked.

"Magical attacks will come from all around, and you have to sit here and take it." He stated before rushing out of the room, locking the door behind him.

"Oi! How long will I be in here?" I asked, turning to face the window. No one answered me. I sighed and shook my head. "No one ever answers my questions..." I muttered as the room became even warmer, the walls glowing from magical power.


A week passed and the door to the warm room was finally locked. I haven't had any sleep from all the magic blowing my in my face and my clothes were torn, bloodied and pretty much wrecked. The silver haired white coat pried me from the chair and dragged me out of the room. 

"Can I... Go see Momo...?" I asked, weakly looking up at the white coat. He avoided eye contact but nodded anyways. He dragged me towards the cell and sat me down outside of it, not bothering to open the cell door. I peeked inside the cell and froze. Momo was lying on the floor, not moving or breathing. Her skin was paler then normal and her eyes closed. It would've seemed like she was just sleeping, if it weren't for the pool of blood around her small body and all the burn marks on her stomach and arms.

"Momo...?" I asked quietly, somehow finding energy to grab the cell bars. "Momo, wake up! It's me." I cried, tears forming in my eyes. Momo didn't respond. My grip tightened on the cell bars as a dark aura surrounded me. I felt an unknown power rush through me as my teeth grew sharper.

"How dare you... How dare you kill an innocent child like Momo... SHE DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS!!!" I yelled, my voice becoming more demonic sounding. I stood up, the ground beneath me cracking as I glared at the white coat. A neon purple mist surrounded my fist as I punched the silver haired white coat.

Third person POV:

Miku's left eye turned fully black and the pupil turned into a neon purple upside down heart. Purple flames coming from her left eye. Her right eye went completely black, having no pupil what so ever. Her teeth were sharp and jagged like broken glass, and her left fist was covered by a neon purple mist.

"YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE!?!" Miku yelled as the silver haired man crashed into a wall, making a large dent. The man groaned, falling to the floor as more men in white coats rushed towards the pair. All of them holding some form of magical attack. A large grin made its way to Miku's face as she walked towards the silver haired man, kicking his stomach roughly.

"You all gross me out! Training kids like me to use as weapons. This is all sick!" Miku spat, stomping on the silver haired man's ribs. A sick cracking came from the man, making the other white coats freeze for a moment.



"Don't let her escape!" The men called out frantically. Miku walked away from the silver haired man and smashed a little red button on the wall making a loud alarm go off. All the cell doors slowly opened and children ranging from the ages 7-13 ran out of their confidants. The older kids beat up some of the white coats with their magic before helping the younger kids get to the door. A couple if the 10 year olds attempted opening the door to get them free, pulling on the lever.

"Now look what you did!"

"All our hard work is waisted because of you!" Miku snickered, the flames coming from her left eye growing.

"Karma's a pain. Isn't it?" She asked, putting her hands to her mouth. A couple of the white coats began panicking.

"Oh no! She's going to use her magic!"

"The demon has been awoken!"

"Take cover!"

"GALAXY DRAGON ROAR!!!" Miku yelled, aiming her attack at the remaining white coats that didn't run away. A burst of different elements came from Miku, burning the front line if white coats.

"HEART ATTACK!!!" One of the white coats yelled. A large heart flew towards Miku, causing a slightly in in her chest where her heart should be. Miku's grin widened even more. "How pitiful. You've been studying me for years now, and you never knew I didn't have a heart!" She teased.

"SHE REALLY IS A DEMON!!! RUN!!!" Miku's fists both caught on fire as she ran at the white coats, the purple mist now gone.



Miku giggled and walked out of the large building. The building was soaked in blood and littered with dead and broken bodies. Her outfit was torn, burnt, bloodied and covered in dirt. Miku's fingers were stained red and her bare feet made bloody foot prints in the grass. Miku's eyes hadn't returned to normal yet, but the neon purple flames had disappeared.

"Now, to go find some food!"

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