ch 8 USJ
More and more villains came through the portal but the ones who stood out the most were the hand villain, Shigaraki, the muscular bird like creature, Nomu, and the one who made the portal, Kurogiri. The teachers were on edge and on high alert for any sudden movements
Aizawa: "The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" He questioned
Meanwhile all the villains moved closer and closer to them. All the while Shigaraki was at the very back looking for All Might
Shigaraki: "Where is he? I went through all the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... I can't believe he's not here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" He ranted
Aizawa's scarf started levitating due to his quirk and 13 kept the students back
Kirishima: "Villains! There's no way they could get into a hero school" he said
Jolyne: "They're villains they find ways to make our day worse no matter how impossible it may seem." She said
Momo: "Teacher what about the trespasser sensors?" She asked
13: "We have them, of course, but..." she said but couldn't finish
Todoroki: "Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools but they're not dumb." He said
(Y/N): "So they must've been carefully planned and if my guess is right, then I'm guessing it's that one who planned this." He said as he pointed at Shigaraki spreading fear through the class
Aizawa: "13, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave- type power is interfering. Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your quirk, too." He told him
Izuku: "What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?" He asked worriedly
Jolyne: "Calm down. You're a hero right? That means you can deal with them right?" She asked him
Aizawa: "You're right, I can. You can't be a hero with just one trick. Take care of them 13" he said as she nodded
He jumped down towards the villains and 3 of them tried to shoot at him with their quirks. They were confused as to why they couldn't use them when Aizawa activated his. He wrapped his scarf around them and smashed their heads together. Then a heteromorphic-type quirk villain ran at him. Since he couldn't erase his he relied on pure skill to fight him
As he fought the rest of the students ran towards the entrance, sadly Kurogiri took notice. He used his quirk and cut them off as they were about to escape. He emerged from the ground and was met face to face with the students
Kurogiri: "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in." He said
Jolyne: "Then do us a favor and invite yourselves out" she said
Kurogiri: "Well, it looks like we have a cocky one here" he said
(Y/N): "Kirishima don't!" He said trying to stop him
13 tried using her quirk but couldn't because both Kirishima and Bakugo ran headfirst into the villain. They both attacks him and looked confident, but that look soon changed when they saw the villain unscathed
Kurogiri: "Oh dear, it seems she wasn't the only one. Oh well let's get this over with" he said
He used his quirk and surrounded all of them with black mist. Iida managed to get Uraraka and Sato out of the way but the rest weren't so lucky. Everyone was soon moved away and separated
(Y/N) fell from the sky and landed on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Meanwhile Jolyne fell on a rocky area, she used her stand to punch the wall and create something to grab a hold on. She then saw Kyoka, Kaminari, and Momo falling so she used her strings to catch them
Back with (Y/N) he got up, took off his mask to breathe properly and saw that he was on a boat. Before he could pull himself together Izuku was put on the ship by a.... tongue? Later the pervert, Mineta, was thrown on and Asui climbed up as well.
(Y/N): "Hey, you guys alright?" He asked
Izuku: "(Y/N)! You're here too!" He said
(Y/N): "Yeah. Although my landing wasn't as good as yours though." He said
Tsu: "Hey, isn't it a little wierd how perfectthe timing was?" she asked
(Y/N): "Yeah. This can't be a coincidence." He said
Izuku: "But why are they here, they can't just be here because they wanted to right? I mean there's no point in attacking the students!" He explained
(Y/N): "I mean the public knows All Might teaches here. You think that's the reason why they came here?" He questioned
Izuku: "But how would they know if he's even supposed to be here?" He asked
(Y/N): "That, I don't know" he said
Mineta: "It doesn't matter! Once All Might gets here he'll pound those guys!" He said while throwing punches
Over at the mountain area Jolyne had put the others down on safe ground. Later she also got down safely and began to process their situation
Momo: "Is everyone alright?" She asked
Kyoka: "I think so" she said
Momo: "Kaminari!" She said
Kaminari: "Yeah... just give me a minute" he said while taking a break, as Momo nodded in response
Momo: "Jolyne thank you. Things could've been worse if you weren't around." She said
Jolyne: "Don't thank me yet!" She said seriously
Before they could ask anymore question they heard several footsteps coming towards them. A ton of villains appeared before them
Jolyne: "Stay close!" She said as she summoned her stand
None of the villains seemed to react to her stand, signifying that there were no stand users amongst the villains
Jolyne: 'This should make things easier' she thought
Momo made a staff for herself as Kyoka grabbed a sword that Momo was making. She then made some brass knuckles for Jolyne and attempted to give them to her
Jolyne: "Thanks but I won't be needing them" she said
Momo: "are you sure?" She asked
Stone free responded by punching one tall and muscular villain with a metal mask on. She knocked him out and broke his mask along with some teeth
Jolyne: "I'm sure" she said
Momo: "Right!" She said while nodding and focusing on the villains
Jolyne: 'Hopefully, you're doing fine as well, you idiot' she thought
Meanwhile, back at the boat, as they talked about their predicament they failed to notice a villain getting on the ship. He got on the ship and slowly walked towards (Y/N), who had his back turned. Then Izuku noticed that the floor was wet, a few feet away
Izuku: "Hey (Y/-" he tried to say
Suddenly (Y/N) was tackled by the villain and fell in the water. The others quickly looked over the edge and saw that he was nowhere to be seen
Izuku: "Did you guys see what took him?" He asked in a panic
Tsu: "No. It was probably a villain with some telekinesis quirk, kero" she thought
Izuku: "Find him quickly" he said
As they despise searched for him, (Y/N) was currently being take down deeply into the lake. He turned around and saw an old looking sailor waiting for him at the bottom, stand still.
???: "Welcome! I was going to attack sooner but I decided to let you feel safe on that boat. I could kill you now but where's the fun in that" he said while chuckling
(Y/N) was holding his breath as the villain let go of him and swam towards the sailor
???: "You're probably wondering how I got you down here without you knowing. I can tell you now you won't beat me, whatever quirk you have is no match for my, Dark Blue Moon" he said
(Y/N): 'Is he.... a stand user' he thought while shocked
???: "I wonder? How long can you hold your breath? You see I've been practicing a lot, I used to be able to hold mine for 6 minutes and 12 second, now it's double that. You might as well give up now!" He said
(Y/N): 'He probably doesn't know I have stand. This is my only advantage, the element of surprise I can't fuck this up' he thought
He began swimsuits back up to the surface as fast as he could. The sailor just laughed at his poor efforts and used his stand to make a whirlpool. He laughed at his desperate attempt to escape. (Y/N) was running out of breath and before he could think something shot into the water and wrapped around his face and pulled him out and back to the boat.
???: "Ha! You think you escaped! I'll let you think you're safe then I'll snag that safety away. Hahaha I haven't had this much fun in a while" he said to himself
Back on the boat, Tsu managed to grab (Y/N) and pull him back to safety. He took deep breaths and then spit out while wiping his mouth
Tsu: "Sorry about that (Y/N), kero!" She said blushing a bit
(Y/N): "No it's alright Tsu, I should be thanking you" he said while wiping his mouth
Mineta: "Why would you even apologize for saving him?" He asked
Tsu: "That's not the reason why I'm apologizing" she said embarrassed
Izuku: "Then why are you apologizing?" He asked curiously
(Y/N): "That's not important right now. That villain down there is too much for us to handle on our own, we need a plan" he said changing the subject
Izuku: "But we don't know what his quirk is? We can't come up with a plan if we have no information" he said
(Y/N): "I know what his quirk is, and we have an advantage he doesn't have" he said
Mineta: "And that is?" He asked
Izuku: "....... He doesn't know our quirks either does he!?" He said
(Y/N): "That's right, he's just as blind as we are, problem is, he has one massive advantage" he said
The others looked down at the water scared of the villains power
(Y/N): "The water is his playing field, once we're in there we can't afford to make mistakes" he said
Mineta: "What do we do" he said
(Y/N): "Izuku, can you only use your quirk once?" He asked
Izuku: "Y..yeah" he said while looked at his fist with a sudden expression
(Y/N): "Damn it. Tsu are you a good switch" he asked
Tsu: "Yup, kero" she said while nodding
(Y/N): "Good, now listen" he said as they listened carefully
(King crimson brought to you by chibbi (Y/N) awkwardly thanking chibbi Tsu for saving him)
Meanwhile back in the water, the sailor had just went back under after gets more air. He seemed to be laughing historically and talking to himself
???: "I've gotten stronger since that day, I can feel it. I won't be made a fool of again, I will find you and I will have my revenge on you. JOTARO KUJO!!! JUST YOU WAIT, YOU'LL REGRET MAKING A FOOL OUT OF ME!!" He yelled while laughing
???: "I failed Lord DIO but just you wait once I find you, I'll avengers him and have my redemption" he said
???: "It's about time I finishes those kids off" he said
As he was about to send his stand at them again two of them jumped into the water and swam towards him. The two students were none other than (Y/N) Jiro and Tsuyu Asui. The sailor laughed as they neared him
???: "Eager to die huh, then fine I'll make you regret it" he said while making a whirlpool again
Tsu started swimming with the current and got to the opposite side of the whirlpool from where (Y/N) was. The sailor didn't care though, he knew he had the overall advantage in the situation. He turned to Tsu and his stand turned towards her
???: "I'm a gentleman so, ladies first" he said
Tsu then shot her tongue at him but it went over his head missing him completely. He laughed at her horrible attempt to hit him as Tsu winced because her tongue was being cut by some scales
???: "That's it, really?! Aren't you super to be the next heroes and you miss me that badly. The future is already looking terrible" he said while laughing
She then retracted her tongue as Dark blue moon went to cut it off. He then felt a immense pain hit his face. He saw a purple had grabbed his neck and faced him towards itself. (Y/N) was behind his stand while holding onto the sailors uniform
???: "A stand!" He said
Before Dark blue Moon could attack Purple haze had beaten him to it
(Y/N): 'Go Purple haze!' He ordered
Purple haze: "ABUSHHHAAAAA!" He yelled
He delivers several punches to his face with one hand as the other holds on to his neck. The sailors face was a bloody mess making him nearly unrecognizable. To finish him off Purple haze delivered one strong punch to his stomach, knocking all the air out of him and making him go unconscious
(Y/N) let go of him and was thrown away from the boat towards the land. Tsu, on the other hand, manages to stay near the boat and swims back to it. (Y/N) then hit a wall of the pool and swam up to get some air. He reached the surface and saw the destruction on the land as Aizawa stood there, with a damaged elbow.
He then saw a large bird man making his way towards him so (Y/N) ran to save his teacher. Aizawa turned around and saw Nomu about to grab him
Purple haze: "ABUSHAAAA!" He yelled as he delivers a hard punch to Nomus head, staggering it
Aizawa: "Jiro what are you doing here! You need to get to safety." He said
(Y/N): "You're hurt sensei. You need as much help as possible right now" he argued
Aizawa: "....... Fine, take this as today's lesson, don't let your guard down like I just did." He said and he nodded
(Y/N) looked at the Nomu as it glared at him and he gulped
(Y/N): 'Kyoka, Jolyne I hope you're both doing better than me' he thought
Over with Jolyne and Kyoka, they stood over the beaten villains as Kaminari was in derpy mode. Kyoka looks over at where she last saw Aizawa at and grew a bad feeling. She then got up and was about to go there when Jolyne stopped her
Jolyne: "Don't run off, we need to stick together" she said
Kyoka: "I know. I just got a feeling that something bad is about to happen" she said
Jolyne: "You're not the only one. C'mon we'll all go together" she said to them and they nodded
Momo grabbed Kaminari and the went back to the entrance hoping to find their classmates. Meanwhile back at the entrance Iida had just many to escape and go for backup. In the air was Kurogiri, because Ochaco touched him, looking at the door
Kurogiri: "He's going to call for support. It's game over!" He said
Back with Aizawa, he was taken down by Nomu while (Y/N) was still holding his own, with Purple haze, against the bird. His knuckles were bruised and he was running out of stamina. Nomu threw another punch and Purple haze did the same making their fist collide. Since Nomu had the greater strength, Purple haze could only stop it from reaching (Y/N)
(Y/N): 'I'm getting tiered, I need to end this now' he thought while looking at one of Purple haze capsules
Shigaraki: "This is taking too long, Nomu. Hurry up and kill him already" he said as Nomu nods
(Y/N): 'This is it' he thought
(Y/N): "Do it now! Purple haze!" He said
Nomu went for another punch and so did Purple haze. Instead of going for it's fist he aimed for it's head and launched the capsule. It went directly for it's face but as fate would have it, the capsule missed. (Y/N) eyes widen as he then felt immense pain coming from his arm and was sent flying near the water
He coughed up blood and felt his vision get blurry. He then noticed that Tsu along with Izuku and Mineta made it to him. They looked scared as (Y/N) laid there, bloody and beaten
(Y/N): "Stay..... there" he said
He tried to get back up with one hand but was then stepped on by Nomu. Before any could react, Shigaraki had rushed over and grabbed Tsus face. Instead of disintegrating like he had planned nothing happened. He looked back and saw that Aizawa was using his quirk while still being on the floor
Shigaraki: "Nomu... stop him" he ordered
Nomu quickly went over to him and slams his head down on the floor. Izuku too the chance and used his Quirk on him
Izuku: "LET GO OF HER. SMASH!" he yelled
Much to his surprise, his arm did break like he thought it would. Sadly instead of punching Shigaraki he hit Nomu who was unaffected by the hit. It then proceeded to grab his arm and attempt to crush his head while Shigaraki tried to finish the other two off and (Y/N) was also about to use his stand. Before he could finish the entrance was blown away by someone in a suit
???: "It's fine now! I am here" he said
Mineta: "ALL MIGHT!" he yelled while crying tears of joy
Tsu: "Kero" she said
Izuku: "All... Might" he said
(Y/N): "It's about...... fucking... time" he said while smiling
Shigaraki: "Looks like we get to continue" he said while smiling
Without hesitant All Might quickly took down several villains and save Aizawa. As he did Jolyne and the others had also made it there. Although the sight of All Might was incredible, Kyoka had another objective on her mind. Once she had found her objective she grew a scared look as she saw (Y/N) laying on the floor, under Nomu.
Suddenly All Might had saved the others, minus (Y/N), in the blink of an eye. Although he had saved some students he still needed to save one more. (Y/N) was still under Nomu and All Might was running out of time. He then noticed one of his stuff sneaking their way toward him. The student in question was none other than Jolyne who was waiting for an opened to rescue him
All Might: 'They haven't seemed to notice her yet. I need to draw them away and beat them as quickly as possible' he thought
He then started his attack but Nomu was tanking all of his hits. This made Nomu move away from (Y/N) and let Jolyne: have a wide opening
Jolyne: 'Now's my chance' she thought
She quickly ran to help him and once she got there she picked him up. Shigaraki took notice and tried to grab her but Stone free was faster. She punched his face and he was sent flying backwards. Stone free then dug her hand in the floor as a large gust of wind had came in out of nowhere. She held on to both Jolyne and (Y/N) to keep them from flying off
The reason for the wind was because of All Might and Nomu, who were constantly trading blows. The immense force coming from both of their punches were so strong that people could see small shockwave from both of them.
All Might: "A hero..... can always break out of a tough spot!" Hs said
He then threw Nomu in the air and back down. Nomu bounced off the floor as All Might landed with his smile never fading
All Might: "Hey villain, have you ever heard these words? Go beyond. Plus. Ultra!" He yelled
He gave one final punch to Nomu sending him flying and breaking the ground at the same time. The punch was so great that everyone in the USJ could feel it
Jolyne: "Holy shit!" She said in awe
(Y/N): "Goes to show how far behind we are" he said
Shigaraki: "He used a cheat!?" He said pissed
Shigaraki: "This is revenge for Nomu!" He yelled while running at All Might
Izuku jumped in to help him but Shigaraki used one of Kurogiris portals to grab him. As Purple haze was about to throw another one of its capsules Stone Free pulled his away as a gunshot was heard. At the entrance were the rest of the pros who had been brought by Iida. They went on to take down several villains effortlessly
Shigaraki: "Crap! They're here now! Shall we go home an-" he stops talking
The reason he had stopped was because one of the villains he had brought was dead! Not only that but it looked like his skin had melted while being surrounded by a purple fog
Shigaraki: "When did--" he was cut off by being shot
Kurogiri tried to quickly get out of there but 13 was making it hard to leave. Eventually he managed to get both of them out of there while leaving the others behind. As they cleared them out Kyoka quickly ran over to (Y/N) but was stopped by Cementoss, who made a wall
Cementoss: "We want to make sure that all the students are safe, so please gather in front of the gate." He said
Kyoka: "But my brother's-" she said
Cementoss: "We'll make sure he gets help but for now go to the entrance" he said
She begrudgingly complied and went to the entrance. Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, things were quite as All Might had returned to his skinny form. The reason for the silence was because he and Izuku weren't the only ones there. They were currently looking at both stand users who looked confused and shocked at what happened to All Might
All Might: "Shit!" He said
*Chapter end*
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