ch 7 just a normal day

Another normal day was currently going on as (Y/N) and Kyoka walked to school. Or so they thought as up ahead they was a crowd of reporters bombarding one of their classmates with questions. Upon closer inside they identified the classmate as Izuku Midoriya who looked like he was about to die from the questions. (Y/N) decided to be a nice guy and help him out of the situation. He pushed pass everyone and held Kyoka close, and she enjoyed every second of it

(Y/N): "Sorry but we can't be late to class" he said as he grabbed Izuku by the collar and dragged him away

As he tried to get them through the reporters blocked their path. They shoved everything in their face and slowly (Y/N) was getting pissed off. Kyoka saw this and desperately tried to calm him down. She couldn't completely calm him down but she did enough so he wouldn't stab someone as a warning

Having enough of everyone's shit he grabbed a camera from one of the reporters and handed to Purple haze. He then proceeded to stomp it on the ground violently while letting out his stand cry

(Y/N): "That's me being nice, NOW MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled in anger

They complies and made room for them to pass through. Once they got through the he dragged both of them through the door and slammed the door shut

Izuku: "Uh t-thank you Jiro-Chan" he thanked him

(Y/N): "It's fine and call me (Y/N), I prefer it that way" he corrected him

Kyoka: "Before you ask yes he's foreign and yes we're sibling but no we're not blood related" she said as he closes his mouth

(Y/N): "Don't let her intimidate you, she's a big softie once you get to know her" he said as he wrapped his arm around her making her blush

Izuku: "Uh okay. Oh right! (Y/N) can you tell me about your quirk" he said as he pulled out a notebook

(Y/N) looked over at Kyoka, who is still holding onto him, and she shrugs her shoulders. He sighs and decides to tell him knowing people will ask sooner or later

(Y/N): "Alright sure. I have a spirit following me that can release deadly viruses that eat away at the skin" he said as Izuku wrote it down

Izuku: "Wow that's so cool!" He said with star eyes

(Y/N): "Cool isn't the way I would put it" he said mumbled

Izuku: "What does your spirit look like? Can you describe him to me?" He asked

(Y/N): "He can do you one better" he said

Suddenly Izukus notebook started floating, that's because Purple haze took his notebook and pencil. Before he started drawing he remembered that he's never actually looked at himself. He looked around for any time of mirror but just chose to use one of the windows. As he floated over to the window only to be spooked by his own appearance

Meanwhile Izuku was having a field day watching his notebook floating and the pencil moving on it's own. (Y/N) on the other hand just face palms due to his stands idiot nature

Izuku: "Are you controlling it?" He asked

(Y/N): "Not right now, he has a mind of his own and if I don't tell him what to do he could hurt himself. Last time I did do that i had bruises on my arms" he said

Izuku: "Wait he's sentient?" he asks

(Y/N): "Somewhat. I still need to tell him what to do when it comes to fighting and use his viruses" he informs

Then Purple haze handed Izuku the notebook back to him while he looked at the notebook in awe. He looks at the decent drawing Purple haze made of himself. His amazement was soon stopped when he noticed a few wet spots on the drawing

(Y/N): "I forgot to mention he drools a lot and he is a germaphobe" he informed

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Izuku asking chibbi (Y/N) about his stand)

(Y/N) P.O.V

We're finally in homeroom and everyone was looking at the teacher who is currently congratulating us for the combat training

Aizawa: "Good job everyone on the combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid." He said as Bakugo scoffed

Aizawa: "And Midoriya! You settled for breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do." He said making Midoriya feel better

Aizawa: "Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice but today, I'll have you... decide class representative" he said

I really thought it was gonna be another special test but apparently not. Everyone else seem to have the same thought as they all looked relieved at the subject

Kirishima: "I want to be class rep! Pick me!" He yelled wit his hands up

Denki: "I want to do it" he said

Kyoka: "I want to do it, too!" She said

Yuga: "It's a job made for m--" he tried to say before he got interrupted

Mina: "I'll be the leader!" She yelled interrupting Yuga

Everyone started talking over each other and one small kid with balls on his head said something perverted. That earned a smack from Stone free which earned the respect from every girl in the class. I couldn't help and chuckle at his misfortune making Jojo look at me only to quickly turn around. I think I saw a bit of red on her face, she's probably fine

Iida: "Silence please" he yelled and the actually listened

Iida: "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide our true leader, then we should hold an election and choose one." He said

Everyone: "Your hand is raised the highest!" Everyone said as his hand is shaking

(Y/N): "You know, we don't really know each other. Chances are we'll just vote for ourselves." I added

Tsu: "He has a point, how can we have trust or anything?" she questioned

Iida: "Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be considered the most suitable person?" He said

Jolyne: "He has a point. The most trusted one will be the one who gets to be the class rep!" She adds

Aizawa: "Look I don't care how you guy's choose, just as long as you decide before homeroom is over." He said while getting in his sleeping bag and falling over

And just like that we started voting for whoever should be class representative. We put the name of the person who we thought should be class representative. I didn't really want that role to begin with so I gave my vote to Kyoka since earlier she said she wanted it

After that the results came in and they were written on the board. Most had one, because they voted for themselves, and only 3 people had more than one vote. Those people were Izuku Midoriya, with 3 votes, Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyoka, who both had 2 votes

I then noticed that somehow I had gotten a vote from someone else because I did vote for myself. I them look at Jolyne and saw she had no vote. Could she have voted for me? It seems to be the only logical explanation

The ones who were voted got up and stood in front of the class. Midoriya seems to be nervous since his eyes were popping out of his head and he seems to be shaking

Aizawa: "Then, the class rep is Midoriya, and since we got a tie, and homeroom is almost over, we have two deputy class reps, Yaoyorozu and Jiro." He said then went back to sleep

Izuku: "S-Seriously? Seriously?" He said shaking

Momo: "How vexing...." she said a little disappointed

Kyoka: "At least someone else voted for me" she said looking at me

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Kyoka throwing darts at a picture of Jolyne)

It is lunch time and I'm currently sitting with, what I guess is, my new group of friends. We grabbed our lunch and sat down at a table nearby. Kyoka grabbed some cake, Jolyne grabbed some fish, Kirishima grabbed some meat, Mina got... a dessert I don't want to say, brings back unpleasant memories, and I just got cake as well.

Kirishima: "Hey (Y/N) I want to ask you something! You said your quirk was a deadly virus not telekinesis?!" He said

Mina: "Yeah he's right! What gives, why would you lie to us?" He said

(Y/N): "I didn't lie to you, my quirk does release deadly viruses, I just didn't tell you the complete truth. If you want to know more just ask Midoriya, he has my quirk on his notebook" I said

Kyoka: "Hey Jojo, I've been meaning to ask, is that a real tattoo on your forearm?" She asked

Jolyne: "Don't call me Jojo! But yeah it's real" she said shocking the others




Jolyne: "DON'T INSULT MY MOM YOU BITCH" she yelled as Stone free punched the table

Mina: "I-I'm sorry. I stepped out of line my bad" she said cowardly

Jolyne: "It's fine just don't do it again" she said

(Y/N): "Also she punches harder than me, just warning you" I said scaring her even more

Kyoka: "So what you're saying is she's a gorilla" she insulted

(Y/N): "Exactly" I agreed

Jolyne: "You want me to kick your ass because I will and trust me I won't hold back" she said summoning her stand

(Y/N): "We're just joking, calm down" I reassures

Kyoka: "I wasn't" she mumbled

Suddenly the alarm went off informing us of a security level 3 breach. Every in the lunch room started panicking and started to swarm the exits. Somehow we managed to get in the middle of it. I grabbed Kyokas hand so I wouldn't lose her but I did lose Kirishima and Mina as for Jolyne well. We many to stay close a little too close

We were facing each other and because of the students we were inches apart from each other. Her chest was pressing up against mine and our legs got intertwined. We could feel each other's breaths as our faces turned red

Jolyne: "You know if it was anyone else I would've punched their faces" she said

(Y/N): "I guess I'm honored then" I said

I didn't know why but my face started to get closer to hers. She seemed to be doing it too and it felt like I was about to have my first kiss. Didn't think I would be having it like this though. We kept getting closer and closer till Iida suddenly started yelling at everyone to calm down.

Apparently the press somehow got inside the campus and were demanding to see All Might. After that everyone calmed down and felt like fools for acting like that. Then everyone had to go back to homeroom. On the way there Kyoka latched on to me and wouldn't let go at all. I didn't really mind she's my sister after all

When we got back to class the class rep, Midoriya, decided to make an announcement to the whole class. He made Iida the class rep and I really couldn't blame him. After he showed his leadership back at the cafeteria really made me want to vote for him

3rd P.O.V

Meanwhile, out in the city, heroes were attempting to save a family, who was being held hostage, from a villain. They seemed tired out and beaten till All Might came in and smacked the villain on the back of his head knocking him out.

All Migh: "Why? Because I am here on my way to work." He said wearing a yellow suit

He then hear someone call for help in the distance about a hit and run so he jumped over to help

All Might: "It'll be bad if I'm late, but...! I've gotten slower" he said while jumping

He had given his quirk to Midoriya and it seems that it is finally catching up to him. He had been slower and his transformation didn't last as long

Back at U.A the class was outside wait for a bus to arrive. They were all in their hero costumes and Iida tried his best to get everyone in line. Sadly nobody was listening and they were just talking to each other. The reason they were out there was because they were all gonna go train to rescue people

(Y/N) was alone this time due to Kyoka talking to Momo and Kirishima and Mina were off God knows where. He was looking around for Jolyne till he found her and pulled her away from everyone else. She seemed to get red thinking he was gonna ask about the cafeteria incident

(Y/N): "Hey I need to talk to you" he said

Jolyne: "oh uh yeah what is it?" She asked as her cheeks heated up

(Y/N): "Can stands evolve?" He asked making her disappointed

Jolyne: "Oh uh I think so. Why, did Purple haze evolve?" She asked

(Y/N): "Kinda. I was going to take his capsules off when I noticed that they moved positions" he said

He summoned Purple haze and showed him off to Jolyne. He looked more or less the same except for his fist. His capsules moved from his knuckles to the top of his fist

(Y/N): "I don't have to worry about punching people anymore but still it's quite...... bizarre" he said

Jolyne: "I don't know anything about stands evolving, hell this is the first time I've seen anything like this. I think my old man should know but we don't talk" she said sadly

(Y/N): "It's fine we can figure it out together. Also about the incident at the cafeteria" he said growing a blush

Jolyne: "W-what about I-" she tried saying

Iida: "Everyone form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly" he yelled while blowing his whistle

Sadly it wasn't the type of bus he was thinking it was and he had to redo the line. Iida was embarrassed as everyone boarded the bus and he kept his head down. Kyoka got lucky and seated herself next to (Y/N) thanks to her being class rep deputy. She then decided to sit Jolyne next to Bakugo so she had to deal with his screaming

The bus ride was quite fun and enjoyable to be in, except for Jolyne. The class stared to talk about every one's quirk then it turned into insulting Bakugo for laughs. They soon arrived at their location making Bakugo stop his rant. They were greeted by a marshmallow with a helmet on

Jolyne: "Whose the marshmallow?" She asked

Izuku: "That's space hero 13, she's saved many people from natural disasters. I can't believe I actually get to meet her" he said in excitement

Jolyne: "Fangirl much?" She replied

13: "Let's head inside without delay" she said while leading them inside

Kirishima: "Wow it's like Universal Studios Japan" he said

Inside the building was many natural disaster areas waiting to happen like a fire, shipwreck, landscape and many more. The whole class was amazed by the place and how big it was.

13: "It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint," or "USJ" for short" she explained while posing

Everyone: 'It really is USJ' the all thought

Aizawa: "13 where's All Might?" He asked 13, who is still posing

Aizawa: "He was supposed to meet us here" he said

13: "About that. It looks like he did too much hero work on his way to work and ran out of time, so he's resting in the lounge." She explained

They decide to go on with the class without All Might

13: "Alright everyone, I'm sure you know about my quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it into dust" she explained

Izuku: "You've been able to use that quirk to save many people from all kinds of natural disasters, right?" He asked while Uraraka nodded her head repeatedly

13: "Yes but it is a power that can kill easily." She said getting (Y/N) attention

(Y/N): 'Maybe she can help me control my stand' he thought

13: "Some of you have quirks like that, right? In a superhuman society, personal quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance" she explained

13: "However, please don't forget that there are many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers, and with All Mights person-to-person combat training, I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others." She explained furthermore

13: "This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You do not have the power so you can harm others. I hope you leave with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others. That's all thank you for listening" she finished off

Aizawa: "Alright then first--" he was cut off by a portal opening

The black portal got bigger and bigger as villains started coming out of it. One that stood out was a man who had white hair and a bunch of hands on him. He was in the middle of everything and seemed to be the leader

(Y/N): "Are those who I think they are?" he asked

Aizawa: "You're right, those are villains" he said while putting on his goggles

And done, damn these just keep getting longer and longer reaching 3000 words this time. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I don't have much to say on this so I guess I'll leave off on a question

Right now there's only two love interest and I'm most likely going to keep it that way. But if you wanted to add someone into it who would you choose, also it can be anyone not just class 1-A. I'm just curious this doesn't mean I'll definitely add them

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