ch 6 stands vs quirk

Morning came around and an alarm went off but was immediate turned off. (Y/N) got up and did his morning routine which consisted of freshening up, taking the virus capsules off his stand and placing them in the box. They seemed to disappear after a day so the box was empty as of right now, like how they reappeared on it's fist. He then got dressed and went to wake Kyoka up then made some breakfast

The day went on the same as always but Kyoka had seemed a bit different. She moved her hair behind her ear and gave a glance towards (Y/N) who was still eating. She sighed and tried another approach to attract her brother. She unbuttoned her shirt and exposed a bit of her bra

Kyoka: "hey it's kinda hot today don't you think" she pulled on her shirt to expose a bit more cleavage.

(Y/N): "you really think so? Seems fine to me" Kyoka just groaned and button up her shirt. (Y/N) finished eating and and looked at the time "you should finish up quickly, school starts in about 15 minutes" she looked at the time and quickly finish her food

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Kyoka trying to seduce her brother)

The whole class of 1-A was...... surprised. Mainly because they still had to take normal classes like English. English was being taught by Present Mic who was speaking normally..... which is wierd. Then there was the cafeteria where they could buy gourmet meals for reasonable prices made by the cook hero Lunch Rush. Then finally in the afternoon they have Hero Basic Training

???: "I am.... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" he yelled as he came through the door like a hero. The man yelling was none other than the number 1 hero All Might

The whole class stared at the hero in awe. They couldn't believe the rumors of All Might teaching there was true but now they fully believed them. All Might dramatically marched to the front of the classroom while the class remained mesmerized

All Might: "I teach Hero Basic Training. It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject. Let's get right into it. Today's subject.... combat training" he dramatically pulled out a card with the word 'BATTLE' written on it

(Y/N): "Combat..."

Jolyne/Kyoka: "Training" they both look at each other awkwardly as they finished (Y/N)'s sentence

All Might: "And to go with that there are these!" He pointed to the wall where briefcases came out of the wall with numbers from 1-22. "Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started" the class squealed in excitement except for Bakugo. "After you change gather in ground Beta!"

1-A: "yes sir"

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi (Y/N) wondering why his hero costume has so many holes in it)

The class changed into their hero costumes while All Might waited at Ground Beta. Soon all of Class 1-A came walking through the corridor with their hero costumes on and confident looks on their faces

All Might: "They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be aware from now on you are heroes!" They looked at their hero costumes and some of them even struck poses

(Y/N) was somewhat uncomfortable, mainly due to how revealing his hero costume was. He then saw Jolyne walking up to him and checked her hero costumes out. She had pants, shin-high boots and a halter top that exposes her midriff, with 2 lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her pants in a manner similar to suspenders. She wears a small piece on her chest repeating the design of her tattoo.

(Y/N): "wow...... you look nice" he avoided eye contact and covered his blush by putting his hand on his face

Jolyne: "T-thanks" she blushed and then looked at his hero costume "yours is.... interesting"

(Y/N)'s outfit consists of a red two-piece suit filled with holes on the sleeves and has a watch on his left wrist. He also had a gas mask in his hands, although it wouldn't do and against his viruses

(The suit is red, hair is white, and eyes are red also I don't own any of these)

(Y/N): "T-thanks..... although it's kinda revealing" he said uncomfortably but someone thought otherwise

Kyoka: 'THANK YOU GOD!' She thought while having a nosebleed while staring at (Y/N)

All Might: "Now, it's time for combat training!" He interrupted

Iida: "Sir" he says as he raises his hand "this is the battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" He questioned

All Might: "No, we're going ahead two steps! Moat of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if we look at the numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate." He explains as a kid in a green jumpsuit seems to understand "Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals-- in this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!"

All Might: "For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles" he explains

Tsu: "without basic training?" the frog girl questions

All Might: "This is a real battle to understand those basic! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up."

Momo: "how will wins and losses be determined?" The girl in the revealing outfit asked

Bakugo: "can we beat them up anyway?" The explosive boy asked

Uraraka: "will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?" The zero gravity girl asked

Iida: how shall we be split up"

Jolyne: "are broken bones acceptable" she asked making everyone minus Bakugo shiver

Yuga: "Isn't this cape crazy?" He asked as he sparkled

All Might: "I'll answer all your questions!" He says frustrated "now listen here" he says while opening a pamphlet "the situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes."

Jolyne: "this situation feels like an American super hero movie" she said causing (Y/N) to chuckle

All Might: "Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!" He said as he held up a box from seemingly out of nowhere

Iida: "They're being decided so haphazardly?"

Izuku: "Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?" The kid in the green jumpsuit said

Iida: "I see. The discernment to look ahead... please excuse my rudeness!" He said as he bowed to All Might

All Might: "It's fine. Let's do this quickly!"

He holds the box out and one by one the students go up to him and get a ball with a letter on it. (Y/N) went up to next and pulled his hand out and grabbed a ball with the letter K on it. He then saw who was behind him and saw Kyoka so he showed her the ball as he walked away

Kyoka: 'Alright Jiro all you gotta do is get the letter K. Don't mess this up' she walked up to it and felt around for a bit till she finally settled on one. She pulled her hand out and walked towards (Y/N). She then looked at it and saw the letter G 'God dammit why?'

(Y/N): "so what letter did you get?"

Kyoka: "I got G! Sucks we won't be on the same team"

(Y/N): "hey there's always next time, okay? And don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're my sister"

Kyoka: "I won't but don't be mad when I kick your sorry ass!" They noth share a laugh and is soon silenced 'I wonder who his partner is gonna be, just hope it ain't that foreign girl' she thought and, to make her day worse, she had just jinxed herself

Jolyne: "Hey (Y/N) what letter you got?" She asked as she showed hers. He showed his and turns out she also had the letter K

Kyoka: 'I wanna kill myself'

All Might: "Alright the first teams will be..." he said as he stuck his hands in two black and white boxes, one saying heroes and the other villains "These guys" he pulls out the letters D and A "Team A will be heroes and team D will be villains. Everyone else head towards the monitor room."

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Jolyne teaching chibbi (Y/N) how her family deals with people they don't like)

The combat training was nearly over and (Y/N) and Jolyne still haven't gone yet. The first fight against team A and D were by far the craziest with on student breaking his arm. So far the fights have been pretty tame but now it seems as if things were about to change

All Might: "Alright that was excellent class now then for-"

Iida: "Wait sir! Team K still hasn't gone yet and it seems like everyone else has battled each other, sir!" He said interrupting All Might

All Might: "I was about to get to that" he said as Iida apologizes "Team K since you don't have any other opponents your opponent will be..... ME!" He yelled dramatically and exited. Sadly he was the only one who was excited, as for team K, not so much

(Y/N)/Jolyne: 'We're fucked' the thought

All Might: "But don't worry! I will be using weights to slow me down greatly" he said making the two stand users feel a bit relieved "Now then, since you're the last team, I'll let you choose. Now what will it be!?"

(King crimson brought to you by a chibbi Author apologizing for so many king crimson)

The two stand users are both waiting outside the building till they hear a buzzer signaling them to start. They both decided to be the heroes so now they have to find the bomb

(Y/N): "So you got a plan or are we doing this as we go?"

Jolyne: "I don't think our stands can beat him so our best choice is to get the bomb. But then again we don't know if our stands can?"

(Y/N): "Well first we should find the bomb then come up with something" he said and she nodded as he put his gas mask on

They carefully walked around the hallway and checked every room but found nothing. They walked up the stairs and checked every room again only to find nothing again

Jolyne: "You don't think he-"

(Y/N): "I'm starting to think so"

She sighed and they both walked towards the stairs again. They reached the next floor but instead of checking it like the others they keep going up. They eventually reached the top floor and check the first room and saw All Might standing there with his signature smile

All Might: "I didn't think you'd find me so quickly! It won't matter anyway, just because I'm your teacher don't think I'd go easy on you, so come at me Young Heroes" he lunged forward at incredible speeds, even though he was wearing weights. "WYOMING SMASH" (Y/N) pushed Jolyne away and Purple haze blocked the punch

He was launched out the building, through the wall, and Jolyne quickly uses her string to catch him. It wrapped around his foot and headed face first through a window. He got up and quickly limped his way back upstairs. Meanwhile both All Might and Jolyne were in a face of. He lunged at her ready to throw another attack till he felt an extremely powerful force push against his face

Stone free: "ORA!" stone free punch All Might in the face sending him sliding back till he hit the wall. He held his jaw and rubbed it slightly feeling an immense pain as he touched it. Back in the monitor room every was in awe as they witness All Might get hurt

Kirishima: "Holy hell that was MANLY!" Everyone agreed and after that they considered Jolyne one of the strongest

Kyoka: 'I wonder what her quirk looks like. It probably doesn't look half as cool as (Y/N)'

Back in the battle All Might coughed up some blood and wiped it away like it was nothing. He then got back up and was about ready to get back into battle till he felt an immense pain from the back of his head

Purple haze: "UBASHAAAA!" He kicked the back of All Mights head and he stumbled forward while holding his head. (Y/N) quickly went to regroup with Jolyne where they kept close

Jolyne: "hey you remember when I taught you how my family deals with people they don't like?"

(Y/N): "yeah I'm still sore from that lesson but what does that have to do with this right now?"

Jolyne: "You remember the steps right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, bot really something you can forget"he said still not getting the point

Jolyne: "Why don't we teach it to All Might" she said as she smirk

(Y/N): "Oh no I get it sure let's!" They both run at All Might as he was still recovering from the head trauma

Both: "We start by punching them!" The both uppercut All Might with their stands sending him high up in the air. Then a bunch of string wraps around him and is pulled back towards the two stand users "then get them in the best punching angle!" Both Purple haze and Stone free let out a barrage of punches at All Might as they let out their stand cry "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAA!" "UBASHAAAAAAAAA!" All Might was sent flying back to wall and broke trough it leaving him severely injured

Jolyne: "Yare yare dawa!" She walked over to the bomb and touched it "we win!"

(King crimson again brought to you by chibbi Kyoka getting jelly)

All Might: "Good work everyone!" He said all bruised up and coughing a bit of blood. He didn't seem to worry but the students did "We didn't have any major injuries other than Midoriya and myself ofcourse" he said as he laughed the pain away

(Y/N): "Sorry again we may have gone a bit overboard" he apologized but Jolyne just scoffed so he elbowed her

Jolyne: "Ugh fine.... sorry"

All Might: "Trust me I've had way worse Haha Haha! Still you all did a great job for your first train!" He said as he gave a thumbs up

Tsu: "to have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's class.... is anticlimactic...." she said as everyone nodded

All Might: "We're free to have proper classes as well!" He said spreading his arms out "Well then, I must review the results with young Midoriya..... change and return...... to the classroom" he yelled as he ran towards the clinic

(Y/N): "Well that was.... cool?" He rubbed the back of his head while asking that question as he walked to the locker room. He was then brought to a headlock by his red headed friend

Kirishima: "That was so manly bro! The way you and that foreign girl beat All Might was incredible!"

(Y/N): "You know I'm foreign too right?"

Ashido: "Really?" She asked joining in the conversation

Jolyne: "It's obvious if you look at him closely" she added and both Kirishima and Ashido inspect him

Both: "oh yeah"

Kyoka: "are these the two you tutored (Y/N) because you already seem to know them" she asked also joining in on the conversation

Ashido: "hi I'm Mina Ashido! Do you know (Y/N)?"

Kyouk: "ofcourse I do, I'm his sister, Kyoka Jiro" she said, shocking Kirishima and Ashido

Kirishima: "Really?! You don't look anything alike."

(Y/N): "That's because I'm adopted"

Ashido: "oh the step brother approach, good luck Jiro" she whispered making her blush

They walked back to the locker room and changed out of their hero costumes. The rest of the day was pretty normal with subjects like math and Science with the occasional seduction from Kyoka

Sorry it took so long I got distracted with Persona 5. When I did get back to it I did unnecessary research and found out that Fugo wears a thong

Anyway crazy shit you don't wear it calm down. I'm gonna start on another chapter for a different story now bye

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