ch 4 Entrance exams

Trying out my preferred writing style if you don't like it just tell me and I'll change it back. Anyway on to the story

It was morning and (Y/N) was already up and getting ready for his entrance exams. He didn't bother doing his hair so he just let it down because he'll be sweating later that day

He summoned Purple haze and made him put it's capsules inside a small lock box he got from his mother. When they asked why, he explained why and told them to never go near it or open it

(Y/N) looked at the time and saw that the entrance exams were going to start soon. He quickly made his way to Kyokas room and saw her getting ready

(Y/N): come on Kyo let's go

Kyoka: I'm going just wait a minute

She put her workout clothes on and they both ran out the house while yelled goodbye to their parents. As they make it to the entrance exams they slow down and catch their breath

Kyoka: we aren't even late if anything we're early

(Y/N): it was the only way to get you to hurry up and we made it didn't we

Kyoka just groaned and continued walking ahead as (Y/N) followed closely behind. As they walk he noticed a certain green hair girl walking by so he decided to surprise her

He went to go surprise her and Kyoka saw him sneak away and just stared at her brothers odd behavior. He came up behind her wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her close

(Y/N): yo Jojo


She elbowed the fuck out of him, causing his soul to come out of his mouth, and held his gut. Kyoka ran to her brothers side and helped him up

Kyoka: what the hell is your problem

Jolyne: who the fuck are you

Kyoka: I'm his sister you ass

Jolyne: you two barely look related

(Y/N): Kyoka relax she's a friend

Jolyne: debatable

(Y/N): you're not helping. Anyway she's the one I told you about

Kyoka: this is the chick *inspects her* she looks like a hooker


(Y/N): Kyoka be nice

Kyoka: *pouts*

(Y/N): anyway it's good to see you too Jojo. You ready for today

Jolyne: I wouldn't be here if I wasn't and I had nothing better to do so I'm here

(Y/N): well hope you make it in

Jolyne: it's all the same to me so no biggie

(Y/N): well then let's do our best *smiles*

Jolyne: *blush* yeah yeah whatever

They walked inside the entrance exams while chatting and Kyoka followed behind. As they walked Kyoka kept a jealous glare on Jolyne

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Jolyne daydreaming about her and chibbi (Y/N))

After the written part of the exam (Y/N) passed it easily along with Kyoka. Jolyne had a bit of trouble but managed to pull through. Even if she didn't do that well she could definitely pass by the practical exam

They were now in the auditorium of U.A and somehow Jolyne ended up sitting in between (Y/N) and Jiro. This was the most awkward moment in her life. She was sitting beside a boy she has mixed emotions with and his sister who is glaring at her

Then a well known hero walked up to the podium. He has blonde hair, wears black, and a loud voice. This was Present Mic

Present Mic: for all you listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say hey

He waited for them to respond but only got an awkward silence instead

Present Mic: what a refined response. Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!

The hero then went on to explain the practical exam and the point system along with the faux villains. As this is happening (Y/N) noticed a moss head kid mumbling to himself at an abnormal speed

Then another guy called out a mistake the hero made and then he proceeded to call out the moss head kid. After his small rant the hero explained the fourth faux villain was worth zero points

Then everyone was given a their test location and went off

(Y/N): so which test location did you two get. I got battle center C

Kyoka: damn I got D

(Y/N): what about you jojo

Kyoka:*in mind* what about her

Jolyne: I got C

(Y/N): well looks like we'll be in the same location. Anyway goodluck Kyo I'll see you after the exam

He gives her a head pat and she blushes slightly but smiles at the action

(Y/N): let's go jojo

Jolyne: quit calling me that

They go to their Battle Center while Kyoka just stared at Jolyne and (Y/N). She didn't like how close they seemed to be and felt her heart ache

Kyoka: *in mind* I need to step up my game

(King crimson brought to you by Jiro searching up some dating and flirting tips online)

In the Battle center (Y/N) was running around the center and destroying any and all faux villains he encountered. Jolyne was a bit further away destroying everything that moved, so much so, other contenders avoided her

Purple haze: ABUSHAAAAAA

Purple haze let out a barrage of punches and destroying two 3-point villains. He currently had 60 points and secured his place in U.A

More villains charged at him and purple haze grabbed one 2 point villain. He then used almost all of its strength to pick up the villain and throw it at other villains

Meanwhile (Y/N) was doing his best to dodge the villains and stay close to Purple haze. Purple haze threw on final punch at the faux villain and it went straight through a 3 point villain. His stand then dissapeared and he caught his breath after the fight he just had

(Y/N): *in mind* wonder how Kyo is doing, hopeful she has enough points

A faux villain was about to punch (Y/N) but was suddenly destroyed by a fist. The villain was pulled apart and revealed Kirishima who was using his hardening quirk

Kirishima: alright 50 points

(Y/N): are you sure it's 50 or do we need to have a quick tutor session

Kirishimas: *tensed up* (Y/N) are you ok you know after I uh helped

(Y/N): I would've been fine but thanks anyway

Kiriakou: *tensed up* problem bro

(Y/N): *stares intensely*

Kirishima: *scared*

(Y/N): *chuckle* relax already I'm just messing with you. You should hurry up and get more points

Kirishima: yeah I'll see you there bro

He took off in an area where (Y/N) came from looking for more villains



(Y/N): pissed off foreigner? That sounds a lot like jojo

He walked in the way of the pissed off foreigner and his suspensions were right. In front of him was Jojo who was taking all of her anger out on the poor villains

(Y/N): what did that poor villain do to you

Stone free threw a punch at him and Purple haze appeared just in time to block the attack. Due to Stone frees immense strength she managed to bruise his arm

(Y/N): ow. Do you attack everyone that moves close to you

Jolyne: no just you

(Y/N): *chuckled* thanks for the love jojo

Jolyne: *blush* s..shut up

The ground started shaking and in the distance a giant robot appeared and started walking around. They both looked at each other and walked the opposite direction to the exit of the battle center

By the time they got there the exams were over and done with. Everyone was heading home and (Y/N) along with Kyoka and Jolyne were heading home

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Kyoka trying to flirt with her chibbi brother)

It's been a week since they took the exam and (Y/N) kept his cool while Kyoka couldn't. It was supposedly so bad she couldn't sleep at all

So she took advantage of the situation and asked (Y/N) if she could sleep with him like the old times. He didn't see anything wrong with that and agreed to it

For the whole week Kyoka would eagerly wait for nightfall and join him in the bed. Sometimes she would make him go to sleep early so they could snuggle up together

But sadly all good things must come to an end as (Y/N) grabbed the mail and saw two letters from U.A


Kyoka: WHAT

She ran from his room and quickly grabbed one of the letters. She started to have second thoughts on opening the letter. She pushed those feelings away and opened it to find a wierd looking object inside. Then a hologram appears and it showed Allmight in a suit.

Allmight: I. Am. Here as a projection. Hello young Jiro, I am happy to say that not only did you pass the written exam but the practical exam as well

Kyoka was ecstatic when she heard the number one hero say that

Allmight: it's people like you that show the world that a quirk doesn't need to be strong so you can be a hero. I am glad to know that YOU Jiro Kyoka will be going to U.A. WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!

Kyoka started celebrating and hugged her brother. He calmed her down and soon opened his letter with the same object inside. He placed it down on the table and it turned on by itself

Allmight: I. Am. Here as a projection... again! Hello young Jiro, I actually just got done making a letter to your sister! And just like her you completely exceeded expectations in the written exam and tied for second place in the practical exam

(Y/N) knew that jojo could either have tied with him or passed him in points. She did know how to use her stand unlike him and she does have a better understanding of them

Allmight: young man your quirk is an interesting one and one of our staff here thinks you were holding back. So I am glad to say this. YOU YOUNG JIRO (Y/N) WILL BE GOING TO U.A WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA

Kyoka: WE DID IT

She jumped into his arms and he spun her around while yelling in excitement. Once their parents came back home they told them the good news

They had a small celebration for the day and they got ready for bed. For some reason Kyoka still decided to sleep with her brother that day

He didn't mind and let her sleep with him anyway. In just a couple days they'll start their journey to be a hero

Hey I'm back from being lazy. So hopefully you enjoyed it and please tell me which writing style you prefer

Also expect a piece of Jolyne and Jiro fan art every now and then. Why you may ask? Because they're both beautiful that's why. Anyway that's all bye

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