ch 2 you're like me
3rd P.O.V
After (Y/N) met Mina and Kirishima he made it his mission to make those two smarter. So far it's been hard but not impossible because although it wasn't very noticable it was there. As of right now (Y/N) had both Mina and Kirishima sitting down while he walked around them asking them questions at the beach. Every time they got one wrong he would hit them or pick them up and slam them on the floor. It's safe to say that they studied every night so they wouldn't go home sore every tutor session.
Right now it was Kirishimas turn to answer a question and he was scared. (Y/N) was waiting for a response as he started Kirishima down sending chills down his spine and Minas even though she wasn't being stared at. Kirishima thought about his answer for a good five minutes till he finally came up with a response
Kirishima: "Uhm is it Abraham Lincoln?" He asked
The atmosphere was heavy and nobody said a word. Kirishima started to prepare for the worst and hardened his skin. Sadly (Y/N) noticed this and instead of hitting him he picked him up and threw him at Mina.
(Y/N) P.O.V
I didn't think it would be this hard to tutor these two but as it turns out I got the biggest idiot's ever. At first I thought they were just falling a bit behind but that would be a lie. It's a miracle that they even made it to middle school but I already told them I would help them pass and I don't plan on going back on my word. So far they are making this near impossible. They start getting up while Mina groaned and Kirishima apologizes
Mina: "Ouch. Did you have to throw him at me?" She asked while rubbing her head
(Y/N): "Because hitting him wouldn't hurt him so since I couldn't hurt him you got hurt instead" I said
Mina: "How is that fair?" She asked while getting up
(Y/N): "It's not. Not everything will be fair so get used to it" I told them
Mina: "But my quirk doesn't even protect me from your punches. All it does is make me produce acid" she told me
Kirishima: "Actually now that I think about it, what's your quirk (Y/N)?" He asked me
Mina: "Hold up yeah. We've never seen you use your quirk since you started tutoring us" she pointed out
(Y/N): "That's because my quirk isn't something to play around with. If I get careless with I could kill you both and myself in the process" I told them
Kirishima: "Damn dude your quirk must be pretty powerful. What's it do?" He asked
(Y/N): "I release a deadly smoke that contains an extremely deadly virus that'll kill any human being in a matter of seconds. I don't use my quirk at all because as far as I know there is no cure for my viruses" I told them not mention the other part of my quirk
Mina: "Woah I guess you can't mess around with a quirk like that huh? Have you ever used it on someone?" She asked me
(Y/N): "....... No. No I haven't" I lied to them
They stay quiet not knowing how to respond to my menacing tone. I start to think if I should tell them about the ghost that follows me around. I look up in front of me and I see the ghost staring at me. It was growling at me and drooling a bit. Its face and body are patterned by horizontal lozenges of alternating shade, and armor pieces are present on its shoulders, elbows, and knees. It has spikes along its back with a cape and it also has a helmet with a transparent visor. It's been with me since Kyokas family adopted me. They know about him and eventually I named him Purple Haze, mainly because that's one of Kyokas favorite songs and she was happy about it.
(Y/N): "Alright I think that'll be all for today" I said as I walked away
Kirishima: "Wait really. The sun hasn't set yet" he yelled at me
(Y/N): "Consider yourselves lucky then you get to go home early and not beaten to a bloody pulp" I yelled back
3rd P.O.V
A girl with a butterfly tattoo is currently walking around town and looks to be in a bad mood. She is wearing pants, shin-high boots and a halter top that exposes her midriff, with two lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her pants in a manner similar to suspenders. She wears a small piece on her chest repeating the design of her tattoo. The image in the Infobox is this outfit, but it has the following star-shaped navel piercing. As she walks through the street she kicks a trashcan and sends it flying across the street.
At the same time (Y/N) is walking home and as he turns the corner he is met face first with a flying trashcan. He fell to the floor and the girl quickly made her way over to him.
???: "Oh shit man are you okay? I'm really sorry" she said while holding her hand out
(Y/N): "Ow.... What the fuck is you fucking problem" he said while slapping her hand away
???: "Oi I said I was sorry asshole" she said, getting mad
(Y/N): "Sorry doesn't fix a brother fuck nose you gorilla" he yelled at her
???: "The fuck did you call me you little shit" she yelled back
(Y/N): "You don't get to be mad at me you fucking cunt" he said while grabbing her shoulder
???: "Don't you put your fucking hands on me" she yelled while a fist came flying at him
His eyes widen and immediately moves to block the punch. As he takes the hit he felt his bones shattered in his arm as he was also launching back a bit. The girl turned around and was about to walk away till (Y/N) called for her again
(Y/N): "Hey wait a minute! Who was that, the ghost that just punched me! Was it your quirk?" He shouted
She turned around shocked that the boy could see the ghost. As far as (Y/N) knew he was the only person who had this type of quirk. He did research but everything was the same and everyone could see their figures. He then summoned his ghost and the girl looked shocked
(Y/N): "Can you see him?" He asked
The girl stayed quiet and walked towards the ghost. Purple haze just glared at her awaiting the order to attack her from (Y/N). She then looked back at (Y/N) and summoned her ghost it wears what appear to be a pair of sunglasses varying in darkness, obscuring vertically ridged eyes. Four blade-like protrusions run over its head from the top of the jaw to the back of its neck, bordering the sides of both eyes. Cones truncated at a length of one-third the width of its head protrude from the region of the ears. It wears elliptical shoulder pads with a snakeskin pattern, and hexagonal knee pads. Several patches of its lightly-shaded body reveal a fibrous interior, wound horizontally. Its forehead, neck, arms, and the area from its midriff to the top of its feet bear small, evenly spaced studs/bumps.
???: " It's not a ghost, it's called a stand, not many people have it" she explained to him
(Y/N): "So it's called a stand, can you tell me more please" he begged
???: "..... Ok but not here. Just follow me" she told him
(Y/N): "Wait what about my arm!" He pointed out to her
???:"Oh right. Here let me see it" She grabbed his arm and started breathing weirdly. He then started to feel something in his arm start to move
(Y/N): "W..what the hell" he moved his hand like it was never broken
???: "My great grandpa taught me that so be grateful you asshole, now let's go" she told him
She lead him from the city to a small neighborhood where he assumed is where she lives. The girl opened the door and a woman looked over and smiled at the girl
???:"Jojo you're back" she quickly ran over to her
She then noticed (Y/N) who was standing outside and then hugged Jojo and pulled her close
???: "Jojo is this your boyfriend" she whispers to her daughters
Jojo: "Mom I just met him!" She whispered
Jojo's mom: "Well I could always dream" she said
Jojo's mom: "Hello young man I'm Nanako Cujoh' Jojo's mom" she said while holding her hand out
(Y/N): "Uhm I'm (Y/N) Jiro. It's a pleasure to meet you" he said while shaking her hand
Jojo: "Alright come you're wasting my time" she said as she pulled (Y/N)
Nanako: "Ok just make sure to keep the door open or don't just make sure to keep it down~" she teased
Jojo: "Mom stop it!" She shouted at her
She lead (Y/N) to her room and it seemed that she like the ocean, a lot. Her walls were blue and she even had some dolphin plushies and a beluga whale plushie. She sat down on her bed and (Y/N) just chose to stand
(Y/N): "So Jojo-" he tried to say something before he was cut off
Jojo: "Don't call me Jojo! Only my mom can call me that, you can just call me Jolyne" she told him
(Y/N): "Okay then. Jolyne! Can you tell me more about these stands?" He asked her
Jolyne: "Right! Well first we need to get this first. A stand is not a quirk in fact they've been around since 1989" she informed it
(Y/N): "W..what" he said shocked
Jolyne: "Yeah I know crazy but a stand is the manifestation of your life energy, some are born with stands and others get one by other means" she said
(Y/N): "What do you mean?" He asked
Jolyne: "That's as much as I know sadly. My dad keeps me out of it and because of that I rarely talk to him" she explained
(Y/N): "Oh. Sorry to pry in" he apologized
Jolyne: "Yeah it's okay, you don't have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong" she said
(Y/N): "So what does your stand do?" He asked trying to make conversation
Jolyne: "Oh uhm she can turn herself to string and can extend her range because of it. She also hits extremely hard and I'm pretty sure you know that from expect" she said while smirking
(Y/N): "Yeah sorry about that whole confrontational, wasn't my best first impression, but I've been sorta known for having a short temper and I can get violent because of it" he explained
Jolyne: "Really? I guess you were bipolar because you went from pissed to calm in a heart beat" she guessed
(Y/N): "Like I said I have anger issues" he said while scratching the back of his head
(Y/N): "Anyway back to it. My stand releases deadly vitus into the air that'll kill anyone in a matter of seconds. If I'm not careful I could kill myself as well" he told her
Jolyne: "Wow your stand ability makes mine look like a party trick compared to yours" she chuckled a bit
(Y/N): "Yeah no kidding, also what do you call your stand, I call mine Purple haze" he said
Jolyne: "Like the song?" She asked
(Y/N): "Yeah like the song" he agreed
Jolyne: "Well I call mine Stone Free" she said
(Y/N): "So I guess you listen to Jimi Hendrix as well" he asked
Jolyne: "Who?" She asked
(Y/N): "I assume you'd know that after you named your stands name after the same guy who made purple haze" he pointed out
Jolyne: "Really I didn't even know that" she said surprise
(Y/N): "Why else would you name it that" he asked
Jolyne: "Because I want to be free from this stone ocean" she said while (Y/N) laughs at her response
Jolyne: "Oh yeah then why did you name yours purple haze then" she said irritated
(Y/N): "Simply because my sister likes that song and I named it that to make her happy not because I was being edgy" he said while laughing
Jolyne: "You want me to break your arm again because I will" she said getting mad
(Y/N): "S..sorry sorry I'll stop.... just give me a minute" he said in between laughter eventually stoping
(Y/N): "Crap it's getting late. We should talk again after this uhm.... here" he said while writing his number down on a piece of paper
Jolyne: "Uhm yeah okay I'll call you tomorrow I guess" she said as she took the paper
(Y/N): "Cool. Well see you later Jojo" he said while walking out of her room
Jolyne: "I told you not to call me that" she yelled as he left the house. Then her mother came into her room with a content smile
Jolyne: "Is something wrong?" She asked her mother
Nanako: "I ship it" is the only thing she said before walking off
Jolyne: "Mom what the hell" she yelled as she got flushed
It can't be a jojo story without a Jojo character and if you're wondering why I put Jolyne instead of Giorno is because he is way too op. I also don't know what to do if I add him but I have some ideas with Jolyne. Anyway please enjoy and you'll make it to U.A in the next chapter or two bye
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