Bit Bored

I AM SO BORED IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! I am a very social person and spending ages with my annoying brother is killing me.
I guess my week hasn't been that bad so far. Apart from the BORING science assignment. Science is so bad, and im so bad at science. Seriously whats the point anyway?
Ive had the first movie meeting for Arianas movie. When I got there sara got this HUGE SPIDER in a really dirty bucket. It freaked me out. I hate spiders, they are creepy. But then again they could be like my long lost relatives because they're scary and im scary, so... anyway the meeting went okay {i think}. Im so excited to film it and everything its not funny. I am the assistant director {have I already told u that?} And I also play the role of nurse. The meeting was good until my dad came. Max went to let my dad in and when they both came in they left the door open. Arianas dog Molly then ran away. The thing that made me most embarrassed was my dad walked in and said "is the little grey dog meant to be outside?" I was like "YOU LET MOLLY OUT" so we all ran out to look for her. Eleanor thought she saw Molly run into the neighbours garden but when we looked we couldnt find her. We looked again and found her underneath the verandah. I was so relived cause I felt as if it was my fault because it was my dad.
On tuesday I went shopping to get my items for the science thing, BORING. But in the afternoon I went to Tianas house. We played pool. I was amazing {not} and I won {not}. Btw if you are reading this white ball just remember, I HATE YOU :) then we went to pick up Nathan {Tianas little brother} from a drama thingy. When we got back he made us play a weird game that made no sense, but it made me laugh so much I nearly peed myself. He is so cute. Then we just talked and talked and listened to problem then talked some more. When my dad came to get me we talked about dogs for like half an hour after I was meant to have left!! It was an amazing day though.
·~guess what?!?!? Code time :) I wish you all luck {especially you Tiana}~·

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