How to Fail at Life and Not Make Friends

July 1, 2008 11:31 pm
Malison University, Malison


Do you even care to listen? Do you care to hear my warnings? If you don't, just be aware that you will be dead by morning. Shall I Go on?

Everyone says my life is great. I have servants pampering like I am a king, I never do my homework, ha-I never even eat my vegetables. But when you're a very popular celebrity, everyone is frightening. Your life is at stake when you're a son of a Zodiac legacy. By legacy, I don't necessarily put a lot of good emphasize on that. Forget about walking down the street or cruising through the mall, nobody cares about your personal life, your secrets are the world's secrets. Everyone wants to know where you are at and what you are doing, especially if your me.

Zodiac is a family name... and a rich one too, we rule the entire planet. You either love my family or you want us deader than ghosts. There is no in between. You may have heard of the Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. You probably learned about these in school, if you were paying attention. Well, unfortunately, the Zodiacs are a real family that lives on my home planet, Malison, and they don't pay attention to anything bad that is happening.

The Zodiacs have important places they have to be, people they need to see, wars they have to watch, contracts they need to sign, and plans for our planet they have to make. Which none of these important things include spending time with me...

Torrent and Jay are my cousins, both sons of Luke and Aspen Zodiac, we spend time together often since Torrent is grounded for the rest of his life, yes... literally the rest of his life. Long story, but he might have killed several thousand people while inventing a toaster that toasts your bread just right. He didn't get to finish because the toaster killed people, but he got grounded, and my toast is still unevenly toasted. Meanwhile, Jay has no life, he doesn't go to college, he is dating someone and is always on the phone with them. Its quite annoying since he is the only one who can drive that has a car, and he refuses to take us anywhere while he is on the phone with his girlfriend.

My other two Cousins, Mason, the son of Azun, and Jake, the son of Dustan and Embler. If you ever want to find Mason, just check any kitchen, guarantee you he will be there. Jake, on the other hand, you will always find working out in some shape or form. He always spends his free time going up and down the stairs, which is quite annoying when you are trying to get to your room. Jake has this weird obsession with being skinny, and since he hates vegetables and loved bread and cheese, he is constantly working out to maintain his petite figure.

Everyone knows about the twelve Zodiacs, and I just wish everyone would hear us kids out, our side of the story of this crappy life. Our life is so crappy that Luke wants to keep us all locked in some experiment lab to find out how we got such unique powers. I wouldn't say our powers are unique, just different than our parents. Jake, for instance, has fire powers, he can't control it very well, that's why he has seventeen fire extinguishers in his room, yet, his parents didn't have any signs of fire in their DNA.

Don't believe this crap I'm telling you? Then let me start at the beginning then work up to when I got expelled from my fancy rich prep school for future geniuses.


Name's Enzo Nathaniel Zodiac and I never wanted to be a Zodiac in the first place. I also never wanted to be a villain and have everyone shouting my name as I walk down the street after ruining the day by existing. I wish I was just a normal poor person, working to get by with enough to eat. Likewise, I never wanted my jerk of a Dad, but you get what life hands you. Some get lemons and I got a lime.

Being a Zodiac is scary. You have powers that could possibly end up killing people in horrific ways. I, for example, have to wear gloves to protect others from me. Whenever I touch anyone... Well, I'm not sure what happens... but Luke says they die, i never stick around to check.

I seem to be the only one who doesn't want to be a Zodiac. Every child is lining up to see if they can survive the transformation, where Mike and Luke Zodiac literally slices up their DNA and reprogram their biological structure to match a Zodiac family member. It's not turning out so well. Some are good if they survive. Others....not so much.

I also never wanted this pain. I feel it every day from knowing that my hands can kill. Honestly, all I ever wanted was to be smart enough to not fail my classes.

But that never happened and it wasn't my fault... if you will believe me...well it kinda was wasn't my power that drew me to the Zodiac Rangers. It wasn't my adopted father, Luke, either. It was the glory of being able to kill my real Dad that made me disobey every rule set in place.

Okay, let me back up for a moment. You probably have a lot of questions about all these words I am using, you might not know them because your life is happy and not constantly in danger of having your real dad blow up the planet. But my life... is not that...

You're also probably asking yourself: What's a Zodiac Ranger? Well please don't. Before I hear of them and before I started attending that school, my life was perfect. But after I learned and got close to them... Oh man, ugg!

Let me back up even further to when I was at a normal private school for bad boys.


I was on this sketchy field trip. This is where my story begins.

In school, we were learning about our planet's history. Malison is a planet made mostly of cities and buildings. It also contains the biggest house ever built, the Zodiac Mansion. This place has countless schools and the best college in the universe. Every type of food is served in all sorts of fancy restaurants and fast food cafés, The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Jets fly in and out of the atmosphere all the time. This is the most popular and luxurious planet in the galaxy.

The place we were at was called The Museum of Astrology and Stars. We had spent our last unit learning about Atom Zodiac, this trip was to prepare us for our final project.

I was basically a nerd in a comic book store, geeking out at all the ancient Zodiac stuff. I found my ancestor's stories fascinating, even if I didn't like being a part of the stories, they were still interesting. It was the only class I actually liked, to be honest. Even though I didn't pay attention to half of it.

We stopped at all the statues and paintings of my uncles and aunts and learned about each Zodiac. My teacher was my aunt, and Jake's Mom, Emler Leo Zodiac. Our tour guide was named Oberon, I don't know him. I haven't done anything wrong either. I wasn't rude, I didn't touch anything valuable, and yet... he kept glaring at me like he wanted to wrap me up in a burrito and eat me with some BBQ sauce.

"The Zodiac Family," Emler stated as she pointed at my Aunts and Uncles in a painting. "Remember we learned they were all unique in their own way. They were named after the star constellations, each family member given to be their own set of stars that were above them on the day they were born. Their father, Cedric, forced each child to train like warriors after a fatal accident that resulted in his wife's death. His need for blood and war as a way of revenge was so strong, that is what the children were raised with all their lives. Although they were not all the same. Some children, known as the rebels, secretly joined forces to take down their father's rule. The leader of this group was named Azun Watcher Zodiac. Other members included: Jasper Scorpio, Vestry Aquarius, Dustan Libra, and Nathaniel Sagittarius."

Nathaniel Sagittarius... Each time I hear my father's name, hate flows through my veins. He ruined the Zodiac name and was an evil little snake. Above all, I say my father was a traitor. He left before I was born, he didn't care about me or my mother. She died in labor, and I was an orphan before I took my first breath. I'm just glad that Luke adopted me, don't know what I would do without him.

"Cedric worried that his rebel children would rise above him," Emler continued to lecture. "He had seven sons, and it was destined in his Patriarchal Prophecy that one would rise above him someday. He placed Mike and Luke Zodiac over his other children to keep them in line, knowing his two eldest sons would stay loyal to him. With these loyalists stood myself, Larkin Cancer, Aspen Virgo, Ames Pisces, and Arielle Gemini. Does anyone know what their father did to his children to try and keep on the throne?"

"He sent his children off to war with the hope they would die," I spoke up. I knew this story by heart. "He wanted the rebel alliance to be destroyed, but he only lit the spark that caused the poop to hit the fan and all crap to break loose."

"Ok, good analogy and you are correct." Emler continued. "Now a few rebels tried to step out of line and defy their father in hopes the rest of Malison would join the underground rebels. Does anyone know any acts?"

I decided to stay quiet for a while, Oberon was giving me a stink eye. I just zipped my lips and listened to my fellow classmates, even though I didn't give a crap what they think. I already knew all the answers.

"Vestry didn't go to war," Macy called out.

My best friend Jason raised his hand and said, "Azun published essays."

"Dustan sailed away!" Kason yelled.

"Jasper left the rebels to join the loyalists, ratting their plans out to Luke." Landon smiled at himself for knowing that.

"Nathaniel stole more power," Payton stated.

"All good answers," Emler stated. "Now. What were the consequences?" She looked at the kids who answered the first part for part two of their answers.

"Vestry was banishment to Earth," Macy answered.

"Azun died--no, he committed suicide," Jason corrected himself.

"Jasper was rewarded," Kason answered next.

"And... we don't talk about Seven," I stared at my teacher.

Nathaniel was a great example of a villainy historical figure, just not good for being a fatherly figure. After he illegally stole power from Vestry, he still went to war and unfairly won the game. He ruined any chance of peace and for that he was sent to Earth, banished forever. But that wasn't enough for my father. He defied physics and somehow broke out of Earth and came back to Malison. Where he proceeded to shoot Mike for no reason and took control of over half the city and got everyone to blindly follow him.

I can't even speak his name aloud, I can only call him the name he was given for becoming a monster. Seven. My father is the villain in my history books, you have no idea how that feels. I have to bear his name every day. I feel so ashamed to even exist.

I also I had a lot more question. I knew the story, but I felt like they didn't fill us in on the details of how and why. I felt like this was all fiction that they were teaching me. I don't know why, or if it was just me who felt this way, but Zodiac history is very weird and deeply confusing. At least these stories aren't boring like I thought history class would be.

"Enzo Zodiac," Oberon snapped at me. "Quiet down!"

I wasn't even talking, first off! But I decided to ignore it. I huffed, placing in some earphones as I turned to look at some books in another exhibit. Written on the pages was an ancient Malison language that I wish I knew, I wonder what secrets hide in these stories? Could these answer my questions?

I didn't want to pay attention to my teacher as she explained the Zodiac weapons and power jewels at the next exhibit. But looking back on it now... I wish I would have taken very good notes, and highlighted everything because you can't find information like this on the internet. Only a primary source from a real Zodiac can tell you exactly what those weapons do and why they are locked in the best vault in the universe.

I could see my reflection through the thick glass. I look nothing like my father, that makes me glad. I have black hair with white streaks woven through randomly. My eyes are pale blue and my skin is ivory. I can't tell you how relieved I am to know I don't look like Seven. It was said that he had blond hair and blue eyes, but no one has seen him in twelve years. We just see his army building, as we also build ours. We are both preparing for the battle of the century.

Jason sneezed a giant sneezing fest, he must be allergic to..... there wasn't anything in here he would be allergic to. We were in a new building with no air flow from the outside, everything was filtered.

"Sorry man." Jason wiped his noes.

"It's fine," I said, continuing to listen to rock and roll and stare through the glass at random things. "I wish they had an ancient Malison class. All my aunts and uncles speak the language and can write it. I wish I could, so I could understand this."

Jason wasn't listening, he was picking something out of his hair... it looked like bread... what the crap? My only friend was strange.

I could see Oberon staring at me in the glass' reflection. That dude seriously creeped me out.

"Dude, what is this crap in your hair?" I asked as I picked out some bread from his hair. "Is this a whole wheat roll from the lunch room?"

"Yeah," Jason said.

"Why do you have that in your hair!" I asked as I helped him pick it out, we were in the back of the tour group for our class. "We haven't even been to lunch yet, has this been in here since yesterday?"

"It was Macy, she threw one at me this morning," Jason groaned. I felt like groaning too. The blonde chick in the front of the group, with the pink shirt and peppy smile on her face, is a demon. At least I think she is, but nobody believes me. Worst of all, she hates me because I am the only one brave enough to stand up to a bully when I see one.

"She kept a roll from yesterday just to throw it at you?" I asked as I got the last of the crumbs out of his hair.

"No," Jason said. "She kept it so she could throw it at you, but I stopped it. Because I knew you would flip out and probably accidentally kill someone. So, you're welcome!"

"You are such an amazing friend." I smiled at him.

"Friends don't let friends kill people.... but dude." He gave me a serious look over his shoulder as he walked back to the group. "Let's be honest here, I'm your only friend."

I chuckled a bit and skipped the next song on my playlist. I continued to listen to my rock and roll as he walked behind the group.

"Enzo Zodiac!" Oberon snapped, his black hair fell across his shoulders and his eyebrows were like two caterpillars glaring at me from across the room. "Get that Net-pad put away before I take it! Mr. Zodiac!" Oberon walked over to me.

I couldn't really hear him over the music, he was more like background noise that I ignored as I looked at the scrolls again. On the scrolls there were drawings about the power jewels and other crap like that. But I didn't care to take a closer look and just glanced over the pictures.

"Enzo Zodiac!" Oberon snapped, I ignored him. I could see him walking over to me from the reflection in the glass. "Mr. Zodiac!" Oberon snapped and I tried to walk away, back to the group to ignore him and pretend like I was paying attention to this lecture.

I saw Jason watching me, worried about me getting in trouble, but obviously too chicken to stand up to the group.

"Enzo come here!" Oberon grabbed my arm. "I have heard much about you Nathaniel Enzo Zodiac."

"Wow... you are so dedicated for a tour guide who has never meet me," I snap and I try to jerk away from his grip on my wrist.

Oberon grabbed my wrist tighter. "Let's take this outside." He pulled me away from the group and around the corner and away from the class' view. I feel like I was being dragged like a sack of flour.

"Let go of me!" I shouted as I kicked to break his grasps on me. My earbuds fell from my ears, my Net-Pad shattered as it hit the ground.

I made a bold move, a foolish move. I grabbed onto Oberon's skin and dug my nails into his flesh till ruby blood seeped from the skin.

"Ahh!" Oberon screamed out in pain, not because of the cuts, but because I forgot about my dreaded curse of a gift... the power given to me by my father.

I looked down and see that my glove was gone. I was touching him with my hands... I was killing him.

"Enzo!" Jason ran in my direction with my glove in his hand, as Oberon fell to his knees at my feet. Jason gasped at the sight and called for the teacher.

I didn't know that Oberon removed my glove, and when I touch someone they lose their power if they have one, and if they don't... they die.

I gasped, covering my mouth. "I didn't mean to!" I tried to explain. "It was an accident, I swear!"

"No time to explain." Emler dialed an EMT and threw my glove at me. "You are going to report back to Luke.... after your detention."

Luke is my adoptive father as well as my uncle, he tells me stories of my real father and all the terrible things he did. It's worst for me, to know that I am the heir to such evil and I have to remember every detail every day of my life. This school isn't allowed to punish me anything past detention. But I know Luke will with another story, which is the worst punishment of all.

I couldn't believe this happened... again. I wish my life was just one big dream I could wake up from.

Jason handed me my black glove, which I quickly put back on before I could hurt anyone else.

Then the next thing that I could remember was being back in the all so familiar room where detention was. This was the start of my weird day... my day of getting-

"Expelled?!" I gasped as Emler told me the news.

"I'm sorry. I tried to talk the school out of it Enzo... but there is nothing I could do. You have been nothing but trouble since you got here six months ago, you have had three of these accidents and twenty-seven detentions, and that was your final straw," Emler said as she handed me the pink slip.

"But... it was Oberon! It wasn't my fault! He dragged me away and attacked me, this was clearly self-defense... You saw it all-"

"I didn't see anything," she said, her green eyes looking at mine. "This will be better. This wasn't the place for you, Luke will find you another school. And I think we both knew it was only a matter of time before-"

"Before I got expelled from this fancy bad boys school," I finished her sentence. "You think I'm just like Seven, that I am anything like my father, you are just like everyone else." I turned and left her in her office. I huffed and walked to the entrance of the school, a limo waited to take me home. How was I going to explain this one to Luke?

If you are anything like me, a precious Zodiac DNA holder, I would suggest dying because you are better off doing that than surviving this treacherous life with your unpredictable power. Everyone thinks I'm evil and I'm a spy sent from my father. I feel lower than dog food right now. I threw my school bag on the seat and put on my seatbelt as the driver took off from that school to take me home to the Zodiac mansion on the biggest hill.

Maybe future generations will learn from my mistakes, they will have to have boring lectures about me getting kicked out of every school in the galaxy because my touch kills.

I pulled out my phone and opened my messages, which were blowing up from all the kids at school, all making fun of me and how I got expelled and kicked out of the last school that would accept me. I sighed and threw my phone aside on the seat beside me. It's not like I had any real friends at that school, Jason was the only person who was nice to me, and that's because he didn't have any friends. Other people stole my number and texted their newly finished essay to me on how I was slowly turning into Seven, and how soon I would probably join him in evil. It bothered me a bit, but I made a mental note to grade their papers and give them all F's.

I didn't want to be the son of Seven... I never wanted my life to be like this.

This the sixth accident that has happened this year. This will be my one hundredth and fifth school I have gotten expelled from in my life.

Wow, so so sorry that was long. But at least t was funny!
What are your guy's thoughts on Enzo? Please tell me what you think!
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Please tag your favorite person here for good luck! (And for a chance to have a chapter dedicated to you ;)
I dedicate this chapter to: RunningTally  who has taken her time to edit all of my chapters for me, i couldn't be successful without you!

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