The hunters hunt me for no apparent reason

Percy's POV—

It's been so long. I never knew that five mortal years had passed, instead of five Tartarus months.

I breathed in the air, grateful for some oxygen that didn't smell like Tartarus' pits. Hehe, get it? No? Eh, whatever.

I found a stream and immediately drank it after purifying it. At least I didn't need to eat. I already had plenty of drakon meat stew in my magical sack. Although, I was craving for something else. Like blue cookies. I hiked through the woods, hoping to find my way somewhere.

"Halt!" I heard a voice, feminine by the sound of it. "Who are you, and what are your means of coming here?" Shoot. I didn't know that the Hunters were going to be here. Just my luck. Thanks a lot, Nemesis.

"Just passing through." I rasped, turning around slowly. Dam. My voice must've gotten hoarse from the poisonous air in Tartarus.

"Show yourself." I recognized Thalia and another young hunter and felt a pang of hurt. She didn't betray me, at least, I don't think so. "We must know if you are a friend or a foe."

"I'm...on neutral terms, you could say." I spun on my heel to walk back, but I felt the whistling of an arrow slice through the air. I deflected it with my sword, Sicarius, and scowled.

"It's not nice to shoot people who clearly don't want anything to do with you." I chided. Thalia faltered for a bit.

"You don't seem like a monster." She said carefully. "But we just want to make sure." My eyes flashed angrily.

"I am a monster, Thalia Grace. But you wouldn't understand. You would never understand." I shook my head as I vapor traveled up a tree a couple yards away before she could say anything else.

"H-how did he know my last name, milady?" Thalia murmured, so quietly that I had to strain my ears to catch it all.

"I don't know, Thalia." The other hunter said. "Only Annabeth, Luke, Jason, and Percy know your last name, and that man doesn't seem like any of them." Recognition stirred my memories, and I distinctly remembered Artemis. It was Lady Artemis. Artemis was here. Godsdammit.

"How did he teleport out? And what did he mean by a monster?" Thalia rubbed her temples in confusion.

"If he is a monster, we must hunt him down." Oh no you don't. Nemesis made sure that this cloak was untraceable. I shifted in my tree uncomfortably, not knowing that I made a branch snap.

Artemis froze. "Someone is listening." She hissed. I stiffened. Uh oh.

"Up there!" Thalia pointed at me. Artemis drew her bow in a blink of an eye and an arrow made of moonlight hurtled towards me. I leaped out of the tree, cursing under my breath.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to get the goddess and a very angry Thalia off my tail. I did the mistake of running into their camp. Stupid Percy.

I was surrounded.

3rd Person—

Percy cursed as dozens of hunters drew their bows in defense. He whipped out Sicarius, knowing that it could deflect arrows, but not quickly enough.

"Woah, guys, I don't want any trouble..." He slowly backed away but felt a sharp thing shock him in the back. Thalia's spear.

"Show yourself, monster." She snarled. At the sound of monster, every hunter tensed.

"Hmm...nah, I'll pass." He spun his sword casually, trying to think of a logical plan. "I told you, I don't want any trouble. Please get out of my way before you get hurt." Thalia scoffed.

"It's not like you're the most powerful monster in the earth. What did you do, escape Tartarus?"

"Yes." He swung his sword. "And I plan on making it stay that way." Thalia looked confused.

"What kind of a monster are you?" She asked incredulously. "An empousa?"

"I am offended." He said in a tone of mock hurt. "I'm obviously a male. Tell you what, I'll give you three questions. I'll tell you if you get it wrong." Thalia thought for a moment.

"A cyclops?" I shook my head.

"Honored that you think of me as tall, dear Thals." Percy let the hood slide up enough for her to see him smirk.

"A titan?"

"Nope. Nice try."

Thalia stomped her foot in frustration.

"Are you an enemy of the gods?" Artemis asked.

"You could say so." He murmured thoughtfully. "Now, three questions are up. See you." He let out a gasp as an arrow penetrated his cloak. First random thought:

Hey, I liked this cloak!

"Hey!" He protested as he secretly conjured an orb of water to heal him. He took the arrow out of his arm and the skin knitted itself back together. Everyone gaped, including Artemis.

"What? Have you not heard of a thing called first-aid?" He rolled his eyes. "Now, I best be going."

"Wait." Thalia grabbed his other arm. "You can't go yet. We need to turn you into the Olympians."

"Nope. Not going." He muttered hurriedly as he yanked his arm away from his cousin's grasp. He then felt his hood slide away from his face.

"Oh no you don't." He growled and pulled his hood back up before anyone could see him. The rest of the hunters advanced on him.

"Don't even think about it." He warned as Artemis tried to pull his hood down again. "I will hurt you, and I'm not afraid of hurting a goddess." Artemis looked surprised.

"Most people don't recognize me as this form, although you are hardly a person." She sniffed. "Reveal yourself, stranger."

"No thanks." Percy smirked again. "I'll pass. Now, I really do have to go." Artemis grabbed his arm all of a sudden, and they teleported to Olympus.

Time skip :P

Percy huffed. "That wasn't nice, Arty." He ducked just in time to miss Artemis' flying hand.

"Don't call me that." She scolded. "I have the power to incinerate you with just a thought, but my father would like to see what you are and what you're doing here." He rolled his eyes.

"I'd love to see him too, ya know." He said sarcastically. "Whoopee, maybe we'll catch up just like old times." He was put in chains by some nymphs and rolled his eyes. As if they would keep him there.

Good ol' uncle, Percy thought bitterly. You'll get what you deserve, very, very, soon.

Artemis looked at him, confusion clouding her eyes. She raised her enchanted bow, and her symbol blazed in the middle of the throne room. A few seconds later, Zeus arrived, and the other Olympians followed with Hades flashing in with Hestia.

"What is this?" Zeus boomed. "Why have you called a meeting, my daughter?" Artemis nodded.

"Father, I have brought a monster for us to interrogate. Perhaps he could tell us about the new prophecy."

Percy's head snapped up. New prophecy? Oh well. He'd better not be in it, though.

"Ah, so he does know about the prophecy." Artemis said, noticing Percy.

"Pull down his hood." Zeus ordered. The nymphs bowed and reached up to pull back the black hood. Percy growled.

"Nope, not happening." He said, ducking out of the way. "I told you; I don't want any trouble."

"Then why don't you take off your hood?" Athena countered. "It seems awfully suspicious of you, you know." Percy snorted.

"Has it ever occurred to you that I might have a personal life?" He retorted. "Personal space bubble, people."

"He sounds like a demigod." Dionysus noted. Percy glared at him.

"But he said that he is a monster!" Artemis said.

"Has it ever occurred to you that he could be lying?" Poseidon asked angrily. Percy stared at the sea god. He was in the same state as he was when he was fighting Typhoon. Old. Well, he'll be getting what he deserved soon.

"Has it occurred to you that I might not be lying because I said I didn't want any trouble?" Percy spoke up, staring Apollo down angrily. Apollo gulped. Even if he couldn't see the piercing gaze of the stranger, he could tell that it was downright murderous.

"Hey, I can't tell if you're lying or not. You must have an enchantment or something." Apollo muttered, his hands up as if in surrender. Percy gave a silent thanks to Nemesis.

"All monsters must be sent to Tartarus!" Zeus roared.

"What about Bob and Damesan?" Percy shouted back. "They're monsters, and yet, they're good! They are of Titan and Giant blood, and they're good! Pegasi are considered monsters, yet they're good! Heck, even Argus is considered a monster and him and I had the best friendship I could have! What about others? Mrs. O'Leary, The Hundred-Handed One Briares, cyclopes in Poseidon's castle, Cerberus, Tempest, Arion, hippocampi, and tons others! They're all monsters, and you haven't sent them into Tartarus? What makes you think you should send me there again?" Percy couldn't help but rant.

Zeus was silent.

"You know Bob and Damasen? And Mrs. O'Leary and Cerberus?" Hades asked. Percy nodded, silent.

"I've seen Percy Jackson interact with Mrs. O'Leary. I have met Bob and Damesan in Tartarus. Isn't that obvious?" Percy asked irritably.

"You know Perseus?" Hestia asked quietly.

"Yes." Percy gritted his teeth. "But he's dead. Perished in Tartarus, as I saw him. He left this." He uncapped Riptide and let her shine in all her glory. Everyone gasped, and a single tear slid down Poseidon's face.

In your face, Poseidon. Percy thought triumphantly. Maybe his 'death' was enough torture...

No. He would make them pay. Much, much, more.

"Welp, there goes our hope to fulfill the prophecy." Ares muttered. Hera elbowed him.

"What is the prophecy anyway?" Percy asked.

Apollo recited it.

"When the Titans rise from their ancient prison

And challenge the Olympians for their dominion

The fate of the world will hang in the balance

And only a hero can restore the silence

The hero will be born of the sea

And wield a weapon that can tear the unseen

The chains that bind the mighty Kronos

And free the earth from his dark shadows

The hero will face many trials and dangers

And find allies among foes and strangers

The hero will learn the secrets of the past

And the prophecy that was long forecast

The hero will confront the Titan lord

And strike him down with the divine sword

The hero will end the war of the gods

And bring peace and harmony to all odds."

The peace and harmony would certainly not last long, Percy thought bitterly. And it sounds way too much like the first Great Prophecy.

"So... the Titans are rising? Again?" He kicked the floor. "Phooey."

"You know about the Great Titan War?" Hera asked. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Everyone knows about it. It's called Great for a reason." He sighed, exasperated. Did these gods think he was stupid? "So, the son of the Sea, huh? Well, he died, so unless Poseidon here sired any more children, you guys are done for."

"I didn't." Poseidon shook his head. "I swore on the Styx, and I don't want anyone to go through what my son went through."

"So why did you banish him to Tartarus?" Percy blurted out.

"I didn't know at the time." Poseidon seemed to age 100 years. "I was so ignorant..." He buried his face in his hands, and Percy felt no sympathy at all.

"Well, sounds like a 'you' problem. Not a 'me' problem. Back to the prophecy." He turned to Apollo. "Exactly when did this happen?"

"Rachel, my Oracle for Camp Half-Blood, recited the prophecy 5 years ago, right after Percy was banished to Tartarus. In fact, I think it was the second after he fell." Apollo ran a hand through his hair, and it was obvious that he missed Percy. As much as Percy wanted to give him a bro-hug, he held back. Now was not the time.

"Alright, so, it could happen in a few thousand years. I've seen the Titans, and they're not even close to reforming. Now, if you don't mind, I think I'll be going now."

"Oh, no you don't." Zeus argued. "You still have to show us who you are."

"I thought we were already through with this." Percy groaned, clenching his fists. "If you must know, then I am a sworn enemy of a certain someone I would love to kill."

"Who?" Athena asked.

"None of your beeswax, Athena." Percy muttered angrily. "Keep your big brain out of it. And Zeus, keep your airhead out of it." Zeus looked furious.

"What did you call m—"

Hestia broke him off.

"What should we call you?" She asked kindly. Percy felt a sliver of gratefulness for the goddess.

"You can call me Agnostos." He said curtly. "Now, can I go? Please? You've kept me here for like an hour." Zeus furrowed his brow.

"I think we should send him to Camp Half-Blood." Hephaestus said. Hermes nodded.

"Are you two stupid? He could destroy the camp!" Athena shouted.

"I can and I would." Percy nodded. "My enemy resides in the camp, and I would probably murder her."

"Her?" Aphrodite asked. "Ooh, a lover's quarrel!"

"Don't even think about it, Aphrodite." Percy spat, remembering all those emotional rollercoasters he had with Annab—her.

"We could send him to Hades' dungeons." Zeus suggested. Percy was surprised. Drama Queen? Had a decently good idea? Wow, things must've changed since he left. Either that or something was possessing Zeus.

"I could do that." Hades nodded.

"I object." Percy said angrily. "At least let me spend some time with Cerberus instead of the dungeons." Hades looked at Percy kindly.

"Of course." He said pleasantly. "Cerberus would love the company." Zeus fumed, gripping the sides of his throne as lightning crackled in the distance.

"He's a prisoner!" The skies rumbled. "He belongs in the prisons!" Percy facepalmed. Or, tried to. The chains didn't let him. He settled for an eyeroll.

"Drama Queen." He said under his breath. "So, I'm your prisoner now?" He raised an eyebrow. "Alright. This'll be entertaining."

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