The heart of a monster is something you wouldn't want to see
Percy POV—
Wow, that was close. I nearly gave myself away. Good thing I actually thought it through, this time, using the Mist. Thanks, Hecate.
I muttered random stuff to myself as I went to beach, like I always used to when I needed to think. I slid down the small cliff and plopped down onto the sand, gazing down at the water.
"Well, you're a new one." I heard a voice. A guy in jogger clothes grinned mischievously.
"Hello, Hermes." I said politely. The god paled.
"A-Agnostos!" He backed away.
"No need for formalities." I waved my hand, smirking underneath my hood. "What's up?" Hermes sighed.
"I need to ask you something. About—about Percy." My mood instantly darkened.
"What about him?" I asked slowly.
"Well, I need to ask. Is Percy still alive? I know you said he died in Tartarus, but I just want to know." I saw a bead of sweat climb down his forehead.
"Like I said, Percy Jackson is dead." I said bitterly. I was Agnostos now, unsure about my future or my true self. Percy was definitely dead. No more. "There will be no savior of Olympus to save you now."
"Th-thank you, Agnostos." Hermes grimaced as he pulled out his snake-phone.
Hello, Agnostos!
"Hello, Martha. Hello, George, and no, I don't have a rat on me."
Aw, man! George whined.
George! It's rude! Martha chided him.
But rats are delicious. George protested.
Hermes rolled his eyes. "Hush, or I'll put you both on vibrate." The two snakes squirmed around as he waved at me nervously and flashed away. I sighed. This was getting old. I didn't want to reveal my identity, but some people still believed in me. I turned around and nearly rammed into somebody.
"Grover!" I started to grin but stopped. He didn't know who I was.
"A-Agnostos!" Grover hastily tried to get up and I held out a hand. He yelped and squirmed away from me. I frowned.
"It's fine, Grover. You ok?" I cocked my head at him, concerned that he actually hurt himself. After all, my pain tolerance was quite high.
"You don't smell like a monster." He bleated and immediately covered his mouth with a hand. Oh gods. I forgot satyrs could smell monsters.
"Uh, my—this cloak masks my scent." I stammered, slapping myself mentally for my stupidity. Grover's pupils narrowed like they did when he was afraid.
"Do I know you?" He wondered.
"Um, probably not." I scratched at my neck nervously. "So, uh, what brings you here?"
"Why are you here in the first place?" He countered.
"The beach helps me relax." I said immediately. "The waves look calm, but last time I was here, the water wasn't grey like that." I pointed to the sea, which was a dull gray instead of vibrant aquamarine.
"Well, ever since Percy was exiled into Tartarus, Poseidon grieved for him, because he didn't believe that he survived." Grover explained, nervously chewing a lone pinochle card. Bitter thoughts ran through my mind. Poseidon. He doesn't deserve the title as my father. He abandoned me and now he's grieving for me?! Psh.
The conch horn blew, signifying that it was time for dinner. Relieved to escape the suffocating silence, I waved to Grover and ran to the dinner pavilion.
"Where were you?" Nico whisper-shouted at me. "The campers are suspecting that you're working with the Titans!" I grimaced.
"Sorry. I went for a quick walk on the beach and ran into Hermes and Grover." I grabbed a plate of Greek-style pizza and a goblet of coke, sadly, not blue. It would raise too many questions.
"Like all those years ago." Nico murmured softly. I ignored the comment. It gave me too many memories.
"Campers!" Chiron stamped his hooves to get everyone's attention. "We have a new guest among us today. Zeus has ordered him to assist in the upcoming war—"
"He's a monster!" An oh-so familiar voice yelled. Max. I scowled. Sure, I was a monster for all that blood-thirst, but at least I cared.
His little comment stirred up chaos in the camp, some of them yelling defense, but most of them were agreeing with the little bitch son of Athena. no offense if you're a son of Athena or smth
"Send him back to Tartarus!" One yelled.
"Let the Hunters hunt him down!" Another cheered.
"Silence!" Chiron roared. The campers fell quiet. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. We will welcome Agnostos warmly, and if you have a problem with that, well, Agnostos will deal with that himself." Weary looks were cast at me as I casually chewed my pizza.
"There will also be new training protocols because of the upcoming war. We will be doing battle strategies, and all young campers will have extra training with Agnostos." Gasps of outrage and shock rippled through the pavilion.
"Alright." I shrugged. "I don't want to be a burden here, so why not?"
"That guy can't even spar!" Max scoffed.
"They how come I beat you so easily, Smith?" I replied sassily. He turned red.
"You were cheating!" He accused. Dude. I can't take the stupidity of this person, even though I am The Seaweed Brain.
"He beat you fair and square, Max, so STFU!" Nico hissed. People around him who heard laughed as Max blushed a whole new shade of red. Even I smiled a bit.
"Now, now, campers, calm down." Chiron frowned, something he rarely does. "Let us finish this meal in peace, so we can thank the gods for our blessings."
"More like curse." I muttered as I finished my meal and excused myself. Time to pay an old friend a visit.
dun dun DUN
heh :)
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