Oh, I don't do threats. I do promises.

Yes, this will be a slight Kane crossover!! also there will be some spoiler for the crossover from Uncle Rick's own crossover from his books The Son of Sobek and the other two i forgot the name of :P

also note that it's been a while since i read the Kane Chronicles so it might not be accurate


The Brooklyn House—

"He's bleeding out!" Sadie gasped. Jaz suddenly appeared in the doorway of the 1st floor.

"Who's bleeding out—oh my goodness." She crouched down besides the mysterious person who just randomly spawned in from nowhere. "Carter, get some more healing potions and bandages from the infirmary. Sadie, can you get a bowl of water?"

"But what if—"

"NOW!" Carter flinched. It wasn't like Jaz to be this harsh, but then again, she was a healer who obviously cared about anyone that was hurt. Unless she was yeeting her enemies across the battlefield with magic, that is.

"This is bad. Very, very bad." She murmured, taking the dagger from his stomach and putting pressure on it to make it stop bleeding.

"What's going on?" Walt strolled into the room but froze when he saw the body lying on the floor. "Holy shit."

"I've got the water!" Sadie rushed in with a bucket.

"Good." She took it and ripped off a piece of cloth and soaked it in the water, carefully cleaning it, making sure the wound didn't bleed out.

Then the most bizarre thing happened.


Jaz shrieked as the stranger opened his eyes. She eyed the wound nervously and found it was already knitting itself together. She gaped.

"I've got the—WHAT THE—?!" Carter yelped as the young man sat up, looking dazed and pained.

"What am I doing here?" He rubbed his eyes as if he was waking up in the morning. His face paled as he saw the horror on their faces. "Oh gods."

*cue awkward silence*

"Who—who are you?" Jaz was the first to shake out of her stupor. The dude just gave her a hard, but not hostile stare with his multicolored eyes. One green, one black. It looked insane. Or heterochronic. Either way, it was still unnerving.

"Names have power." He said simply, his jaw stiffening. Reference :D

"Wait a second..." Carter squinted at his face and gasped. "You—you're Percy Jackson?!" Percy sighed.

"I hate being infamous." He muttered. "Hello, Carter Kane. Haven't seen you in a while, huh?" Carter nodded grimly. A flicker of recognition lit up on Sadie's face.

"Ohhhh, I remember you." She whispered. "You were with Annabeth." His face immediately darkened, as if having a flashback.

"Percy Jackson...?" Walt repeated, looking bewildered. "Goodness. I can't believe it—the gods have been speaking of you." Percy glared at Sadie's boyfriend.

"Of course they have, they always do." He rolled his eyes. "Who are you?"

"Anubis, god of death and funerals. Walt Stone here is my host."

"Your host?!" Percy looked horrified. "You're fucking possessing the poor dude?! And what happened to Thanatos?" Walt sighed.

"We're Egyptian." He explained. "Different gods. You're in Brooklyn, not Manhattan." Percy had an 'aha' moment.

"Ohhhh, so that's why—SHIT—" He suddenly leapt up. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm not supposed to be here." Jaz stopped him.

"I know our gods mustn't cross, but you still need to rest." She sat him back down and handed him a healing potion. Percy snorted.

"You sound like Will." He sighed, unscrewing the lid and downing the potion in a couple gulps. "I need to leave. There's something I have to do." Jaz reached out once more, but Anubis interfered.

"The other gods and magicians shouldn't know about this." He said, looking her dead in the eye. "It would be a disaster."

"Yes, it would, considering the fact that the Greeks and Romans are at war with Tartarus." Percy tossed the bottle back to Jaz. "Thanks for the help, and I'm sorry I can't be here longer."

"Who did that to you, Percy?" Carter asked quietly. Percy clenched his fists.

"A bitch." The air seemed to darken. "Don't go near Manhattan. There's some trouble there and monsters everywhere that you wouldn't want to get into. Oh, and sorry for the mess." He pointed to the pool of blood he had created on the floor like it was a small juice spill.

"You need to go, don't you?" Anubis asked. Percy nodded. "Go."

He gave a small smile and saluted before disappearing, jump-scaring everyone in the room.

"What was that?" Jaz stared at the place where he had dissipated. Walt shook his head.

"You wouldn't want to know."

At Olympus—

The throne room was hectic, tension in the atmosphere as the gods discussed something among themselves. Percy appeared in the middle of it, looking unamused and tapping his foot impatiently.

(try and guess which god is speaking)

"The armies of Tartarus are rising—"



"I'm booooooooored—"

"I'm awesome."

"Dionysus, Demeter, cut it out!"

"Stop asking me for a rat—!"

"These idiots."


"WELL, I'M NOT KING KELP—" (from AthenasGirl2028 :D)

"...what on earth is going on here?"

"You'll get used to it. Where's my hammer?"

Percy dragged a hand down his face as he heard the supposedly 'mature' gods bicker across the room, not even noticing he was there. His ADHD couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you done?" He called out. The room fell silent.

Then it erupted into pure chaos.


"Peter Johnson's back?!"


"Not that spawn of the sea scum, I thought he was dead."

"Shut your trap, Know-It-All!"


Silence. He smirked as most of the gods went golden in the face.

"What are you doing here?" Athena spoke up. "Hades said that you were dead!" Percy sent a knowing glance to the god in the corner.

"Well, news flash: I'm not." He held out his hands as if presenting something. "Miss me?"

"Just barely." Dionysus muttered. "Perry Johansson."

"Why are you here?" Zeus demanded. Percy strolled closer towards the thrones.

"Oh, nothing much." He said vaguely. "I just want to know WHY THE FUCK ATHENA'S DAUGHTER STABBED ME IN THE FUCKING GUT." Athena gasped.

"My daughter did what?!"

Percy glared at her. "Don't pretend that you don't know." He spat. "Your daughter is a bitch. Plain and simple."

"You can't be talking, traitor." Zeus fumed, gripping his Master Bolt in his hand. Percy narrowed his eyes at him, showing no other emotion.

"Traitor?" He asked quietly, his voice deadly calm. "What do you mean by traitor?"

"You led Kronos' army that killed countless demigods in battle." Athena spat. "That's proof enough."

"Do you even hear yourself? 'yOu lEd kRoNoS' aRmY!'" He mocked. "You killed far more demigods than I did, leaving the fate of the world in a mere 12-year-old! You keep using the half-bloods as your pawns. I bet if I wasn't there to kill Kronos, you all would be dead." He mimed slitting his throat, a sickly sweet smile plastered on his face.

"At least we wouldn't betray someone's trust!" Poseidon roared. The temperature seemed to drop 10 degrees as Percy's face fell.

"Oh really, now?" He said softly. "You wouldn't betray anyone's trust, huh? Pathetic." Athena glared at Poseidon for his poor choice of words. "It's over. I'm not helping any of you with this. You're all alone. And when Tartarus rules over the earth, you would be imprisoned in your own bodies, being manipulated by the Pit himself, and there's nothing you can do about it." He started to walk away, but Athena shrank down into a human's size and grabbed his arm.

"I know who killed my son, Max." She growled. Percy blinked, looking surprised.

"Well, that's an abrupt change of subject, but who did it?" He tilted his head curiously.

"You." She curled her lip in disgust. His mouth twitched into an insanely gleeful grin, as if the very idea of murder was entertaining for him.

"Took you a while." He sneered. "Of course I killed him. What did you expect?" He yanked free from her grip and laughed.

"You won't live through the war, Perseus." She vowed, clearly upset. He stared at her amusedly, crossing his arms.

"Oh, I guarantee you, I will." He dropped his taunting demeanor and scowled at her. "But you won't." Athena glowered at him.

"Is that a threat?" She asked, fury radiating from her.

"I don't do threats." He raised an eyebrow. "I do promises. Good luck winning the war without the Savior of Olympus, bitches."

ahhhh tank you so much for 600+ votes

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