Hello again
Sorry for not uploading for the past week, I've been busy with school and other stuff.
I'm surprised that I even made a chapter 4. But since people are reading this I'll try to continue it.
I know that the last few chapters haven't really been about demon slayer and I thank everyone for being so patient. This chapter is where the demon-slaying(training) comes in so just hang on a little longer. I'm not good a writing fight scenes or any scenes for that matter so I'm sorry if they seem a little bland or weird.
It had been a few weeks since she had been with Urokodaki and Tanjiro, and the day for her to begin final selection was near. Soon she would officially become a slayer. Normally for others, it took months or even years but due to her skills (and powers) she could have finished her training in a week, or even a few days she decided against that as it would be too sudden and suspicious to others and so she extended her training time. Though this did arise a few questions from her mentor she got away with it without revealing any information.
Tanjiro wasn't sure when he was to leave but was almost completely sure that he wouldn't be able to see her complete the selection, a circumstance of leaving that he didn't like. He had only just gotten back from the final selection and he wanted to spend a bit more time training with her even though he was exhausted.
Though they only trained together for a week or so both had gotten along pretty well. Well if you define getting along as Tanjiro following Ezra around and trying his best to start conversations with her. Most of the time the other slayer would brush off his advances of friendship, but whenever she did talk to him he made sure to drag out the conversation for as long as he could. He was very interested in her since she was distant, and he really liked her sharp demon-like teeth as well, he found them very cool.
She was smart and interesting, very mysterious but interesting. Neither he nor Urokodaki knew much about her. All he knew was that her first name was Ezra and she had somehow lost her family. The mono-haired had claimed that she couldn't remember her last name and for the topic of her family neither he nor Urokodaki touched it as they thought it would be a touchy subject though the other didn't seem to care.
One thing that really interested him about her was her scent. She smelt different, she didn't smell human, but she didn't smell like a demon either. Her scent also seemed to change at times, sometimes when he was frustrated from training he would smell the calming scent of lavender and mist coming from her, it reminded him of a cool summer night with his family which would help him calm down and focus better on his tasks. At other times he would smell other calming scents like vanilla, jasmine, and others, it was so weird, it seemed as if her scent was meant to calm others down... or was he just imagining it? No, he couldn't have been Urokodaki had told him he had smelt it as well. Did she carry flowers on her? She didn't seem like the type to do so, but he was no one to assume what she liked.
But even though he could smell many scents on her he couldn't smell any emotion in her. He smelt no sadness, no happiness, no anger, no determination, nothing. He didn't understand. Ezra didn't seem emotionless or empty. She was very talkative in conversations if she wanted to be and asked questions frequently. Were they perhaps covered by the scents of the flowers? Maybe he was just overthinking it just as he was overthinking her scent.
But the thing that confused him the most was the fact that just like her scent, her warmth also changed. It was a very complicated aspect of her that even she . On an extremely hot day, her body would feel cool to the touch while on a cold day, she would be very warm even hot when touched. He asked her about it and she replied that she didn't know anything about it and that she had that warm regulation power since birth. She never seemed to get cold or hot either. She could move freely in the cold without any extra layers on which helped her move swiftly throughout any weather.
"Ezra, aren't you tired?" He asked as watched her play with his sister. He had finished speaking with Urokodaki to find her finishing up her training which involved very complicated movements. Even though the routine seemed like a complicated one she got through it swiftly and without breaking a sweat. She had always seemed like the type to do things with precision and grace while making it look so easy.
"No." She responded as she handed him a bottle of water. "But you seem to be."
"Thanks." He replied as she received it happily. He quickly gulped down the refreshing liquid to quench his parched throat. He was still very tired from his journey back.
He spent a few minutes watching the mono-haired as she played with his sisters hair. She was so strong, always on guard, yet you'd never guess by her demeanor.
"How are you so strong?" He asked her once his breathing had steadied.
"Hard work and strategy." She responded simply as she continued to meddle with the now tiny demons hair.
"Wow, you must have trained really hard, I've been training for 2 years to break that rock but you did it in a few weeks." He said supporting his head with one of his hands.
The other stopped and looked at him carefully. "Don't focus on my success." She said startling him a bit. "Would you like for me to give you a tip?" she asked, the burgundy nodded quickly.
"If you really wish to really improve you have to focus not only on yourself but your opponents as well."
"How do I do that?" He asked beginning to listen intently.
"Though your skills are of a decent level you depend too much on the thread you see, if an opponent is able to avoid it then you're vulnerable to attack until you recover your stance which takes too long. Try taking a different approach. Instead of attacking immediately observe them. Study their moves, learn how they use them and then you attack. That way you're more prepared and less likely to be caught off guard."
"You always give the best advice. Thanks, Ezra" he gushed.
This boy.... humans were so weird. How they could remain so happy even when things were so terrible for them she still couldn't understand. She put a hand on his head and ruffled his hair.
He was surprised, she had never done this before, her hand felt cool, way too cold to be that of a human being, but he didn't mind. He felt extremely exhausted and the lower temperature helped a lot.
"Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Yes." She replied as she removed her hand. "You just....." memories of the silhouette of a boy flashed throughout her mind. "... remind me of someone." She finished.
"Eh? Are you regaining your memories?" He asked.
"Perhaps." She lied.
"Mmh mmm." Came from the muzzled demon that sat on her lap.
"I'm alright Nezuko." She reassured her. Looking up at the sky she saw that it was getting very dark. The evening was turning to night and soon it would be time to head to bed.
"Since you're leaving tomorrow we may not be able to see each other again since I'm not sure when I'll be receiving my first mission, do you have anything you want to do?" He asked picking up his katana from where it lay on the ground beside him.
Ezra gently lifted Nezuko and placed her on the ground beside her.
"I'm sure that we'll meet again, but I accept your proposal. Nezuko is there anything you want to do?" she asked.
"Mmh mmh," she said as she pointed at some flowers.
"I guess we're making flower crowns." the mono-haired said as she turned back to the burgundy-tipped boy. "Are you alright with that?"
"Of course," he replied giving her a soft smile.
The three spent the next 30 minutes creating flower crowns for the others until it was time for them to retire. Tanjiro was to be up early, his katana was to be given to him the next day.
As Ezra lay on her futon she wondered how the series would change due to the fact she wasn't meant to be there. How were Kai and Vasmaris doing, and how were they doing to get back? She had a mission to complete, she needed to return as soon as possible.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
1. Originally I was gonna make Ezra meet Tanjiro and the others on the Mugen train but I decided against it.
2. So~ on the topic of Rengoku is he gonna live? I can't decide whether he should live or die.
3. The reason Ezra doesn't trust people isn't because she was transported to Demon Slayer, she's had trust issues for a really long time. She trusts nobody and nothing and always makes a plan B, C, D even E just in case plan A doesn't work.
4. She doesn't trust Vasmaris either she only pretends to. The only person she actually kind of trusts is Kai, but she still doesn't trust him fully.
5. I didn't get to really finish this chapter but I was really unmotivated and wanted to update something. 😓
Finally, I finished this chapter, sorry for the long wait, hopefully, it won't take a week to get the next one out.
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