If you're uninterested in learning a bit about this AU you can skip this chapter. This part has nothing to do with Demon Slayer, it's just what leads up to it.
I'm not very good at writing fighting scenes, or any scenes for that matter please excuse me if there are any mistakes.
Two dual-colored eyes flew open as a disturbance was felt in the air. Raising her head from the pillow it had once rested on she turned to a redheaded girl who was painting a portrait in the second living room beside the one she was in, the owner of the eyes gave a look that got the message that there was trouble around across to the other.
"A Dai?" the redhead asked, a smile beginning to form on her face, she placed the art supplies she had been holding on a table and proceeded to go wash her hands in the sink, located in the kitchen. The monochrome-haired girl replied with a soft 'hn' in response before sitting up on the couch.
"It is 30 miles westward. Vasmaris, I'll go ahead, you don't have to come since it seems to be an inferior one," she spoke out, standing as the redhead finished washing her hands and stepped into the living room from the hallway.
"There's no way I'm missing this! It could give me a chance to test out the invention Crimnix made for me," Vasmaris exclaimed happily, wiping the water from her hands onto her apron before running into the basement to get her equipment. The mono-haired watched the redhead race down the stairs before walking to the front door.
"How much longer until the two of you become friends already?" she heard a male voice ask. She knew the voice was in her head. It was one that she knew well, almost too well.
"Kai... I've already notified you on that topic, have I not?" She answered back as she reached her destination.
"Ugh," the voice groaned. Reaching forward she cast her hands in a position that seemed as if she was reaching out for something. Black smoke-like shadows oozed out of her fingertips. The shadows stuck together and grew larger as they hit the ground, taking on a human shape before materializing, adding color to its skin, hair, and clothes. "You're so boring." The noirette boy formed from the smoke grumbled.
"You say that every day, I've told you not to speak to me when we are combined." She spoke, treading forward and leaving him behind. She picked up the scent of Dai's hatred, it was bitter, meaning they had found their next target. It was very strange though.
Normally Dai wouldn't risk the presence of their hatred reaching the senses of another of their kind. Just as Dai feeds off the emotions of humans they can steal the emotion that their fellow Dai have consumed, though it barely happens since Dai need to get to a certain amount of hatred to have their strength stolen.
Though it may not have been as strange as she thought. Their creator had informed them all telepathically that the Earth was to be destroyed again. This time for good, this meant that there would be fewer fights between Dai as they were trying to become stronger before the time came.
"It's not my fault. I have no other way to communicate with you. And it's not like I wouldn't love to be away from you, you know that I have to go back in there one week every month." he muttered. "Your mind is so boring though you barely think about anything other than killing Dai and completing your mission." he groaned rushing to catch up.
Remaining silent she continued walking, increasing her speed a bit to lose him.
"W-wait Ezra, I didn't mean it." He said as he saw how far the girl had gone. "Ezra! Please slow down. You know I'm too drained to catch up with you." He groaned. She slowed her pace, waiting for him to catch up."
"Finally." He panted as he reached her side. "Dang it, don't walk so fast. I haven't stepped foot on the ground in a week and I'm totally drained of all my energy." He panted. "Why didn't you let me out before? I would have probably regained some energy by now if you had."
"Simple, I forgot you existed. I was getting used to the peace and quiet, well as quiet as I could get it while Vasmaris was around. Besides I didn't want to see your ugly face."
"U-ugly!? You're the one who always has that unconcerned nonchalant look on your face! You never smile! Your face barely even moves." He voiced, obviously offended.
"It's not my choice. You know as well as I that I don't possess the ability to feel emotions, hence there is no reason for me to show any facial expression. There's no point in pretending to have something you obviously don't," she responded as they neared a large building.
"The library? This boring old place? What type of Dai would come here?" Kai questioned.
"Any. As long as there are humans a Dai will go anywhere, especially since the Earth is to be destroyed soon, but you should already know that by now." They entered the large doors that led to the main portion of the building.
"But, Ezra can't we do something about the Earth? I don't think I want to destroy it. I mean I get that humans can be scumbags, but a few of them are actually pretty nice. You know like Vas, Crim, and Trix."
He was referring to Vasmaris, Crimnix, and Trixarus. Ezra couldn't understand why they called each other those nicknames though it was most likely just to shorten the time spent saying them, she was even given the name Eza even though her name was only four letters long.
"Humans are to die anyway. Destroying the planet just speeds up the process."
"But shouldn't they still get the chance to live?"
"Before trying to save the human race try focusing on the task at hand." She replied finally shutting him up. Both looked around, accessing the danger at hand.
"It's not attacking openly. Perhaps they have a certain target." She speculated.
"You think it's one of the Dai with a grudge against humans. Or maybe they just have a grudge against one person?" Kai inquired.
"If that was the case then it would mean it is a recently turned Dai. I can sense it but it's hard to locate the exact location with all of these people here. Take the side to the left I'll take the right. If you notice their aura contact me telepathically. I'll do the same if I sense anything."
"Didn't you say not to talk to you like that though?" He asked teasingly.
"I remember my exact words being 'I've told you not to speak to me when we are combined' and in this case that doesn't apply as we parent combined at the moment. Weren't you the one that wanted me to help save humans because you're just wasting time here? If we continue to water time like this by the time we find them, they'll be either dead or insane."
Flinching from the thought of seeing another human being going crazy because of a Dai he nodded. It was always an unpleasant sight, and for some reason, it was revolting to see. Even the thought of it angered him. The two separated, Ezra, taking the right wing while Kai took the left one.
Though the library was kind of crowded there weren't nearly enough people to get the power each Dai desired which meant they were definitely looking for a specific human. If they had wanted to feed they would have gone to a more crowded place. But the Dai could have just wanted to get as much power as it could, whether it was a lot at a time or not. Scouting the area was kind of difficult for both due to the number of people present and the fact that Kai was still very weak.
I doubt they'd stay in such a crowded and bright area, they'd want to scare the victim and make them feel hopeless. Ezra thought as she made her way around the less popular and clear areas of the library. She stopped in front of a door. It led to a security office, or at least that's what the sign above the door said. She could sense two auras inside the room, one a mild aura which was obviously a Dai as it was different from a human aura, and a faint weak one which she recognized as a human. The fact that their aura was weak meant they were close to going insane.
Kai, I found it. Left-wing security office, she said telepathically.
On my way, he responded
Opening the door she was met with darkness. If not for the light that now poured in from the open door it would have been pitch-black. Effortlessly she dodged as a claw-shaped slash of energy flashed past her. As it crashed into the shelves behind her books and pieces of the shelves flew everywhere.
"Hmm, you avoided it? It doesn't matter anyway. Leave while you still can, this human is mine." said an elegant and seductive voice from the darkness.
As her eyes adjusted to their night vision mode she saw a Dai in form of a beautiful woman, she wore elegant clothing and had tattoo-looking marks on her neck and legs which were all the same word in different fonts, next to her on the floor was a terrified young man who looked to be going insane.
I'm guessing she lured him here with her looks. Humans can be so easily deceived sometimes. She thought as another attack was aimed at her. She easily dodged that one as well. "You must be a new one, not as experienced as the others. Your attacks are extremely slow as well." The Dai seemed to get angry at this and started to unleash one attack after the other, destroying everything around her as she did so. She continued swiping at the mono-haired girl who effortlessly avoided each attack. Though with every attack the condition of the man on the floor seemed to get even worse.
She's still feeding off of him, Ezra thought as she finally noticed. She felt Kai's presence as he arrived and just stood outside the door watching the scene in amusement. He noticed the man curled up on the floor and his smile fell, he rushed towards him, shielding him from the attacks of the Dai attacking Ezra, or at least trying to attack her. He took him out of the room, far enough away from the Dai that he was sure he had severed her connection to him and that she couldn't feed off his emotions anymore. After doing this he called an ambulance for the man, leaving him outside before going to watch Ezra's fight. To his delight, Ezra was still just dodging attacks. She was also stealing Energy from the Dai, not as if she would have noticed as she was too angry.
"You do know your energy's depleting," he mused at the now enraged Dai from outside, only managing to make her even more angry.
As the fight raged on both parties forgot about a certain redhead.
Kai, Eza where are you? Both heard through telethapy.
Vasmaris? How come you aren't here yet? Ezra and I are in the library
Eh, but I'm there too. I'm on the second floor. Wait I hear something. Are you guys dow- AAAHH
The fight was interrupted when Vasmaris landed on top of the Dai. Just as all normal Dai she phased through her and all the rubble that fell with her. "Hahaha, did you really think that could stop m-" she was hit with a giant hammer and a bag that fell through the hole in the ceiling, ultimately knocking her out.
"He-H-Hey g-guys," Vasmaris smiled sheepishly before falling onto the floor limp.
"She fainted," Kai confirmed as he kicked the unconscious half-human girl.
"They're both unconscious," she responded, looking across the room to see both unconscious bodies. One had fainted out of fear, or maybe excitement, and one from the impact of a hammer. "I'll turn her back before she wakes up."
Kai dragged her out from under the rubble of the collapsed ceiling and sat her up against a wall. "Wait! W-won't it hurt her?" He asked.
"She's been transformed recently. It shouldn't hurt her.... at least not so much that she dies."Placing her hand on the torso of the unconscious Dai, Ezra channeled some energy into her arm. 'Difuthise', she whispered.
A glistening light shone from her hand, starting from her shoulder and traveling down her arm, just as she was about to touch the body it dissipated, turning into smoke and vanishing. The light ceased as her eyes rested on the spot where the body had just lain a minute ago.
"That wasn't supposed to happen," Kai said as he lifted the unconscious Vasmaris onto his back.
"I know. It could have been a clone, or maybe a decoy." She stood up, turning to the noirette. "Take Vasmaris back to my house, I'll check the perimeter for any more trouble."
Kai nodded, grabbed the bag that Vasmaris had fallen with, and left. Walking up to the hammer he had forgotten Ezra picked it up, despite its size it was very light and easy to handle, she lifted it with a finger before letting it drop down. As it hit the floor it created a massive hole in the wood.
Crimnix your inventions never disappoint, she thought as she picked up the hammer. Though I wonder how he combined it with my shadows.
Normal human-made weapons didn't have any effect on Dai, as shadows, they were able to phase through anything. The only thing that can harm them is the shadows of another Dai. Crimnix had somehow found a way to combine Ezra's shadows with a few weapons he created, though this one was just a prototype.
Ezra searched the library a bit more but she didn't sense anything off-putting. As she was about to leave she was met with a scene of a man being carried into an ambulance, and plenty of people crowded around worrying about him.
It must be the man from inside, she thought. There was so much tension in the air, so much negativity, there was no point in wasting it. She sat down a fair distance from them on a pillar in front of the library so that no one would notice her. She watched as black lines of what looked to be smoke drifted toward her and were sucked into her skin. She stopped, cutting off the connection. There was no point in making them go crazy, it would just be more of a hassle for her. She left, heading directly for her house.
As she opened the door to the house she heard the sounds of someone throwing up in the bathroom in the hall. Her dual-colorized eyes rested upon the bag Vasmaris had fallen with that rested beside the doorway. She picked it up, carefully placing the hammer which had now shrank inside.
"What happened to Vasmaris?" She asked Kai who walked out of the bathroom, the sound of Vasmaris puking was still heard.
"I think I may have gone a bit too fast." He said meekly. "Ezra, I think that Dai did something," he added, turning away from the topic. Vasmaris walked out of the bathroom looking as if she was trying not to puke again. She wasn't used to the speed at which Kai and Ezra moved.
"Something like what?" Ezra asked, realizing that she was still partially outside. She made sure to remove her shoes and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.
"Before Vasmaris landed on her she started muttering some type of spell or something," he explained as the three of them walked to the main living room, Vasmaris flinging herself onto the couch and the other two sitting on either side of her. "But I'm not sure she finished it."
"Hmm... that could be a problem," she replied
"It shouldn't be too much trouble if she didn't finish," Vasmaris added as she began to feel less nauseous.
"Don't underestimate her. Even though she was a new Dai and wasn't experienced with her powers she was still very powerful. For now, just don't be reckless." Ezra counseled.
Vasmaris nodded a little too excitedly before sitting up to take the remote from the table in front of her. She used it to turn on the TV before turning on an anime she had been rewatching since last week.
"How many times are you gonna watch this thing?" Kai asked. Due to Vas' unhealthy obsession with Demon Slayer Kai and Ezra ended up watching the entire anime and reading the manga with her. It was pretty good though. Though Ezra couldn't feel any emotion she still thought she should respect the fact that the Hashira were willing to sacrifice their lives to save others. Though she didn't understand how the Flame Hashira was able to make such an amazing impression on people when he was only alive for a short time.
"Infinite times. I'm never gonna stop!" Vas shouted proudly.
"You're a simp," Kai retorted.
"Of course I am, have you seen my room? It's laced from head to toe with anime merch. I've got Demon Slayer, AOT, Death Note, Bleach, Toky-"
"As I said before your a simp," he repeated interrupting her bantering.
Meanwhile, Ezra had been trying to process what the Dai had done. Though it was an incomplete spell it should still have done something, just what did it do? Dai's powers reflect their human emotions. Her aura was scented with jealousy, it might have had something to do with making men fall in love, she thought. But if that was the case then why would she use it on them? No, it's something else.
Suddenly pictures of the tattoos that covered her body flashed through her memory. Wish Her power must have something to do with wishes. Immediately after figuring that out, she heard Vasmaris utter the words
"They're all so cool, I just wish it were real."
Suddenly darkness filled the room, consuming all three inside of it, as it cleared no one was seen in the living room.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
So I decided to add some fun facts at the end of each story. Not sure I'll be able to remember to do this all the time but I'll try.
1. Ezra is emotionless, she always has a nonchalant face on no matter what. She's also a Dai.
2. Kai isn't a Dai but he's not human either. His role will be explained later.
3. Vasmaris is a half-Dai that will also be explained in the future.
4. These aren't even fun facts I'm just telling you stuff you already know 😓
5. This part is over 3000 words, way over what I was reaching for (3169) with the note and fun facts
6. I spent a whole night editing this so I hope you enjoyed 😭
Have a nice day, hope to see you in the next part.
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