1# 👑 The Prince's Desire 👑 1/?
Published: 1st August 2023
First chapter! Woo!!!!!!! And also Credit to Aphmau for making the show and up above is the OG episode.
Making this into parts: 1/?
No Ones POV = 🤍
Asch POV = ❤️
Noi POV = 🧡
Leif POV = 💚
Pierce POV = 🩵
Rhys POV = 💙
Y/n POV = 💜
Ava POV = 🩷
Lorelei POV = 👩🩵
LG/Lady Grandma POV = 🧙♀️💙
🤍No One's POV 🤍
It was quiet in the forests of Daemos. In the distance, the last magic soul was floating around, Wondering where it should go. Down in the deep forest stood two knights. Their names were Y/n and Pierce.
They are on a mission with their other fellow Daemos knights but they left them. "The Soul should be here?" Y/n mumbled to their fellow knight. Pierce nodded in agreement. He looked up to the sky and saw a blue orb. It was the soul. "Found it." Pierce said, slightly pointing to the direction the soul was at. It was in the sky, behind the tree they were at. Y/n looked over aswell. "How do we get it?"
After Y/n asked the question, the soul came floating down. Pierce took this as an opportunity to catch it and shot a magic spell at it. It was a spell that didn't do any damage so the magic inside wouldn't get harmed. The soul fell softly to the ground. "Job finished" he told me, walking over and picking up the orb. Y/n followed. Pierce held it up so he could maybe see a reflection. Or so Y/n thought.
Pierce actually knew where everyone was. Noi and Lief came out of hiding as Y/n had their mouth slightly open.
"What? Falling for me?" Lief giggled. Y/n rolled their eyes in annoyance and replied with: "No chance, Mouldy snowcone.". Noi gave a slight giggle as Lief just felt offended. "Ouch.".
After Noi stopped giggling, he went to a serious tone and facial expression. "Drop it." He said. "You heard the man. Drop it this way." Lief said, slightly walking over to the three. "This isn't some sort of competition you two." Y/n said to them. The two ignored them.
"It's mine. I rightfully cornered them first." Noi told Lief, holding his daggers. The four knights made a square shape. "You want to try me?" Lief asked him. "Face me! I'm delivering it to his highness first." Noi rejected.
"Petty. The both of you. Truly it doesn't matter who delivers it. As long as it's me." The mysterious voice said in the shadows. The person stepped out and turned out to be Rhys.
Pierce gave a quick laugh. And raised the hand that had the orb in it. "Catch" was all Pierce said. The soul came to the back of the four, which was where I was. I caught it and said: "Try and catch this". Y/n tossed the orb in the air and it hit Lief's face. Lied tried to catch is but his two mini Scythe's (what are the mini Scythe's called? Please let me know ;-;) kept making the orb bounce back and forth. After both of his mini Scythes got a turn bouncing it, Lief got a space for the orb in his hands.
"It's mine!" Noi said in a loud voice. Noi ran over to Lief with his daggers ready for attacking, but his attack failed because of Rhys' Magic. "Freeze!" Rhys said as he shot his magic at the two, Noi screamed, and made the orb/soul drop to the floor. Noi gasped and took this chance to get the orb. But unfortunately Y/n ran towards Noi and head butted him. Noi screamed in shock (again). Pierce took this chance to get the orb and that was successful.
Y/n jogged over to Pierce and the both nodded at each other. "We will split the credit of the work." Y/n said to him. The Light blue Daemos knight nodded. Suddenly, a fire ball got thrown at Y/n and Pierce. They never got hurt but the fire made a Fire circle around where both were standing. "His highness must have done this, why is he here at our mission that he sent us on?" Y/n thought to themself. Pierce thought the same as Y/n did (But Pierce thought a bit more polite) and so they both bowed. The other three looked over at the two and did the same.
A figure came out of their hiding place and it turned out to be His Highness: Prince Asch.
I forgot the k add a pic of Asch!!! Sorry. Here is Asch:
He looked around each knight. "Your highness, I can explain. We had obtain the soul when it slipped from our grasp" Rhys told the Prince. The fire had vanished. "We had a delay." Pierce explained, better than Rhys at least. Someone walked out from behind Asch and went up beside him. It was Lady Grandma.
Another Edit
Never put a picture. Lady grandma:
Lady Grandma looked up at Asch and said; "well, is it hot in here, or-? Just me".
"Lady Grandma?..!" Rhys said, surprised at her presence. Asch sighed, "not now grandmother.". "Silence! Hmph! When I was Qeen of this land of Daemos I would have your Tounge for speaking, Back-! At me!" Lady grandmother said (doing the popping noise when you say P , but with P and B in Speaking and Back). "Why you here?" Lief asked in a monotone voice. "That soul you knights obtained, you need to take it unharmed to the alter now or we won't be able to use it!" Lady grandma explained.
Pierce looked at the soul he had in his hand and then put it in a safe place in his outfit. "Well the person we killed to get it was harmed-" Noi pointed out. LG (lady grandma, let's just call her that except when story characters are speaking) teleported in front of him and she hit his face with her walking stick. "Ow!" Noi groaned. "Don't speak ill of the dead!" LG told him. LG calmed down quickly and told all the boys to follow her and told them that they all will be in the new world she'd been talking about soon enough.
❤️Asch POV❤️
We followed LG back to our palace so we could go to the other world. We arrived at the Alter. "Btw, me and Pierce did most of the work getting the soul!" Y/n quickly said to me. I rolled my eyes. Me and my knights stood around the middle circle, ready to go to the other world while LG went over to her potion brewing table to help get the portal ready. "The soul?" LG asks. Pierce took out his bag out from his outfit and opened it to reveal that the soul was kept safe in there. "Bring it to me you handsome young man." LG said (I swear she's a simp for him). "Huh-?" Pierce said.
"In order to transfer into my potion, I'll need to hold hands with the one who possesses some light of magic, and you just so happen to be my type, Pierce." LG said, winking at Pierce on her last sentence. Pierce coughed because he was trying to not imagine what LG was saying. Pierce looked to the others. "Noi-, t-take it to her." Pierce said to him. "Me?!" Noi asked, loudly, his eyes shrinking in shock, still having the orange color. "You did say you wanted to deliver it." Rhys butted in the conversation.
I don't want to hold hands with her she's- Old!!" Right after Noi said taht to Rhys, LG git one of her (closed) books and threw it at Noi, the (still surprisingly, closed) book got close to Noi's face, it then hit his nose. "AH- OW!!!!!!!!" Noi shouted (not so loud) in pain. "You haven't got any meat on you anyway Scrub!" LG shouted (in the same noise level as Noi's scream) at him. "Lief, take it to her." Asch told the boy who wasn't in the conversation.
"Pardon me-?" Lief asked, confused why he said his name. "Did I stutter?" Asch replied. "Why not Y/n?! They said that them and Pierce did most of the work! Why can't them?!" Lief shouted (also at the same noise level as the two others). "I was the one who said it wasn't a competition and it wasn't! Me and Pierce were the actual reasoning ones except Rhys!" Y/n told Lief. Rhys just sighed, not wanting anymore fighting. He then decided to speak.
"Prince Asch, do you think that is a wise choice?" Rhys asked. "Wait-?! What is that supposed to mean?!" Y/n questioned. "Sorry Y/n and also sorry for questioning you (was talking to Asch) but I think Noi is a smarter choice." Rhys explained. Noi just did teh shocked face again and slowly turned to Rhys. "We all possess limited magic and if anyone would to use the last of their magic for this, it should be Noi." Rhys said, looking over to Noi.
"Speaking tactics. Lief is best at healing, Y/n is best at searching stuff with their magic, Pierce can-" Rhys then got cut off by their Prince "I don't care for your numbers." Asch groaned, he then looked over at Noi, "Noi, do it.". Noi groaned and mumbled; "I don't want to hold crusty hands. stupid Lois ranking position!" To himself. Noi walked over to Pierce who had the Soul and took it from him and then walked over to LG.
LG and Noi held hands as a light purple light shined across the summoning room. Noi's face looked pretty dizzy from the spell. Rhys noticed this and asked him; "are you okay Noi?" Noi looked over at him, still having swirls for eyes. "ooozed". Noi walked back to his standing position. "Glad I didn't have to do that," Y/n mumbled to themself, nobody heard them.
LG continued working on the potion. "And with that, the last spark of magic has fallen." LG said, looking down to the potion that was in her grasp. Pierce sighed. "We really killed them." "Do you think we can do it?" Y/n asked. Lief also asked a question; "do you really think thsi journey was really worth us sacrificing the last soul?".
"Perhaps. It depends on if you all are successful. Now let's not tell the high council what has happened this night. They currently believe the one who had the soul is still alive and safe in seclusion. If they found out you all hunted it down, they'll have your heads. Not even Asch will be spared." LG explained to them. Y/n gulped but Noi just did weird noises but with X-X eyes.
"They're currently is still a decent (don't know the word but it was like sir-plus) of magic here on Daemos. It should be a while before it runs out. It will definitely give us time to survey the new world." Rhys then looked over at Noi who currently stopped making weird noises and faces. "Noi. Are you able to use any magic?" Rhys asked the orange knight.
Noi looks down at the hands palms, trying to use his magic but it never worked.
Noi's face (don't wanna write about it):
"Gone" Boi pouted.
🧡Noi POV🧡
I put my hands back to my sides and continued to hear the voices around me. "It won't be long until the citizens of Daemos run out of magic themselves. The council can't provide any resolution things here will crumble. If Asch wants to ascend the throne before-" LG was cut off by Prince Asch. "Enough. Our mission is clear: we go to the new world and seek out for new sources for magic." Asch told us.
🤍No One's POV 🤍
"And we tell the humans what group is boss!!" Y/n shouted, raising their fist into the air with a grin on their face. "Yes, and we take ten new world by force!" Asch continued. "But we also have to be smart about it. Noi is depleted of magic and after you open the portal-" Lief got interrupted by Asch. "I'm the Prince. My source of magic is far greater" Asch reassured him.
"But not unlimited. Creating this portal will drain you." LG told him, making the mood go darker. Rhys then started to speak the his highness, "Asch, we don't have to do this alone. You can always ask your-". "Enough talk!" Asch cut him off, but more angry that time. "I care not about the politics of Daemos, nor the risk we are about take. I would not be here sacrificing everything if I had any second guesses myself.".
"Give me the potion and let me cast." Asch ordered, looking over at his grandmother. LG sighed "your going on blind Asch.". "Isn't he always blind?" Y/n thought the themself. LG walked over to Asch and handed him the potion. Lief and Y/n went behind Asch.
Asch went close to the second circle and closed his eyes so he can make the portal. He opened his eyes and turned to everybody. "My knights. If you are loyal to me, to the future I vow to bring once I'm king. Now follow me." He announced. "I understand should you choose to remain, however should I see you after you abandon me? Oh I will kill you." Asch continued, ending the sentence with a menacing voice.
Noi freaked out and then Lief conforted(?) him by putting a hand on his shoulder (Noi's right shoulder). Y/n did the same but on Noi's left and told Asch this: "don't worry Asch. We were going with you anyway. No need for the death threats." Y/n rolled their eyes at the end. Asch just got annoyed at the eye roll but he never cared about it. "You should be. Now let's continue on to the portal." He said.
He turned back around and closed his eyes like what he did earlier. He put both his hands on the potion. The top part of the potion (but where the liquid comes out) glowed with light. Lief and Noi said woah whilst Rhys just said impressive. (This is giving me the shivers. I like it!" Y/n blurted out. The light that was in front of them seemed the crack and a portal speared.
"Wait a minute..." Y/n looked closer into the portal (not their body going closer, just looking with eyes closer) and saw an Earth alleyway. "That's E-urth!! I think that's how you pronounce it anyway.." y/n thought to themselves. LG went over to the portal and swiped her hand across the air. Words speared. They seemed like a name that y/n knew but wrote upside down. LG swiped at it again and the word flipped it around.
"E-urth... so I was right!" Y/n told themself. "You were right about what?" Asked Rhys. Rhys was the only person that heard y/n. "We'll, I have actually researched about E-urth before the magic loss problem. I thought it would be dumb to talk about like how you guys keep telling me to shut up for just explaining things all the time. It's just a force of habit." Y/n stated.
"Well, once we are there, maybe you could teach us a few things? The others would probably not care but I would still be interested in your research!" Rhys commented. "Oh- uhh- thanks?" (Y/n just didn't know what to say, they don't have a crush on Rhys if you are wondering) Y/n thanked.
"Umm, guys?" Lief asked Y/n and Rhys. The two looked over to him to see that Pierce and Asch were gone. "You two coming?" He asked again. "Y-yeah! I'm coming!!" Y/n shouted, running into the portal. Lief ran in after and soon Noi. LG and Rhys had a talk. "Rhys, your the smartest of them, please, you know what to do. I'll keep things calm here as best as I can for my grandson, please, do be safe." LG told him.
"Of course lady grandma" Rhys bowed down to her. He then walked over to the petal. "By the way, Y/n has researched stuff about E-urth before the crisis. If they tell me anything that would be of use, I'll tell you." LG nodded. Rhys then went into the portal like the rest.
LG looked behind her and saw a shadowy creature. All you could see were the white circle eyes. "Keep an eye on him." LG ordered. "Go!". The creature then ran fast into the portal. "I prayed to the gods, please, watch over them.
Words used: 2801
Edit: Hi, btw I am going to ask two questions rn:
Should I add another human? And if so, what name should they have? (Never mind about that. Me and someone else made three new humans to The story)
And I am going to put these types of questions after each episode/part episode/chapter:
Who do you like better? Lady grandma or Prince Asch?
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