Cat Fingers

Greg is washing a van modeled in the image of Mayor Dewey with Steven. "Almost done! (sprays the van with a hose) Steven, get the hubcaps!"

"Hubbing it up!" Steven rubs the van's hubcaps vigorously.

Greg smiles, "Hub it good! This is a high-profile job.l

Steven questioned, "You mean cause it's the mayor's election-mobile?"

Greg nodded, "If we do this right, we might get political favors!"

"I'm not sure what that is, but I like it!" Steven grabs a nearby hose.

Steven turned on the hose to spray the van, but the water arched over the van and splashed onto Greg by mistake. Greg laughed and sprayed back at Steven with his hose, starting a water fight. Mayor Dewey then walked in towards them.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not paying for father-son bonding here!" Mayor Dewey said coming out, Steven sprayed him with his hose. "Universe! Control that kid! (tries to wipe the water off himself)"

"Steven!" Greg held Steven close to him, "Hehe, I'm sorry, Mayor Dewey. Hehehe, this one's on the house."

Mayor Dewey examined his van, "On the house, eh? I like the way you do business, Universe."

Mayor Dewey got into the van and drove off, with a siren chanting 'Mayor Dewey.' Greg sighed in dismay. Steven wiggled his fingers, "Political favors!"

"Ahh, you rascal!" Greg picked Steven up and noogies him, "Enough with the hose fights!"

"Aw, okay." Steven and Greg are suddenly splashed by some water.

"What the--?" Steven and Greg notices a purple cat holding a running hose in its mouth. "Woah!"

The purple cat starts chasing them around, continuously spraying them with the hose. Greg shouts, "What is with this cat?!"

The purple cat begins to shapeshift, revealing to be Amethyst. "Haha! Got you guys!"

Steven smiled, "Amethyst!"

Greg seemed... off, "Uh, pretty cool, Amethyst."

Steven cheered, "Really cool! I wish I could shapeshift like you!"

Amethyst tied the hose into a knot, "You could probably learn."

Steven asked, "Really?"

"Sure." Amethyst lifted up Steven's shirt, "You've got a gem."

Greg asked, "Whup! Magic stuff! Should I get out of here? Is there going to be an explosion?"

"Aw, it's no big deal, dad." Steven pulled his shirt down.

Amethyst shapeshifts into Steven, "Yeah, it's fiinnneeee."

At the Beach House, Y/n and Pearl are seen talking while they both begin to laugh. Suddenly,  "Hey, guys!"

Amethyst shapeshifted into a seal, "Arp, arp!"

Steven starts laughing, "Do more!"

"Check it out." Amethyst shapeshifted into a wolf, while Pearl and Y/n stare blankly. "Aaoooo! (shapeshifts into a wrestler) Raaa! (shapeshifts into a jay) Gaah! (perches on Steven's head)

Steven was amazed, "Whoa!"

Pearl walked over, "Amethyst, you're overdoing it."

Amethyst is annoyed, "Uh, chill-it, dude."

Pearl instructed, "Just because you can shapeshift, doesn't mean you should."

Steven gets curious, "Can you shapeshift?"

Pearl smiled, "Well, of course--"

Amethyst shapeshifted into Pearl and interrupts Pearl, "Well, of course I can. I'm perfect! (smacking her butt) WOMP, WOMP!"

Pearl shoved Amethyst to the side and Amethyst tumbles away laughing. "All Gems have shapeshifting powers, Steven. (projects some holograms) We can turn into objects, we can change parts of our bodies or... we could do that. (looks at Amethyst)"

Amethyst is still smacking her butt, "WOMP, WOMP!"

"Can you do it, Y/n?" Steven asked, while Y/n paused. They held their folded arms.

"Yeah, but I only do if needed. It's not the kind of thing I'm... super comfortable with." Y/n admitted, looking to the side with sadness a bit. They started headed to the door. "I'm gonna head out again. Let me know if you need me, or just stop by."

Y/n left the Beach House but Steven was determined, "I want to try it all!"

Pearl warned, "Don't bite off more than you can chew, Steven."

Amethyst repeated, "WOMP, WOMP!"

"Ugh!" Pearl left through the front door, and Amethyst shapeshifts back into herself.

Steven shouted, "Alright! Show me how to change into a, uh, huge lion!"

Amethyst paused, "Actually, for once Pearl is right. If you're gonna do this, you've gotta start with something easy."

Steven thought about it, "Like that cat you turned into?"

"That sounds good. Now follow my lead." Amethyst begins demonstrating for Steven, "First, think of what you wanna be, and then, just shake it out. (shapeshifts into the cat) See? Haha! Now your turn."

"Okay." Steven take a deep breath and starts straining himself, "Caaaaat..."

"Nah, you're too tense." Amethyst opens a bag of chips, "Just relax and feel it. (eats a potato chip) Bio-rhythms, yo."

Steven presses fingertips against his temples, "Feeeel it..."

Amethyst rises. "Ehh, if you're not ready, we can try later."

"No, wait! I can do it." Amethyst shapeshifts back into herself and Steven starts "feeling it". "Yeah... Yeah... Hunh!"

Amethyst shrugged, "Well, it was a good try."

A meowing noise appears out of nowhere. Steven opens his palm to see his index finger has turned into a head of a cat, meowing away. Amethyst starts giggling as Steven shouted, "this is so cool!"

Amethyst smiled. "You should go show your dad. He's gonna freak out!"

Cat Finger lets out a, "Rreow!"

[At the car wash]

Steven rushes back, "Dad, I'm back!"

Greg is suntanning outside, "Hey, schtu-ball."

"Check it out!" Steven shows the cat finger to his dad. Greg reacts in shock, hurling a water bottle which hits Steven on the head. Water splashes from the bottle onto the cat finger and it cowers, as if it got burned. "I shapeshifted my finger into a cat!"

Greg was impressed, "Whoa! Is, is that a thing you can do now? That's pretty... cool."

"I know, right! I'm gonna take this show on the road!" Steven starts laughing and twirls away.

"Meow! Row! Reaw!"

[At the Big Donut]

Sadie rings up the price, "That'll be a dollar 'o five Steven."

"Mm, okay. Here's a nickel... and a buck!" Steven hold up the cat finger, holding a dollar bill in its mouth.

Sadie and Lars both are shook. "Whaaat!"

The cat finger drops the dollar bill and meows. "Oh Steven, that's adorable! (Sadie pets the cat finger with her finger, making it purr) Are... you making it purr?"

Steven admitted, "It kinda does what it wants."

"Really?" Lars roughly pokes the cat finger, and it bites him, "YOW!"

Steven frowns, "See what I mean? 'Bad cat finger!'"

Sadie gives sympathy, "Oh, I'm sure it just wants to play."

Steven gasps, "You're right! And he doesn't have any friends."

Lars mockingly states, "Oh my gosh. It's just like you, Steven."

Steven takes a deep breath, sways a bit and conjures four more cat fingers on the same palm. Steven holds his hand up high, "Rraaooow!"

[Trans. Ext. Beach Citywalk Fries]

Steven hides his cat fingers behind his back, "Hey, Peedee! Whoa, you work the deep-fryer now? (slams his fist on the counter)?Make me some fry bits!"

Peedee stated bluntly, "Steven, I take my job seriously, please use the actual menu."

"Give me the bits!" Steven slams his fist again, "The bits--!"

"Alright listen, it'll be over sooner if you just give him what he wants." Peedee sighs and walks away.

"Whoa, hey, hey, it's not for me. It's for these guys!" Steven holds up the cat fingers, meowing away.

Mr. Fryman panicked, "What the--?!"

"Uh, here's your..." Peedee looks at the cat fingers, "... bits."

Steven dunks the cat fingers into the fry bits, and they start to eat.

"I can't look away."

"Steven, that is freakish!"

"No, it's not. It's natural." Steven starts to sway his other arm, "Shake... it... out! (All the fingers on his other hand turn into cats.) See! (dunks the other hand into the bits)"


Mr. Fryman looks at Peedee, "You know who would love this? Your older brother. Yo, Ronaldo!"

"What's up, daa..." Ronaldo notices Steven, start gasping and shoves Peedee out of the way, "I've gotta take a pic for Keep Beach City Weird! (takes out his phone and snaps a picture of Steven and his cat fingers)"

Steven asked, "What's that?"

"It's my blog: (dramatically) Keep Beach City Weird!" Peedee groans at his brother.

"Can I see the picture?" Steven takes the phone and the cats whine in agony. "Yikes! *drops phone* Sorry, guys. I guess cat fingers don't function well as... fingers."

[Soon at Steven's House]

Steven struggles to open the fridge, "Tsk, I'm just getting a snack! (Steven tries to pull a sandwich out, as the cat fingers start whining.)"

Amethyst looked at Steven, "Steven! Need some help?"

Steven holds the sandwich with his elbows, "Nah, i-it's cool."

Amethyst shrugs, "Oh, good! See ya later then."


Amethyst explained, "We're taking the Gem Sloop out to sea to fight a living island."

"What?" Steven drops the sandwich, "Uh, Amethyst, wait!"

[Later at Steven's House]

"I wanna go on the Gem Sloop! I wanna see a living island!" Steven runs down stairs and to the dock, "Wait, wait, wait!"

Steven runs into the water to catch up to the Gems sailing away on the Gem Sloop. Pearl calls out to him, "Steven!"

Amethyst laughs, "C'mon, you can make it!"

Steven dunks his hands into the water to swim, but the cat fingers start meowing in agitation. The Gems gasp. Y/n looked towards Steven with concern, "Steven, what's going on?"

Steven tried to cover up his hands, "Waah! I-It's nothing! I-I just turned all my fingers into cats!"

Amethyst snorts while Pearl and Y/n seemed nervous. Pearl spoke, "We have to stay and help Steven!"

Garnet bluntly stated, "We can't. This is a tectonic emergency. We'll deal with Steven when we get back."

Pearl glared at the shorter gem, "Amethyst, I blame you for this!"

Amethyst shrugged, "Eh, that's fair."

Y/n shouts, "Steven, you know if you need me, I'm always a call away."

Pearl shouted, "Grrr! Steven, just try to stay calm!"

[Later at the Beach House]

"Enough! No more cat fingers! I want Steven fingers! ...And I don't mean little me heads on fingers, I mean my regular fingers!" Steven breathes in and a spot on his head turns into a cat. He collapses onto the floor, and his whole arm turns into a cat. "Wha! Aahhh! Stop! (His foot turns into a cat too.) Amethyst! (Cat heads start emerging from various parts of his body.) Pearl! ... Y/n! *gasps* Dad!"

[At the It's a Wash]

Greg is seen washing the floor with a hose while singing along to his headphone music, when he hears a bang, "Hello? Who's there? We're closed. Come back tomorrow- WOOOHOOO!"

Greg notices Steven, now an amalgam of cats, and sprays at him in fright. The amalgam flinches, but crawls back towards Greg. Steven cries out in pain, hardly audible, "Dad!"

"Huh?" Greg sees Steven's face among the cats and gasps, "Steven?!"

"Dad!" Steven started tearing up, "Help! (More cats grow on his body.) The cat fingers are taking over my body! (More cats grow.) Eeeeer!"

"Hold on! Wha-" Greg dropped his hose, "I'll get you out of there! (A cat bites his arm and throws him to the side.)"

"No! Bad! Bad cat fingers!" Steven shouts as the cats, controlling his body, step in a puddle, hiss and jump to the roof of the car wash.

Greg panics, "Can't you make them go away?"

"I tried, but it made it worse!" Steven explains as more cats keep growing. "Ohh, my life is over! I can't go on magic adventures! I can't even open the fridge! And I'll never get to have another water fight with you, Dad! Because these things hate... water! They hate water! Dad, spray me again!"

Greg sprays Steven with the hose and the cats jump down of the building. They then start dashing towards Greg. "Aaah! WOOOAAAHHH!"

Steven grabs onto the side of the car wash, preventing the cats from reaching Greg. "It's not enough water! *looks inside the car wash and gasps* Turn on the super-wash!"

Greg's eyes went wide, "No, I won't do it! It's too dangerous!"

Steven shouted, "You've got to! I'm a monster! I'm an adorable cat monster!"

Greg started tearing up, "No you're not! You're my son!"

"Dad, please! Aah...!" The cats begin to engulf Steven's body.)

Greg, determined, flips three switches and presses a button, activating the super-wash. Steven then crawls into the car wash. The jets spray Steven with water on all sides, causing the cats to meow in agitation. He then goes through a pair of waxers and another set of jets. Greg watches worriedly as Steven goes through the wash. He then rushes to the exit of the car wash and picks up a hose, ready to spray off any remaining cats. Steven then emerges from the wash, his clothes all torn up, but back to normal. "Ah!"

"Dad... we did it." Steven realizes one of his fingers is still a cat and starts screaming. Greg screams too and sprays it with the hose. The cat finger disappears, and the two sighs in relief.

[Later at the Beach House]

Steven is sitting on the dock, and the Gems returns on the Gem Sloop. Y/n used his jaded power to immediately boost himself onto the deck and lift Steven up, "Steven! Oh thank Creator you're.... (Notices Steven's normal) back to normal..."

Pearl smiled, "It just goes to show, always listen to me, and never listen to Amethyst."

Amethyst agreed, "That's fair."

Garnet spoke up, "It goes to show, you should have a little more faith in Steven."

"Yeah, that would have been a total 'cat'-tastrophe!" Y/n, Amethyst, and Pearl forces a laugh at Steven's joke, "But I'm feeling much better 'meow'! (The Gems groan.) Ehhh? What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

"Okay, that's enough." The Gems walked away.

Steven shouted, "Wait, I've been coming up with cat jokes all morning. You guys, I'm 'feline' fine. Everything's 'purr'-fect! Oh, come on! I'm just 'kitten' around!"

The star iris zooms in on Steven, ending the episode.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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