Chapter Three: Demigod dreams suck (particularly this one)

The dream is inspired by da sequel of the sequel >:3

hehehehe yes I decided this is going to be a series

Percy found himself in a dream.


He sighed. Demigod dreams were never a good sign, and it was a while since he had one. He looked around the dark room he was in and nearly screamed out loud.

A dark shadow, an essence as dark as Nico's Stygian Iron sword seemed to slither out of the corner.  

"Hello, Perseus Jackson." It hissed, making a form of a monstrous being, with arms and claws but no legs. A shapeless terror. Percy was horrified. The black smoke wrapped around his arm, making him tremble with a strange sort of coldness that made him want to pass out.

"W-what do you want?" He gritted his teeth, fighting through the fear. The figure cackled, a mixture of hisses and scratches that felt like nails across a chalkboard. 

"Oh, don't be afraid. I don't want to hurt you." The shadow seemed to melt and reappeared in the middle of the room, donning a tall figure with glowing purple eyes. Percy was terrified. This was unlike any other feeling he had faced, even Tartarus. "I just need a small favor." 

"And what makes you think I'll listen to you?" He stood his ground, forcing his voice to become steady.

"Many things."  It whispered, lunging at him. Percy opened his mouth to scream and was engulfed in an eerie purple light. 

"Hold onto your consciousness if you can." It cackled as the room around them disappeared, leaving a black abyss underneath.

He felt himself falling into the eternal darkness, frozen in time and not being able to do anything. 

"Be careful of where you step, Perseus."  The voice seemed to echo everywhere. "One false step and you'll be falling down to your doom."

Percy snapped awake, drenched in sweat.

Harry's POV—

Harry was sitting in the pub with a buttered crumpet and some tea when he noticed a kid about his age step into the room. 

Heck, he looked almost exactly like Harry without glasses and...a black iris? He was bewildered by it, giving a stark contrast between his other sea-green eye. The boy noticed Harry and waved shyly, walking over to the table where he was.

"Hey." He said, showing a strong American accent. "You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" Harry nodded, surprised that the boy hadn't asked for his autograph. "Dam. Nice scar."

"Thanks." Harry replied. "You don't sound like you're from around here. Are you American?" The boy nodded.

"I'm Percy." He held out his hand. Harry took it, surprised once more.

"My best friend's brother's name is Percy." He blurted out. Percy raised his eyebrows.

"Wait, really?" He grinned. "That's cool. My real name's Perseus, but no one ever calls me that. It's Greek. I hate it when I'm called that." Harry nodded.

"Are you visiting?" He asked, curious as to why an American was here in London. 

"Nah, I moved here. I'm going to attend Hogwarts, apparently." Percy shrugged, looking as if he wanted to change the subject. "So, you're the famous Harry Potter, aren't you? Killed the Dark Lord and all?" Harry blushed. 

"Yeah." He mumbled. "I'm tired of being famous. I never liked it at all." Percy nodded, as if he understood how he was feeling.

"Mr. No-Nose can rot in Tartar—I mean, bloody hell." He grinned mischievously, making a British accent. "That's how you Brits say it, right?" Harry laughed.

"You've got it. Sort of." He finished his crumpet and looked at him concernedly. "You haven't eaten anything yet." Percy shrugged.

"I'm not hungry." 

"You should still eat." Harry insisted. Percy looked away guiltily, remembering how Piper and Jason always tried to make him and Annabeth eat.

"Just a bite, Perce. Please." Jason had said. "One bite and it'll be ok." 

He sighed, not wanting Harry to feel bad. "Fine, I'll eat." He swiped a piece of toast from a basket at the table and wolfed it down. Wiping his mouth, he stood up. "Let's go to the square! Race you there!" The two of them laughed and ran out the back door.

Harry faced a brick wall and tapped his wand on the third brick above the dustbin, making them shuffle out of the way revealing Diagon Alley. Percy couldn't help but marvel at the wizard's magic, thinking that Nico and Will would love to go on a date here.

"Where should we go first?" Harry asked. Percy looked around the alley, a smirk on his face that Harry had seen far too much with the Weasley twins.

"All of them, duh!" 

Le time skip sponsored by the new Underworld Saga making me want to rip my hair out 🙃

tanks a lot Jorge

Over the course of several days, Harry and Percy hung out nearly every day, sometimes visiting the shops for fun, buying school supplies, helping Harry with his homework, or just goofing around.

Most of it was goofing around, of course.

One thing that Harry noticed about Percy was his miscolored eyes. He had asked about them, but it seemed like Percy didn't want to talk about it.

"It's a curse. I'm basically half-blind." He explained, shrugging. "Don't worry, I've been training myself to not do a faceplant into a doorframe." Harry laughed at that, but the way Percy had said it warned him not to ask again.

The two bonded over time, joking around and enjoying their time together. Despite the fact that they visited the Quality Quidditch Supplies shop every other day to see the new broom released, the Firebolt, Percy didn't mind.

"It's taking me so much not to empty my Gringotts vault right now for that broom." Harry sighed. Percy elbowed him playfully.

"Hey, you already have that Nimbus 2000! You're lucky as hell." He grinned. Harry smiled.

"I know. Which is why I'm not going to." He beckoned Percy to Flourish and Botts. "Come on, I need to buy some spellbooks." He pulled out a list as they entered the shop.

"Woah." Percy gaped as he saw the large iron cage full of books wrestling and tearing pages out of each other. "Now that's what I call a monster." 

"Let me guess, Hogwarts?" The manager came towards them. "Come to get your new books?"

"Yes." He glanced down his list. "I need—"

"Get out of the way." The managers said impatiently, shoving past them. He pulled on a pair of thick gloves, picked up a large, knobbly walking stick and proceedes towards the door of the book cage.

"Hang on. I've already got one of those." Harry interrupted.

"Same." Percy agreed. "My parents already ordered the books and I have them at the Leaky Cauldron." 

"Have you?" The manager looked like he wanted to cry with relief. "Thank heavens for that, I've been bitten five times already this morning—"

A loud ripping sound cut through the man's sentence.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" 

Harry turned from the cages and saw a book lying on a display table.

Death Omens: What To Do When You Know the Worst Is Coming

A large dog with gleaming eyes was on the front cover, seeming to stare right at Harry.

"What's that?" Percy covered his mouth. "No."


"That looks so much like Mrs. O'Leary! Only without yellow eyes." He sighed. "I miss her. She's with my cousin right now. I want to see her so bad."

"Oh." Harry tore his eyes away from the page. "Can you help me look for Unfogging the Future? I'm taking Divination this year." Percy lit up.

"You're taking Divination too?" He grinned crazily. "Dang. We're going to be in the same classes together, aren't we?" 

"Only if you get sorted into Gryffindor." Harry shrugged, his lips quirked upwards in a smile. "Which house were you sorted in Ilvermorny?"

"Wampus." Percy replied immediately, not knowing where it came from. Probably Hecate's doing. "I'm not sure which house I want to be sorted in."

"Well, as long as you're not in Slytherin. Draco Malfoy's there, and he's a whole lot of trouble."

"Oh, you'd be surprised of the troubled kids I know of." Percy laughed, but for some reason, he thought he might be sorted into Slytherin, being the person who literally tricked Kronos and Tartarus into falling into the sea of destruction, ruled Olympus for a short while, and killed his own ex-girlfriend.

Why wouldn't he be in Slytherin?

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