Chapter Fifteen: This is siriusly confuzzling

new character added! JJ (_thepercyjacksongeek)

sorry for not adding you sooner- it takes a while for me to process how many people are added

all the rest of you that want to be an OC you can comment here ----> I will add you in a later chapter, i promise!

also, js saying that Nico Campbell the OC is going to be called Nick now since his full name is Nicolas so no confuzzling :3

extra long chapter bcuz i felt like it

3rd Person POV


Lila, JJ, and Blake spun around at the sound coming from the Great Hall.

"Holy mother of fu—" 

"What the heck was that?!" Blake stared at the direction of the sound. Lila frowned, subconsciously trying to get Blake and JJ behind her.

"Sounded like my parrot not gonna lie—stay behind me, you two." 

"Actually, it sounded more like my owl Oak—" Blake corrected.

" have a parrot?" JJ shook their head. "Never mind. I should've expected that from you. We need to get to the Great Hall—now." Lila opened her mouth to protest but was cut off by Blake.

"Don't need to tell me twice—" She grabbed Lila and JJ's hand and shot towards the Great Hall.

"Lil? Blake? JJ?" Sylvia's head popped up around the corner. "Did you scream or—"

"That wasn't us." Blake glanced around the halls. "Where is everybody?"

"Either checking out the Great Hall or hiding in the common rooms." Nick Campbell appeared into view behind Sylvia. "Me and Sylv heard a scream."

"Yeah, they yelled 'IT'S HIM! HE'S GOING TO KILL US!' or something like that shit." Sylvia shrugged. "Honestly, I don't give a fu—"

"Sylv, you can cut down on the swearing—" Nick tried to say, but she just flipped him off in response.

"I can swear how I want, Nick—"

"Guys?" JJ interrupted. "Not the time—"

"Gays." Sylvia corrected. "We're both gays." Blake threw her hands up in the air in frustration, but a small smile ghosted her lips.

"You do know that—" JJ started, but got cut off by another ear-piercing wail.


Another scream echoed through the walls.

"Why does it give me Hunger Games vibes...?" Lila blurted out. "Sorry. ADHD and shit—"

"We need to go now." Blake started to jog towards the sound.

"What if something happens??" Nick pulled her back a step. "They did say that murder was involved...could it be Sirius Black? The killer that escaped Azkaban?" Sylvia scoffed.

"The Fat Lady was probably just hallucinating when she said that Sirius Black was here." She dismissed the thought. "Why would he target Hogwa—oh." Lila nodded grimly, dead serious.

"Harry Potter." They all chorused at once.

"This is not good..." Nick said, his hand still on Blake's shoulder. 

Will's POV—

"What's going on out there?!" Will shouted. The entire Ravenclaw common room was shaken up by the scream outside.

"Stay calm, everyone!" Penelope Clearwater, the head girl of the Ravenclaw House was trying to calm down the Common Room.

Nico di Angelo, who was the only Slytherin that was in the Common Room gripped Will's arm tightly.


"What is it, Sunshine?" Will nudged his boyfriend gently and placed a small kiss on his forehead. 

"You know the wizard Chaos sent us to capture? Sirius Black?"

Will's usual sunny eyes darkened. He remembered the mission that Chaos had sent them all too well, and Sirius Black's backstory of killing over a dozen Muggles.

"Yeah, I remember." He muttered. "If he goes near you I swear to my dad that I will give him hay fever." Nico scoffed.

"Hey, I'm supposed to protect you!" He protested. "I'm literally the son of Hades." Will refused to budge.

"Yes, I know that, but still—as your boyfriend it is a requirement for me to make death threats and give hay fever to people who threaten my significant annoyance." He pulled Nico closer to him, as if shielding him from something. "You've seen enough—now it's my turn." 

"Don't act as if you haven't been through shit, Tesoro." Nico huffed. "You're overprotective. I literally got a paper cut the other day and you insisted that I get an excuse from class." Will rolled his eyes fondly.

"That could've gotten infected—"

"Doesn't matter." Nico butted in. "I was fine, I am fine, and—"

Another scream echoed throughout the hallway, but this time it sounded strangely familiar...

"What was that?!" Nico got up suddenly, prying himself out of Will's grip gently. "Was that a student?!" Will grabbed his hand to prevent him from going anywhere.

"Nico, you are going to stay here and not rush into danger—"

Too late. Nico had already shadow traveled them to the Great Hall.


They reappeared in a dark corner of the Great Hall, barely visible.

Will shuddered slightly from the feeling, but he shook it off and looked around at the chaos.

"Nico! Will!" Harry Potter waved at them wildly, his hair messy and disheveled. 

"Harry, you bloody idiot—"

"What happened?!" Nico ran over to them, Will in tow. "I heard screams and—"

"Sirius Black! He's here!" Ron shrieked, his ears turning pink. 

"Where are the teachers?" Will asked frantically, looking around. "They should be here—"

"None of us were able to find anyone." Hermione said, her voice calm but with an underlying tone of panic. "Dumbledore—McGonagall—Lupin—all gone."

"What?!" A voice from behind them shouted. 

Sophia came into view, slightly flushed from running. "There aren't any adults here?!"

Katie came sprinting up next to her. "I tried to find Snape—he wasn't there either!" 

"Are we all alone?" Harry wondered, his mind racing a mile a minute. His scar prickled slightly, but the adrenaline in his veins muffled the pain. "Alone with a potential murderer in our school?!"

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Percy Weasley shouted, trying to get the students in the Great Hall to calm down, but even he seemed panicked. 

Him yelling just made people even more frantic.

"What's going on?!" Jason and Piper ran into the Great Hall, Leo right behind them. "Why is everyone—"

"Sirius Black." Nico deadpanned. Those two words made the son of Jupiter pale significantly.

"It's ok—we've faced tougher than this—"Leo muttered, being serious for once. "Black is just a murderer, we've faced giants and gods and Gaea and war—"

"Did Chaos say we were going to have this much...chaos?!" Luke whispered to the demigods, barely audible from the screams and shouts of students around them.

Chaos had sent them here for a mission—to protect the Boy Who Lived from Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and Sirius Black.

But he didn't say anything about this.

Harry's POV—

Harry tried to calm his racing heart. Why was Sirius Black here? Was he here for him? Is he planning to kill the students of Hogwarts just because he wanted to avenge Voldemort...?

Hermione shook him out of his thoughts.

"Harry—look!" She pointed to the front of the hall where the teachers usually would eat during the feasts.

There in the midst of all the chaos stood the one wizard everyone dreaded to see.

Sirius Black.

And the knife in his hand didn't help anything.



Percy's POV— (I swear this is the last POV change)

A deathly silence fell over the students, too terrified to move. Nico, Will, Luke, and Piper all glared at him silently, but they didn't want to risk anyone's life to try and speak up.

Percy Jackson, who was hidden among the crowd of frozen students frowned, his mind everywhere as he zoned out and started to think about what was happening.

Wasn't that the man who tackled him to the ground that night with the Knight Bus? The one who questioned him about Harry Potter?

That definitely wasn't him. He could feel his blood...and it wasn't the same as a wizard's or a Muggle's.

But who else would it be? Maybe he was just tired and that actually was Sirius...

He eyed the knife in Not-Sirius' hand warily. He wasn't an expert on small blades, but he had enough experience with them as to know that the sharp edge could inflict a lot of damage.

And possibly kill.

He glanced around the Great Hall silently, eyeing all the people he knew and where they were.

Sylvia, Nick, Lila, Blake, Katie, JJ, Leo, Jason, Luke, Piper, Jen, Nico, Will, Hermione, Ron, Percy Weasley, George, Fred—so many students.

So many students at risk.

And the one at the most danger: Harry.

He glanced back at Sirius Black, who was still standing there with the knife in his hand. Only a few seconds had passed, but for Percy's ADHD mind, it seemed like hours.

He was cornered. Either lunge at the man and risk someone or himself get hurt, or not do anything and still risk someone getting hurt.

It was a lose-lose.

So Percy did the reasonable thing.

He took out his wand and aimed it straight at Sirius' chest.



Not-Sirius narrowed his eyes at the wand pointed at him as the students around Percy gasped at him, either wondering if he was just bold, dumb, or both.

"Who are you to point that at me?" He asked quietly. "Perseus Jackson."

Percy's face blanched at the use of his name. He was disguised by the Mist, wasn't he?! He looked down, double checking that he wasn't in his regular form. 

The American Royalty all turned to him with wide eyes. Percy felt their gazes burning into his skull, but he kept his stare unwavering at the man.

"I knew he was alive..." Nico muttered under his breath, not at all shocked. Jason on the other hand looked absolutely flabbergasted, like he had just seen Zeus act faithful towards Hera.

Everyone had their own reactions, but Percy ignored them.

"You're not getting your hands on Harry." He hissed through gritted teeth. Harry glanced at him worriedly, as if debating what he should do.

Sirius simply smiled, a cold, calculating glare sent his way. "And who's stopping me? You?"

Percy was about to shoot back a sassy reply when Nico di Angelo butted in.

"We all are." He sent a death glare to Not-Sirius and gestured to the rest of the American Royalty. 

Harry frowned. He thought the American Royalty was here for a reason, and he expected it was because of Voldemort.

Not because of his safety...

And who sent them?

Questions were whirling around in his mind, but he forced them away and focused on the present time.

"We won't let you take him." Luke spoke up, his voice deadly calm. Not-Sirius just stared at him amusedly.

"Ah, the Chaos Commander." He sneered. "Typical." Luke paled, not expecting that reply.


Luke wasn't able to finish his sentence as a flash of darkness came hurtling towards him.


Harry didn't have time to process what had happened when a giant boom echoed through his eardrums.

One minute, it was all tense.

The next, all Tartarsauce broke loose.

Chairs and broken tables flew everywhere, students screamed and ran in different directions, accidentally tripping over each other. The American Royalty fired different spells at the front of the hall, and Not-Sirius...he was gone.

And so was Percy.

"Hermione!" Harry cried out. "Are you and Ron alright?!" 

"We're alright...I think." Ron replied, visibly shaken up. 

"I think I'm alright." Hermione looked around, her poofy hair even more messed up now. "What was that??" Harry shook his head.

"Is everyone alright?!" Lila called out.

"I'm pretty sure I'm in one piece—" Blake muttered, swearing under her breath.

"Sylvia?!" Nick shouted. "Where are you?!"

"Right here, Nick." Sylvia winced. "A fucking chair just got hurtled towards me—"

"Are you alright?!" He asked, checking her frantically. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine, relax—"

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Jason shouted. "STOP MOVING BEFORE I CAST A SPELL! SIRIUS BLACK IS NO LONGER IN THE BUILDING." Several students breathed out sighs of relief.

"Where did he go?" A Ravenclaw student asked, worry lacing his voice. 

"Will he come back?" Neville wondered, trembling slightly.

"Where are the professors?" Lee Jordan looked around at the wrecked Great Hall.

"My father will hear about this." Draco grumbled under his breath. 

Nico di Angelo clung onto Will, his eyes scanning the wreckage.

"Everyone's here, I think." He said. Will nodded.

"Is anyone hurt?" He yelled. Students exchanged glances with one another and shook their heads.

"I think we're all here..." Lila breathed out a sigh of relief. Sylvia nodded, but then a look of realization crossed her face.

"Where's Percy Jackson??"

2024 words (not counting this)





edit: just realized that A Dark Legacy has over 54k views and 1.5k votes

holy shat amiright


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