Chapter Eleven: CHAOS (the priomordial) IS A BITCH
I've had too many comments on WHAT IS AMERICAN ROYALTY
well my dear readers American Royalty was supposed to be a supposedly common plot for HP/PJO crossovers and if u haven't read
But as most of you guys/gays probably know, my stories are like the cliche plots with a twist
Like my Percy Jackson betrayed Chaos fanfic, that was twisted as well
Plus my KOTLC/PJO crossover was also a mix of the cliche plots (also inspired from the Avengers crossovers) but that one's a little less creative...which is why I put it on hold for a while bc I didn't have any ideas 😭
Anywho js clearing some stuff up cuz yk i realized it was unclear
Saur 😅
Percy's POV—
Percy woke up to a lot of chaos.
Not the primordial, the general idea of chaos.
"Oh my gods, you're awake!"
"Merlin's pants, we thought you were bloody dead!"
"Stand aside!" A commanding voice announced. The crowd parted to reveal Dumbledore, worry written all over his face.
"Are you alright, Percy?" He asked gently. Percy nodded, confused.
"What in the bloody Tar—Hell am I doing here?" He blurted out. Then he realized that he was wet. And also lying down on a bed.
"You were on the shores of the Great Lake. The merfolk said you looked dead, and they brought you up here." Nico di Angelo said quietly. "We—we thought you drowned."
Despite the graveness of his voice, Percy nearly laughed out loud. Him, a son of Poseidon, drown? Ha! There was as much less of a chance of that than Kronos coming back to life.
Then again...he could drown in mud. He shuddered as he remembered the feeling of suffocation, the pain in his lungs. He never wanted to feel that again.
"Get out, everybody!" Madam Pomfrey barked. "He needs to rest." Everyone except for Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape shuffled out reluctantly.
"Why is everyone making such a big deal about this?" Percy complained. "Like—doesn't this happen every year for Harry?"
"Well, you certainly aren't wrong." Snape muttered under his breath.
"You are a normal student at Hogwarts, Percy." Dumbledore reminded him. "Normal students don't have a near-death experience every year, especially not on the first day. What were you doing near the Great Lake, anyway?" Percy fidgeted uncomfortably, thinking that this school was completely different from Camp Half-Blood.
"I—don't remember." He lied. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously but didn't say anything.
"Tell the truth, boy." Professor Snape snapped. "We know you're lying—"
"Give the child a break, Severus." The headmaster stopped him. "Percy, I know you aren't the average student at Hogwarts." He leaned closer to him, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You weren't sent by your parents. Someone is behind your motives, but I will not do anything because it is beyond my power."Percy blinked.
"Get some rest." Dumbledore said, as if nothing happened. "Come, Severus. I need to ask Minerva where my reading glasses are."
The head of Slytherin glared at Percy, as if warning him not to make another move and left.
I have to leave, he thought to himself. I can't be caught up in another war. No one's going to use me.
He glanced at Madam Pomfrey, making sure her back was turned to him as he dried himself and disappeared into a wisp of vapor.
Hecate better not come looking for me.
Of course, the Fates aren't going to let him do that, are they?
line break sponsored by gigi's animatics making me squeal so loud that my voice hurts
First things first. He needed to find his cloak.
Unfortunately, he wasn't a god, so he couldn't summon things from thin air. He had to find his trunk where he had stowed the cloak when he didn't need it.
It was probably in the Slytherin dormitories, but then he would be seen...
Welp. He guessed that he had to take his chances. Plus, Hecate's blessing let him control the Mist so that could aid him.
He reappeared in the common room, making his appearance look like Draco Malfoy as he passed through the room as if nothing had happened.
"There goes the snotty blond that has way too much hair gel." Nico di Angelo snickered. Percy ignored him, going towards the boy's dormitories.
"Hey, Malfoy." Pansy Parkinson cooed. Percy was disgusted.
"Screw off." He muttered. "I don't want to hang around a slut like you." Pansy's jaw dropped and she stared at him in disbelief as he hurried away, keeping his head low.
"Did you just hear what Malfoy said?!" Pansy shrieked. "He called me a bloody slut!" The people around her gasped in horror.
"What's wrong with you, Malfoy?" Daphne Greengrass scowled. "You shouldn't call Pansy a slut, you git."
"Oh, I'm so offended!" Percy sneered. "Is that all you got?" Daphne glared at him hatefully, silent.
"I've got one." Sylvia stood up. "Motherfu—"
"Nope." Nico Campbell clapped a hand over her mouth before she could say anything else. "You're not saying those things in front of first-years." She pouted.
"I'm turning in." Percy mumbled. "G'night." He hurried into the dormitories and shut the door, not realizing who was inside.
"AUGH!" The real Malfoy screamed, dropping a piece of parchment. "Bloody hell, you scared me, Jackson!" Percy held back a snicker.
"Sorry, Malfoy." He said, changing back into his regular form. "Just came here for something in my trunk." He unlocked the clasp on his trunk and dug through his things, searching for his cloak.
"Aha!" He pulled out the jet-black fabric and slipped it on.
"What's that?" Malfoy asked, interested.
"My favorite cloak." Percy replied vaguely. "What did you think?" Malfoy's shoulders sagged.
"I thought it would've been an invisibility cloak like Potter has." He shrugged. "Oh well. My father can get me one." He turned his back to pick up a stray empty potion bottle.
Now's my chance. Percy thought, getting ready to vapor travel.
"Malfoy!" A voice yelled from the other side of the door. "Open up!" Malfoy scoffed.
"Don't worry, Jackson. I'll take care of them." He swung open the door. "What do you want—"
"Percy, stop!"
Percy's eyes widened as Piper and Annabeth barged in.
"Ohhhh, shit." He muttered. "I'm in deep crap."
"You bet you are." Piper stomped over to him. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Charmspeak laced her voice, but thankfully Percy had learned to ignore that with the time being with Piper.
"Random dude I saw on TV. Why?"
Annabeth turned her face away just as the tears came.
"Uhm...did I do something wrong?" He asked, acting confused.
"You look exactly like someone from the American Royalty." She said gravely.
Well no shit, Pipes. Percy thought sarcastically. American Royalty sounds a bit cheesy, though.
"He was—he was my boyfriend." Annabeth choked. "I..."
"...isn't that incest—?" Percy interrupted, holding back a grin. She blinked.
"Uh—he was adopted." Piper fumbled for a response, again weaving charmspeak in her words. "He died a while ago. It was quite recent, actually. Just last year. We miss him—so much."
Well, guess what? I don't miss you at all. He frowned at Annabeth, raising an eyebrow. I have no clue why you're alive, but for all I know, Chaos could've rose you from the dead.
"Well, I'm sorry for listening to your sob story. How did he die?"
That struck them hard. Piper scratched the back of her neck nervously.
"Assassinated." She said finally. "He was stabbed right through the chest. We couldn't do anything about it..." Percy nearly snorted in disgust.
"I'm sorry, but I really don't like where this is going. I'm going to leave now—"
"Hold on." Annabeth lashed out and gripped his arm. "Where do you think you're going?"
"AUGH! PERVERT!" He yelped, trying struggling out of her grip. "SHE'S TRYING TO ABUSE ME!"
"What the—?!" Draco stepped back, watching them. "Merlin's beard."
"Let—me—go—you—bitch!" Percy shouted, attempting to get his wand.
"You're not going anywhere, Perseus Jackson." Annabeth hissed in his ear, only it wasn't her voice.
Fear struck him as he realized what was happening.
"No!" He cried, finally yanking his arm free. "I know who you are." Annabeth's grey eyes turned purple.
"Do not fear, Perseus Jackson. I am trying to help."
"You helped me to remember one thing—STRANGER DANGER!" He leaped for his cloak, but he felt something restrain his hands.
"Shit." He muttered as he felt something sharp at his throat. "Fuck you, Not-Annabeth..." he felt his consciousness pull downward, and his eyes closed as he fell into oblivion.
sorry not sorry :)
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