One Is A Genius, The Other's Insane

The day before Robin was to start the live filming of the next episode of Toon Time, Robin asked Kevin if he could send him a picture of Barbara's bone structures, which Kevin was willing to do. It was now Friday afternoon and Robin was filming the next episode for Toon Time, and he was getting ready for the conclusion. "Well kids," said Robin, "we sure had a fun time watching some classics and playing games. We'll be back next week for more Looney antics with guys like Bugs, Scooby, and others, right here on Toon Time. I'm your host Robin Warner, and until next time, g'night everybody!" Robin bowed as the audience of children and various adult fans cheered. Robin could see Barbara and Kevin in the crowd, cheering for him. The director that was filming all of this with his cameras then said, "and cut! Great job everyone, let's get this edited so that we can make sure it airs by tomorrow morning. Alright everyone, please leave the stage in an orderly fashion, but if you want to interact with Mr Warner, please get in line."

Robin of course enjoyed interacting with his fans, and he was willing to do autographs and take pictures for free. There were many children who loved Robin and Robin was willing to make these children happy. It was the one thing that Robin valued as a host to this show. Interacting with these sweet children made Robin want to have a family of his own. He wondered what it would be like if he and Barbara were to have children. By the time most of the fans were gone, Kevin and Barbara were still there. "Hey Robin, great job filming today," said Kevin. "Yeah that was a good show," agreed Barbara, "I like the Tom and Jerry short you showed with it." Robin gave a modest shrug and said while smiling, "you can't go wrong with Tom and Jerry every now and then. Thank you both for supporting me while watching this." Barbara gently scratched Robin's ears and said, "hey we're friends, we support each other." Robin smiled and blushed at Barbara.

"That reminds me," said Robin as he regained his train of thought, "I'm gonna go back to Acme Acres... It's mostly for a visit... Mostly to see if my house is still standing in one piece. It shouldn't be too long, I should be back by Monday." Kevin smirked and said, "oh I hear ya. Especially if your house is being watched by your cousins." The three friends laughed at that. "Still, I'll be back," promised Robin. "Hey maybe if it's not any trouble, would you be willing to ask Bugs Bunny and his girlfriend Lola for autographs?" Barbara shyly asked, "I actually do like Lola." Robin smiled and said, "I'll see what I can do. And correction, Bugs and Lola are married." Kevin gave a friendly wave goodbye and said, "see you then, Robin. Try and stay out of trouble." Robin jokingly replied, "I can't make any promises." Kevin and Barbara left the studio, and when Robin was alone, he pulled out a product from Acme. It looked like a typical ray gun, but it was actually an Acme Teleportation Gun. If you set a location on the gun and blast it at anyone or anything, it would teleport to another location. Robin set the location for the Acme Labs in Acme Acres, and once it was set, Robin then blasted the teleportation gun on himself, teleporting from Gotham all the way to Acme Acres.

Inside the Acme Laboratory, two white mice who were distinctly different from each other were inside their cage. One looked to be an insane nimrod, the other was a super genius. Of course this was Pinky and the Brain. Pinky, in his cockney accent, asked as usual, "gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?" Brain looked at his idiotic companion and replied, "the same thing we do every night, Pinky... try and take over the world!" Suddenly, Robin appeared and said, "hey Pinky, hey Brain! Could I talk to you guys before you do your usual thing tonight?" Pinky perked up and said, "hiya Robin! Narf!" Brain looked at Robin with indifference and said, "Atticus. This is quite a surprise, I would expect you would still be in Gotham City. To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence here?"

"Well I was wondering Brain, given all the inventions you and Pinky have made over the years, have you ever developed a cure for paralysis?" Robin nervously asked, rubbing his arm. "That's oddly specific," said Brain, "why do you want to know that, if you don't mind me asking?" Robin smiled shyly and replied, "there's this girl that I think I might be in love with..." Brain looked at Robin sardonically and said, "Atticus, I'm a super genius, not a relationship counselor." Robin protested, "but you don't understand Brain, she's incredibly brilliant and beautiful! Her intellect could almost rival yours. She's something of an inventor herself. Her name's Barbara Gordon." He showed a picture of the redhead to the two mice. Brain looked at Barbara and asked, "so she's unable to walk?"

"She's paralyzed from the waist down after getting shot by the Joker," explained Robin as he showed the two mice pictures of Barbara's bone structure, including where the bullet damaged her spine, "And she really misses walking and doing normal things that most people would take for granted." Pinky raised his hand and said, "actually... I developed a cure for that specific paralysis." Robin and Brain looked at Pinky with surprise and asked in unison, "you did???" Pinky shrugged and replied, "It was just a happy little accident when I was playing with chemicals on one particular day. But I managed to find a stable formula that can cure paralysis from the waist down. I can show you the formula if you show me the bone structure on the computer." After transferring the photos onto the Acme computer, Pinky showed the formula structure of the paralysis cure, adding it up with the bone structure. The cure for paralysis was in liquid form and was not toxic, so therefore it could easily be drinkable. And the results looked to be positive, which meant this cure could potentially give Barbara her ability to walk again. "Pinky, this is exactly what I'm looking for!" Robin said enthusiastically, "Is it okay if I give this cure to Barbara? I know she'd be thrilled to know that there's something to treat her condition and can help her walk again. If it's successful, you might have something on your hands that can ensure that paralysis will be a thing of the past!"

"I'd be more than happy to let you use it Robin," encouraged Pinky as he gave Robin a vial of the liquid formula that could cure paralysis which was a glowing neon purple. The vial was as big as Barbara's pinky, and it was contained with a cap to ensure the chemicals wouldn't spill. "Thank you so much Pinky," said Robin, "not only am I happy, but Barbara and the rest of her family are also going to be happy when this works." Pinky beamed and said, "oh shucks... No problem Robin. Now you go see about that girl. Narf!" Robin put the cure inside his cap where it would be safe as he left the Acme Labs facility. Since he was at his old hometown, he decided to visit his cousins along with his mentor Bugs Bunny and his wife Lola. He was able to convince Bugs and Lola to sign some autographs to Kevin and Barbara, and Lola was quite flattered to know that the girl Robin was in love with liked and admired her. After catching up with his friends and family, Robin then booked a plane ticket to Gotham which would take around 5 hours. He got out his cell phone and decided to call Bruce because he wasn't sure who to talk to about this. Bruce picked up the phone and asked in his naturally gruff voice, "Atticus, why are you calling me?"

"I got some good news, Bruce, I mean Mr Wayne," said Robin. Bruce replied on the phone, "alright, what is it?" Robin leaned on a chair and explained, "so while I was at Acme Acres, I visited Pinky and the Brain and it turns out, Pinky developed a cure for paralysis from the waist down." Bruce asked with surprise, "he did? Is this true?" Robin nodded and replied, "It's true. I've looked over the formula, and it looks like it'll work on Barbara. I was wondering if maybe we could test it on Barbara tomorrow afternoon at the Batcave? I can ask Brain to send you the formula anatomy to your computer." Bruce replied on the phone, "It would be a good idea to run the tests at the Batcave. Very well then Atticus. You can give the cure to Barbara tomorrow at the Batcave. I'll be sure to contact Barbara and let her know about this. One more thing... If the formula requires to be super coolant in a freezer, you can give me the vial and I'll make sure that it's safe in the Batcave." Robin smiled and said, "sounds like a deal. Thanks for letting me do this Bruce." The billionaire replied on the phone, "no, thank you Robin. If this cure works, you'll be making Barbara very happy. Along with me and the rest of her family. You're a good man for doing this for her, and I know Kevin would agree with me." Barbara was like a daughter to Bruce, and he secretly blamed himself for what Joker did to her, the same way he blamed himself for Jason's death. If this cure could work, Bruce had hope, one of the rarest things to ever occur for him. Robin was moved by Bruce's kind words and said, "that means a lot coming from you Bruce. Thank you. I don't mean to get all sentimental, but I wish I had a dad like you. I'll see you at the Batcave once I make it back to Gotham. Then I'll see Barbara tomorrow."

"You too Robin." Bruce said on the phone, "take care now." And that's when the bat hung up. As Robin got on the plane to Gotham City, he thought about Barbara and how happy she would be once she would be able to walk again.

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