Caitlin's POV.
I walk into the forest, where the Cullen's were talking about where the newborns would be arriving. They didn't seem to notice me, and neither did Wendy, Erin, Bella or Jacob. Jacob looked to be in pain, and it killed me. I didn't want this. I didn't want a mate to begin with. I knew I'd cause him pain as soon as I imprinted.
"Hi Guys." I say, getting closer to my family and friends.
"Caitlin? You shouldn't be here." Edward warns softly.
"Why shouldn't she be here, Edward?" Bella asks curiously, obviously upset her boyfriend wants me gone.
"Where's your 'mate'." Jacob asks, looking at me dejectively, but trying to act like he doesn't care. "He seemed like he didn't want you out of his sight. So I'm gonna guess that you were just playing me."
"What? Playing you? Mate?" Bella asks confused, looking around at everyone. "Jacob, what's going on? Why are you mad?"
"My imprint is mates with a leech, and she strung me along, making me think she loved me." Jacob huffs out, crossing his arms.
"She does love you, Jacob. But Jones is a very bad, powerful vampire. She's trying to protect us." Carlisle says calmly. "All of us."
"I think it was a mistake coming here... I should go." I say softly, wrapping my arms around myself. I turn to walk back the way I came, but Jacob grabs my arm and jerks me to face him.
"Jacob!" The Cullen's all yell in a warning voice.
"So what? You like stringing people along? Is that it? Was I not good enough, so you got yourself a vampire boy-toy?" He growls, clutching my arm. "I thought we imprinted on each other. Both ways."
"We did..." I whimper, not meeting his eyes, afraid I'll let something slip. "A... Legend's imprint... Can have a new soulmate if the Legend rejects them..." I whisper to him, feeling tears well up.
"I. Don't. Want. A New. Soulmate." He growls lowly. "I want you. I fell in love with you. I thought we were actually happy together. I thought we didn't hold any secrets from one another."
"Really? You thought I was happy with you?" I hiss, looking him straight in the eye with a glare I hope looked real. Tears streaming down my face as I add venom to my words. "How could I be in love with a mutt." I watch as his heart breaks all over again, but this time I feel like it won't be fixed by me. "Go. Go and protect the vampire girl. Go protect your first love."
That, that was when I knew I went too far with the lies. I could see the confusion in his eyes as he starts to process everything I've told him ever since Jones showed up. I look at the Cullen's, Wendy, Erin and Bella. Bella holds a hand to her mouth with tears flowing down her cheeks as Wendy wraps her in a hug. Bella still didn't know she was my family. She didn't know I never held anything against her or Jacob for his crush on her. I force Jacob to release me and I run. I run away from Forks. Away from La Push. Away from my only family. Away from my one and only. I run to the only place I knew he'd be waiting. The alley I found Wendy. And he was there. Smirking, holding his hand out to me.
"Caitlin!" His voice cries in pain.
"No! She wouldn't do that! She would never!" Wendy's voice pleads as arguing fills the room.
"Goodnight, my dear. You deserve this." He sneers, throwing my head down.
"Please! Don't do this!" Bella pleads, sobbing.
"Bella!" The Cullen's all scream.
"No! Don't do this! Caitlin!" Erin warns loudly.
"Please... Please protect... Them..." A small, frail voice pleads.
"Momma, wake up, Mama..." A small voice coos to me.
"Jones..." I whisper, coming back from the vision. He looks at me curiously as I smile softly. "Jones... Thank you..."
"For what, my dear?" He smiles at me. "For saving you from the mutt?"
"No... For so much more..." I smile softly, grabbing his hand in mine before a fire consumes my arm, spreading to our hands and up his arm as well. "You deserve this."
After hearing his screams of pain, I flash back to the feild my family and friends once were, finding Leah about to be crushed by a newborn, I speed over to her, but am met with Jacob already in her place, being crushed by the newborn's arms.
"NO!" I scream, fire engulfing my arms as I start ripping off the newborns limps, they instantly burn to ash as I pull them off. The newborn's screams filling the air as the pack rush to help Jacob as the Cullen's stare at me with a hidden fear. "Jacob!" I cry out as I finish the newborn, skidding into a crouch beside my imprint. "Hold on, you'll be okay..."
"CAITLIN!!!" Bella's voice screams as someone tackles me away from Jacob and through trees. "Help her!" She demands the Cullen's as the wolves rush Jacob to Billy's to help him.
"'You deserve this'?! Really?! You thought I would die from that and I would leave them alone?!" He screams from above me. "I'll tell you what! We'll make a new deal, yeah?" He smiles maniacally. "First, I'll start with your sister. Ripping her golden heart out, then I'll make her watch as I torture her mate, before I finally end them both! Then? Well then I'll go after the little human you can't stop protecting. What was she again? Your niece?"
I hear Bella gasp after he said that. I hear Erin and Wendy both growl at Jones as he smirks evilly at the three that are huddled behind the Cullen's.
"Seems that you haven't told her yet... Bella, was it?" He smirks as she flinches at her name flying off his lips. "Let's reintroduce everyone, shall we?" He chuckles as I flinch. He grabs me by my red hair before yanking me to stand. "This, why this is your 5th great aunt. Her sister, Wendy, right there, is your 5th great grandmother, and her husband, Erin, your 5th great grandfather. Now I bet they never told you, did they, my dear?"
"Jones! That's enough!" Carlisle yells at him. "You care about Caitlin's safety, do you not?" Carlisle pauses. "The Volturi are coming soon, they will kill her if they find her."
"You think I care for her still? No! You haven't heard the best part of our new deal! I will kill you Cullen's, save the Volturi many future problems." He chuckles. "Then, then I'll kill Caitlin and take her precious Bella as my mate. It's a great plan, yeah?" He smiles wickedly at the Cullen's as Edward becomes angry with Jones thoughts.
"Jones..." I whimper. "Don't... Just take me... I won't fight back anymore..." I say weakly, giving up since Jacob is hurt because I rejected him, and now Bella was Jones' replacement for my refusal of him.
"Promise, my dear?" He asks sickly sweet. I nod slowly, feeling pain. "Hmmm... No." He smirks again. He shoves me to the ground, hovering over me before shoving his hand into my chest. "You lie to much, my dear..."
"Caitlin!" Wendy screams as I see black dots in my vision. A large body tackles Jones off me, managing to rip my heart out too. "Emmett! Careful, he still has her heart!"
I watch as Carlisle and Esme flash to my side, hovering over my head to keep me awake while Emmett wrestles Jones, managing to pin him down with Edward, Alice and Jasper's help. Rosalie carefully takes my heart from him and rushes over to us as Wendy and Erin watch over the last newborn that Carlisle and Esme convinced to surrender. Bella kneeled beside me, sobbing.
"Shhh... Don't cry, Bell..." I whisper to her. "You'll be okay... You won't need to worry about me any more..." I tell her as Carlisle leaves to hurry and help Jacob while Esme switches with Wendy, who takes my heart from Rosalie, trying to find a way to put it back inside me. "Wen... Please, let me go... Dominic is waiting... Momma and Papa are too... I deserve this... Please, tell Jacob I'm sorry..."
"No! Caitlin!!!" Bella pleads, clutching my hand to her as she sobs. I wipe her tears as my own escape my eyes.
"I'm... Sorry..." I whisper before letting my eyes close and my body go limp on the forest ground.
Don't hate me please!
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