Chapter 8| Revali
After destroying all of Medoh's cannons, with the help of Teba, Y/N landed on Medoh's tail. There, a pedestal of the same kind he saw in the Shrine of Resurrection.
Taking his Sheikah Slate, he puts it over the glowing eye on the pedestal, a blue light shimmering as a travel gate had been registered to his map. Now, he could travel to Vah Medoh whenever he liked. Just as he was about to move on, he heard a voice. It sounded...familiar.
???: Well now, I've seen that face before... I had a feeling you would show up eventually. But making me wait for thousands of years is a bit...indulgent. You're here to wrest control of Medoh away from Ganon, correct? If so, the first thing you'll want to do is find yourself a map.
Walking to the entrance that lead to the inside of the Divine Beast, Y/N takes his Sheikah Slate once more and uses the scope function of it. Zooming in all the way into the back, where Medoh's head is, he could see a Guidance Stone.
???: That Guidance Stone has the information for the layout of this Divine Beast. Can you make it there?
Descending down the slope and heading inside the Divine Beast, Y/N glanced around. The area, and the Divine Beast's rooms, were covered in Ganon's malice. Y/N could feel the dark energy, the dark aura coming off the the dark sludge in the room. There in the back, the Guidance Stone seemed to be guarded by a single Guardian Scout.
Unsheathing his sword and shield, Y/N began to make his way over there.
(A/N): Gonna be honest, you all probably don't want to read Y/N having to go around getting all the activation terminals. And BoTW has been out for at least four years as of 2021, so it's not really surprising if people know what's to occur during the Divine Beasts. So I'll just post a video of the dungeon so you can see Link getting all the activation terminals and I'll pick back up at the boss fight. Or when Y/N gets the last activation terminal. Note: Ignore some of the gear on Link in the video. Also, I don't own it.
Riding a carrier across on the underside of Medoh's right wing, Y/N made to the end of the wing. He entered a small room and corrected Medoh's position, heading onto his Sheikah Slate that displayed a map of the Divine Beast he got from the Guidance Stone.
Heading upstairs, he finds the last terminal he needed to activate. Walking up to it, he swipes his Sheikah Slate across the sensor. The sensor glowed a bright blue, the Sheikah Slate authenticating the terminal before the terminal itself turned blue. With the last terminal now registered, the voice from before spoke to him.
???: That was the last terminal! Now you just need to start the main control unit! I want you to take a good look at your map. There should be a new glowing point on there. Well? Flap to it!
Just to be sure, he opened his Sheikah Slate's map once more. The voice was correct. There is a new glowing point on the map. With a satisfied nod, Y/N holsters it back onto his waist and enters the hallway to his left, him previously on the other side before as he couldn't open then.
Heading back into the main room, Y/N heads towards the upper area where an updraft was. Jumping over it, he quickly took out his paraglider and he ascended to the top of Medoh. There, he was met with the chilling wind in his face. Due to the high altitude, he should be freezing, but thanks to his warm clothing and a few warm elixirs he brought with him, he was able to resist the cold. Once he made it to the top, Y/N looked to the center of Vah Medoh, spotting the main control unit there, the large object pulsating an orange color.
Y/N couldn't help but feel an ominous feeling. He felt something resonating within the control unit. Nevertheless, he walked up to it, but remained on guard.
The Hylian warrior placed his Sheikah Slate onto the control unit's sensor. And the ominous feeling he felt was right. Malice came bursting out from the control unit, the dark and mysterious purple aura circling the control unit. Y/N wasn't going to lie to himself. He was a bit startled by this, but in the end, he should've expected this as Impa and Marth had told him that Calamity Ganon had taken control of all the Divine Beasts.
Behind him, he heard some sort of whirring noise. Blue streaks of aura began to zoom past him as something began to form above the control unit. It swirled in place, forming limbs that had the body of Ganon's Malice and the technological limbs of the Guardians. A full on Malice left arm and hand with the right hand being a Guardian's laser, the head of the monster soon formed, streaks of red hair protruding from the back of it's head.
The Malice beast then let out an angered roar as it sets it's sight on Y/N, the Hylian Champion feeling the evil radiating off it. A cyclone of wind seemed to be forming around it.
???: Good luck! That thing is one of Ganon's own, and it plays dirty! It defeated me thousands of years ago...but only because I was winging it. I can't believe I'm actually saying this... But you must avenge me, Y/N!
Just as Y/N was about to go, Windblight Ganon aimed it's cannon at the Hylian warrior, instantly firing a shot as Y/N rolled to the side. His blue eyes watched as the blast launched itself into a stone pillar, the edifice being destroyed instantly as it was sent to nothing but rubble.
???: His aim is dead on! Watch yourself!
Y/N nodded at the advice, Windblight Ganon once more firing a shot. Y/N dive rolled, dodging the energy blast as he ran to the nearest updraft being emitted from a vent. Jumping over it and pulling out his paraglider, he rises into the air, but by the time he looked to where Windblight Ganon was, the monster had turned into a blue orb and began to move, moving to a different position and appearing there.
It once more fires it's cannon, Y/N immediately putting his paraglider and taking out his shield for defense. But due to how much his shield had seen battle, meaning how much damage it's blocked over the years, it's durability was essentially nothing. The energy shot hit Y/N's shield, destroying instantly as Y/N sighed in annoyance, dropping his burnt shield to the ground as he pulls out his paraglider to safely defend. The monster was keeping him on defense, giving Y/N no chance to retaliate as it kept constantly teleporting to different positions and firing it's energy cannon. It then fires multiple shots, the energy bolts exploding behind Y/N as he sprinted away from them. But the explosions were drawing near, Y/N getting behind one of the stone pillars for cover.
As he took a small breather, the pillar suddenly explodes, sending him back as well as skids across towards the edge. Grunting while getting up, he held his side, having been damaged a bit, he seems Windblight Ganon looming over him. It once more raises it's cannon, attempting to finish the job, but Y/N was finally able to quickly retaliate. Drawing his Falcon bow, he takes an arrow and aims it at Windblight Ganon's eye, releasing the arrow as it strikes it. It causes Windblight Ganon to scream in pain as it falls onto it's back, now vulnerable. This was Y/N's chance. To buy himself more time, he pulls out his Sheikah Slate and activates the Stasis rune, the monster now covered in a yellow aura as yellow transparent chains appear all around him, signaling the Hylian Champion that it had successfully worked.
Running at top speed, he quickly unsheathed his blade and began to strike Windblight Ganon, each strike making a metallic sound as it built up kinetic energy, waiting to be released as damaged as soon as the rune's effect wore off. After a few seconds, the rune's effect wore off and the kinetic energy stored was then turned into damage, Y/N still continuing his onslaught of slashes. However, he soon runs away and hides behind a pillar as Windblight Ganon got up and turned into a blue orb and retreated to the center. Sprouting from his back were four flying projectiles that seemed to hover over him.
???: Watch your blind spot!
Y/N wasn't sure what the voice meant until he saw the projectiles move, it getting quickly behind him. Dodging one of them by strafing to the side as it zoomed past him and took up position in the air, opening it's front as it fires blue energy shots. The four pinpoint shots were trying to corner him like he was a rat, so Y/N's only option was to hover in the air once more, but he knew he couldn't stay up in the air forever. Doing the same process he did before, he soared high using his paraglider and drew his bow, time seemingly slowing down as he held in his breath. Instead of using regular arrows, he still had some bomb arrows left over that he received from Teba.
The fight seemed to have last for hours, Y/N doing the same process over and over again. Dodging energy bolts, firing bomb arrows, dodging more energy bolts, and firing more arrows and occasionally attacking Windblight Ganon with his sword whenever he was vulnerable. Once more dodging an energy shot from it's cannon, Y/N took out his bow and fired a bomb arrow, striking it in it's eye. Windblight Ganon fell onto it's back and Y/N put a foot on it's lower body, using it to gain momentum as he kicks himself into the air. Unsheathing his sword off his back, he brings it upwards before he brought his sword straight down, plunging it in Windblight Ganon's eye.
It's body then retreated back to the center, hovering over the main control unit. It let out screams of pain as it's Malice was beginning to disappear. It let out one final scream as pools of Malice began to exit out of it, from the center of it's body as a purple light was shining through it's body's walls. Windblight Ganon then explodes, the Malice surrounding the main control unit receding.
Now, all that's left was for Y/N to walk up towards the control unit and have his Sheikah Slate's sensor activate it in order to retake Vah Medoh from Ganon's control. Walking up to it, he swipes his Sheikah Slate across the sensor, it glowing briefly before the pulsating orange color then changed to a bright blue color, signifying the main control unit being activated.
???: Well, I'll be plucked...
Y/N was alarmed by the sudden voice, turning to his left. He heard the familiar flapping sounds of a Rito flapping it's wings, safely descending onto the ground. Covered in an ethereal blue-green color was a familiar winged bird, the Rito covered in blue feathers. His garb was that of his village, but the most familiar detail of the Rito's outfit was the royal blue scarf of the Hyrulean royal family that hung around the Rito's neck.
???: You defeated him, eh? Who would've thought...
The familiar green eyes of the Rito showed a bit of joy once laying eyes upon Y/N. A small, but unnoticeable smirk was on his face. It was Revali, the Rito Champion.
Revali: Well done. I suppose I should thank you now that my spirit is free. This returns Medoh back to it's rightful owner! Heh. Don't preen yourself just for doing your job.
Despite all he said, Y/N could tell that Revali was grateful. Revali put one of his wings to his chin, as if he was in a thinking position.
Revali: I do suppose you've proven your value as a warrior. A warrior worthy of my unique ability. The sacred skill that I have dubbed Revali's Gale!
Revali brought his wing up to the air, a green orb of energy being channeled into the palm of his hand. Once formed, he threw it at Y/N, the orb of energy entering in his chest.
He could feel it, Revali's power coursing through him.
Y/N was then suddenly lifted off the ground a bit, startling him. The new ability then thrusts him into the air, Y/N doing a back flip as he lands on the ground on his two feet.
Revali: It's now time to move on and start making preparations for Medoh's strike on Ganon. But only if you think you'll need my help while you're fighting against him. Feel free to thank me now.
Before Y/N had time to respond, he was then engulfed by a bright yellow light. Revali sighed as he turned his head a bit the other way.
Revali: Or...never mind, just go. Your job is far from finished, you know.
Facing away from the Hylian Champion, Y/N looked down at his arms. He was being surrounded by sparkles of light before being fully engulfed by it. The light sparkle could be seen flying upwards and back down towards the land, Revali having a small grin on his face.
Revali: ...The princess has been waiting an awful long time.
From below, Chrom and his Shepherds have retreated back towards Regna Ferox. While waiting for their other Shepherd, they were startled by the sound of Vah Medoh's cries.
They looked to the air, seeing the rotors below the wings of the Divine Beast turning, the Beast itself turning it's way towards the capital. Vah Medoh could be seen diving down, bringing it's legs and talons down. Soldiers atop the walls of Regna Ferox started scrambling away as they could see the talons heading down towards them.
Once it locked it's talons atop the wall, debris of it flying everywhere as it plunges down into the streets of Ferox, it faced upright. The rotors of the Divine Beast stop whirring and come to a halt. A red beam of energy soon emits from the tip of Medoh's beak, soon firing off into the distance, to who knows where.
Revali's spirit then appears on top the head of Vah Medoh.
Revali: Medoh's sights are now set. You'll have a precise bead on Ganon from this vantage point. And when the time is right, give him everything you've got! Now we wait for that perfect moment... (light chuckle) Medoh, we've been artfully patient for the last thousands of years. I doubt you'll suffer a feather over a few more moments...
The Rito Champion's gaze then casts down to the Shepherds down below, who were looking up at the Divine Beast in amazement. Since coming to this world, it too suffered what would've happened in Hyrule. Despite it not being his home, Revali felt a sense of obligation to help save this realm.
Revali let out a sigh as his sights then move to the rising sun. The orange horizon soon coming into view to the human eye.
Revali: After all these years, I simply must admit the truth... Even without the power of flight, Y/N made his way to this Divine Beast... And accomplished something that even I could not... (looks up to sky) Guess I was wrong lucky he could be. I hope that luck holds out, Y/N... For everyone's sake.
Watching from inside the khans throne room, both Flavia and Basilio had wide eyes. Though it wasn't a surprise. A giant mechanical bird had suddenly perched itself onto it's walls, and will seem to remain there for an uncertain amount of time.
They then heard shimmering noises, the two turning around as Y/N suddenly appeared behind them. The two looked at the Hylian with agape mouths before they shook themselves from their shocked states. Regaining their composure, they re-straightened themselves.
Basilio: Well, uh... Ahem. While the original contract was to kill it.
Flavia: Even if you could.
Basilio: Right. Anyway, it seems that bird thing has calmed down and made it's home on our walls. Well, at least it'll scare away those brigands should they draw close.
Flavia: And as for your payment... How about you go by the blacksmith and fix yourself something up there? From what it looks like, your equipment looked like it went through hell.
Y/N eyed his equipment. While his bow looked fine, it was his sword and shield that were the problem. His shield was practically broken, and his sword was beginning to have some cracks on it. It was time he needed an upgrade.
Basilio: Oh, and that bird guy is just in the hallway outside. He wants to speak with you before you head off.
With a nod off his head, Y/N turned around and left the throne room. Outside the throne room, he was met with Teba once more.
Teba: Well, you did it, Y/N. While Medoh wasn't killed, it is appeased. You sure are something, huh?
Y/N: I...suppose so.
Teba: Well, it looks like I won't be heading back to Hyrule anytime soon. If you have need of my services, just send a letter and I'll fly on over.
A bit surprised by this, Y/N was thankful nonetheless. He bowed his head slightly in thanks while Teba nodded, the white feathered Rito facing the entrance and heading out, flying off into the distance.
With the Divine Beast business settled, Y/N went back to join the rest of the Shepherds to make their journey back to Ylisse to tell Emmeryn of their good news.
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