Chapter 7| Vah Medoh
Note: Not all characters from BoTW will be making an appearance in this book.
Chrom and his Shepherds were walking with Y/N, ascending up the snowy mountain, supposedly heading to some sort of outpost.
From reports from Flavia and Basilio, there seemed to be a "bird man" having made a base near a cliff. The cliff was near the general area of where Vah Medoh had been spotted, somewhere near the Feroxi Highlands. As they traveled up the hill, Lissa complaining all the while they walked through the heavy snow, they came across the so-called base the supposed "bird man" had created.
They stopped at the base, Y/N gesturing them to wait. While Chrom and his Shepherds were a bit skeptical about it, they did trust Y/N as he seemed to know what he was doing. So going on by himself, Y/N began to climb the ladder that led up to the top, reaching the top of the structure. It lead to some sort of common room with a fire pit in the middle and a pot sitting on top. Some water was being boiled, the fire under the pot was lit, so the room felt warm. Near the back of the opened-area room were a couple of cabinets with arrows, some of them having bombs attached to them.
However, Y/N's attention was brought over to his left. Over on the deck was indeed the supposed "bird man." The bird man had feathers as white as snow, him tending to his bow as he was adjusting the bow strings. The bird man seemed to have heard Y/N's footsteps as he turned his head around, sending an annoyed glare to Y/N's way.
???: Yeah...? (resumes working on bow) I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go.
As the bird man continued to adjust the bow string, Y/N looked to the end of the deck. There was a symbol. In fact, that same symbol was of the same on his paraglider. As he continued to eye it, he felt some sort of familiarity towards it. It was then it clicked. Y/N's eyes widened as he begun to remember a memory from the distant past.
Y/N was walking along the wooden lookout structure, walking onto halfway across the deck. While it was cold up in the region labeled as Anri's Way, Y/N had remembered the ingredients to make a cold resistance potion from his homeland. With cold darners existing in this world, along with the monsters that came from their realm of Hyrule and mysteriously came here to this one, Y/N could still remember how to make them.
Wearing the royal blue tunic of the Hyrule royal family with a sword strapped to his back that radiated with holy light, Y/N made it halfway across the deck. He soon paused as he felt a gust of wind from below. Upwards, he could see a giant mechanical bird flying through the air. And coming from below, riding along a torrent of winds similar to a tornado came a blue-feathered humanoid bird, a bow strapped to his back. One of the most distinct features of his outfit was the royal blue scarf that was wrapped around his neck.
Flapping his wings to safely descend, he lands at the edge of the deck, posing in front of Y/N with bravado, as if he was trying to prove something.
???: Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito. With proper utilization of my skills, I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense with Ganon.
Despite the bird man's, or his race, the Rito, boasting, Y/N still kept a straight face. The Rito bowman put his wings behind his back and began to pace around Y/N.
???: Now then, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note... But let's not--pardon me for being so blunt--let's not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito. Even if we aren't in Hyrule, I'm still the most skilled archers out of--what are they called again? Ah, right. Humans. Yet despite these truths, it seems that I am still tapped to merely assist you. All because you have that little darkness-sealing sword on your back. I mean, it's just...asinine. (peers over to Y/N with raised eyebrows) think you can prove me wrong? Maybe we should just settle this one on one? But where...? Oh, I know! How about up there!?
The blue feathered Rito gestures towards the mechanical flying bird soaring high above them. But the Rito simply chuckles and bows in a mocking tone.
???: Oh, you must pardon me. I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own!
The Rito then crouches down, readying his wings as he flaps them and gains altitude. Flying at great speeds, he turns around and looks down at Y/N, saying something in a mocking tone.
???: Good luck sealing the darkness!
Y/N had covered his face with his arm to shield himself from the strong wind. Once it receded, Y/N simply looked onward as the Rito bowman retreated into the mechanical bird, known as a Divine Beast.
Flashback End
After remembering the memory, Y/N let's out a gasp as he opened his eyes. He noticed the white feathered Rito looking at him weirdly.
???: What were you spacing at there for? Look, do you need something? I'm busy here.
Y/N: ...I can help you.
???: Help me? With what exactly.
Y/N: Vah Medoh...
???: Let me get this straight... Some random Hylian wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. What's your name stranger?
Y/N: I'm Y/N.
???: Y/N, huh? Well, Y/N. I'm Teba. I'm guessing those Hylian look-a-likes asked you to come and stop me, or something along the lines. Am I right?
Y/N: That's right.
Teba: (scoffs and mutters) Those Hylian look-a-likes. They just don't know when to mind their own business, huh? (normal) Look--you seem like an alright guy, but let's make one thing clear: I'm not going anywhere. As a Rito warrior, I can't rest until my people are safe. Sure, we're not in Hyrule anymore, but if I can take down that Divine Beast and find my way home, my people won't have to worry anymore. There's only one way I'm going back to Rito Village.
Y/N: And that is...
Teba: Once Divine Beast Vah Medoh falls from the sky. If I have to kill Medoh in order to find my way be it.
Y/N: Then let's get started.
Teba: Are you serious? Ha! Well, far be it from me to talk you off the ledge. But it's as the elder said back in my village: the only way to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh is to get inside it. Fat chance of that happening. There's no way we can set foot in Medoh.
Y/N: Actually, I can get into Medoh.
Teba: So not are you're brainless, too. Let me fill you in--the only people able to enter the Divine Beasts are the five Champions of old. And while they were here, unfortunately for us and the rest of this world, they all died thousands of years ago. If it hadn't been for Ganon... (shakes head) Never mind. Let's focus on bringing down Medoh... One step at a time. If we approach Medoh recklessly, its cannons will blast us out of the sky before we even get close. ...So I'm going to need to test you before I take you with me.
Teba stood up and took Y/N to the edge of the deck. The deck was over a ravine, and in the ravine were a multitudes of updrafts.
Teba: We Rito warriors would use the updrafts in ravines like this to hone our aerial archery skills. The updrafts are so strong here that a person could just open a cloth over their head and float up easily. Now let's see what you're capable of. You'll have to maneuver through the air and destroy five of the targets set up in this valley in three minutes.
Y/N faced the ravine and began to eye the targets. He then examined the updrafts below. He was quite confident in his archery skills and he could maneuver well through the updrafts. Plus, if he needed to, he could just put away his paraglider to descend and pull it back out if he needed to ascend. Then again, this wasn't his first time dealing with updrafts.
When he was assigned to take down lynels that were high above on mountains, Y/N would use various updrafts he'd find to help shorten his climb. The Hylian warrior then turned back to Teba, nodding as he was ready to start his test.
Teba: Then go destroy five targets with your arrows.
Y/N took a few steps back before he took a running start. Jumping off the deck and descending down into the ravine, he quickly took out his paraglider and began to sail through the updrafts.
There were two targets below him, Y/N putting his paraglider away as he began to descend downwards at a rapid pace. While the updrafts helped slow him down a bit, it wasn't enough to stop his rapid descent. But this was fine. Once he was about the same level as the two targets, Y/N took out his bow and drew an arrow, time seemingly once again slowing down. Letting the arrow go, he quickly took out another one from his quiver and pulled it back, letting it go towards the second target.
Pulling out his paraglider once more, he rises upwards, Y/N glancing downwards to see that his arrows had destroyed the two targets. Two down, three to go.
There was another one on a lone stone pillar, Y/N having to constantly put away and take out his paraglider so he doesn't descend too fast or ascend too high. Now a few feet away from the third one, he took out another arrow and shot towards it, turning his left to see the remaining two targets he needed to take out. One was a bit higher while the other was more down below. Y/N already knew he destroyed the third target as he heard it shatter.
Heading towards the last two, he aimed for the lower one, letting the arrow go from his bow as he flies straight towards the target. He then faced upwards, getting another and pulling it back. Letting the arrow fly, he watches as the arrows he shot off made their way to their targets, destroying them.
Eliminating all five targets in just under thirty seconds. It was amazing, well, from Teba's eyes at least. The white feathered Rito calls Y/N back over, Y/N using the updrafts to fly on over to the edge of the deck.
Teba: You're...a skilled archer. It was as if time stopped with every arrow you let fly. I've got to tell you, Y/N... When you first showed up, I thought someone was pulling a prank on me. But after seeing you handle that bow, I can tell you're the real deal. You must have seen a battle or two.
Y/N: (looks down) ...Hundreds of them.
Teba: I believe it. Y/N... I feel I've heard that name somewhere before... Well, if you really want to help me bring down Medoh, it's now or never. I'll get you into position so you can give it's cannons all you've got. (gestures to chest next to him) Inside that chest is a bow I've modified. Take it, and let me know when you're ready.
The Hylian warrior nods and proceeds to take the bow from the chest. Now retiring his old bow, he grabs his new bow, the Falcon Bow. Before he went to Teba, he went down the ladder to inform Chrom of his plan.
Again, the Ylissean Prince seemed skeptical of the idea, worried for his friend, but he could tell Y/N as hellbent on doing it. With a nod, Chrom sends Y/N on his way, trusting in him. Y/N then met up with Teba.
Teba: Ok, it's time to face Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Normal arrows won't put a dent in those cannons. You'll need to hit them with bomb arrows. I'm sure you've grabbed some on your way here, but these are a precious commodity and only I know how to make them. So, don't expect me to do this again, but...take these bomb arrows.
Teba then hands Y/N 20 bomb arrows, the blonde Hylian tucking them away into his quiver. Teba could see that Y/N was prepared with some warm clothes already, and the Hylian was ready to go.
Teba: All right. But before we go, let me ask you something. Why are you doing this? Why risk your life to bring down Medoh?
Pondering at the question, Y/N looked down. He remembered Marth's plea, the plea from Impa, as well as the faint memories of princess Zelda.
Y/N: ...To rescue Zelda.
Teba: Zelda? But that's the name of the princess Revali served back in Hyrule Castle. I don't know what she has to do with Divine Beast Vah Medoh, but whatever. As long as you're helping me bring down Medohm your motivation is fine by me. ...Right. Get on.
With no time to spare, Teba crouches down and Y/N climbs onto his back. The white feathered Rito took a running start before he leaped off the deck, him gaining altitude and ascending up into the sky, the rest of the Shepherds watching from below.
Soaring high above the ground, Teba and Y/N are currently heading towards the Divine Beast, Vah Medoh. Medoh was only a few feet away, Teba cautiously descending towards it.
Teba: All right. It's showtime. Man, even I feel like I'm going to freeze up here!
Once Teba got in range of Medoh, the shields of it activating. On each directional end were the cannons Teba had told Y/N about.
Teba: There's Divine Beast Vah Medoh. It has its barrier up again. What a pain... What's wrong, Y/N? Too scared to talk? Let's go over the plan. You see those cannons? I'll draw their fire. While I'm doing that, use your bomb arrows to destroy the cannons. Got it so far? If you need to withdraw for a bit, just spread your cloth and float straight up in the updraft for a while. I'll take that a sign we need to regroup. Don't bother aiming for anything covered by Medoh's barrier. It's impenetrable. And whatever you do, don't get close enough to touch it. And finally--I know I've said this a few times already, but don't forget your cold protection. We can move when you're ready!
Y/N: ...Let's go.
Teba: All right. Now go blow up those cannons!
Jumping off of Teba's back, Y/N pulls out his paraglider and begins to soar with the updraft. And already, one of the cannons of Medoh spots Y/N, the blonde Hylian seeing red targeting line on him.
Putting away his paraglider, Y/N immediately drops, the fired shot from the cannon just going above him, exploding. Y/N continued this process in order he got close enough to use his bow, him pulling it out as he fires two bomb arrows in quick succession. Once his two bomb arrows connected, Y/N pulls out his paraglider once more and heads directly upwards, using the updraft. Teba then regroups with him, Y/N riding atop his back once more as they head towards the second cannon.
Now above it, Y/N would jump off once more and fly overhead and close enough to use his bow. The two would repeat this process many times as Teba would draw away the cannon's fire and Y/N using bomb arrows to destroy them.
After destroying the last three cannons, the shields of Vah Medoh began to power down. With his paraglider, Y/N begins to descend down to Medoh. Teba then flew up next to him.
Teba: Well done, Y/N! That things is history!
Teba then let out a grunt of pain, causing Y/N to look at him. Down at Teba's left leg was a burnt area, along with white feathers flying off there. While he was directing the cannon fire away from Y/N, Teba had been narrowly grazed by the cannon fire.
Teba: Bad news, Y/N. Looks like I got hit pretty good back there... I think... I think I need to get back to the Flight Range. I just hope that... I can make it back... You head down to Medoh. Good luck! It's all you!
Teba then offers Y/N a thumbs up with his left wing, Y/N nodding back in reply as thanks. With that settled, Teba heads back down to the Flight Range while Y/N descended down towards Medoh's tail.
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