Chapter 3| Ylisstol, Capital of Ylisse
Just as Chrom had said last night, himself, Robin, Lissa, Fredrick, and Y/N had departed early in the morning from the forest they decided to camp in. Their camp would've been peaceful, had they not been attacked by those mysterious creatures, but two swordsmen had come to their aid.
However, they were mysterious people. They only gave their names, Marth and Link. While Y/N was confused about one of them, he simply shook it off and continued his attention in front of him. Last night, they were also joined by one of Chrom's Shepherds, Sully, a cavalier, as well as an archer they met the same night, Virion. The seven of them walked through the gates of the capital of Ylisse, Ylisstol.
Both Robin and Y/N marveled at the sight. Many crowds were bustling as many of them walked the streets, commerce was flowing around them. Many shop stalls lined the streets as they journeyed their way down the main street towards the palace.
Robin: So this is Ylisstol, capital of Ylisse...I've never seen so many people!
Y/N: ...The population isn't as dense as I've seen in...Ferox...or any other towns I've traveled to.
Fredrick: (content sigh) It appears the capital was spared the chaos we encountered, thank the gods. I see no evidence of the great quake. It must've been limited to the forest.
Lissa: Well, that's a relief!
Old Villager: Look! The exalt has come to see us!
The group's attention was then brought to the main street up ahead. Coming down the street was a blonde woman, some sort of circlet on her head with a mark on her forehead. It was the same mark Chrom bore on his right shoulder. The woman, known as the exalt, was surrounded by many knights, some of them atop horses and pegasus.
Y/N: The exalt...
Robin: The exalt is your ruler, yes?
Fredrick: Yes. Her name is Lady Emmeryn.
Robin: Is it safe for her to walk amongst commoners like this?
Y/N: She seems well protected...and she has many knights surrounding her.
Fredrick: The exalt is a symbol of peace--Ylisse's most prized quality. Long ago, at the dawn of our age, the Fell Dragon tried to destroy the world. But the first exalt joined forces with the Divine Dragon and laid the beast low. Exalt Emmeryn reminds us all of the peace we fought for them.
Chrom: With Plegia at our borders, the people need her. She's a calming presence, when some might otherwise call for war.
Y/N: The Ylissean people must be lucky to have such a are right. She is calming.
Lissa: (giggle) She's also the best big sister anyone could ask for!
Robin: Yes, I imagine she... Wait, what? She's your... But wouldn't that make you and Chrom...
Fredrick: The prince and princess of the realm, yes. Your remember Chrom's name and not this?
Robin: You said you were "shepherds"!
Chrom: And so we a manner of speaking. We just have a LOT of sheep.
Y/N: ...I see.
Robin: C-Chrom... I mean, Prince Chrom! Sire! Forgive my dreadful manners!
Chrom: Why are you kneeling, Y/N? There's no need for that.
Y/N: Are you not the prince of this kingdom?
Chrom: While I am, I see no reason for you to bow down towards me. And no need for any of that "Your Highness" business, if you were thinking that. I would prefer if you called me Chrom. You too, Robin. I've never been much for formalities.
Y/N: ...If that...if that is what you wish.
Robin: The prince and princess... That explains why Fredrick tolerates all the teasing, eh?
Fredrick: Indeed. (sigh) Oh, the sacrifices I make for the good of the realm...
Chrom: It looks like Emm is returning to the palace. Would you two like to meet her?
The two gave brief nods, Chrom nodding with a smile. Sully and Virion go their separate ways, the red-haired woman leading the archer to the Shepherd's base presumably. Making their way into the palace, the five went into the royal chamber.
Awaiting for Chrom's and Lissa's return is the very same person Chrom had been talking about. Exalt Emmeryn waited, the five of them walking in as they see a blue-haired woman standing next to the exalt. This is Phila, captain of Ylisse's Pegasus Knights and Emmeryn's personal bodyguard.
Emmeryn: (smiles) Chrom! Lissa! Welcome home. Oh, and good day, Fredrick. How fared you all?
Chrom: Well, we shouldn't have any bandit problems for a while.
Emmeryn: Wonderful. And our people?
Chrom: Safe as they can be, Emm. But we still need to watch the borders. The brigands crossed over from Plegia.
Phila: Forgive me, milord. My pegasus knights should have intercepted them.
Chrom: (shakes head) No, Phila. Your duty was here, with the exalt.
Lissa: And besides, we had plenty of help!
Emmeryn: Ah, you speak of your two new companions here?
Chrom: This is Robin. She fought bravely with us against the brigands. And we met Y/N last night. I've decided to make them Shepherds.
Emmeryn: (smiles) It sounds as though Ylisse owes you a debt of gratitude, Robin, Y/N.
Robin: N-Not at all, milady!
Y/N: (bows slightly) It was nothing much, ma'am. I simply helped them, is all.
Fredrick: Forgive me, your Grace, but I must speak. Robin claims to have lost her memory, but it is only that: a claim. And we are not aware of Y/N's origins, so to speak. We cannot rule out the possibility that they are brigands themselves or even Plegian spies.
Chrom: Fredrick!
Emmeryn: Yet you allow them into the castle, Chrom. Do these people have your trust?
Chrom: Yes. Robin risked her life for our people. And Y/N saved Lissa's life. That's good enough for me.
Emmeryn: Well then, Y/N, Robin... It seems you've earned Chrom's faith, and as such you two have mine as well.
Robin: Milady.
Y/N: I understand your caution, Your Grace.
Emmeryn: (smiles) But thank you, Fredrick, for your prudence, as always. Chrom and Lissa are blessed to have so tireless a guardian. I do hope they remember to mention that from time to time...
Fredrick: (bows) They occasionally express something akin to gratitude, Your Grace. Phila, I assume you've heard about the deathly creatures we've encountered, yes?
Phila: Yes, milord. They've been sighted all across Ylisse. As well as those pig-like creatures.
Emmeryn: Chrom, we are about to hold council. I was hoping you could join us.
Chrom: Of course.
Lissa: I think that's our cue, Y/N, Robin! C'mon, there's a place I want to show you two.
Lissa then grabs the two by the arms, leading them around the palace as Chrom, Emmeryn, and Fredrick watch them. As he was being dragged away, Y/N couldn't help but feel Emmeryn's eyes on him. It's like he felt that Emmeryn knew who he was, and where he came from. He had questions, yes, but he felt that he shouldn't ask them just yet. While he had gained the trust of the exalt and Chrom, he could tell that many of the knights were still suspicious of him and the white-haired woman, Robin.
Leading the two to another facility in the palace, Lissa entered a room with Robin and Y/N. Inside, two people were already in there. One of them is a male and the other is a woman.
Lissa: Here we are! The Shepherds' garrison. Go on you two, make yourselves at home.
A voice then called out from elsewhere, another blonde girl about the same age as Lissa coming into the room.
???: Lissa, my treasure! Are you all right? I've been on pins and needles!
Lissa: Oh, hey, Maribelle!
Maribelle: "Oh, hey" yourself! I've sprouted 14 grey hairs fretting over you!
Lissa: Aw, you worry too much. I can handle a battle or two! ...Although I could do without the bugs and bear barbecue...
As soon as she said bear, Y/N's eyes lit up. If anything, Y/N loved a good meal and he was quite the gluttony. Remembering a few faint memories when he was in Hyrule, he remembered the various delicious dishes he had there, some of them involving bear meat.
Soon, the male in the room spoke up.
???: Hey, squirt! Where's Chrom? I bet he had a rough time out there without ol' Teach and his trusty axe!
Lissa: Oh, so you're "Teach" now, Vaike, is that it? (giggle) And here I thought some people were just born lacking wits. It can be taught?
Vaike: Ha! Never doubt the Vaike! ...Wait, was that an insult?
The other woman that had stayed quiet up until now then spoke next.
???: Beg pardon, but when might we see the captain?
Maribelle: Poor Sumia. She's simply been beside herself with concern... Her eyes were scanning the horizon all day during training. ...She might have earned fewer bruises fighting blindfolded.
Lissa: (giggle) Aw, Sumia, that's so sweet of you to worry about Chrom.
Sumia: (blushes slightly) Worry? Well, I... He's our captain and our prince--of course I'd worry!
Vaike: So who's the two strangers?
Lissa: No one's stranger than you Vaike... But allow me to introduce Robin and Y/N! They just joined the Shepherds. Chrom made Robin our new tactician with Y/N being a new fighter that displayed cool skills! You should see all the tricks they've got up their sleeves!
Vaike: Oh, yeah? Can they do this?
He then lets out massive burp, Y/N going into a thinking position as he tries to think back if he had ever done such a thing.
Robin: (chuckle) I'm sure I have much to learn in the belching arts, "Teach". In any case, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintances.
Y/N: Likewise.
Maribelle: (groans) Ugh, Vaike! That was abhorrent! Must you baseborn oafs pollute even the air with your buffoonery? And you, Robin! Don't encourage him! I'd hoped you were cut from finer cloth. Hmph!
Maribelle then walks away, Y/N noting her haughty attitude. Y/N felt he met someone like her before. Even if that person didn't have a haughty personality, it felt oddly similar to someone.
Sumia: (sigh) Don't take it to heart, Robin. Maribelle warms to people slowly.
Lissa: Or burns too quickly! (giggle) But yeah, just give her time.
With their talking, they turn to the entrance of the garrison. Just now, Chrom had entered, Sumia's face lighting up with happiness.
Sumia: Ah! Captain! You've returned! I was--I mean, we were so--
As she took a step forward, she seemed to trip, albeit it was nothing. Sumia then fell face first, causing everyone in the room to look at her with concern. Sumia then got back up, dusting herself off.
Chrom: Sumia! Are you all right? ...Those boots of yours again?
Sumia: No! I mean, yes! I mean... (sigh)
Chrom: All right, listen, everyone: in the morning, we'll be marching to Regna Ferox.
Y/N: Regna Ferox? I just left there a few weeks ago.
Chrom: What were you doing up there?
Y/N: A bit of mercenary work.
Robin: What's Regna Ferox?
Sumia: A unified kingdom to Ylisse's north. Inhabited by barbarians or so it's said.
Chrom: Warriors are what they are, and we'll need their strength to quell this new menace.
Y/N: I'm sure we'll be able to get assistance from either of the Khans.
Chrom: Typically, the exalt would request such aid in person. But given recent events... Well, the people might worry should my sister leave the capital. So the task has been passed to us. Now, this mission is strictly voluntarily. So if, for any--
Lissa: I volunteer!
Vaike: (laughs) Me too! You'll be needin' ol' Teach along for such a delicate mission!
Armored Man: I'll go as well.
Y/N looked to the armored person in the back, him having orange accents on his armor. For some odd reason, no one else seemed to notice him. It was only a few seconds later after they heard his voice was when they looked to him.
Armored Man: ...What? I've been here the whole time!
Sumia: I... I, um...
Chrom: Yes, Sumia?
Sumia: It's just that... I'm not sure I'm quite ready for a proper mission just yet. I'd probably just get in the way.
Chrom: Well, you could just stay behind the main group, and if battle is met, just watch and learn? Your choice, of course. But some lessons can only be learned on the battlefield.
Sumia: Huh? W-Well, if you think it wise, captain.
Chrom: Just stay by me and you'll be fine.
Sumia: Oh, yes! I mean--Yes, sir, I'll do that!
With the plan settled, everyone rested for the night. However, Y/N found it odd that he was called up to the palace by the exalt. He figured it was time he could ask his questions, but he still found it strange.
Making his way into the royal chamber, he found the exalt sitting at her chair. Emmeryn smiled as Y/N walked up to the bottom of the stairs, kneeling.
Y/N: How may I serve?
Emmeryn: That's not necessary, Y/N. You see, I was asked to bring you here because someone wishes to speak with you.
Y/N: (confused) Speak with me?
Emmeryn: Yes. Please follow me.
Exiting the royal chamber, Y/N proceeds to follow Emmeryn down the hall and into another room. They seen stop steadfast in front of another door, the exalt motioning Y/N to enter. Y/N himself was cautious, despite earning the exalt's trust today.
Nonetheless, he opened it. In front of him, sitting on pillow that was elevated on some sort of pedestal was on old woman, wearing a straw hat on her head as it also had the same symbol on the back of the Sheikah Slate. An opened eye with three triangles on top.
???: ...So you're finally awake. (looks up and smiles) It's been quite a long time...Y/N. I am much older now, remember me, don't you?
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