Chapter 2| The Prince And The Tactician

Current outfit, think of the Hylian tunic with the trousers and hood from BOTW. And as for weapons, think of the Soldier's Broadsword with the Traveler's Shield and Traveler's Bow. The "default" equipment of BOTW Link, you could say.


Months had passed since Y/N had been awakened and had gotten in contact with an old friend, Marth. As he was suggested by Marth, Y/N had headed towards Regna Ferox and trained there for quite a while. 

Since then, he began to remember his skills, the memories of the battles he fought were coming back to him. After regaining his skills, he begun work as a mercenary around Ferox, building up a small reputation. Taking on any job, Y/N would somehow get the job done. Albeit causing a little bit of damage here and there on properties...and a bit of breaking some pots. For some reason, any time Y/N saw a pot, he had a sudden urge to destroy it.

Back to what Y/N's original goal was, he began walking down the hill that led up to the Longfort. As Y/N made his way down, he recalled back to his time back in Ferox. During his free time, when he wasn't doing his occupation as a mercenary, he would recall looking through his Sheikah Slate, looking through it's compendium, the Hyrule Compendium to be specific. He spent quite a lot of time relearning about his homeland. In fact, during his time in Ferox, he encountered some of the creatures that belonged in his home. One of them was a lynel, a giant creature with the body of a horse, a torso of a person, and a lion's head. It was a fierce creature to battle, it carrying a large sword with a sturdy metal shield. Not only was it paired with a bow, it also had electric arrows, which had Y/N running for the hills a couple of times.

Y/N looked to the horizon, seeing the sun go down as nightfall begins to occur. He needed a place to camp for the night. While he could go onward to his destination, nightfall brought other monsters, creatures with one eye that resembled bats, and fallen skeletons of Bokoblins and Moblins would arise to attack any traveler who were walking down on these paths.

Nearby, he sees there was a forest, Y/N beginning to head there as he decided that would be his campsite for the night. Putting out a bundle of firewood in the middle of clearing he made by getting rid of the grass, he places a piece of flint right next to it. Shooting an arrow at it, it created a spark that lit the wood on fire, the area quickly lighting up. Y/N then crouches down next to it and stares at the fire.

The fire kept making crackling and popping noises, small sparks flying through the air. The warmth the fire gave off was very reminiscent for some reason. Yes, Y/N had sat down at many campfires before, but this one just felt very familiar. He could hear what sounded like voices. Many of them were either talking, laughing, or yelling with joy. The sounds he heard sounded like he knew. Everything was fine until the ground started to shake, causing Y/N to jolt himself up.

In the distance, he could see trees falling, as well as part of the landscape rising. In fact, Y/N could see the color orange emerging in the distance as well. He knew something was wrong, so Y/N put out his campfire and grabbed his weapons. Equipping his sword and shield on his back and slinging his bow over his shoulders, he rushes off further into the forest. 

As he went further in, he sees that the orange color was actually flames. He looked up to the sky once more, what seemed to balls of flames falling from the sky. He then sees something else. A bright white light shined in the sky before it formed into a circle with symbols all around it. Two humanoid creatures fall out of it, Y/N picking up the pace to see the reason why. Arriving on the scene, he sees three swordsmen and a cleric. 

The cleric was currently being defended by two of the swordsmen, one of them having blue hair and wearing a mask with the other having a hood on. The other blue-haired swordsman seemed to be looking at the scene in shock.

Hooded Swordsman: Argh! Hey, buddy!

Masked Swordsman: Help!

Blue-Haired Swordsman: ...Right!

Before the blue-haired swordsman had time to react, Y/N had jumped in, unsheathing his steel sword off his back as he does a spin attack, taking out what seemed to be a human, but it's face clearly wasn't. The four look at him in shock, especially the hooded one. The hooded swordsman glances down to Y/N's waist, seeing the Sheikah Slate clipped to his belt.

Hooded Swordsman: Is that...?

Blue-Haired Swordsman: ...Quite an entrance. You three, what's your names?

Y/N and the other two swordsmen didn't have time to respond as two more people show up. One in heavy armor with the other wearing a coat, the person having white hair, a sword clipped to her waist with a book in her hand.

Armored Man: Milord! Milady! Are you hurt?

Cleric: Fredrick! Robin! 

Soon, more of the mysterious creatures that attacked appeared. They began to draw closer, weapons at the ready as the blue-haired swordsman and the rest of his group, along with Y/N, ready their weapons as well.

Robin: Are such horrific creatures commonplace in these lands? 

Blue-Haired Swordsman: They're not from Ylisse, I promise you that.

Fredrick: So no one is injured, then? Thank the gods...

Cleric: Thank the masked man, the hooded man, and that blonde guy, who saved me! If it weren't for them, I'd be... Hey, where did they go?

Fredrick: We can worry about them later. After we put the blade. Eyes open, now. We know nothing about this enemy.

Blue-Haired Swordsman: Right. (looks to Y/N) Thank you for saving Lissa. Please, will you lend us your strength?

Y/N only nodded as he turned his head towards them slightly. Facing his attention back to the mysterious creatures, some of them already heading towards them. Y/N rushed into the fray, him running forward as he thrusts his sword forward. The creature in front of him didn't seem to die so easily, it raising it's axe above it's head as it prepares to swing it down. Y/N took a glance to his right to see another one of the creatures heading towards him.

Pulling his sword out of the creature he had stabbed, he kicked it away from him, turning his attention to the oncoming one. He raised his shield up, the creature's sword striking against it as it made a small clang against Y/N's shield. Spinning in place, Y/N doing a spin attack, he slices the creature's head off, turning around quickly as he reacted to the other one. He back flips, dodging the creature's overhead axe strike. Once landing, Y/N jumped forward, raising his sword before he drove it down, striking the creature, killing it instantly and plunging the blade into the ground.

He then heard the sound of galloping hooves from a horse. Turning around, behind them came a woman atop a horse, the woman wearing red armor and carrying a lance.

???: Captain Chrom! Wait! I'm coming! ...Agh, I knew I shouldn'ta left 'em. All right, you ash-faced freaks! Which one of ya wants to try my lance on for size first? I know just the spot for it: shoved right up your--

Before she could continue her sentence, another person emerged from the forest. This time, it was a grey-haired man carrying a bow.

???2: Hold, milady!

???: Huh?

???2: Life may be long, but attraction is fleeting! Would you leave me in your sweet dust? Leave war to to the warriors, dear bird! A beauty such as you need wage only love. 

???: ...The hell are you!? 

???2: Ha! Is the Lady intrigued? Of course you are--it's only natural. I am myth and legend! I am he who strides large across history's greatest stage! The man who puts the "arch" in "archer"! My name, dear lady, is Vi--

???: (sigh) Sorry, Ruffles--no time for this. Onward!

The woman on top the horse then looked back to the battlefield, cracking the reins on her horse as she rides off, heading to the blue-haired swordsman's, Chrom, aid. The grey-haired man soon began to chase after.

???2: Virion! ...Er, my name. It's Virion. W-Wait! Where are you going? Pray, at least tell me your name!

The woman stopped her horse in it's tracks. She then turned her head around slightly, giving Virion an unamused look.

???: I'm Sully... And I'm a Shephard.

Virion: "Sully"! How divine! A starkly beautiful name, as befits its owner, truly. Will you marry me, my dearest Sully?

Sully: (annoyed) Will I what now? Oh wait, I get it... This is a joke. And when I put my boot through your face--that's the punchline. 

Virion: I realize my manly figure and noble bearing can be overwhelming. 'Tis common! So please, don't feel pressured to answer right a--

Sully: How's this for an answer!? 

Getting off her horse, Sully tucked in her leg and kicked Virion in his stomach, causing him to stagger back and fall onto his knees. He held his gut in pain as Sully got back on her horse.

Virion: (in pain) G-Goodness, but those shapely legs certainly kick, can't they... P-Please, milady! Allow me to accompany you, at least! Mine is a cold, empty world without you. I shall be your most willing servant, and you, in turn, will give my life purpose...

Sully: (sigh) Fine... Anything to shut you up. ...What? Stop staring at me like that!

Resuming his attention to the fight at hand, Y/N turned his head to the white-haired woman, the girl holding a book in her hand as a bolt of lightning leaves her other. The bolt of lightning struck one of the creatures, it falling dead. Just as Robin was about to move, another one snuck up behind her.

She lost her footing, proceeding to drop her book in her hand. She goes to reach for her bronze sword that was clipped to the side of her belt, but she would have no time. She thought it was the end for her, closing her eyes as she raised her arm up to shield herself. But she felt no blade struck against her. Opening her eyes, she sees that the creature's blade was blocked by Y/N's own sword, Y/N reeling his shield arm back before he thrusts it forward, the side of the shield bashing it into the creature's head. The creature skidded back across the ground, Y/N putting his sword and shield away before he took out his bow. Grabbing an arrow from his waist, he draws the bow string back, narrow his eyes as he sees the creature get up and pick up it's weapon. Moving the bow over slightly, he releases the arrow in his hand, the arrow zipping through the air as it curves around a tree, striking the creature's head as it falls dead, disappearing into dust.

Before Robin could offer her thanks, Y/N sped off to the aid of the blue-haired swordsman, Chrom. Chrom was taking on two of them at once, him gritting his teeth as he prepared to strike. Just before his blade could meet the other two, Y/N had arrived on time, leaping in the air as he took his sword and slammed it down. His light blue eyes made contact with Chrom's dark blue ones, the blue-haired swordsman grunting and nodding as he jumps off of Y/N's back, spinning in the air as he came back down and slashes through the other.

As more began to draw towards them, Chrom once again readied his sword. But he gained a questioning look as Y/N put his weapons away and raised both his hands up in the air. Before he could ask, a circular object had formed in Y/N's hand. It was a bomb. The dirty blonde-haired teen threw the bomb towards the crowd, taking his Sheikah Slate off his waist as he seemed to have clicked a button on it. The creatures stared at the bomb before it exploded, a blue light enveloping the area as the remaining creatures were eliminated. Chrom nodded in thanks towards Y/N, who nodded back in reply. They then regrouped back up with the rest.

However, Y/N couldn't help but feel stares from the hooded swordsman. Especially since he noticed that the hooded swordsman kept eyeing his Sheikah Slate on his waist.

Fredrick: It seems all the creatures are vanquished. These young men took care of the others.

The masked swordsman and the hooded one stared at the group. Lissa, the cleric, took a step forward and took a small to the two.

Lissa: Um, I never got to thank you two...for before. So...thank you. You two were very brave. 

Chrom: You saved my sister's life. My name is Chrom. Might I ask your names, you three?

Masked Swordsman: ...You may call me Marth.

Hooded Swordsman: ...Link. 

This perked Y/N up. It had been months since he had seen Marth, in a spirit form, so he was bewildered as to see who was standing before him. It was a bit confusing, considering Marth is dead in this era.

Chrom: (surprised) Marth? After the heroic king of old? And Link...? An odd name. (looks to Y/N) And you?

Y/N thought about it for a moment, but he decided to settle on telling his real name.

Y/N: ...Y/N.

Chrom: I Marth, I've heard of that name before. Anyway, you three certainly fight like heroes. Where did you three learn your way with a sword?

Marth: (shakes head) I'm not here to talk about me. 

Link: This world teeters at the brink of a horrible Calamity. (quietly) And it's not just Grima...

Marth: What you saw tonight was but a prelude. You have been warned.

The two mysterious swordsmen then turn around and begin heading towards the other way. Y/N watched them intently, the hooded swordsman turning his head towards Y/N slightly. He seemed to have sent a message towards him. Y/N understood what he meant.

"It calls for you, Hero."

Aside from the voice Y/N heard months ago, he wasn't sure what was calling towards him.

Lissa: Huh? What's teetering where now? Hey, wait! 

Robin: (sigh) Not much for conversation, are they?

Fredrick: It appears their skill lie elsewhere. I wager we'll hear their names again... But for now, I'm more concerned about the capital. We should make haste. 

Chrom: Would you like to come with us, Y/N? 

Y/N: ...I suppose. After traveling for a while...I would like to visit the capital.

Chrom: Then it's settled. We leave first thing in the morning.

Y/N nodded in reply. He was just about a step away from completing his original objective, head to the capital of Ylisse, Ylisstol. He just had one question on his mind.

Who was he to speak with next? 

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