Chapter 12| A Short Rest
Shortly after Emmeryn and her pegasus knights headed back to Ylisstol, Chrom and his Shepherds began to double back to Ferox to request more soldiers from the khans.
Just as Y/N was about to head out with the rest, he noticed the red-haired pegasus knight, Cordelia, walking up to him. His attention was now onto her, a small red tint on her cheeks.
Cordelia: Umm... Y/N, was it?
Y/N only nodded, keeping a stoic demeanor as he remained silent.
Cordelia: I just wanted to thank you... For saving me back there. You have my thanks.
The Hylian only shook his head, his gesture saying that he only did what he did as a comrade. Cordelia found it odd that he wasn't speaking any words. She wasn't sure whether he couldn't speak or if he had a reason to not to speak at all. Before she could continue on, she noticed Y/N extend his arm out.
He was still holding her lance, the red-haired girl having noticed that the blade of the spear had been cleaned of the blood. She gratefully took it and gave her thanks once more, Y/N nodding as he turned back to the front, walking ahead to catch up with the others. Cordelia continued to stare at the Hylian a bit longer, her red eyes lingering on him.
She found him quite curious, mysterious, and... Fascinating. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt like there was something more to him.
Perhaps he was hiding something. Maybe from everyone else as well.
Having arrived at Regna Ferox, Chrom and a few of his Shepherds, including Y/N, were in the arena. Lissa was currently pacing, clearly worried for her older sister while Chrom was in deep thought, him letting out a sigh in the process.
Lissa: B-But she's safe inside the castle, right? Phila and the others will protect her! And Khan Flavia is assembling her best troops as we speak! We'll make it back home in no time. I know we will!
Chrom stayed silent, making Lissa worry even more.
Lissa: Chrom? Say something! Say, "Yes, of course we will!"
Chrom: ...I'm sorry, Lissa. What?
Lissa: Ugh, fine! Never mind! Let me know when you get out of your head for a second!
The blue-haired sighed once more. It was clear to them that the stress and concern for his older sister was very prevalent. Sumia then walked in front of him.
Sumia: Snap out of it, Captain!
Doing something that shocked them, Sumia straight up punches Chrom in his face. Chrom then held the side of his face, unknown to them that Favia had saw the whole thing and was trying to keep her laugh in.
Chrom: Ow! ...What the hell was that for!?
Sumia: Oh no! ...Did I do it wrong? Captain Phila said sometimes a good slap will break someone out of their doldrums.
Lissa: (sweat drops) Sumia, when you slap someone, you do it with an open palm. You just punched Chrom in the face!
Sumia: Um... It's the thought that counts?
Chrom: Gods, that seriously hurt...
Finally, Flavia couldn't take it anymore. The khan then began to laugh, causing everyone to look at her as a joyful look was on her face as she kept harping away.
Flavia: What's wrong, my dear prince? Sometimes love hurts! You're lucky to have strong women like these, and not just dainty flowers about. In any case, I bring good news. The Feroxi army has finally mobilized. Every last man is itching to fight. I must say, I'm looking forward to savoring a skirmish or two myself.
Chrom: (surprised) Wait, you're coming along?
Flavia: Of course! A khan must have her fun. I'm even bringing my insignificant other.
Robin: Your who?
Flavia: Basilio. The oaf isn't good for much, but he might stop a few stray arrows.
The khan then led them to the throne room, which there Basilio was waiting for them.
Basilio: Chrom! Good gods, I've been looking for you everywhere!
Chrom: Is something wrong?
Basilio: Our scouts have reported back. Dark news, I'm afraid... Ylisstol...has fallen.
Chrom: What!?
This was a shock to everyone, including Y/N. Phila and her pegasus knights were regarded as one of Ylisse's best forces. And yet, the capital city had easily fallen. Y/N couldn't help but worry for Impa.
Basilio: The Plegians have captured your exalt and retreated back across their lines. Gangrel has declared she's to be executed publicly within the moon.
Chrom: E-Executed!?
Robin: Lissa? Lissa!
The blonde-haired princess began to cry into Robin's arms. Emmeryn had been captured and she was now set to be executed. This worried everyone, especially to the two royals in the room.
Flavia: The dastard's not even trying to be subtle anymore.
Robin: I agree. It's an obvious trap.
Basilio: The Mad King knew our scouts would relay this information back. It's clearly a provocation--a hot brand to the buttocks! We should consider our options carefully before jumping to any--
Chrom: Shepherds! We march to Plegia!
Basilio: (clears throat) Well, that would be ONE option, yes... But perhaps we've seen enough royalty waltzing into traps for one war already, eh?
Chrom: I don't care if it's a trap, Basilio. He's going to murder my sister!
Flavia: Peace, Chrom. Breathe a moment. No one's suggesting we don't act. We're simply saying we should act WISELY. We'll need guts AND wits in equal measure if we're to save your sister.
Robin: The khans are right. I'll think of something, Chrom. I promise.
Chrom: (sighs in defeat) ...All right, Robin. I leave it to you to formulate our strategy.
Flavia: Are you certain you're up to the task, Robin? It won't be easy. You hold the exalt's life in one hand, and all of ours in the other.
Robin: (nods) A responsibility I do not take lightly. But I am equal to the challenge.
Flavia: (chuckles) You've got stones at least. I like that!
Basilio: No hesitation, no mincing words... She's either a genius or a fool! (grins) I suppose we'll find out once we march. Hold on to your tassests, Ylisseans. We've an exalt to save!
And so, Chrom and his Shepherds, along with the khans themselves and their troops headed off towards Plegia in hopes of saving Emmeryn.
Before leaving, Y/N had gone to see Teba in order to enlist for his help, to which the Rito man had gladly complied to. Serving as a scout in the air, Teba had flown off ahead to survey ahead for the army's current course. Many of the soldiers were marveled by the winged-creature, who had a humanoid looking form. They didn't think that such a beast existed, but considering that the world used to have Manaketes and Taguels, it led them to believe that these humanoid animal-looking creatures could perhaps be the ancestors to such species.
If only they knew the truth as to where they originally belonged. Especially since when one of their very own soldiers belonged to that very same world this Rito character belongs to as well.
As the army trekked through the harsh desert and barren environment that was Plegia, the army was beginning to grow tired. Teba would soon return and inform them of a town up ahead, the khans and the prince raising an eyebrow. As far as they were concerned, there wasn't supposed to be any town any time soon. Nonetheless, they hoped to seek refuge. However, when they arrived...
Guard: Did you not hear us beforehand? No voe beyond entry! It has been the law since the Gerudo have founded Gerudo Town. Do you understand?
Chrom: But--
Gerudo Guard: No buts! It is Gerudo law! Voe are forbidden from entering the town. Now, leave and never come back!
The two guards that were in charge of guarding the north gate slammed the ends of their lances onto the ground. Chrom sighed in defeat as he turned around, meeting up with the rest of his Shepherds.
Fredrick: And how goes the negotiation, Milord?
Chrom: (sigh) Unfortunately, only the women are allowed entry. Us "voes" aren't allowed inside.
Fredrick: "Voe"?
Chrom: It's apparently the term these "Gerudo" use as for males. As far as I'm concerned, I don't remember these Gerudo being apart of Plegian lands.
Fredrick: Strange indeed. Do you think they must be apart of an ancient civilization?
Chrom: Maybe so. But there haven't been any records of these "Gerudo" anywhere. What do you think, Y/N?
The Hylian was unsure of what to say. He could essentially explain what the Gerudo were, but he'd end up giving away of his origins, how he isn't originally from this world. Add to the fact that he does look similar in appearance to everyone here, except for his pointy ears. Y/N simply shrugged, making Chrom sigh and Fredrick frown.
Fredrick: It seems we won't be gaining entry any time soon. But we can't start moving onward as the men are tired and exhausted.
Chrom: Agreed. Are they any places we can stay?
Cordelia: Lord Chrom!
The three men turn to the red-haired pegasus knight running up to them. She stands at attention, but Chrom tells her to relax.
Chrom: Yes, Cordelia?
Cordelia: Apologies if I'm bothering you, Milord, but I spoke with the local guards again. According to them, there's a bazaar that's just a walk away. It will be shorter if we get there on horseback apparently.
Chrom: Is that so? Would you lead the way then?
Cordelia: Of course, sir!
Chrom: Oh, and Y/N, would you mind going with her so you guys can go on ahead? I just want to make sure that this bazaar really exists. We'll follow behind.
The two nodded and began to head in the direction of this so-called bazaar. With Chrom and his army just a bit away behind them, Y/N and Cordelia were left by themselves as they currently walked in the direction of the bazaar. The red-haired girl kept making side glances to him, the Hylian's attention vigilantly focused on in front of him.
She cleared her throat to gain his attention. Y/N looked her way, making Cordelia surprised. She wasn't even sure if clearing her throat would actually gain it.
Y/N: Something you need?
Internally, Cordelia jumped. She wasn't expecting to hear his voice as well.
Cordelia: Ah, well, I was wondering what you thought of the current matter. About Milord's plan to save Her Majesty.
Y/N: ...I'm just... Doing what's expected of myself as a Shepherd. Ready to serve Ylisse's people and to serve His Highness.
Cordelia: ...You have...a strange aura about you. Or rather... A strange presence?
Y/N looks at her confusing, gesturing her to elaborate. Cordelia looks at him with a analytical gaze.
Cordelia: How do I put this... Back at our previous battle, when I was rendered helpless by a single strike from one of Plegia's dastards, you saved me. You charged in headfirst. Were you not thinking about your own safety? And the way you fought, your skill with a sword, it's not like any I've seen before. Well, different from how most Ylissean swordsmen fought and Lord Chrom. And not only that... You have this strange courageous aura that radiates off you... Like how you jumped in to save me without thinking of the dangers of going up against two of them at once.
With what she explained, Y/N couldn't help but nod in appreciation. In a way, he was different from the rest of Chrom and his many men. Different from all the Shepherds. Sure, the Shepherds were unique in their own way, but it's like Cordelia had stated. Y/N had always seemed to radiate a courageous aura.
The other Shepherds had witnessed Y/N run into the fray many times, no matter how dangerous it was or if all the odds were against him. And according to the many bounties Flavia and Basilio had assigned him, which were more of the dangerous ones, he always came back with the mission done and mostly unscathed. Cordelia also found the Hylian warrior as a mysterious figure. From what she's heard from the other troops, Y/N rarely speaks and is mostly quiet, and the way he carried himself was as if he was carrying a burden of sorts. And he always did the orders as he was told.
She could only see him as a peculiar character that has most certain peaked her interest. Y/N gives her another questioning gaze.
Y/N: Is there anything else you wish to speak with me about?
Cordelia: ...I believe that is it.
Y/N: ...Very well.
And the two continued on silently.
Arriving at his so-called bazaar, they learned it's name. Kara Kara Bazaar, a name that was very familiar to Y/N, if it were not the same bazaar that was in the Gerudo Desert in Hyrule. The only thing that made Y/N think was how a location, such as Gerudo Town, was transported here. Chrom and Fredrick had entered inside the Bazaar to talk to the Innkeeper.
Unfortunately, they weren't able to lodge them in as all the rooms were full, however, they were welcome to set up tents just outside the bazaar, to which they were able to be provided from the various merchants around the bazaar. Tomorrow, the Shepherds and the East and West khans armies would continue their trek across the desert to reach the Plegian capital, in hopes of making it in time to rescue the exalt and Chrom's and Lissa's sister, Emmeryn.
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