Chapter 26: Mock the Week
Pian0Fr3ak: Can I just say...
Pian0Fr3ak: this fucking sucks...
YuNarukamami: I know right?
YuNarukamami: I was planning a trip for next week and now I'm stuck here because of a sudden fucking pandemic.
YuNarukamami: I just hope it blows over fast enough.
Kiyo: I highly doubt it'll end that quickly
Kiyo: but more is everyone holding up?
Pian0Fr3ak: I'm fine...nothing bad so far
YuNarukamami: Same
KirumiTOUHOU: I am fine.
Bagpuss: I'm good
J0K3R: Same
PlainAsDay: Same
ABugsLife: Gonta is fine
ABugsLife: Gonta spend childhood living in wilderness, so chances of Gonta catching virus very low
ABugsLife: Gonta happy to help out with anything
Bagpuss: Good to know
MsMage: Im good
Death2Degenerates: Same
AtuasWitness: Same
K1-B0: Same.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Same
J0K3R: [Sweetchi] [HaruMaki] [LOTS] Is everything ok on your end?
Sweetchi: Not really
YuNarukamami: Whats up?
HaruMaki: Kaito's sick in bed, he might've caught it
MsMage: Oh shit!
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Shit, I don't want Kaito dying on me
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: If he does, I wont have anyone to yell about rocket science with anymore
HaruMaki: He's fine right now, but Shuichi and I are quarantining him.
Sweetchi: It's best if you leave him to us for the moment, we've got him covered.
Kiyo: Good.
Kiyo: I wish him the best.
Kiyo: Anyway, I have something not so depressing to share.
Pian0Fr3ak: Ohh!?
AtuasWitness: Mind-boggling!
Kiyo: I know.
Kiyo: But recently I've been routing my TV to British lines and have been watching a multitude of TV shows.
Kiyo: One in particular is a show called Mock the Week.
KirumiTOUHOU: Ah, I know that show.
J0K3R: Mock the week?
Kiyo: Indeed. It is a game show featuring comedians.
Kiyo: At the end of the show, they do a game called "Scenes we'd like to see" and they are given a prompt, and...
Kiyo: Well, I suppose I'll have to show you.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Aw fuck, that's actually really funny!?
K1-B0: Indeed.
J0K3R: I need to watch more of this
YuNarukamami: That guy with the messy hair and the holiday shirt
YuNarukamami: The one who kept joking about lighthouses?
YuNarukamami: I relate to him
PlainAsDay: Same
K1-B0: I'm having a hard time believing Kiyo actually watches this.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: "And I'd like to congratulate the brides mother on how well she looks tonight, but not as well as she'd look ON MAH DICK!"
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: That one's the best
Sweetchi: I feel like we're bad influences on Kiyo
Kiyo: I have a suggestion.
Kiyo: If I act as the games master and pick out the prompts, would anyone like to play the game?
Kiyo: If so, say I.
J0K3R: I
Sweetchi: I
Pian0Fr3ak: I
YuNarukamami: I
K1-B0: I
HaruMaki: I and also Kaito said I, I'm gonna type for him, since he doesn't want to miss out.
Kiyo: Very well
PlainAsDay: I
Bagpuss: I
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: I
ABugsLife: Gonta!
AtuasWitness: I
Death2Degenerates: I
MsMage: I
Kiyo: Very well then.
Kiyo: Let us begin.
Kiyo: Everyone gets one go, ok?
J0K3R: K
Kiyo: First topic is a pretty common one...
Kiyo: Rejected Exam Questions.
HaruMaki: People are saying that exams are getting easy, is the answer A. Yes or B. Miu Iruma
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: W O W I didn't expect to be called out by fucking Maki
Bagpuss: Does your food not have the same unique taste it used to? Then stop gorging on Ikea food...
KirumiTOUHOU: god...
K1-B0: Recite "Round and round the mulberry bush" 100 times in your head, sing it aloud for the speaking exam, and try your best to get it out of your head. The success percentage of this exam is below 10%.
J0K3R: Savage...
Death2Degenerates: Welcome to your French exam, it's exactly the same as your English exam, but with tongues!
AtuasWitness: Religious Education: Is there a god? You'd better hope so. Look at this next question ;)
HaruMaki: Kaito: Biology practice question 1) Dick or Ball?
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: OH MY FKING GOD!!!
Sweetchi: Kaito! This is NSFG!
Pian0Fr3ak: NSFG?
Sweetchi: Not Safe For Gonta
Pian0Fr3ak: oh yeh
ABugsLife: Gonta have 36 chocolate bars, Gonta eat 28, what do Gonta have now? Diabetes. Gonta have Diabetes.
HaruMaki: OOOHOO
J0K3R: HJoly shit G
ABugsLife: ;) No worry, Gonta not actually have diabetes
KirumiTOUHOU: Good to know.
MsMage: Rick Astley is what? A) Never gonna give you up B) Never gonna let you down C) Never gonna turn around D) Desert you or E) All of the above?
Bagpuss: why?
YuNarukamami: Himiko...
YuNarukamami: Its fucking 2020
YuNarukamami: I cant believe I just got rickrolled in 2020
MsMage: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
J0K3R: Some atoms share electrons and therefore become more stable after a reaction. Describe a situation in which everyone involved shares something and benefits because of it. The following answers are not permitted: Communism.
Pian0Fr3ak: J E S U S CHRIST....
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Theoretical Physics: Discuss the possibility of Time Travel. You have 1 Hour starting...5 Hours ago
MsMage: XD
Pian0Fr3ak: Using all the knowledge you've learnt in class about the Titanic, describe in full detail what the fuck "Hocking a Lugie" means!
YuNarukamami: Driving Theory Test Question 3: If your car begins to Hydroplane, what should you do? A) Reduce your speed and let the car decelerate B) Pump the brakes repeatedly C) Slam the brakes immediately or D) Do nothing and let the car become the plane it has always dreamed of being.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: God i'd kill to have a car that just randomly turned into a plane without my say
K1-B0: Um...why would you want that?
KirumiTOUHOU: The first living cells were probably what? No Miu, the answer is not "Lonely"
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: FIRST MAKI NOW YOU!!!
KirumiTOUHOU: You are the most fun to pick on.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: saxeszxsdasfzx
J0K3R: WOW we're seeing new sides to everyone today.
PlainAsDay: Please give a brief explanation of the term "hard water", the following answers are accepted: Ice.
Sweetchi: As the titanic headed out to sea, what are the first things the captain said to the first officer? Was it A) Take her to sea Mr Murdock, let's stretch her legs B) Get away from the wheel you jerk I'm driving! C) Aw damn we all gon' die today! or D) Hee My bot Hee hoo my bot hee hoo haa ring bell tee hee.
Pian0Fr3ak: Hey! You stole my titanic one!
Sweetchi: How'd I steal it? I'm literally the last person to go, you said yours already
Pian0Fr3ak: Yeh but I wanted some originality dude!
Sweetchi: Blame the fact we're dating for our similar way of thinking.
Pian0Fr3ak: fair
Kiyo: Ok, so now I have to distribute points. I'm going to do it in terms of who I think gave the 10 best answers.
Kiyo: These are the results:
Kiyo: Gonta wins and gets 10 points
J0K3R: But also fair
K1-B0: GOod job Gonta ;)
ABugsLife: ;)
Kiyo: Kokichi gets 9 points, Miu gets 8, Shuichi gets 7, Rantaro gets 6 Tsumugi gets 5, Kirumi gets 4, Kaito gets 3, Angie gets 2 and Ryoma gets 1.
MsMage: I'm not upset or anything, but how did Ryoma's beat mine?
Kiyo: Because you rickrolled everyone.
MsMage: Oh ok thats fair.
Kiyo: That's the end of that round. The next topic is:
Kiyo: Unlikely lines from a blockbuster movie...
KirumiTOUHOU: Thesaurus: The movie: The film: The flick: The extended episode: The motion picture.
PlainAsDay: F U C K
Pian0Fr3ak: Kokichi: I have an army. Shuichi: We have a dumbass spaceman.
Sweetchi: Oh my god
Pian0Fr3ak: both of you
Sweetchi: We've created an amusement park full of DNA replicas of Gabe the Dog. Welcome, to Jurassic Bork.
K1-B0: OH!
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Come on, why you gotaa play with our emotions like that?
Sweetchi: Sorry I had to make the joke
Sweetchi: We should hold a uelogy for Gabe the Dog
Pian0Fr3ak: Gabe the Dog died 3 years ago
PlainAsDay: Memes never die
J0K3R: Next year I'm setting a reminder for January 20th so we can commemorate Gabe the Dog's passing.
ABugsLife: Who is Gabe the Dog?
PlainAsDay: Oh man you don't know?
PlainAsDay: Hold on...
ABugsLife: How cute!
ABugsLife: Dog pass away?
J0K3R: Yeh
ABugsLife: No dog like this deserve death
PlainAsDay: AGREEEEED!!!
K1-B0: Well you know what they say?
K1-B0: All dogs go to heaven
PlainAsDay: But people take sounds of his barks and use it in remixes like this one...
KirumiTOUHOU: I would die for that dog.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: He's kinda already dead, sadly
KirumiTOUHOU: I hope he's happy wherever he is.
Kiyo: Agreed.
Kiyo: Gundham Tanaka has his bark set as his text ringtone, and I swear he looks like he's going to cry whenever he hears it.
Sweetchi: Man that's sad
Sweetchi: But I guess he'd be used to animal deaths by now
HaruMaki: Gabe is a special case.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: He REALLY is
Kiyo: Anyway, let's get back to the point.
Kiyo: Who's next?
J0K3R: "My name is Inigo MontOuma. You fucked my mother, and my father, and my sister, and my cousin, and my brother and my dog. Prepare to die." He said to the six-dicked man.
YuNarukamami: FUCKING HELL!
Pian0Fr3ak has kicked J0K3R from the group
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Wow, no one's ever been kicked from the group before, I've kind of forgotten that's something you can actually do
Pian0Fr3ak: He needs to go sit in time out
Pian0Fr3ak: I'll add him back at the end of the round.
Bagpuss: My turn
Bagpuss: You may well be a Blade Runner Kokichi, but in this house we do not run with scissors
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Noice
ABugsLife: You see Mr Bond, you go undercover in opticians. For Four-eyes only.
PlainAsDay: Good one Gonta! High five!
ABugsLife: Tsumugi can't see, but Gonta just high five Gonta.
PlainAsDay: Kool beans
HaruMaki: Good god! The dead have rise-oh no wait it's just Nagito Komaeda...
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: XD XD XD
YuNarukamami: "It was a creature with long hair that looked like tentacles or snakes. By just staring it in the eyes, he was frozen stiff and turned into a statue, never to move again..." "Medusa?" he asked "No," the man replied "Yasuhiro Hagakure"
Pian0Fr3ak: OMFG
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: HEll yeah!
Death2Degenerates: T R U T H
MsMage: Jack heard the letterbox flap and rushed excitedly to the door to see what had arrived. He looked down and saw that his new box of condoms had arrived. "Heeeeere's Johnny!" he said excitedly.
Sweetchi has kicked MsMage from the group
Death2Degenerates: HEY! BRING HER BACK YOU ASS!
Sweetchi: I'll add her back at the end of the round
Pian0Fr3ak: no more dick jokes or we'll delete yo asses, ok?
Death2Degenerates: Autocorrect the Movie: Art now in a cinema near yoo
Pian0Fr3ak: See? More like that please
AtuasWitness: There is an alien that has embedded itself in your stomach, but we can't get it out because that is gods will and we're all children of Jesus.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: HA AH XD
PlainAsDay: If you can dodge Tenko Chabashira running at 50 mph ready to punt your ass to the other side of Tokyo, then you can dodge a ball.
Death2Degenerates: ;)
K1-B0: Years, Lovers, Glasses of Wine and all the times I've seen a movie with Gary Busey in it. These are things that should never be counted.
Sweetchi: That might be the most savage thing you've ever said.
K1-B0: I try
HaruMaki: Kaito: When Ultimate Assassin Maki Harukawa steps in for her sick roommate to interview Ultimate Astronaut Kaito Momota for their campus paper, little does she realize the path her life will take. Kaito, as enigmatic as he is rich and powerful, finds himself strangely drawn to Maki, and she to him. Though sexually inexperienced, Maki plunges headlong into an affair -- and learns that Kaito's true sexual proclivities push the boundaries of pain and pleasure. It's 50 shades of fucked up.
HaruMaki: Yep. I don't really care though, I thought it was funny.
Sweetchi: She also didn't realise what she'd typed until she hit send
HaruMaki: DUDE!
Sweetchi: Kaito would be dead by now if he wasn't sick
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Jaws has spawned...It's BABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO DOO DOO!
YuNarukamami: MIU CMON
AtuasWitness: That was worse than Himiko's rickrool
K1-B0: I appreciate you
ABugsLife: Gonta does too!
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Aw thanks
Kiyo: Well that's the end of that round.
Kiyo: Add Kokichi and Himiko back so I do points
Sweetchi added J0K3R and MsMage to the group
J0K3R: Do not ever do that again
Sweetchi: Then don't be an idiot
MsMage: That's not a promise we can make
Kiyo: Anyhow
Kiyo: The winner with 10 points this round is...
Kiyo: Rantaro Amami.
YuNarukamami: Wait seriously
Sweetchi: Yeah I agree with that
J0K3R: What's a Yasuhiro? Never heard of one before
PlainAsDay: seriously, fuck that guy
Kiyo: Kaito gets 9 points, Kirumi gets 8 points, Shuichi gets 7, Keebo gets 6, Maki gets 5, Tsumugi gets 4, Miu gets 3, Angie gets 2 and Tenko gets 1.
Kiyo: Let's do one more round.
KirumiTOUHOU: Which is?
Kiyo: Unlikely chat-up lines
MsMage: Hm...Should have gone to spec-savers
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: HOL FCUK XDXDXD
Sweetchi: COngrats Himiko, you've redeemed yourself
Pian0Fr3ak: You did shit the last two times, but now you're ok
MsMage: I'm still not gonna win
Death2Degenerates: Have confidence!
MsMage: I can't im like the most unfunny person on this chat group
Death2Degenerates: Tenko loving will fix that!
Sweetchi: You've got a boyfriend? Well, I've got a maths test. Sorry? No I just thought we were talking about things we were going to cheat on.
MsMage: SEE! FUCKING SHUICHI Pulls that out of nowheere!
J0K3R: I'M GOnnA FUK ing DIE!" XD X,O
Pian0Fr3ak: And its that type of cheesiness that made me accept him.
Sweetchi: YOU confessed to ME
Pian0Fr3ak: Shhh
Sweetchi: DON'T SHUSH ME!
Bagpuss: Are you a Minecraft fence? Because I can't get over you
Bagpuss: ;)
HaruMaki: I'd say my approach to sex is like Shuichi Saihara's approach to anything. I go in hard and act all badass and then I break down when I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: OH MY FuCKING GOD!
Sweetchi: I am sitting...RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!
HaruMaki: You sure are
ABugsLife: If Gonta were to ask you out on date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
Pian0Fr3ak: I like my guys like I girls...
PlainAsDay: Pretty fly for a bi girl
Death2Degenerates: YAY I AM GAY
Pian0Fr3ak: NICE TRY I AM BI
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: Oh I see! So when you sit their seductively licking your lips its "sexy" but when I do it I'm "weird" and "creepy"
HaruMaki: Kaito: Hey feel my shirt. You know what it's made of? Boyfriend Material.
J0K3R: B A N N E D
MsMage: That was just bad
YuNarukamami: If Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask you to be your default browser, I'm brave enough to ask you out!
Sweetchi: Hell yeah!
KirumiTOUHOU: Will you be my girlfrien? I left out the "d" cause you'll get that later.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: WHAT THE FUUUUUUAAAACKKK!??!?!?!
KirumiTOUHOU: :)
Sweetchi: I did NOT expect that!
KirumiTOUHOU: I was a little worried, since that does not really work from a womans perspective.
KirumiTOUHOU: There is no "d" to give.
YuNarukamami: No one cares
J0K3R: OK, I have to top that...
J0K3R: I give up, take this
Kiyo: That is acceptable
AtuasWitness: Roses are red, dates make you thinner, my friend gave my teacher the finger after she took his fidget spinner.
PlainAsDay: F I D G E T S P I N N E R!!!
YuNarukamami: IN the course of 1 day, nay 1 HOUR, I've been rickrolled, Baby Shark'd and reminded that fidget spinners were a thing that existed!
Death2Degenerates: If I said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me? While I cry on your shoulder, i'm lonley god dammit im so lonely
PlainAsDay: On the first date I like going dutch. I don't mean I like to split the bill, but I can do some really hot shit when I'm wearing nothing but clogs.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: TSUMUGI JsUS
K1-B0: Roses are Red, Violets are Red, the sky is Red, you're red, my eyes are bleeding. Help me.
Sweetchi: XD
Kiyo: and that's the end of the game.
Bagpuss: Who gets the points and who wins
Kiyo: The winner of round 3, the final round is...
Kiyo: Well, it has to be Kirumi
Kiyo: 9 points for Maki, 8 points for Kokichi, 7 points for Himiko, 6 points for Shuichi, 5 for Rantaro, 4 for Kaede, 3 for Tsumugi, 2 for Angie and 1 for Miu.
Kiyo: Now let me tally up the points.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: I wonder who won?
Bagpuss: Beats me, I wasn't counting.
Kiyo: Here we go...
Kiyo: IN joint last place with 1 point each, is Ryoma Hoshi and Tenko Chabashira
Bagpuss: Whatever
Death2Degenerates: At least I got one point. Better than nothing
AtuasWitness: I like that optimism
Kiyo: Second to last is Kaede AKamatsu with 4 points
Pian0Fr3ak: Aw man
Kiyo: Then, another tie. Angie and Keebo both have 6 points.
K1-B0: Good game
Kiyo: After that, Himiko Yumeno with 7 points
Death2Degenerates: SEE HIMIKO! You beat me by miles
MsMage: Hey guys, can I say something?
Sweetchi: yeh?
MsMage: I just want everyone to know that I really really really really-
MsMage: really really love Tenko Chabashira for being a really great, lovely and supportive gf, my life is so much better thanks to her she-
Death2Degenerates; AHH STOP!
J0K3R: That's the first time I've ever seen a real-time conversation in group chat
Kiyo: Gonta got 10 points
ABugsLife: ;)
Kiyo: Next we have a 3-way tie.
Kiyo: Miu, Kaito and Tsumugi all got 12 points.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: I have no right to stand on the same podium as the Ultimate Memer
HaruMaki: Kaito said the same thing
PlainAsDay: ;)
Kiyo: Maki, you got 14 points and are in 5th place
HaruMaki: K
Kiyo: Kokichi is in 4th place with 17 points.
Kiyo: Be that as it may, you're still 4th.
Kiyo: 3rd place is Shuichi with 20 points
Sweetchi: I came 3rd!
J0K3R: How did SHuichi beat me!?
Kiyo: Second place is Rantaro with 21
YuNarukamami: Wait, I'm second? Then the winner is...
Kiyo: Kirumi Tojo with 22 points.
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: JUST ONE!
Sweetchi: and by that, you mean spam hearts?
Pian0Fr3ak: yes
Pian0Fr3ak: <3
Sweetchi: <3
HaruMaki: <3
K1-B0: <3
Miu ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: <3
PlainAsDay: <3
YuNarukamami: <3
J0K3R: <3
Kiyo: <3
ABugsLife: <3
Bagpuss: <3
MsMage: <3
AtuasWitness: <3
Death2Degenerates: <3
KirumiTOUHOU: (〃 ̄_ ̄〃ゞ
Writers Notes:
Mock the week is a show you wont understand in the US. Because as a reminder: I am from the UK.
Also, I wish everyone the best in the face of the Coronavirus panic. Kaito will be fine by the way in case anyone is worried. He may have died from the sickness in Danganronpa V3 but SPACE BOI ISNT DYING ON MY WATCH.
You'll just have to wait for the next chapter to see how things go from here.
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