Prologue: The Great Purge
Hello and welcome back finally to A Clan Reborn and it's finally time to reveal what happened during the Great Purge that has been referenced about so much within the canon show and I do hope all of you enjoy my re-telling of this all important event, it's time for the grand genocide of the Mandalorians to begin and the humble soon to be dramatic and tragic beginnings of Y,N L,N! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's, As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Before we officially start however due to heavily popular fan demand during the poll(and the later five being rather specific yet vocal enough for me to include them) here's the final seven sexy girls within the harem!
Ashley Williams
Miranda Lawson
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya
Commander Jane Shepard
Subject Zero/Jack
Morinth(Don't fret within this story she doesn't suffer from the same genetic disorder as in canon. Meaning you won't die once we finally arrive at her lemon. However, she'll still gain strength, speed, and dangerousness boosts each time she has sex......So think of her of an Intergalactic Succubus that simply doesn't kill her mates, well if you can give her a good time that is ;)
And finally
I hope all of you massively enjoy these final seven additions because these are the final girls I'm going to include within the harem and thanks to each and every one of you that participated within the poll to whether or not include Ashley and Miranda. Now onto the chapter!
Y,N POV, Location: Mandalore(3 years ABY)
*It was a beautiful day as the sun rose in the middle of the Mandalorian wilderness.....Sure it wasn't what plenty of the battle-hardened warriors imagined doing with their lives but they strived to survive after getting thrown out of their homes and having to flee into the untamed wilderness after one of their own sided with the vile Galactic Empire and began silencing anyone who dared talk out against his cruel reign or the "glorious Galactic Empire". This left those loyal to Mandalore and her people to flee their homes, the places they had stayed and built their foundation upon during their entire lives....All of it was left behind as they decided to fight against the vile tyranny of the Empire and stand up for what they personally thought what was right, even if it did make them enemies of the Galactic Empire and therefore vermin that needed to exterminated. After all these Mandalorians carried the worst disease of them all, the terrible disease that was rebellion, they wouldn't go down without a fight and so with a sinister chuckle the Emperor, Darth Sidious sent his right-hand man and personal lapdog Darth Vader along with an entire fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers to finally purge these Mandalorians and remove them from the galaxy.....Yet none of the Mandalorians knew what was coming, this would be a day that would be filled with bloodshed and death, this was the Great Pure of Mandalore.*
*Y,N is rushing down the makeshifts streets of the village, a bright smile on his face as he was dodged and rushing through other citizens who were doing their own daily tasks such as cooking, training, or trying to sell goods to other citizens of the village, after all around 200 Mandalorians now lived in this simple village, and while Y,N didn't know fully why they had to leave their homes, he did know that it was the fault of a terrible and vile dictator, a truly vile man that went by the name of Gar Saxon who sold out his own people in order to maintain "peace and security" on Mandalore. Soon enough a civil war broke out between Saxon and his forces against the current duchess of Mandalore, Bo-Katan Kryze and while plenty of lives were lost on both sides, eventually Bo-Katan and those loyal to her were forced to flee after the Empire began sending in some of their troops to purge the loyal Mandalorians from the galaxy and restore "order" to Mandalore.*
Y,N: *thinks* What a load of crap that "peace and security" was, he did nothing but plunge our entire planet into a gigantic civil war. *shakes his head, while still thinking and barely dodging another citizen of the village, his training armor slightly glimmering in the sunlight* But I have no time to think about that vile traitor right now, I'm almost late for my training with Mrs. Kryze, she'll have my head for sure if I don't show up on time! *Everyone within the village knew how dangerous and cunning Bo-Katan was and while she hardly took anyone as her pupil specifically, after a sparring match which Y,N somehow landed a few good hits on the battle-hardened and experienced fighter, she took extreme interest in his training and once he understood the rest of the basics and fundamentals she took Y,N as her pupil....And this blew Y,N's mind once he heard the news, the leader of the rebellion was going to teach him! This must of been a dream come true! And that moment happened exactly 3 months ago and since then Y,N's now experience both when it came to hand-to-hand combat and weapon mastery was almost becoming second to only Bo-Katan herself, something which made the female Mandalorian extremely proud, especially when under her teachings and guidance he was able to make several considerable leaps and bounds towards being a very formidable fighter...Yet raw strength and trained skill would only get someone so far and that's why Bo-Katan needed to sharpen his mind as well.*
*Finally Y,N had made it to Bo-Katan's house and with only a few minutes left to spare, sometimes why he wondered he and his parents lived practically on the other side of the village as that sprint through the heart of the village and to Bo-Katan's house left his lungs burning and begging for air and he had almost missed the deadline for his training by only a few minutes, something which Bo-Katan wouldn't appreciate by any means. Knocking on the door, it instantly swings open to reveal a slightly frazzled Bo-Katan with clear bags in her eyes and her aura having a disconnected and spaced-out feel, it looked like she had been up all night preparing for an attack or a message to rally with the Mandalorian rebellion, she did happen to spend a lot of nights like this and would only sleep once her body forced her to.*
Y,N: *smiles gently yet with clear determination in his eyes* Morning Mrs. Kryze. I'm ready for today's lesson!
Bo-Katan: *her eyes are still lightly glazed over from a lack of sleep but someone saying her name seems to wake her up from her self-imposed trance, at least briefly* Morning L,N, you were almost late for today's lesson. Care to explain what took you so long? After all, I don't appreciate those who think training is nothing more than a mere joke or side-task, especially when you know better as we've been training you for 3 months now. *her voice was calm yet had an underlying tone of dangerousness mixed into it, like if Y,N gave her a bullshit answer then she would have no hesitation slamming him to the ground*
Y,N: *scratches the back of his head, much to the annoyance of Bo-Katan* I apologize for my near absence Mrs. Kryze. I promise from a student to their teacher I'll make far better and more effective efforts in order to get here early! You see my usual method of waking up failed me today and I had to scramble in order to get the armor on and rush out of the house, meaning I missed breakfast and------*he gets stopped as Bo-Katan put her hand up to shush him, clearly not interested in his story*
Bo-Katan: That's enough young warrior, I didn't ask for an entire paragraph just a simple explanation. Next time just make sure you have a more efficient way of waking yourself up, otherwise you will face consequences. *she smirks lightly* I would hate to pour freezing cold water over you in order to wake you from your peaceful slumber or do something far, far worse while you're off in "la la land". After all, your future enemies won't wait for you to wake up from your slumber, meaning you should get that thought out of your system immediately before you wind up a decaying corpse on the battlefield. It would be a shame for someone of your untapped potential to wind up dead because he didn't get enough hours of sleep.
Y,N: *a few beads of sweat drop down his face, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Bo-Katan* Once more I profusely apologize Mrs. Kryze! I promise upon my clan's name and legacy that I won't show up late to one of our training sessions again!
Bo-Katan: *a sly smirk appears on her face* Don't make promises you can't keep L,N. Especially when you have your clan's honor and pride on the line for something as petty as remembering to wake up early.
*Without another word Bo-Katan closes the door and within a few minutes comes back out with her full combat armor on, and after a light one hour warm-up with both trading some hand-to-hand combat with one another with both warriors landing a few good hits on one another. Finally both of them take a brisk walk over to Bo-Katan's personal training area, a rather small and secluded place where only the truly worthy or those filled with limitless potential went to train. It wasn't as impressive as the crystal room back in the city but it was humble and did have enough room for two people to spar and battle against one another, especially with the amount of rock structures that littered the area. It was rather compact and only allowed maybe 3-4 people in at one time, but it was still a great tool for practicing and sparring.*
Bo-Katan: *pulls out her dual blasters* Are you ready?
Y,N: *pulls out his dual blasters* I'm more than ready Mrs. Kryze.
Bo-Katan: *smirks* Good. Just don't go home crying to your mother once I'm finished with you! Consider this practice "taking off the training wheels", so come at me with the intent to kill! Give me no mercy as you'll receive none in turn!
*Immediately after saying this, Bo-Katan unleashed a barrage of blaster fire from her dual blasters, pinning Y,N behind a rock formation which already put the pupil on the backfoot as he was grounded and leaping up to a higher rock would only be suicide as it would only make him a target. Underneath the constant hail of blaster fire he closed his eyes and let out a loud exhale as he knew what had to be done and with a swift and fluid movement that Bo-Katan never saw coming Y,N rolled from his current cover to one closer to her position, which shocked the experienced Mandalorian as something like that would only result in death but she immediately brushed this off as Y,N getting lucky. With a smirk now adorning her face she jumped up to a higher rock overlooking most of the arena, meaning she was now in a perfect sniper position and was now taking the occasional podshot from her newfound birch, all the while Y,N had to duck and go prone just to make sure Bo-Katan wouldn't shoot his head off, clearly his plan went a lot better in his head but he was a Mandalorian and he wouldn't quit! Not when he had plenty more to give!*
Bo-Katan: Nice try L,N! But you should know I wouldn't fall for a simple rush tactic such as that! You've only put yourself in an even worse position! *in a mocking tone* And here I thought you were better than this L,N! Prove yourself worthy of being my pupil and not some cowardly child!
*The arena grows deathly calm and silent after Bo-Katan's boast as she was waiting like a predator waiting for its prey to leave the den, she was waiting and listening closely to any sign or motion of movement as while Y,N was in a terrible position he could simply pull another rush tactic and move to another rock formation, but this time Bo-Katan would make sure he wouldn't be lucky twice in a row and she just waited and remained quiet, after all a wise and experienced predator knew when to shut up and let the paranoia and dread fill the prey's mind. All the while Y,N was lying on the dirt as any higher and Bo-Katan would have a perfect shot at his arm or even his head, he knew she was just waiting for him to make any kind of movement as the entire area grew silent and the air was filled with tension, killer intent to be precise....Bo-Katan was entirely serious when she said he wouldn't receive any mercy, he needed to force her into a position of surrender and make her end the training, after all he didn't want to kill his teacher not when there was an entire civil war still raging through Mandalore!*
Y,N: *whispers to himself* But how do I get myself out of this mess? *looks over at the next rock formation and shakes his head, he then looks up at the hanging stalactite and once more shakes his head, once more he scans the room as the protection between him and Bo-Katan's occasional impatient blaster shots was getting smaller and smaller* Ok, now or never. I won't fail.
*Y,N rushes from his position hearing and barely seeing a blaster shot whiz mere meters from his ear and he could faintly feel the burn of the blaster shot and without hesitation he breaks out into a full blown sprint with blaster shot after blaster shot lighting up his heels, spotting the rock face he let out a cocky smirk and using a dull rock as a launching pad he leaped from the rock onto a carved out platform and with one fluid movement he whirled around and let out a similar barrage of blaster fire, lighting up the entire sparring arena with flashes of red, with some lucky shots whizzing past both of their heads and making their ears lightly ring. Both Mandalorians were giving it their individual absolute all and neither was willing or going to back down as they would rather die than sacrifice their pride and personal honor, after all in the ancient Mandalorian texts and tomes to surrender against an opponent was more dishonorable than death itself.*
Bo-Katan: *smirks through the haze of blaster fire* I'll admit you're doing good L,N but you're doing nothing more than running and hiding, that's not very honorable now is it?
Y,N: *yells back through his own haze of blaster fire* It may not be the proper way of the Mandalorians, but sometimes it's best to think outside the box in order to defeat your enemy! War is a game of two halves, the actual fighting and the strategizing before each battle or hell during the battle itself!
Bo-Katan: Great little speech L,N but let's see if your "improve planning" can handle this! *Bo-Katan points her blasters up and at first Y,N looks on in confusion before his eyes widen as she begins to shoot some of the stalactites above him and with a loud cuss he leaps from his covering and immediately gets met by another barrage of blaster fire as the stalactites began to fall from the ceiling above, good thing they weren't relatively big otherwise both Bo-Katan and Y,N would of been buried underneath tons of dirt and rock.* I have to congratulate you for getting this far L,N! Hardly anyone has made it this far! Usually they just get taken down by one my sniper shots, you're truly something special!
Y,N: *quickly wipes a few beads of sweat off his face* Thanks Mrs. Kryze! Yet you'll be surprised how much energy and determination I got left in the tank! A Mandalorian never quits! Not even when their back is against a wall!
*Thanks to the stalactites falling onto the base floor of the training ground, the entire arena was now covered in a dome of dust which meant Bo-Katan could hardly see anything in front of her face, let alone someone on the other side of the arena. This made Y,N smirk as he quickly and quietly climbs up and around Bo-Katan, putting himself into a brilliant flanking position and just as the dust clears up and Bo-Katan lets out a silent curse seeing he was nowhere to be found she was immediately kicked in the back and thrown face-first down onto the dirt below with her blasters clattering to her left and right respectively. Before she could even re-balance herself due to fall Y,N jumped down and let out a quick hail of fists straight to Bo-Katan's stomach, much like he was taught by Bo-Katan months ago during one of their earliest sessions. Yet before he could get off the final blow, Bo-Katan reels back one of her fists and sends Y,N flying a few inches back with some blood falling from his lip while some blood started to pour from Bo-Katan's forehead thanks to the fall she took, the air seemed to grow even thicker as both opponents stared one another down with no fear in their eyes. While Y,N barely had any actual battlefield experience, he more made up for it in energetic youth and limitless potential, this certainly pushed the experienced Mandalorian to her near limits but she still had a few clever tricks hidden up her sleeves.*
Bo-Katan: *wipes some of the blood off her forehead, yet looks forward at her opponent with a calm expression* I'll admit L,N you really are the best pupil I've ever taken under my wing and I don't make such claims lightly. Yet this is where our fight ends, fist to fist, teacher to student, wit to wit.
Y,N: *spits some blood from his mouth* I couldn't agree more Mrs. Kryze. It's time to end this spar!
Bo-Katan: *a cocky smirk is plastered on her face* Then why don't you come and get me?
Y,N: *a similar cocky expression emerges on his face* Because I'm not an idiot. Trying to battle you in hand-to-hand combat by first running at you is foolhardy!
Bo-Katan: *internally shrugs* Well I tried. *Bo-Katan rushes at Y,N and reels her fist back for a punch and while Y,N instinctively readied himself for a simple punch which would lead into a series of pressure point punches, he didn't notice Bo-Katan's small muscle change as she transitioned into a roundhouse kick sending Y,N flying back from the attack as blood and saliva shot out from his mouth and landed onto the dirt floor below.*
Y,N: *falls onto his back and is clearly dazed as blood clearly falls from his broken lip and he barely registers as Bo-Katan straddles his chest with one of her blasters pointed at his head, a serious expression evident on her face*
Bo-Katan: Bang. *Y,N shuts his eyes expecting the worse yet nothing comes out of her blaster and she holsters it once more with her barely being able to suppress a laugh, yet she then swiftly returns to her calm composure* You did good.....Y,N. You've certainly earned my respect today after your display today. Not many have been able to last long once they face me but you've surprised me with your unusual tactics. You even managed to turn one of my tactics against me, something that I haven't seen anyone do in quiet a long time.....Not since a Jedi came to our camp. However, that aside consider today's training over. *she gets off Y,N's chest and then lends a hand down which Y,N smiles at through bloody teeth and he gets back to his feet, abet extremely shakily*
*End Music*
Y,N: Thanks Mrs. Kryze. Today was certainly informative and I can't wait for next week's lesson.
Bo-Katan: Bo-Katan.
Y,N: What?
Bo-Katan: You've more than earned that right through these past few months, just call me Bo-Katan.
Y,N: *his smile gets a little brighter which causes more blood to seep from his mouth, which didn't even phase Bo-Katan* Thanks Mrs-------I mean Bo-Katan.
Bo-Katan: *lets out a dry chuckle* Now go home and take a shower, you might want to visit the medic as well your lip got busted rather bad when I hit you with the roundhouse kick.
Y,N: I will. I'll see you at the same time tomorrow Bo-Katan.
Bo-Katan: *smirks* And this time you better not be late, otherwise the consequences will be more severe. We wouldn't want to permanently bust that pretty face now would we?
Y,N: *blushes lightly, something Bo-Katan does happen to catch* Anyway I should be off. Thanks for the lesson once more Bo-Katan. Next time I'll be more aware of your roundhouse kick, it won't catch me off guard I promise. *With that awkward end to their conversation Y,N walked out of the cave which left Bo-Katan to think and reflect upon a few annoying thoughts that were stuck in her mind and before she could finish any of them she shook her head and walked back towards her home, she didn't have time to think about suck thoughts, she was fighting in a civil war after all......Yet little did she or anyone else know that the civil war was going to come to a close, just not in the way they had hoped*
*Y,N lightly limped back to his home after getting some bandages from the medic, it wasn't as impressive as the one back in the city but they were leaving in the wilderness so Y,N was happy enough to get normal bandages and not leaves or skin from an animal. After taking a quick shower, which was just him jumping into the cool waters behind his house he changed out of his training clothes and into something more comfortable and finally after having a delicious dinner with his family he gave both his mother and father a simple good night before heading off to bed, he needed to crash and sleep before his body forced him to crash. Right as he hit his bed he slowly drifted off into the realm of dreams as finally his body shut down for the day, after the brutal 4-hour training he went through with Bo-Katan. Little did Y,N know how much his life would change in the next few hours.*
Timeskip, later that night
*Y,N is knocked out of his sleep as he waked up in a startle as he hears screaming and he begins to cough as smoke begins to fill his room. Barely having any time to register what the hell is happening, both of his parents burst into his room and through watering eyes and coughing lungs his parents grab his holsters and both of his blasters before helping him rush out the door, the rocks beneath him scrapped and tugged at his feet yet the fear filling Y,N's mind was overriding the pain he should be feeling.....What was happening? Who attacked them? And most importantly who was powerful enough to take on a good 100 loyal and experienced Mandalorians.
F,N: *in a rushed whisper* How did they find us? How did those bastards find us this easily? That spineless bastard Sar has to be behind this! Damn him and his entire regime!
Y,N: *looks at his mom, who had a worried expression on her face* Mom.....What's happening? Why would someone be so cowardly to attack during the night when everyone was asleep?
M,N: *in a sweet tone, going completely against her worried expression almost like she was trying to comfort Y,N* I have no idea Y,N. Some people in the galaxy are heartless swine who only wish to control and destroy, they don't like free will and want to squash it out like a damn bug. But I'll answer more of your question's later, right now we need to get out of here!
Y,N: But who's attacking us mom? Is is Sar Gaxon?
M,N: *in a mumbled voice* People that are worse.
* However before M,N could answer anymore of Y,N's questions, he and Y,N's parents saw a man standing in shiny white and black armor burning huts and houses down with a flamethrower........Fear filled Y,N's mind even more as his parents talked about the "Galactic Empire" in hushed whispers and clearly warned Y,N of men in shiny white and black armor.*
F,N: Damn! The Empire was able to find us! *turns to M,N* Honey take Y,N and run! I'll handle these bastards! Run as far as you can and don't look back!
Flametrooper: *smirks underneath his helmet* Let's go Mandalorian scum! The disease plaguing your race finally ends tonight! The glorious Galactic Empire will make sure of it!
M,N: *though teary eyes due to the smoke, she shakes her head and takes Y,N away from the center of the village, the sound of blaster fire rang through the air as all throughout the burning village Mandalorians and Stormtroopers were caught in a battle of survival.....Yet they only got so far as a Stormtrooper appeared in front of their path and with a steely look M,N takes out her blaster and begins to fire, yelling and demanding Y,N to get away from this place.* Y,N run! You need to survive in order to preserve Clan Raven and the Mandalorian race! Don't look back!
Y,N: *with teary eyes both due to smoke and ash along with his own emotions follows his mother's directions and takes off to the only other place he knew to go...Bo-Katan's house* Mother.....Father.......Every other Mandalorian who suffered through this night I'll make sure to escape....I need to for them. *He finally makes it to Bo-Katan's house and he looks on in horror as he sees her house burning to the ground before the door smashes open as Bo-Katan with a saber made of pure black energy instead of a normal hilt cleanly in one hand and some kind of briefcase in the other decapitates an unlucky Stormtrooper with his vile blood falling onto the dirt below, she then locks eyes with Y,N and her eyes slightly widen*
Bo-Katan: *through ash and smoke she yells* Y,N what are you doing here!? You should be evacuating with the other women and children!? You don't belong in a warzone such as this?!
Y,N: *yells back* My father and mother are fighting men with white and black armor! They both told me to run and I knew there was only one place I could go!
Bo-Katan: *sighs, now knowing she had to get Y,N out of here and she grabs him by the hand somewhat startling the young Mandalorian* Let's go! We need to get you out of here and I know just how! *through the terrified screams, burning huts, and countless blaster fire Bo-Katan takes Y,N back to the training cave and at first Y,N is more than confused to why they came back here and before he could ask, Bo-Katan slid back a fake rock piece and enters a quick four digit passcode into the panel* I didn't think I would ever need to use this....But desperate times call for the most extreme of desperate measures. *mumbles* I'm glad Ahsoka gave this to me. *turns to Y,N handing him the briefcase* I hoped to give this to you once you became of age and joiend the ranks of a true Mandalorian warrior, but I guess fate had something else in mind. It's Beskar armor, a material so dense and hard to damage you might as well be fighting against a superpowered being, the durability this armor can give you is unlike any other. You better treat it well....Otherwise, well there's no point in giving any more threats is there? *Both Bo-Katan and the completely bewildered Y,N walk into the small grotto and in the middle both spot an incredible sight....Well mainly Y,N. It was an old Republic escape pod, it was a little rusty and banged up but it could still function....At least that's what Bo-Katan had hoped for.*
Bo-Katan: I hope this hunk of junk still works, you better not have failed me now Ahsoka. *turns back to Y,N once the pod quietly hums to life* I wish it didn't have to be this way but fate can be an asshole at times. *a lone tear falls down her usually serious face* Honestly I wished we could fight in battle with one another but that's just a pipe dream at this point, I wanted you to remember your heritage and your pride ok Y,N?
Y,N: *nods* I will.....But aren't you coming with me Bo-Katan?
Bo-Katan: *grimly shakes her head* I wish I could but I need to get as many Mandalorians out of here as I can. It's my duty as their leader to help them, especially right now! It was an honor to train and teach you Y,N, you better get revenge on these bastards and you better not die immediately. We're all counting on you Y,N, meaning don't fail us got it?
Y,N: *once more Y,N shakes his head and he gets into the pod but not before Bo-Katan could give him a hug, which completely took the pupil off guard. Then with the mechanical door swinging closed behind and with a roar the escape pod takes off into the sky above with plenty of red and green lasers trying to shoot it down but none of them being able to hit the mark. Within a few seconds Y,N is out in the vast emptiness, during his last moments at the only place he knew he saw Bo-Katan give him a simple wave before she took off back into the action and Y,N felt a pit in his stomach.....It was....It was shame, he felt like a coward for running away and practically abandoning his people, even if it was the wiser decision to run away and fight another day. With his eyes slowly drooping from the lack of sleep and the eerie quietness of space he finally falls asleep as his escape pod takes him far, far away from the battle, yet he lets out one final sentence* Be careful Bo-Katan, stay alive.
Bo-Katan POV, Location: Mandalore
Bo-Katan: *rushes through the burning village as she managed to herd a group of panic stricken Mandalorians and some Mandalorians warriors as she nearly managed to get them out of the village, yet before she could her eyes widened in fear....which was an extremely rare feat, as a figure clad in complete black armor with his dark cape lightly floating in the wind hit up his red lightsaber revealing his identity to the group* You bastard. You spineless coward.
*The figure says nothing as he charges at the Mandalorian people, his blood red blade lighting up the entire area but before he's able to strike at them Bo-Katan ignites her Dakrsaber which clashes against the sith lord's red lightsaber, causing the air around them to grow thick with the tension and dread as sparks of yellow flew off from both blades as they clashed against one another, the sith lord was toying with Bo-Katan and she knew it....He was purposely holding back to make her feel weak, he could end this in a second with his force powers yet didn't.*
Bo-Katan: *through gritted teeth* You bastard, you think I need your vile pity! You're holding back on me! If you're going to slaughter me and my people you might as well give me your all! *smirks* Unless you're too much of a coward!
*the figure looks on, his expression unknown but his actions clearly evident as he uses the force to push back Bo-Katan and the other surviving Mandalorians. While the other's were being killed by the legion of Stormtroopers with some Mandalorians managing to take some of their numbers before being killed by the seemingly endless numbers of Stormtroopers, Bo-Katan could only look on in fear and horror as the people she was entrusted to protect were being slaughtered like farm animals.....A anger began to brew in her stomach and with a roar of anger she charges at the figure, her darksaber igniting the area around her and with a single strike she slashes at the figure....And it doesn't do anything as his red blade countered her own and with a simple usage of the force launched Bo-Katan into a boulder with the female Mandalorian banging her head against the boulder causing some blood to leak from the back of her head, yet on shaky legs she still gets up with clear resolve and determination evident on her face, all the while the figure looks at her stupidity.*
???: *breathes in and out* Impressive. Most Impressive. There's not many like you in the galaxy, those who have the determination or the resolve to face me head on.
Bo-Katan: *she spits out some lose blood* I'm not like most Vader. I don't run away or cry out in fear seeing your vile presence....I only want to decapitate you and make you pay for what you've done to my people! I doubt I'll be able to beat you and end your vile stigma you have over the galaxy, but my people will live on! I will live on! This isn't the end of the true and pure Mandalorian race! You may kill us Vader! But there's one thing you can't kill.....Our Mandalorian pride!
Darth Vader: *breathes in and out* Then why don't I let you join the fallen? *Vader charges at Bo-Katan and the last thing we see is a close up of Bo-Katan's face before complete and utter silence, nothing is heard and everything goes black.*
Y,N POV, Location: The Vast Emptiness of Space(Present Day)
Y,N: *wakes up in a cold sweat nearly screaming for the first time in years, he was once more forced to relieve his greatest failure in his entire life and he once more had to see his teacher die in front of his very eyes, it didn't get easier every time he was subjected to watching this nightmare. Y,N then looks down at his glove covered fist and balls it into a fist* I do this for you Bo-Katan. And you mom. And you dad. And every other Mandalorian's life that was lost on that terrible night. I survive for each and every one of you every day....I hope all of you can hear me from where you're at right now.....I won't fail any of you. Not again. Ever since the fall of the Empire they've seemed to lighten up but when they return, they return with a vengeance.
*Y,N then focused on the darkness of space, after all Cedric was powered down and recharging for the time currently and their next mission was on the planet called Christophsis apparently some spineless and cowardly kingpin was held out there, and with a bounty on his head large enough to make any bounty hunter jump at the chance to bring him in. Luckily Y,N had been waiting for a challenging bounty for a few weeks and immediately hopped on this chance before anyone else could, much to the rage or disappointment of some yet first come, first serve after all. But now in a few hours would be time for action as apparently this kingpin managed to hire some mercenaries to protect him from any potential threats and this caused Y,N to smirk underneath his Beskar helmet.*
Y,N: This will be easier than I thought. It's like he's begging to be killed. Yet I need to bring his fatass in for more credits, still this shouldn't be an issue. That coward won't know what hit him until it's too late.
*The screen fades to black as Y,N in his ship, the Bloodwing launched into hyperspace and was off towards the gorgeous planet of Christophsis, sure it might have been ruined during the Clone Wars but the citizens were able to rebuild their once beautiful city and not much had happened to it since then. But all of that would change very soon, after all no one escaped Y,N L,N A.K.A. The Mandalorian's sight and lived to tell the tale. Yet little does he know about the adventure he would be taken on, one that would include a certain baby and a fellow Mandalorian warrior. But first things first, he's got to take down this fat slob of a kingpin and earn himself yet another successful notch in his ever-growing infamous legacy.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this Prologue chapter and are hyped for the next chapter of A Clan Reborn which details how Y,N found got his lightsaber and Jedi holocron and then finally we'll enter the canon timeline of The Mandalorian so stay tuned for those upcoming chapters. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this milestone and we'll have scaled the summit of the next milestone 5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter!
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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