The Unexpected Reunion
"Yes, chef!" The response of his kitchen staff rang as he gave out instructions.
It has been 3 years since he first opened his own restaurant, Mio Angelo. He would take you to an orgasmic tour of Europe with the food he brings. He specializes on Italian and French cusisines, being raised in Italy half his life, and being trained by a reputable French chef. But his countless travels and adventures provided him insight on various cuisines from the different places he visited. He is a rising star in the food industry, having recently gotten 3 michelin stars at his age of only 24. And of course, news quickly spread when people found out that the hot shot chef is also the heir to the billion dollar Giovinazzo empire. People lined up to taste the food of the billionaire chef. Most of these people were also the ones quite shocked that unlike other billionaires who have professional chefs cooking for them, he's the professional chef thrilling their taste buds.
Ace never cared for the popularity that his name brings, all he wants is to be known for his skills in the kitchen. His artistry in creating food. But now, it's all been blurred when his father introduced him publicly as the heir to Giovinazzo Industries.
"Service!" He stated as he pushed out the last order of the day.
He removed his apron and jacket and hanged them on the rack as he stepped out to smoke. He doesn't really like smoking. He never thought he'd be the guy puffing cigarettes by a dumpster, but it has become a habit of sorts to relieve some tension. A habit he picked up working in the kitchen. It's something most kitchen staff have a habit of doing. It's either that or going to work drunk. That, he rarely does.
He came back in the kitchen after he finished a stick. He's been trying to limit himself. There was a time that he can finish two packs of cigarettes in a day. And he is not proud of it. His staffs have finished with storage and are about to start cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. And he's not the kind of executive chef that would just up and leave all the work to his people. He grabbed a brush and started with the grill.
"Chef, I got that." One of his newer guys offering to do his work.
"No. I got this. This kitchen is huge. Find something else to clean." He merely stated.
The kid backed off sheepishly, which made his sous chef, Toni, laugh. Everyone turned to look at him wondering what he found funny.
"You should have seen the look on the kid's face, Alejandro. You embarassed him." Toni or Antoine, is a long time friend of Ace's. They met in the early years of Ace's stay in France as he was learning side by side him. He has become his best friend and most trusted companion in the kitchen. Their tandem is a force to be reckoned with in and out of the kitchen.
"And you just made it worse for him, Antoine." Ace cajoled.
"Here's what you must know, newbies. Never be surprised if you find this monkey cleaning. It's his fucking kitchen. Let him clean."
"Yeah. Be more surprised if you find this ape cleaning."
"I clean! And I am no ape. If I were an ape, I'd be a one god damn good looking ape." Toni said defensively.
"Who's the ape?" A female voice asked coming through the doors from the service area.
"Your Alejandro." Toni quickly answered.
"Well, by the looks of it, he definitely is. You're cleaning again." Diane, Ace's fiancé, looked at him accusingly.
Ace was just dumbfounded.
"You forgot. Of course you did. I still love you, though. We have a date. Just get ready."
Ace passed the brush to the kid who wanted to help him out earlier. He quickly made his way to his office and tried to fix himself as nice and proper as he could.
"I told you not to let him clean when we have a date." Diane scolded Toni. " If we don't have a date, let him clean it all on his own for all I care." She said jokingly.
"I'm ready." Ace went out of his office with his tie askew and his hair ruffled. "What?"
"You are an ape." She walked up to him to fix his tie and hair.
Ace smiled his most charming smile, hoping to get away with forgetting yet another date. Sometimes he wonder if they actually planned them or Diane did on her own and just make him think he forgot. He doesn't really care. He loves her. He may be too absorbed with his restaurant, but she gets that, and he truly loves her for that.
They went to a low key bar where broadway enthusiasts frequent. He enjoyed theater, musicals and black and white classic films more than the high budget modern films or what nots. He just liked the more authentic feel. Though he must admit that his fiancé would get him to watch blockbuster films from time to time. He would indulge her with that the way she indulges him going to bars like the one they're in. There was an off broadway show going on at the moment. A small production where they use the small stage just opposite the bar or just walk around the bar itself. He loved how close the performance gets and how involved that audience could be in small productions like that.
"Thank you. I know you don't really like these kind of things." Ace said leaning over the table and reaching for his fiancé's hand and kissing it.
"You're welcome. And don't worry. It's growing on me." Diane smiled at him.
He could see that she's starting to enjoy them, unlike the first times he took her out to see plays and musicals where she almost fell asleep. She only didn't in respect to his interests. And it was the same with him when they go out to see movies or stay at home watching them. When they are at home, he almost always falls asleep. Well, he's usually tired have no energy to keep himself up at all to watch movies while comfortably cuddled up in the coach.
"Don't forget the appointment we have with the designer tomorrow, okay?"
"What designer?" Again, he was clueless with their plans.
"For my dress."
"Your wedding dress?"
"Am I allowed to be there? You know what they say about the groom seeing the dress and all that."
"You believe in those things?"
"Just cautious."
"Don't worry. We're just going to meet with the designer and see what she has. And see things from there. A friend recommended her. And she'd also be doing your suit, so you're coming whether you like it or not."
He looked at his fiance and just shook his head in defeat. He smiled, thinking how much he loves the woman sitting beside him. Sitting, waiting out on her as she looks at dresses would be worth it, because that dress would be the one she wears walking down the aisle towards him on their wedding day. If she wants him by her side in every preparation they have to make, he would do it to make her happy, to make sure everything would be perfect for her on that day; their day.
They left after they finished the meal they ordered and a couple of drinks they had. They went for a walk. It was a bit chilly outside, so he removed his jacket and placed it around Diane. He took her hands in his, rubbing them to keep them warm.
He may not be the best boyfriend ever, but he promised to do right by her. He may always be lost in his own world at work, but he will always find time for her. He will always try and make it up to her for all the happiness she has brought into his life. And he will do whatever it takes to keep her happy. She saved him. She has always been patient and loving, she could not ask for someone better to share the rest of his life with.
Then out of the blue, after years of trying to move on, he once again finds himself drifting to the thought of the girl he once thought of as his world. The girl he gave his grandmother's ring to, when he promised to marry her when they were young. He thought of it to be true to him for the longest time, but now he'll be marrying someone else.
He felt guilty with the pang of regret knocking at the back of his head. He shouldn't be regretful, because after all that had happened, he ended up meeting Diane. He's very fortunate to have her. It's likely he would never see that girl again anyway, he should be happy and just move forward with his life with his soon to be wife.
She noticed the troubled look on his face. "What's the matter? What are you thinking about?"
"I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life and how much I have to make up for."
"You are lucky, aren't you? Yeah, you should think about that. I expect to be spoiled." She teased him.
He knew she doesn't really care about any of those things. What she really wants is simply to spend time with him. But it doesn't hurt if he does spoil her once in a while.
The following day, Ace scheduled himself to be off duty, leaving his kitchen to his trusted friend Toni, in order to spend time with his fiancé. It would definitely be a long day. He has no idea if there are other things Diane has planned to do.
He got out of bed, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then headed for the kitchen. He got the coffee started, and went on to make pancakes, eggs and bacon. Diane walked in on him just in time as he plated the last of the crisp bacon strips.
"Good morning, beautiful." He greeted her as he placed a plate in front of her at the counter.
"Smells delicious."
"Me? Or the food?" He teased.
She knew how to kick back, complimenting the food means complimenting him, so she said, "the coffee."
He took the plate away from her in defiance, playfully glaring at her.
"What? I thought you don't want any." He began cutting into his stack of pancakes covered with butter, maple syrup, and bits of bacon.
"I just didn't say it was the one I smelled. I do want some." She pouted at him like a kid.
He smiled and pushed her plate back to her.
"So, what are our plans for today?"
She chewed on a piece of bacon recalling the itineraries she made.
"We'll go browse at a few shops and maybe meet with a couple of designers."
"A couple? Yesterday it was just one."
"We've got a lot of time before our appointment with her."
"What time?"
"7 in the evening."
"Your designer's at the office at that hour?"
"Not yet my designer. And they got their own time. Designing the perfect dress takes time."
"Is there any way out of this?"
"Not a chance."
They made their way through bridal shop to another and another. She browsed through the dresses and he just nodded at each of them. There weren't one very striking to him. None that made him imagine her wearing walking down the aisle towards him. And a couple she tried made him cringe, but he was sure she only tried them on to see if he really was paying attention.
They ended their search through the shops when Ace pleaded that they take a break and go get lunch. They went to a French restaurant a couple of blocks down. They were greeted and seated by the maitre d'. They ordered the recommended wine as well as their specials. They talked as they waited for their food to arrive.
"Did you really not like any of the dresses or it just bored you?"
"Nothing struck me."
"What if I choose one of those?"
"You wouldn't. We went there to pass time. You want a designer."
"So, you're fine not seeing how I'll look like on our wedding?"
"As long as you get there, doesn't really matter to me what dress you wear, but of course I want it to be the perfect one for you. If you find that perfect one, even if I hadn't seen it before I'd know, because it'll show on you as you walk towards me in that beautiful white dress."
That left Diane speechless for a moment. She had no idea that Ace thought of it that way. Ace doesn't always say such sweet things but whenever he does, he makes them count. She's known him for a long time now, but he still has his ways that takes her by surprise. Like the time he proposed. They hadn't talked about settling down and getting married before that. Of course that's where she wanted their relationship to head, but she didn't think Ace was ready for it. He has been completely involved with his restaurant even before its opening, that he barely had time to spend with her. But he made sure that no matter how tired he was and how worried he was with what could have been going on with his restaurant while he's not there, he would be with her; not just physically there with her, but in every sense there with her. But she didn't think he was ready to take their relationship further.
She had come home to find their place dimly lit by candles, faint sound of music could be heard, and a heavenly smell wafting in the air. Ace was still in the kitchen preparing for dinner. He had called her to tell her he was making dinner, but she didn't expect that kind of dinner. He looked up at her as he finished plating. The way he looked at her took her breath away. It was like she was the only one for her, like she was the only one that ever mattered. She knew that case wasn't true. He never really told her about it but somehow, she knows there's something, someone, but it didn't matter in that moment, she's the only one even only for that moment and she would take that any time.
He wove around the counter and snaked his arms around her waist, still looking at her the way that made her knees weak.
"Hello beautiful. Right on time." He greeted before kissing her.
"What's the occasion?"
"Nothing. I just thought you deserve a night like this."
She was a bit suspicious of the reason behind the stunning evening he prepared, but she couldn't pin point what, so she didn't stew over it much. He gave her roses that were in half bloom which she found beautiful. They went about their dinner talking over their day, work and family. For dessert, he made her favourite, strawberry shortcake.
"You're not having any?" She asked when she noticed he brought out only one. "You know I'm not sharing this with you."
"I'm good. I've got all that I need here." Again, he was looking her the way he did earlier. " On second thought, there is something else..." He trailed off as he knelt down and took a small box out of his pocket.
She was frozen, she definitely hadn't seen that coming. Emotion flooded through her but she can't move at all.
"Diane, you've been the best. You've been the greatest friend and partner I could have ever asked for. You've been patient, supportive, understanding, caring, and loving to me all this time. Everyday I wake up thinking how lucky I am to have a woman like you love me endlessly. I am not the easiest person to love. I admit that most of the time I am completely consumed by my work. I lose track of time, but I always look forward to going home to you. Let me make it up to you for the rest of my life. Let me make you happy, the way you make me happy. Diane Francesca Lewis, will you make me happier than I have ever been and be my wife?"
The memory of that day ran through her head over and over in replay as they ate their lunch. She remembered how she got tear-eyed in pure bliss at the joy she felt that moment he asked her to marry him. He patiently waited for her to move her head, for words to come out of her mouth, because she was completely stuck in that moment. She knew though that he saw her answer in her eyes but still he waited like the gentleman that he is.
"Di, your phone is beeping." He called out to her, waking her out of her daydream.
She took her phone out of her bag and checked the message.
"It's the designer my friend recommended. She said she could see us at 3 if we want to, she'd be free to meet us."
"Great! I don't know how many more browsing and designer meetings I could endure for the day."
"You're lucky."
"Who's this designer anyway, that you're so adamant in meeting with her. We could have just gone to my mother's connections in fashion."
"I know, and those are big names, but I saw a dress she designed for an event my friend went to, and it was gorgeous. I fell in love with it, so I want to see what she can make for me. If I don't like any of her ideas, we'll go to your mom, but you know that if we go to her, your dad's in tow."
"You're right. Let's go see that designer of yours."
"And besides, she's only here for the week, their main office is in New York. I don't want to fly out there just to meet with her. If I get my dress and all that, I'd be glad to, but let's make the most that she's here."
They took their time with dessert per Ace's request. He just wanted to wait out the time sitting comfortably while eating instead of running around after Diane looking at dresses again. And Diane didn't protest since she was so excited to meet with the designer. Ace just can't wait to get the day to end.
They left the restaurant at around 2 to make good time on their way to the designer's office. The office was huge. He wondered who exactly the designer is. Someone can't have an office like this and not be known. Or maybe they're just like him, fortunate family ties, but just starting up. They would still have a name to be heard of, if that's the case. Like how it was for him, the hot shot young chef who took the culinary scene by storm.
Diane walked up to the front desk to inquire. It was the first time she mentioned the designer's name.
"We're here for Ms. Angel."
Angel. The name rang in Ace's thoughts. Could it be? Was that a first name or a last name? Angel. A fashion designer. It can't be just a coincidence, is it? He's thinking too much into it. He tried to stop himself. He told himself that he is over her and he has completely moved on with his life and that he's in love and marrying someone else. He should stop imagining things.
"Who should I say it is, ma'am?"
"Diane Lewis."
The receptionist spoke into the receiver then got back to them.
"Ms. Angel would see you now."
She gave them the directions to her office and they went their way. As they walked along the halls, Ace had a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach. He has still hadn't gotten over the possibility of it being the same Angel he had promised to marry. He hadn't seen her for a long time. He used to come by her parents' house to visit, but it's also been a while since he's seen them last.
His heart skipped a beat when he heard a familiar voice speak when the door opened behind them.
"I'm sorry for the sudden changes. I was able to free my schedule at this hour, so I thought you'd like to meet earlier."
It was so surreal for him as he turned and looked at the person speaking from the door.
He didn't know how much he longed to see her again, how much he actually missed her, until that moment he saw her in front of him again. All their memories flooded his thoughts. The promise he made to her knocking at the back of his head.
Christina was surprised to hear her name said like that. She has been using Angel as her last name, so people won't use it with such familiarity. When people call her by that name, it was usually with miss. For as long as she knows, only one person has ever called her Angel like it was the only name she ever had. And it wasn't just being called by that name. It was the voice and emotion of the person who said it. She turned to see that it was indeed him. She pasted a smile on her face to hide the uncertainty she was feeling.
Everything around them seemed to stop as their gazes met. For that moment, it was just the two of them. It was like they were back in that playground making that promise to each other for the first time. Who were they trying to fool, no matter how much they have not seen each other, they would never be able to deny that there would always be lingering feelings between them. What it means to them is a different story that neither one would like to say out loud.
Diane was not oblivious to the encounter unfolding in front of her, but she did not want to read too much into it. Whoever she was to him, it should not matter, because he had chosen to be with her now.
"You two know each other?"
Christina didn't trust herself to go near him, so she proceeded straight to her desk.
"Yes, Christopher and I knew each other when we were kids."
"Interesting. No one really calls him Christopher. He doesn't like it."
"Of course, he doesn't. That's why I always insisted in calling him that to get on his nerves."
"You two were close?"
"My mother was his home teacher back then. And we played a lot together."
"Childhood friends."
"Yes. I'm sure you didn't seek me out for a chat, so what can I do for you, Ms. Lewis?"
Christina didn't want to go into more detail about her previous relationship with what seems to be her potential client's fiance. She's moved on with her life. Clearly, he has as well.
"Oh, yes. I saw a dress you made for my friend, Grace Porter. I loved it. Really loved it."
Ace was detached to the conversations going on around him. His only focus was the woman sitting right in front of him. He has so many questions, so much to say. He wondered how has she been. Is she happy? Is she with someone? There, he realized he was not completely over her. She's the one that got away.
Christina showed a couple of sketches to Diane that could be used as inspirations for a wedding dress or be a wedding dress themselves.
"Tell me, Diane, what is it you want your wedding dress to be like?"
It felt unreal for Christina talking about making a wedding dress for the woman Ace was about to marry. She knew she could never completely move on from him, but she has accepted that, but that has got to be a strange twist of fate to bring them back together in such circumstances.
"I want elegant, sophisticated, but with a splash. You get what I mean?"
They talked more about ideas for the dress. They also talked about the possibility of her making the attire of the entire entourage. She was excited with the idea of such a project, besides the fact that it means working closely with Ace.
"I think we've got all the details down for what we need to accomplish for now, I will send the sketches to you when they're finished. Is there anything else?"
Ace was unaware that the meeting has already concluded. He had not said a word the entire time, and no one seemed to notice how deep he was into his thoughts.
"Nothing. I shall give you a call if something pops to my head."
"Alright. It was nice meeting with you, Diane." Christina smiled at her, she was genuinely thrilled to work with her. She found her very interesting and nice to talk to. She thought they could be great friends if they ever move past the fact of their relationships with Ace.
"It was all my pleasure. I love your ideas. I can't wait for your sketches." Diane was also thrilled with her work. And she was intrigued with whatever she and Ace seemed to have had. She feels it was more than just a childhood friendship.
"It was nice to see you again, Chris." Christina held out her hand to Ace, who was still seated, after she gave Diane a hug.
It was only then that Ace came back to reality. He stood up and shook her hand. "Yeah, it was nice to see you, Angel."
Ace thought the day could not be any more surreal, then he saw a boy playing with a toy robot at a desk at the side of Christina's office. The boy looked up and smiled at him. He was not prepared for what he saw. The eyes that were looking back at him were identical to the ones he was drowning into earlier. Angel's son. He has to be Angel's son. The thought echoed in his head trying to get it through to him.
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