Like Mother, Like Son

Ace burried himself in his work. He double checked the schedules, took his time with the menus, and put in extra time in the kitchen. It was the only place he can't be bothered by his own thoughts. And slowly, his worries started to slip away from him, as he got back to his routines.

When dinner service ends, and they were done with clean up, he stay behind to work on new recipes. He found comfort in them. He always had his way with food. He loves creating dishes that would not only delight people's senses, but pleasure their palates. He brings out the beauty of each dish like it's a work of art. It was all he ever wanted. It was what he can do for the rest of his life and not get tired of. He never minded the hours he has to put it or the entirety of the work. It was all about the satisfaction to the taste buds that he could bring. The joy he brings with his food.

"Boss, we have an Eleanor Michaelson on the phone for you." One of his waitstaff called for him.

He wiped his hands on his apron and followed to get the call at the reception area. He could have asked them to call him on his office phone but when things get busy in the kitchen, no one really bothers with the phones there. So it was better they called him there.

"Hey, ma. What can I do for you?" He said through the receiver.

"We were wondering if we could come by today. There's a little boy here looking for you, and they're leaving in two days."

Christina's leaving soon. He'll be able to get back to his world with less distractions then. Not that he ever thought of her as that, at that moment, she was a temptation he can't afford. He was getting married and will be having a child. He can't let himself go and fall for her again. Not that he ever truly stopped loving her. He thought he did, but when he saw her, he was flooded by his emotions. But he can't let it happen, he has to contain it all.

"Sure, I'll have a table set."

"Thank you. We'll see you there."

He placed the phone back and called for his maitre'd.

"Do we have an extra table?"

"Yes, back corner."

"Okay. Reserve it for Eleanor Michaelson and call me when they get here."

"Sure thing, sir."

"Don't call me sir."

He doesn't like being called sir. It feels too formal for him. And there in his restaurant, they're family. He gave in being called boss at times, but never sir.

He left Toni to manage the service for a while, as he worked on a treat for his young guest to come. He decided to make a moist chocolate cake. One could never go wrong with chocolate. He baked a two layer 5 inch cake. He coated it with chocolate whipped cream, then poured some ganache all over it. It was overflowing in chocolate. He was sure the boy would love it. He then finished it with chocolate curls on top, with two macarons, vanilla and coffee for contrast. He then lightly dusted it with a gold sheen to add vibrancy to it. And right on time, his guests had arrived.

"Ace!" The boy shouted in glee when he saw him.

"Hey, little man. Glad you came." Carlisle beamed up an even bigger smile at him.

It was just them, Eleanor, Jerry, and Carlisle. No Christina. He was both disappointed and relieved. He was hoping to see her before she leaves, but thought it would be better if he didn't.

"What can I get you?"

"How about we let you choose." Jerry insisted. He usually has a hard time choosing what to eat at places like that.

"Yeah. Surprise us." Eleanor agreed, placing the menu down.

"Okay. Sure." He gave instructions to one of his waiters to get the orders started. "Where's you mom?" He asked Carlisle.

"At work. I was bored at home, I asked Mama Ely about you."

"So I heard."

"I like your stories."

"I like yours too."

"And you said we were going to make pizza but you never came back and we're leaving soon."

He almost forgot that he promised that to the boy.

"I think I have some dough out back, how about we make one now? Wanna help me out?"

Carlisle's eyes lit in excitement. He looked at his grandparents for approval and they simply nodded.

"Come on, let's leave these two lovebirds so they can have a proper date." Ace said, making Carlisle giggle, and the two grandparents laugh.

They often have some pizza dough stocked in their chiller, for whenever the kitchen staff decides to make some. They usually make family dinners there after service. And whoever wants to cook, cooks it. On special occasions, they would sometimes all be involved in cooking for the entire restaurant staff.

He took out a small portion of dough. He readied a work space for them at the side of the kitchen where they won't get in the way of the rest. It's where he usually works on special desserts, like the one he made for Carlisle.

He got a small apron from his office and put it around the boy. He even put a toque on him. And he just loved the way he smiled at him.

He taught him how to roll the dough out and form it in a circle. He let him put the sauce, cheese and other toppings himself. He smiled at how focused he was on making his pizza. He was careful and neat, which was surprising to Ace for a kid his age. He saw potential in him. He saw himself when he was that age.

They put it in the oven, and cleaned up as they waited for it. And when Ace took it out, the look on Carlisle's face was priceless. It was like he won the lottery, or something even better. He knew that feeling. He felt the same and might have had the same look on his face when he made his first ever dish. He saw so much of himself in him, but he shouldn't let his thoughts linger there

They sat at the same side of the kitchen as they shared the pizza and told stories. As much as Ace wanted to watch his team work, to make sure things were well, he couldn't. He was so involved into listening to Carlisle's stories. The boy has his way with words. And the way he tells his stories is very animated. The faces and gestures he makes are just adorable.

"That was amazing! I never made pizza! Mommy sometimes let me make my cereals or sandwich but with only peanut butter and jelly, but she does all else. I like this. Doing all this stuff. It's fun. Didn't think it was fun before, but it is."

His enthusiasm was extremely contagious. Though they were only at the side and his kitchen staff was busy, the boy simply can't go unnoticed. They all enjoyed his presence there and he clearly enjoyed being there as well.

"Well, I guess I have to get you back to your grandparents. I need to get back to work." Ace said as he cleaned up after them.

"Do I have to? Can't I stay and watch? I'll be good. I promise." He gave Ace his most adorable pleading puppy dog look. And of course, no one could resist that when he does his best.

"Okay. How about this. You go with this lovely lady to your grandparents and I have a special treat for you. Then we'll talk about it with them."

Carlisle was so excited he practically ran to the waitress waiting to assist him. Ace shook his head thinking what has he gotten himself into. He thought the boy must be a handful at times with all that energy and enthusiasm. He doesn't mind it though. He truly enjoyed spending time with him.

He followed them outside and placed the cake in its stand in the middle of their table. Carlisle's eyes went wide at the sight of the chocolate cake.

"Wow! It's awesome! This is for me?"

"Of course you have to share."

"Thank you!" Carlisle leapt from his chair and hugged Ace tightly. Ace was surprised by the gesture, but ultimately welcomed it. It was very rewarding to see the boy's reaction to it.

"Can we take it home? So mommy could have some too?"

"Definitely. It is yours."

Eleanor had already slice him a piece of cake and offered some to Ace.

"No, thank you. I have to go back to the kitchen anyway."

"Oh, grandma! Can I go watch him?"

"Only for a while. We're going home when you finish that."

Ace went back to the kitchen with a triumphant looking child by his side holding a small plate of cake. Ace was surprised by him again when he immediately made his way to the side table and sat there quietly as he put on his apron. He went about his work, looking at Carlisle from time to time. He can see that he was intently watching him, his every move, and he noticed he was watching the entire kitchen as if coming to life for the first time before his eyes. And Ace could help but feel pride for what he had seemed to have opened up for him.

He had done the same for some of his staff. Some of them doesn't have any background in cooking. He offered to teach them and give them work. And there they all were, a family in that bustling kitchen of his. Each one not only loving what they do but also the people working next to them. It was all Ace ever wanted. He has the restaurant, his family there, Diane and a baby on the way, but looking at the boy watching him in awe, he seemed to long for more.

"Boss, his grandparents are asking for him." One of his waitresses said as she entered the kitchen doors.

"Carlisle, come on. You got to go." He wiped his hands on his apron. He can't let Eleanor and Jerry leave without saying goodbye.

Carlisle reluctanly jumped off the stool he was sitting on and followed him to the door. They went through the heavy doors of the kitchen where his grandparents waited on the other side. Before going with them, he turned and wrapped his arms around Ace's leg.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said sadly, making Ace's heart melt. Ace knelt down to look the boy eye to eye.

"Me too. How about I come by your house before you leave?"

"That'd be nice."

"Okay, I'll see you then."


He then gave him a proper hug now that they were almost the same level. Ace didn't want to let go of him. He loved having him around. The blissful joy in his eyes as he watched them reminded him how much he loves what he does. There's just something about the boy that he wants to hold on to him and never let go. Like mother, like son, having a hold of his heart. Jesus, how could he ever let go, if things always turn that way.


Like Ace, Christina tried to bury her worries through her work and spending time with her son. But no matter how hard she tried, she can't get him out of her mind. Why did he have to be engaged to a potential client? She could turn the project down, but that would be unprofessional. And it's not like her to be.

He's definitely not making things easy for her. He had to come to her parents' house, be his charming and lovely self, reminding her why she loved him then. But she just can't go through it, and besides, he's getting married. She just has to distance herself from him as much as she could.

She got home to find the house empty. There was a note on the kitchen counter telling her that they had gone out for dinner. She looked at the time. It was close to 9:00. They should be back soon. She thought she could take the time alone to relax and drew herself a hot bath.

She poured in her lavender scented bath soap and salts, lit a few of her floral scented candles, and put on some soft music. It was so soothing. She didn't know how much she needed that; to just sit back, relax, and take time for herself. She doesn't really have much time to do that lately, with her busy schedules, and with her son. Not that she's complaining. She loves her son and her job, but it is nice to have time for herself every once in awhile.

She closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. There was only one thing it drifted to, Ace. His ever so dashing self, his smile that makes it seem like he has no worries in the world, his eyes that she could easily drown into, and his touch that could electrify every nerve in her body. She sees him holding her in his arms, holding her so close as they swayed along to the music. He lifted her head so she was looking straight into his eyes, and she was lost. He smiles at her, relieving her of all her worries. She knew it wasn't real, she knew she shouldn't be thinking like that, but all she did was close her eyes and bury her head at the crook of his neck, as he held her close. In that moment, she let herself miss him.

She was pulled away from her thoughts, when she heard voices enter the house. They're back. She got out of the tub and slipped on her robe. Ace, she thought sighing. She went to her room, got changed and joined them downstairs.

"Mommy!" Carlisle ran to her and hugged her. She loved how expressive he is. He doesn't go around hugging just anyone, but if he does, he considers you special to him.

"Hey, you. Where have you been?" She lifted him up. He was growing fast. Soon she won't be able to carry him the way she does, so she makes the most of it.

"We went to see Ace!" He said with such enthusiasm.

"Ace?" Really? She was just thinking about him, and her son was just with him. Can't she really escape from him?

"Yeah. Your friend Christopher."

"Of course." She smiled at him, she knew there was a story to come. She sat him down, so he could tell his story properly.

"We left mama and papa on their date." He said giggling. "We made pizza! Mommy, I made pizza! I used my hands to make it circle. I put the sauce, bacon, mushroom, peppers, pepperoni, olives, cheese. I put everything, mommy! It was so fun! Then Ace put it in the oven and we waited then we ate it. It was so good! My pizza was so good! Then he gave us chocolate cake. I got some for you, mommy. Then he let me watch again in the kitchen. It was amazing, mommy! It was so cool!"

She loved how his eyes lit up in excitement as he told his story. She remembered the way Ace would tell him kitchen stories as well when they were little. He even tried to teach her before he left for Italy. She loved that passion of his with food and cooking, and it looks like he might have passed it to her son now.

"I wanna be just like him, mommy!"

And there it was.

"Sure. We'll see about that."

She wouldn't hinder her son if that is what he would end up wanting geowing up. But he is still young, he might change his mind. She will not close out doors for him.

Carlisle rambled on even more about the time he spent at the restaurant, while they ate some more cake. She must admit, the cake was incredible. It was so moist, rich and decadent, it filled her senses entirely. A great addition to the relaxing hot bath she had.

When they finished, she got him changed to his pajamas and tucked him in. Even then, he was talking in awe of Ace.

"Can I see him again, mommy?"

She fell a pull in her heart. She too wanted to see him, but unsure if they should. Could she let her son get so attached to someone who can't really be a part of their lives? Ace won't hurt him, she knew that. But if he gets too attached, he will long for him the way she did, and he won't be there for them because he's going to have his own family.

"Maybe. Good night, my prince."

"I'm not a prince. I'm gonna be a chef."

"Okay. Good night, little chef."

"Good night, mommy."

She kissed him on the top of his head, turned the lights off, and went to her own room. She slipped under her covers and tried not to think more of Ace. But even in her sleep, there he was.


Ace went home right after they finished the night's service and the clean up. He needed a reminder why he can no longer linger onto Christina. He found Diane on their bed, reading a book. She looked up from the book and smiled at him. That was all the reminder he needed. He took his jacket and shoes off, then plopped himself next to her.

"Hello, beautiful." He said kissing her softly.

"Hey, you. Haven't seen much of you lately."

"I know. Sorry. I'll get some time off."

"No. You'd miss all that when the baby comes. Enjoy it."

"You make it sound scary. Like the world as I know it is about to end."

They both laughed when they realized that was how it actually sounded like. He loves that about her. Things are just easy and comfortable with her. He can tell her anything. She has become his best friend, the way Christina once was. That's why he can't break his vow to her, in hopes that Christina has held on to the ones they made long ago.

"How was your day then?"

"Interesting. It was quite interesting." He smiled as the memory he shared with Carlisle earlier flooded him like a wave.

"Tell me about it."

He told her about Eleanor and Jerry, then about Carlisle. He talked about him with such pride and longing. It was clear that he has grown fond of the boy by the way he talked about him. How can he not be, not only was the kid Christina's, but he also reminds him of himself when he was that age.

"That's adorable." Diane commented when he finished his stories. "I imagine you were like that when you were little."

"No. He was way more behave than I was. I was a messy monster in the kitchen back then."

"And you're like the clean patrol now."

They shared another laugh. It was true. When he was younger, his mother and grandmother or other kitchen help would just allow him to play around in the kitchen. They enjoyed watching him experiment on his own. It was only a few years in Italy, when he started to visit professional kitchens and learn from real chefs that he learned that cleanliness in the kitchen is very important. People no longer cleaned up after him, he started to clean as he goes. He learned how to take good care of his tools and equipment, especially when he first got his own knife. He was 9 and was very excited when his grandfather took him to see how knives were made. When they got home, his grandfather gave him a 6 inch knife that he had made for him. He was on top of the world then. He still has and uses that knife all the time.

"I hope you'd be able to share that with our baby."

"Don't you worry. I'd have him chopping carrots even before he can chew."

He dreams of that as well; to be able to pass and share the love he has for what he does. He's done it to some of his staff, but it's different if it's with your kid. He wants to be how he and his mom are when they work in the kitchen together for holidays. That even though he has a wider expertise and has professional experience as a chef, his mother still tells him what to do when they work together. They would sometimes argue, but of course his mom always wins. He would love to have that.

The following morning, he sat down for breakfast with his parents and fiancé. Breakfasts are always quiter, especially with his father around. It always has to be proper. If it were just them, they would plop themselves by the kitchen counter and eat there. But no, it has to be proper at the dinner table even for now.

"Ace, I have arranged everythig for your new restaurant site in New York. Fly out there and check things out." His father spoke sternly.

"I told you, I'll take care of that." He answered. He doesn't like it when his father continually gets involved with his business.

"And when will you have time? It's done. I allowed you to continue with this, at least do it right. You're a Giovinazzo."

"You just want me in New York, so you can control my life more."

"I didn't choose New York for you, boy. You did."


"You'd have more reason to come visit me." His mother interjected.

That was a welcome reason, but he was in no hurry to put up another restaurant. Yes, his first is doing quite well now, but he still wants to establish it even more, before opening another. But of course, his father had to get himself involved.

"If you don't want to go on with it, fine. At least check things out."

"Fine." There was no arguing with the man. He'd have better chances, if his grandfather was still there. He always had his support and he always knew when to push him on things or simply let him be.

They continued with the rest of their breakfast in silence. They all knew once Cornelius got started in a mood like that, he would have something negative to say in whatever they talk about.

He excused himself so he could go to work and escape his father's rant already. On his drive there, all he could think about was Christina and how he's be in the same city as her again. How is he going to stay away, if circumstances keeps them close? At least maybe he could patch things up between them. Maybe he could persuade her to accept him back in her life even as a friend. Either way, the bonus would be he'd get to spend some time with that adorable boy of hers. She won't keep him away from the kid, would she? The kid likes him. He sighed out his hopes.

He left work early, because he wanted to keep his promise to Carlisle. He was to visit him before they leave for New York. And he was excited to let the boy know of his news. How would he react? Would he be as excited as he is? Damn, why was he feeling that way. Strange, but he felt like a kid about to go to his first theme park. Giddy.

Christina answered the door for him and the bright mood she seemed to have before she saw him quickly disappeared.

"I told you, no more visits."

"Yeah. I came for him."

Carlisle came running through the hall when he spotted him at the door.

"Ace! You're here!" He shouted as he leapt into his open arms. The sight of his son being held by Ace tugged at Christina's heart. How could she push him away, if her son is the one holding onto him? Carlisle was so happy, she can't tear that away from him. Not now.

"I said I would come see you."

"You did."

"We just finished dinner. Have you eaten?" Christina asked him as she let him in.

"Oh, I'm good."

"Come! We're finishing your cake!" Carlisle hurriedly dragged him to the kitchen, where Eleanor and Jerry were seated. "Grandma, grandpa, Ace is here."

"Oh, yeah. Here you are." Ace greeted the two the way he always did, a kiss on the cheek for Eleanor, a pat on the back for Jerry.

"He kept his promise, ma!"

"He did."

Christina took out an extra dessert plate for Ace. She gave him the last slice and poured him some juice as well. She kept silent, letting her son be the star of the night with his stories again.

"I told mommy I wanna be like you."

"Did you now?"

"I wanna be a chef when I grow up."


"Yeah. Chef's are so cool! I would get to make all kinds of food!"

"Don't you just want to eat them?"

"I could eat them after."

"Good point."

Everyone else just listened on as the two exchanged in conversation. It was quite interesting how they don't seem to run out of things to say. At some point Carlisle would ask questions about food, that Ace would try to explain easily so he would understand. Then came a moment when Ace was teaching him culinary terms. It was adorable how they converse. You wouldn't think he was talking to a five year old with all the thoughts running through Carlisle's head. He was a curious boy, everyone thought he would definitely go places.

"I'm gonna miss you when we go to New York." He finally said.

"No, you won't." Ace teased.

"I would!"

"I don't think so."

"I would." He said again, but more sad. He was sad that Ace won't believe him. He would really miss him. He loved spending time with him. He wished he could stay.

"You won't, cause I'm also going to New York."

Carlisle's eyes and smile suddenly went wide. He can't express completely how happy he was to hear that.

"Really? You're coming with us?"

"Not exactly, but I will come and see you."

Christina didn't know how to react to that either. Ace would be in New York and he would come see Carlisle, thus her as well. Her heart sank to her stomach. She felt like her world started spinning. Why did he have to come back to her life? And why can't she shake him off now?

"Will Diane be coming with you?" She was surprised that she said that out loud. And she wasn't sure which answer she wanted to hear.

Eleanor and Jerry shared questioning looks.

"No, just me. She has work to be done here. And I just have to check a restaurant site, and have consultations."

"Who's Diane?" Carlisle asked what the two elders wouldn't.

"Diane's my fiancé."

"What's that?"

"She's the woman he wants to marry, baby." She tried to say it without much bitterness as she could.

"Oh." He didn't know what else to say.

Ace didn't want it to be the way that they find out about it, like how Christina found out about it. He knew they still wanted him to be the one for their daughter, but there he was crushing their hopes.

They then realized why Ace might have stopped visiting. They were Christina's parents, no matter how much he was like a son to them, they were hers. And he must have been embarrassed to come see them, when he found someone else. He must have thought how could he face them when he has moved on. Or maybe because it was what he needed to move on. They were a reminder for him. They understood, he was still family to them no matter what.

They finished up, said their good nights, and Jerry volunteered to tuck Carlisle in, while Christina saw Ace out.

"Are you okay?" Ace asked when they stepped out.

"I don't know, Ace."

"You calling me that is never good. I'm sorry."

"You gotta stop this."

"Then I won't..."

"You already promised him. Stop making promises to him. Please. He can't get used to having you around."

It hurt to hear her say that; to hear as if she really wants nothing to do with him anymore. But she was right, he can't do that to Carlisle. He can't let him think that he would always be there. He's going to have a family now. Where would he fit him?

"I'm sorry."

He walked away and Christina went back in. She found her mother waiting for her in the kitchen.

"Are you okay?"

Does she seem really distraught that people kept asking her that, or they just know her so well that they know how affected she would be.

"I don't know, ma." She said breathing deeply, forcing herself to be okay.

"How did he tell you?" It was difficult for them to hear the news, and she simply can't imagine how it was for her daughter.

"He didn't. They walked into my office. She wants me to be her designer." That moment they first caught glance of each other for a long time replayed in her head. She held back the tears threatening to burst.

"It'll be okay." Eleanor took her baby girl in her arms, making Christina lose it. And she just cried it out.

"It hurts, ma. It hurts. I know it shouldn't, but it hurts."

"Because you're still holding on to the promise he made to you."

"I don't know how to let go of it. I thought I did, but here he is...getting someone else."

"It'll be okay. Everything will be okay."

Christina thought everything should be okay. She would make everything okay, if not for her, for her son. She has to shield him from that heartache. She has to shield him from Ace.

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