Family Dinners
Ace still hadn't gotten over seeing Christina again. He kept going back and forth to her face and the boy's. Those eyes. He can't be mistaken. Those were Christina's eyes. The encounter still chilled him to the bones. He has to see her again. He just has to.
The unexpected reunion also shook Christina to the core. Ace. He was the one for her. Her first love. And no matter how much she tried to let someone in, she unconsciously compares them to him. And no one still lived up to the standards he created for her. She hated him for that, for being the perfect guy, for making her love him that much, but then they were also the things she loved about him. Her life with him was over. She's happy and content now with the life she built with her son. Her son! Yes, her son. And for him, she can't let Ace find a way back in her life. It should stay professional no matter how much history they have between them. She won't let her son go through what she did. She just hopes she would have the strength and will to push him out. And she hopes more that she wouldn't even have to do so, but the looks he gave her said otherwise.
"I'ho vista, Antonio." I saw her. Ace said to his friend in Italian. He spoke that so no one else would understand.
"Chi?" Who? They were sitting at his office, waiting for the dinner service to start, and since prep was all ready. He just couldn't shake it.
"Mio Angelo." My Angel.
"Si. Lei e suo figlio. Devo rivederla." Yes. Her and her son. I have to see her again.
"Pensi che sia una buona idea?" Do you think that's a good idea?
"Non importa. Devo vederla." Doesn't matter. I have to see her.
He couldn't think of any of the consequences. He knew he shouldn't. Things were all different now. He can't expect her to feel the same about that moment. The need to see her again. It is so strong, he can't think of anything else.
"Can you handle things tonight?"
Even though Toni was opposed to the idea, there's nothing he could do about his friend. There is no point reasoning with him, especially when it comes to Christina. He thought that Ace had finally gotten over her because of Diane, but there he was again, pulled back to his childhood love.
"Of course." He just replied.
Ace removed his chef's jacket and hung it on the rack on his way out. He left instructions before taking off. He was confident enough with his team that they could manage a night without him. He just felt that he would be the one not to survive, if he doesn't see her.
He drove up to a familiar house. It has never changed since. Repainted to look newer from time to time, but still the same homely feel. He had always felt welcomed to their house. Though it had been a while, the woman who answered the door for him welcomed him with open arms.
"Oh, my boy. I missed you."
"Sorry, ma. Been busy." He had always called Christina's mother 'Ma', since they were kids. She had always been like a second mother to him, and his own mother and grandparents adored her as well. If only she would have agreed to come to Italy with him back then, they would have taken her with them.
"I heard. Come on in." Christina's mother, Eleanor, boomed with pride. She always knew he would be successful, not because of his family's money, but of his own hard work.
"Is Angel here?"
Eleanor should have expected it. Ace had always visited them, though Christina was no longer with them. But it's been a long time since the last. Of course he would come visit, now Christina was home.
"She's upstairs. Should I call for her?"
"It's okay. I'll go."
"You're staying for dinner, right?"
"I could never say no to you."
"Good. Your uncle Jerry is outside. Say hello before you go up."
"Yes, ma'am."
Though he calls her 'ma', it was still uncle when it comes to Christina's dad. It would be fine with Jerry if he calls him 'pa', but Ace felt he still had to earn it. He knocked on the glass door, before sliding it. Jerry looked up from his seat and smiled at the sight of him.
"Hey, uncle Jer."
"You're here to see her."
"Come one, boy. You're like a son to us. We know you well enough. Don't try to deny it. We heard how busy you've been. We understood that. But the moment Christina comes home, you're here to visit? That ain't coincidence."
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
"No worries, son. You visit us then, more often than our real children." He said lightly. He had always appreciated Ace's efforts to stay in touch with them after all those time.
"Thank you."
"Go see her, now. You're staying for dinner, right?"
Ace smiled. Both Eleanor and Jerry had always loved the company of family and friends at the dinner table. They appreciate it even more, ever since their children had all moved out. They loved it when their kids and grand kids would visit. Family and friends were always welcome in their home. His mother and grandparents had always enjoyed their company as well, and would usually come to their house or invite them in theirs.
"Of course."
He went up those familiar stairs, down the hall, and saw her cream colored door with white flowered patterns. She had painted those herself. He can see her artistry even by looking at her door. He hesitated to come closer. He wants to see her but he's afraid to take another step. He's afraid where that next step would lead.
"Come on. You gotta wash up. Dinner's almost ready." He heard her call out to her son, he assumed. The door was open halfway, so hr could hear them clearly.
"5 more minutes. Please?" The voice of the little boy pleaded.
"No. Wash up, now."
"Please, mommy?" Ace smiled. Stubborn little boy. He should know he would never win over his mother.
"No. Go." Christina saw Ace when she opened the door wider for her son. The boy stopped in his tracks as well when he saw him.
Again, those beautiful hazel brown eyes staring back at him, both of the mother and son's. Those hazel eyes that had made him fall in love over and over. He was lost in them again.
"You again." The boy interrupted his thoughts.
"Hello." He knelt down and smiled at him. "Yeah, I saw you at your mom's office yesterday. What's your name?"
The boy looked up to his mom asking if it was okay to talk to the stranger in front of him. Christina nodded.
"I'm Carlisle."
"That's a nice name. Carlisle. I'm Ace. Your mom's old friend." He extended out his hand.
"Hi. Nice to meet you." He shook his hand politely.
"Go wash up." Christina told her son. Then turned her attention to Ace, once he was in the bathroom. "Why are you here?"
"I needed to see you."
"You shouldn't have come."
Maybe he shouldn't have, Ace thought. But he was there now. There's no more holding back.
"I missed you, Angel."
"Chris, please don't."
Why did he have to come? Christina thought. She had wanted to see him again as well, but now everything she wants should happen. It certainly doesn't help to know that she was just talking to his fiance not 24 hours ago.
He wasn't expecting a warm welcome from her, but he at least hoped not to be turned away. He should try harder.
"I just came to see an old friend. It's been a while and I didn't really got much to say yesterday."
"Yeah. You just stared."
"Sorry. I just didn't think I'd see you again, let alone like that."
"So did I."
Carlisle walked out of the bathroom to find Christina and Ace silently staring at each other. Christina broke contact and turned to her son.
"Check on ma. See if dinner's ready."
Carlisle hurriedly ran down the stairs. "No running." She yelled out after him.
"She invited me for dinner."
"Of course, she did."
"Your father as well."
Christina just shook her head and smiled. She shouldn't be surprised. Those two would invite just about anyone for dinner if they could.
"Let's go eat, then."
Eleanor had prepared her delicious fried chicken just for her grandson. She also made some pasta and a salad. It was always like a feast on their table like in his home. One of the reasons he fell in love with cooking. Every kitchen, every home, he had the opportunity to visit was always so festive. He had always dreamed to be the one to offer that kind of joy to those he would share a meal with.
They all sat around the table. Jerry at the head of the table, with Eleanor at his right, Ace at his left. Christina was seated beside her mother, and Carlisle across from her, beside Ace. She made sure not to sit next to him or across from him. It would be difficult to avoid any form of contact then.
"So, how's your restaurant?" Jerry started.
"It's doing really well. Not yet in the clear, but we're making things work."
"We should come there some time." Eleanor suggested to her husband.
"I would love that." Ace voiced out. "Give me a call and I'll make sure I have a table for you."
"You always have a full house?" Jerry asked.
"Gladly, most of the time. A few cancellations here and there, then someone would luckily walk in at times."
"That's great, then."
"It is."
"Tell us more." Eleanor insisted.
He talked about Toni, whom they have met a few times, when he comes along his visits. He told them about his team in the kitchen, how hard working they all are, how much joy they are to work with. He told them a few stories and jokes they share in the kitchen. And they were delighted to hear every bit of them. Even little Carlisle was intently listening to his stories.
"Do you make pizzas?" Carlisle asked out of nowhere. The boy just loves pizza. He could finish two big slices of it, and sometimes three. And he could eat it every single day, only if his mom would allow it.
"I do." Ace replied to the boy.
"Really?" Admiration was clear in his eyes. It was as if he has found a hero. A hero who simply makes pizzas.
"Maybe I could make some for you some time."
"You would?" Carlisle was excited with the idea.
"Who's Chris?" Carlisle asked, a bit confused as to whom his mother was talking to.
"I am, but only your mom calls me that." Ace said in a soft voice, as if telling him a secret.
"Why?" Carlisle mimicked his voice.
"We were best friends when we were about your age. Christina and Christopher."
"Chris and Chris." Carlisle giggled.
"Yeah. But I also don't call your mom Christina. I call her Angel."
"Because she's your best friend. She's like your guardian angel and her name is Angel."
"You're a smart kid."
Everyone smiled at the little boy's explanation and understanding.
"I am. When can we make pizza?"
"Ask your mom."
"Mom?" Carlisle pleaded with his puppy dog eyes and pouty mouth. And everyone couldn't help but laugh.
"We'll talk about it."
Carlisle didn't press on. He was content on not having a no. Then he went back to eating his chicken and pasta.
"I just love this boy of yours, my dear." Eleanor said to her daughter. "You should come over more often."
"You know it's not that easy, ma."
"I know. I don't know why you have to move away and live so far." Eleanor whined.
"My work's there."
"Fine. Fine. I'm not gonna start."
They have argued over it countless times, and it doesn't really make a difference. Christina still goes back to New York everytime. Even though she would love to stay, she had already built a life for her and her son there. And though she loves her home, it just brings back too much memories that she can't always deal with.
Ace could sense the tension building up. There definitely were some unresolved issues between them. Of all their children, it was only Christina, who moved to the other side of the coast. And aside from her, there's only one other that moved to a different state, but still not that far.
To break the awkward silence, Eleanor got up and offered some dessert. "Who wants some pie?"
"What kind of pie, Mama Ely?" Carlisle asked.
"Aren't you full yet?" Jerry asked his grandson curiously.
"There's always room for dessert, grandpa." He grinned at him, making everyone laugh again and removing the tension in the air.
"That's my grandson. Just eat and eat, my boy. This is apple pie." Eleanor cut the pie and placed it in the middle of the table.
"Yum! My favorite!"
"Everything's your favorite." His mother teased.
"Really? What food don't you like?"
Ace just longingly watched their exchange. He saw the way Christina went from the gloomy and uncomfortable daughter, to the playful and happy mother, in an instant. The only thing he could do was smile.
"I don't like..." Carlisle scrunched up his brows in thought. "Olives!"
"You eat olives on your pizza."
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do."
"Okay. When I order pizza with olives next time, you're not eating any."
"No! No! I like olives!" He quickly said in defense. He didn't think that he could just remove them, since he actually does eat olives.
During dessert, it was Carlisle who was telling all different kinds of stories. Ones about dinosaurs, another about firemen, then some monkeys and lions. He just had a lot. They couldn't tell if he just heard them from somewhere or he was making it up right then and there. It was a delight to listen to him ramble.
Once finished, they cleared the table and Eleanor shooed them away. She said she enjoyed the company and she would not let any of them clean up. Jerry sat on his chair in the living room with Carlisle in tow. He was still not finished with his stories, and his grandfather gladly listened to every single one.
Ace took that time to have a talk with Christina. She was already by the back porch waiting for him. She decided there was no use avoiding him. It was better to get it over with.
"You have a lovely son."
"Thank you."
"What about his dad?"
"Are you asking if I got married?"
"You didn't. You don't have a ring."
"What if I did? And just ended it."
"I would have heard."
"You visit them a lot, don't you?"
Ace walked to the other side of the porch. He knew she needed the distance, he did too. Now that she's seen her, he now wants to hold her. And that he definitely should resist.
"Been a long time since the last, but yes."
She knew why, but just can't accept it. Why would he after all those years? She understood that he was like family, but still.
"You. And they're family." He wouldn't lie to her. He used to come there to hear news about her, to know how she is, to still feel connected to her. She didn't just leave her family. She left him. And he still doesn't understand why.
"Then you stopped."
"I became busy with the restaurant."
"You found her."
It pained her to say it, but she knew even a part of it was true. He found Diane and somehow the need to connect to her subsided.
"I can't do this, Chris."
"Do what?"
"Work with you and your fiancé for your wedding, and have you in my parents' house being all too familiar."
"We're adults, Angel. And we're friends."
"We were never just friends to each other. Maybe one day we can be, but not yet. Not now. You can have me as your designer, but that's it. No more home visits."
Ace couldn't accept that. He just got her back in his life, he can't just lose her again. But what if he doesn't comply to her wishes, maybe he'll lose her completely. He left their house still torn by what Christina had asked of him.
The following day passed in a blur, with his mind still conflicted about what to do with his situation with Christina. Not in his right mind, he burned himself twice during service. It was unlike him.
Toni didn't ask because he knew his friend would talk if he wants to. He knew something must have happened with Christina. Toni simply dismissed him, telling him to go home before he burns himself again or burn the restaurant down. He complied, knowing he was no use in his kitchen in that state.
He drove home. He needed to talk to his mother. He had always been able to tell her anything that's bothering him. She always listens well, tries to understand, and gives good advices. Since his grandparents had died, she became his sole confidant at times like that.
He checked his watch and saw he was still gonna make it in time for dinner, though a bit late. He drove down a long pathway that led to a huge black gate with a golden insignia of a 'G' for Giovinazzo. The estate was his grandfather's, and when he died, he left all of it to Ace, since all of his children had already left the Giovinazzo manor long before. And he knew that his grandson would take good care of it, and keep it in the family.
For weeks, his parents have been staying with him, due to his father's work. They too have moved to New York, since it's a great place for business. And his father is a wizard at it. He could instantly turn something into a fortune. He had expanded the Giovinazzo brand quite well. It was only an architectural firm then, when his grandfather started it. Now it was a multi-million dollar company that has branched out to almost everything. And it is still growing.
He loves having them around, especially his mother. He just misses how easy to talk to she is about anything. And he doesn't mind having his father there as well. Though they don't always see eye to eye. His father wanted him to be a business man like him. He allowed him all those years to have fun and explore the world of culinary because he had the support of his grandfather behind him, but he always expected him to shed that phase and go seriously into business. Much to his father's disappointment, he stuck with his career in culinary. He had agreed to help out in the company from time to time, but his priority was still his restaurant.
He parked his car and made his way through the large house onto the dining room, where he found his entire family present. His parents, his older sister, her husband and two kids, his brother, and two younger sisters, were there. And of course, her lovely fiancé, who he hasn't thought much about because of Christina. Seeing her made him realize how unfair his actions and thoughts have been.
"You're home early." His brother, Christian, said in surprise.
"And you're all here." He replied in the same surprised tone.
"You're just in time, honey. Take a seat." His mother, Jessica, stopped the pending banters. She knew if she let it, it won't stop. And sometimes her sons' bantering lead to a fight. So, not that time.
Ace went around to give each of his sisters, his mother, and niece and nephew a kiss on the cheek before sitting beside Diane and giving her a kiss of her own.
"What did I miss?" He asked as he scooped up some beans and sliced some roast beef.
"Nothing much, but since you're already here. I have something to tell all of you."
Everyone had their attention to Diane, waiting for whatever important thing she had to say. She looked lovingly at Ace then back at the rest of the family.
"I'm pregnant. We're having a baby."
Everyone congratulated them and cheered, but Ace only sat there looking dumbfounded. What the hell. The timing of everything for him is just insane. But that gave him more reason to accept Christina's terms. He can't do that to Diane, more now that they have a baby on the way.
"Aren't you happy?" Diane interrupted his train of thoughts.
"I am. I'm just really surprised, I don't know what to do." He then forced a smile.
He should definitely stay away from Christina. For the sake of his future wife and child, he really should. But could he?
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