Bright Lights

Ace looked out the window of the private plane he was on. He was alone going to New York. He wanted to ask Christina and Carlisle to join him, but he held back. He also thought of flying commercial with them, but that would have sent the same message. A message he shouldn't even be thinking about. He wanted to spend some time with them, be with them, but he can't. He shouldn't.

He sat quietly thinking of two women and two kids. A woman and child to come that he can call his own. They are to be his family, his life. He loves them dearly, but still he thinks of another woman and child. A woman and child that he can't even have any claim on, yet they consume his thoughts more and more. It was very troubling for him. How would he go about it all? Can he really just leave her alone?

His phone buzzed and vibrated on the table next to him. He checked it and there was a message. It was from Diane.

Hey, babe. I made an appointment for you with Christina. Tell her I just love her work and we're going with her. Talk about the tux. Get fitted. Good luck on the restaurant prospect. Call me when you land. Love you.

Diane. She has got to be one of the sweetest, loving and understanding women he has ever been with. It was only with her that he somehow felt comfortable and felt something close to what he ever felt for Christina. There he was again. He thought he was done with that since he had found Diane. She's gorgeous and brilliant. They're getting married and will be having a kid, yet he's comparing his feelings for her to the ones he's had for Christina. How long ago was that? Why does it keep pulling him back?

He called Diane the very moment the plane landed. He asked her for the details of the appointment and promised that he would go to it, no matter how much he wouldn't want to. Diane must have thought it was simply because it was boring wedding details, but he just doesn't know what to do come face to face with Christina again. She asked him to stay away, at least on a personal level. But he doesn't trust himself around her. He doesn't know if he really can keep things just professional between them.

He made his way to his hotel to get settled down. His parents told him he could stay at either of their places, whether the lofty penthouse, the townhouse, or the vacation house in the Hamptons. He insisted on staying at a hotel. He preferred it that way. He's never spent a night at his parents'. He just wasn't comfortable going about their house on his own, even if they were there.

If his grandfather hadn't left the Giovinazzo manor to him, and had not his parents moved out long before, he would have moved out himself. He wouldn't have minded having his mother around, but growing up with his over bearing and controlling father, he just wouldn't be able to deal with it. That's why he never protested even a little when his grandparents took him with them to Italy. Even as a kid, he never got a long with his dad. He barely had a memory with him that was easy and completely happy. It was either polite, civil, or uneventful. He regrets having that kind of relationship with his father, especially since he grew up mostly with his grandparents. When he was in Italy, it was only his mother and sibling who visited most of the time. He would always say he has businesses to attend to. He never really had to for them. That's what he resented him for the most. It would have been okay, if it's just with him, but it goes the same for all his siblings. He promised himself that he would never be like that. No matter how work goes for him, he will always make time for his family.

He decided to take a walk around the city before heading to the restaurant site. He needed to get some air and his thoughts together. He revelled at the fast-paced way of living in New York. It's a welcome change to the laid back life in Los Angeles. He enjoys taking part of it or simply watching it go about in front of him from time to time. The bustling city makes his spirit come to life. It was like seeing life in the kitchen on a much larger scale. People shuffling around each other trying to get their own things done, some coming together to make something bigger, and some seeming lost in their own world. Lately, he felt that was him. Lost in his own world as his kitchen shuffles to work around him. Ever since Christina came back, he felt lost. He felt lost in the life that he has built. The life he was ready to settle down on.

He walked down a couple more blocks and found the site where he had envisioned his next restaurant would be. He has planned it for a long time. When he first saw the place, he had already seen what it could be if it was his. The restaurant that once occupied it served great food, but he heard they weren't making enough to keep things going. They've had numerous offers, but still didn't accept any. He understood that it would have been hard to part with something you have built on your own and was very close to your heart. He wasn't sure how his father convinced the owner to sell it to him. He was there to conclude the deal. It was to be his. He doesn't want his father to take a hold on it. But he was grateful for his effort to get the deal on the table for him.

There were a couple of people inside talking, checking the interior and foundation of the place. The guy in the suit stopped with the conversation he was having when Ace walking through the door caught his attention.

"Excuse me, sir. This is a closed private property. Can I help you?"

By the way his suit was neatly pressed, Ace guessed he was his father's representative. He can't blame him for mistaking him for a random on looker. He was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt. It doesn't exactly scream out the Giovinazzo name.

"Ace Giovinazzo." He said holding out his hand. "You must be working for my father."

"Yes, Mr. Giovinazzo. Of course. Sorry for the confusion."

"It's nothing."

He went on to meet the owner of the previous restaurant. He told him about the couple of times he was able to visit his restaurant. They discussed the history of the place and Ace's plans for it. Walking around, Ace could envision the home of his next restaurant taking shape before his eyes. It felt so surreal. It wasn't long ago when he opened his first restaurant, now he was looking at where his next would be. He was in no hurry for his next venture, but it was there right in front of him. Why not take it?

They finalised the terms of the deal, and got everything signed off. The previous owner was glad to hear of his plans and that it was to him that he decided to sell the place to. He told Ace that he would love to see his vision come to life. And Ace promised to invite him when he was ready to open his restaurant doors to the world.

He discussed a couple of ideas with the contractors on site. They talked about the changes he wanted and the things he wanted to keep as is. He was thrilled of the new project. He laughed at himself for not wanting to go there in the first place. Now, he was so excited, he could barely contain it. But he wasn't a kid that would run and jump up and down. And he wasn't one to belt out a tune in the middle of the street. But his glee was reflected in his smile and his eyes. There was no denying of the joy he was feeling.

He walked out the building with brand new determination. Things aren't completely going crazy in his life. He still had his restaurants to hold on to and keep him in place.

Ace was walking down the street when he heard a high toned voice call out his name. He turned to the direction of it and saw the young boy running to him, followed by his mother.

"Ace! Ace! You're here!" Carlisle's excitement just fueled the joy he was feeling even more.

"Hey, little guy." He smiled at him and lifted him up. Carlisle gave him a tight hug around his neck.

"I missed you. Were you coming to see us?"

Ace simply smiled. He can't tell the boy that he was trying to avoid them per his mother's request and for the good of him. But he was glad to have bumbed into them. He missed him as well.

"I thought about it, but here you are."

"Yes. Yes." Carlisle hugged him once more.

"Hey, Christina." He said, acknowledging her presence.

She rarely heard him call her that. Whenever he did, he was usually being serious, being formal, or like at that moment, distant. She shouldn't be hurt by it. She asked it of him. But it was still strange to hear him call her that.

"Hi, Christopher."

"Christina and Christopher." Carlisle giggled, still up in Ace's arms.

"Carlisle get off him, now."

"It's okay. Where are you headed anyway?" Ace asked casually.

"Going to get some dinner. Have you eaten?" Christina wasn't sure why she asked. She knew that would have led to an invitation. And invitation she's not sure she wants.

"No. Not yet."

"Why don't you join us?" And there it was. She just couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"Yeah! I want burgers!" Carlisle chimed in.

"No, it's okay. I don't want to intrude."

"Join us. He's not letting go of you any time soon." Christina insisted, pointing out the way her son was clinging onto Ace's neck.

"Yeah. Looks like it. Okay." Ace can't say that he wasn't pleased with the turn out of events. He did want to spend some time with them, he just didn't know if it would be okay, but there they were now.

They walked further down the block and went inside a packed burger shop. Ace quickly scanned the place for a vacant seat and found one at the far side of the room. They sat down and a minute later, a waitress greeted them and handed them menus. She then excused herself to give them time to choose and so she could wait on other tables.

"What do you like, Carlisle?"

"Burger! And milkshake!" The boy said out loud. And he even gave in to sit down next to his mother instead of sitting beside Ace.

It was fine with Ace. It was better even. He would be able to watch them interact closely that way. He found that it was quite a joy to simply watch Carlisle and Christina together.

"Okay." Christina conceded. She doesn't always allow him to have too much sweets, but she just couldn't burst his bubble of excitement at that time.

And as if on cue, the waitress appeared by their table with a smile. "Is everyone ready to order?" She said cheerfully.

"I'll have a cheeseburger, and a junior one. A milkshake and an iced tea." Christina said then looked at Ace, willing him to order.

"I'll have the bacon-wrapped, a platter of bacon and cheese fries, and an iced tea as well." He said, making Christina raise her brows to his choice of food.

The waitress repeated their orders to them and when they nodded their agreement, she took the menus and told them to just call her over if they need anything else.

"Really?" Christina said to Ace incredulously.

"What?" He responded defensively.

"You do know that's deep fried, right? And how much grease it has?" She said to him as if disgusted.

"Hey. I do love my bacon and it's not everyday that I get to eat a bacon wrapped burger. It'd be heaven." Ace said trying to justify himself.

"Yeah. You'd be on your way to heaven quickly if you do eat that often." Christina retorted, making Ace smile. They stared into each other's eyes longer than intended. And in that moment, it was as if they were the only ones at that table; as if they were the only ones in that restaurant.

It was good that their food came to distract them from that intimately shared moment. It was a bit too much for either of them to handle.

Carlisle excitedly grabbed his glass of milkshake and could have finished half of it if Christina hadn't stopped him and placed it farther on the table from him. He gave them both an adorable pout, with the hopes of bending either of them to his will, but neither budged. So he obediently ate away his burger.

Christina grimaced a little when Ace took his first bite at the deep fried bacon wrapped burger of his. It must have been good, but it was surely deadly. She thought of the amount of grease and calories, and she almost gagged.

"Really? How do you stomach that?"

"You're being very judgmental. Wanna try it?"

"No. No. I'm good."

"I know it seems odd, being a chef and all, but it's nice to just eat some of these stuff from time to time." He said as he wiped some of the grease all over his hands and mouth. It was quite repulsive he must admit, but it was good. He can let himself have that, but maybe never again.

"Stuff. Yeah. You don't even know what to call it." She teased.

They continued to eat their dinner in a turmoil of stories, jokes, laughter, and smiles rolled into one big explosion of a good time. People around the restaurant curiously turn to see what the ruckus was all about. And they just smile at the trio seeing how happy they were together.

They finished their meal and left their table, laughter still booming about. It had been a long time that they had a laugh like that with no restraints, and neither thought it would be in the presence of the other. They walked along the sidewalk hand in hand, with Carlisle between them. They would swing him off his feet, and he would giggle nonstop. They were like a wonderful picture of a happy family strolling aroung the big city.

Not long after, Carlisle had fallen asleep in Ace's arms. Christina tried to get him from Ace, a bit embarrassed that she let him carry him around through out their walk, but Carlisle's grip around Ace's neck wouldn't allow himself to be taken. He clung onto him like a vice grip. He was just adorable. Ace insisted to take them home, so they wouldn't need to wake the boy up. They decided to walk all the way. It was a long walk, but it was a nice, though silent walk.

Christina invited him in and offered him some coffee, as she tucked Carlisle in for the night. She kissed her son on the forehead, and she smiled at how happy her son seemed even in his sleep. It just warmed her heart so much. She left him sound asleep, and found Ace looking out the kitchen window onto the streets. The sight of him in her kitchen clutching a coffee mug in his hands and longingly looking out made her think of how they could have been if he had never left. It made her think of more intimate moments to share with him other than simply standing in the same room with so much space still between them.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it?" She said, hoping to keep her thoughts at bay.

"It is. This why you moved here?"

She had loved how the bright lights makes the city come alive even at night. It was part of the reason she chose to live there. It was also nice that she had found great work there as well. And in time, it had become home to her and her son.

"Yeah. Partly."

He then turned around to meet her gaze. For a moment, Christina thought that he would cross that space between them, hold her, and even kiss her. And for a moment, she thought that if he had, she would have let him. But he satyed where he stood and just looked at her. He looked at her with those beautiful green eyes specked with a bit of gold, making them even more enchanting.

"Thank you for today, Christopher." She said breaking the trance they were in.

"I was happy to spend some time with you two. He's such a wonderful boy." He smiled, replaying all the fun they had that day in his mind.

"He is." She looked at the direction of her son's room, smiling at his enthusiasm and curiosity with almost anything.

"I know you asked me to stay away, but I would like to spend more time with you and Carlisle, if that's okay." He couldn't think of anything else, of the consequences of what he's asking for may entail. He just wants more of what they shared earlier.

"He would want to see you again. And seeing how happy he is with you, I don't think I could deny him that. And you won't be here long. I guess it's okay."

And she was in such a good mood to refuse him on his request. She too had a really great time with him. She could already see how excited Carlisle would be the next time he gets to be with Ace. It would give him more with stories to tell people. She won't be surprised if he picked up the phone first thing in the morning and called her parents to tell them about their time together earlier.

When Ace had left and she was all alone in her room, all her worries and doubts came together. Though he makes Carlisle happy, was it really okay that she let him? She promised not to let anyone hurt her again, let alone hurt her her son. But after spending a few hours with him, she had abandoned her own resolve, and allowed Ace in. What the hell was she thinking? If she let every guy who makes his son happy like that, they were bound to get hurt. But maybe it was simply because it was Ace. She had always had a soft spot for him ever since. She would just remain cautious even so.

The next afternoon, after Ace had finished another meeting of discussing more details for the new restaurant, he went to Christina's office. He walked up to the reception and asked for Christina.

"Is she expecting you, sir?" The girl behind the desk asked.

"Uhm, no."

"Oh. Would you like me to call to see if she's free?"

"Please do. Thank you."

"Who should I say is looking for her?"

"Say it's Christopher." He said with a smile.

The girl dialed on her desk phone and someone answered after two or three rings. She talked to someone, probably Christina's assistant or something, as she pertained to her in third person. Not long after, she placed the phone back to its cradle, and got back to him. She gave him the floor her office was on and some directions to it. He thanked her for her assistance and went on.

He walked through the hall leading to Christina's office. There was a waiting and lounge area in the middle of the floor. There were a few cubicles as well, for the assistants, he assumed. The offices that lined each side of the floor were very spacious. He saw mannequins, tables, sewing machines, and lots and lots of cloth in each one. There were a few in the process of becoming something fashionable. He never thought a dress needed so much work. He made a note not to question clothing prices again. It was like food, you pay for quality work and resources.

He knocked at her door before peeking in. She waved for him to enter as she talked on the phone. He moved further into the room but didn't sit. He looked around her work space. He was curious how she does her work. There were more of everything else in that office of hers compare to the one she has in LA. That was just an office, the one he was in now was where all her work was done. It was where she makes the dresses that his fiance falls in love with.

"Yes. Yes. That would be lovely. Yes. I think so too. Okay. I'll see you then. Bye." She put the phone down and smiled at Ace. "I thought our meeting was tomorrow."

"Yeah. It is. I thought to come see if you're here first, instead of going straight to your place."

"Of course. You're just in time. I'm about finished here." She said getting up and fixing her bag. She turned her computer off, and grabbed a thick binder from her table, before heading out. "Let's go."

Ace followed her to the elevator. She said goodbye to her coworkers and gave reminders to her assistant as they passed by.

"I'm heading out now." She said. "You don't stay late. Kindly double check if I left anything in the office, and don't forget the confirmations for tomorrow. Thank you."

"Yes, miss Christina. I'm on it. Bye." Her assistant replied politely with a smile, followed by a wink that luckily Ace had not seen, but it got a playful glare from Christina.

They took a cab to her apartment, since both of them were in a hurry to see Carlisle, and Ace had insisted on it. When Christina opened the door, Carlisle quickly dropped what he was doing and shouted 'mommy', and when he spotted Ace behind her, Carlisle ran past her and gave him a huge welcoming hug.

"Ace! You're here!"

"Really?" Christina had her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised at them. "You're more happy to see him?"

Carlisle bashfully got off Ace and hugged his mother tightly. "I missed you, mommy."

Christina pretended to still be hurt and ignored him. She thanked the baby sitter and payed her for her help. Then it was just the three of them again. Christina was determined to give the two boys the cold shoulder and left them in the living room.

"I'll be in my room. He's all yours, Christopher."

Ace smiled. Typical Christina. She'd done that to him countless times, even when they were just kids playing around, she would just stop talking to him, and of course he would try to woo her even if he didn't know what upset her in the first place. He was glad she still hadn't changed much.

"Don't worry, buddy. We'll woo her and she will get over it and hug you senseless." Ace said to cheer him up.

He dragged the boy to the kitchen and scanned through the contents of the refrigerator and pantry. He was glad to find that she was well stocked. He could make much about anything he wanted.

He decided to go with something simple and homely, spaghetti and meatballs. He swiftly moved around the kitchen, chopping, stiring, and all that. He talked it over with Carlisle step by step, and allowed him to help out on the easy tasks. And again, the boy was in awe of what he was doing, and he felt he was in cloud nine to get that reaction from him.

As they finished up, they plated the food and set the table. The smile on Carlisle's face was priceless as he looked on the achievement he did helping Ace out. He was so proud of himself and so was Ace.

Christina walked into the kitchen in time to see the triumphant look on their faces. She smelled the glorious aroma of what they were whipping together and couldn't resist coming out. She was defeated but happy at that. Ace had taught her son to woo her. It would be more interesting to pretend being upset on her part.

"You boys don't play fair. You don't let me get upset even for a while."

Carlisle ran over to her, hugging her, and peppering her with kisses. And when she locked gazes with Ace, she knew she was losing a game she started.

"We don't like having you upset." He said still not letting go of their gaze.

"We cooked spaghetti for you, mommy."

It was Christina who broke the spell once more and turned to Carlisle.

"You did? Was that what I smelled so good?"

"Yes! It is so good! Let's eat!"

They took their seats around the table. Ace also made some garlic bread to accompany the pasta, and everything looked perfect. The food, the mood, the three of them together.

Then Ace's phone rang. He checked to see who it was, and excused himself when he saw it was Diane. And that brought Ace and Christina back to the reality that they can't have what they were sharing in that moment. It wasn't for them. He has someone else he promised himself to somewhere else.

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