II. Back Together....Sort Of

Well...that was totally awkward. Y/N had barely just arrived into the new world and the first thing he did was freak out and give a sudden panicking compliment to his now FEMALE best friend. That only made the walk with Percy- or now- Priscilla so quiet that the only sound that was heard were their footsteps and the clicking of Grover's crutches along the city streets. After a quick get together the trio separated. Y/N was just going to do what he normally did back then and just walk that lonely road, when apparently he heard a voice in his head.

???: *whisper* Go Left.

Y/N: What the?!

Y/N quickly looked around to see who  did that, but no one was there. Just when he was about to play it off, the voice spoke to him again. Wanting to see who the heck did that, he actually started to listen to the voice and its directions. After a while Y/N was now standing in front of a decent looking apartment building. What made Y/N interested about it was that not only did it look familiar, but there was also a letter on the front door with his name on it. When he approached the door and took the letter, he saw an apartment key stuck to it with the number on it. Now with his interest peaked, he decided to go inside the apartment building and go to the number on the key. When he got there, he opened the door and was amazed with the inside.

Going through each room Y/N was impressed with the space and size of the whole apartment. While he was looking around he saw another letter with his name on it, and when he got a closer look at it, he noticed there was actual writing on it that read


Knowing you're probably surprised by this, the other Primordials and I wanted to help you with your living arrangements. This apartment is yours to use when you're not at Camp. Hope you enjoy

- Chaos

???: Pretty Sweet huh~?

Once again Y/N looked around, but this time he actually saw somebody leaning against a wall.

Y/N: Eros?!

Eros: Hii~!!

Y/N: What are you doing here?!

Eros: Well besides guiding you here to your lovely new place. I thought you'd need some Much Needed advice concerning the *smirks* "incident" when you met you're "best friend" again~.

Y/N: Hold up, are you saying you're the voice that led me here and that you're the one who turned Percy into a girl?!?!

Eros: Well yes on the first part on me using my beautiful asmr voice to help guide you here, but No on turning your friend. Like Chaos mentioned before you were sent here, this isn't exactly your timeline. Here there's gonna be a bunch of changes, that includes just about anything including the ones you knew, how they look or even how they act.

Y/N: Yeah but still...one of my best friends is now a girl...

Eros: Uh first off correction, your friend is now a HOT girl. Secondly, what's the big deal.

Y/N: The big deal is that I grew up with the guy! We were the best of friends and now here I am and I see the "Percy" of this timeline and ...

Eros: *raises an eyebrow* You're feelings have changed to where you're interested in her more than a friend~?

Y/N: *looks away and blushes*

Eros: Aww, My Widdle Pog Champ likes his first Harem member~.

Y/N: *pissed* Don't call me that!

Eros: *snickers* Fine. But moving on, you need to get over the change and bond more with her to finalize her into your harem. Get to know her better and pretty soon you can bring her here and become "More Than Friends".

Y/N: What th-

Eros: Welp! As much as I've enjoyed our little chat. I've overstayed my time here. Good luck Y/N and also...you might wanna check on your neighbor, I think something might be happening~.

Before Y/N could yell at Eros, the Primordial of Love vanished. Y/N was irritated with what Eros said and his teasings, but as he thought about it more he remembered what he said at the end and now with his curiosity maxed out he decided to do what Eros said and check on his neighbor. When he walked into the hallway he went one door down and as he was about to knock on the door he could hear what sounded like people shouting, getting a little concerned he instantly knocked on the he door repeatedly. As he heard footsteps quickly approaching he backed up, and when the door opened up, he was once again shocked, because this time the one to answer the door was none other than the mother of his best friend Sally Jackson.

Sally: Yes? Oh! *smiles* Why hello Y/N. What brings you here?

Y/N: * freaking out on the inside* U-Uh he-hello Ms. Jackson. I was just wondering if...if everything was alright because I could hear shouting from next door.

Sally: *sighs* Yeah sorry about that you see I was jus-

???: Sally! Where's My beer!?

The new voice heard made Sally close her eyes in frustration, and when she opened them back up she put on a smile for Y/N.

Sally: Give me a sec. *looks inside her apartment* It's in the fridge!

???: So what, it's supposed to MAGICALLY appear in my hand or something?!

Y/N regretted it, but he sadly remembered where that stupid irritating voice came from. And that was from none other than from Perc's horrible stepfather Gabe. Y/N remembered the few time he hung out with Percy, that his so called step dad was just an ass. Luckily when the time came when everything went wack, Y/N had the honors of elbowing the bastard in the nose. Yet now that the jerk was back, it looks like Y/N would have to deal with him again.

Sally: * putting on a bright smile* Y/N would you give me a second?

Before Ms. Jackson closed the door Y/N quickly spoke up.

Y/N: You know Ms. Jackson I don't know if you remember this, but I actually live nextdoor, so if you wanted to send Priscilla next-door with me to get away from...*motions about Gabe* Him...I wouldn't mind.

Sally: *looks interested* Are you sure? I wouldn't want-

Y/N: It's no trouble at all. Besides...I don't think Priscilla would like want to be around any necessary... trouble.

Sally: *shows an actual smile* Thank you Y/N. I'll see if Priscilla would like to come over.

With that Sally closed the door and Y/N slowly went back to his apartment. Not even a few seconds later, Y/N heard the door open from the side of him and now in the hallway with him was Priscilla who looked like she was blushing while also panting out of breath.

Priscilla: *regaining her breathing* H-Hey.

Y/N: *smiles* Hey.


Y/N: .....

Priscilla: ......

Y/N: Would...you like to come over? *Opens his door for her*

Priscilla then briskly walked into Y/N's apartment with him following close by.

Priscilla: *admiring Y/N's apartment* Wow... it's way different from my mom's. You know I didn't know you lived here?

Y/N * with quick thinking* Well...you never asked.

Priscilla: *blushes out of embarrassment* Y-Yeah I guess I didn't.

Y/N just smiled at Priscilla's actions. He actually thought it was cute on how she reacted. After that, Y/N talked with Priscilla on one of his sofas and decided to see how her day was...minus the awkward event due to him which he apologized for...but also boldly stated he should have just told her without shouting. That of course made Priscilla turn even more redder than she already was.

From there the two talked and talked until Priscilla had to go back to her place. Yet just as she was almost out the door, Y/N told her that whenever she wanted to hang out at his place, she was more than welcomed to.

And so she took him up on that offer, because just about almost everyday from then on, Priscilla would go over to Y/N's and they would get together. From simply talking, to reading, to working on homework, to even Sword fighting and hand to hand combat.

Y/N actually decided to get a head start with what was to come and convinced Priscilla to learn how to fight by persuading her for "self defense". Since then Y/N taught her the basics of handling a sword and how to at least defend herself if she was to ever get in an actual fist fight.

Speaking of teaching, besides at his place, Y/N and Priscilla would hang out more at school as well. Y/N. already knew that Priscilla had trouble because of her ADHD, cause so did he, but now that he was literally all powered up he no longer has that problem. He then became Priscilla's own private tutor and helped her out. Of course there was also the school pool where Y/N let her teach him how to swim...which of course was just an excuse to be with her in the pool.

All through that time, Y/N had already gotten over the awkwardness and thought of Priscilla not as a former friend, but now her own person that he really cares for. More surprisingly, no monsters seemed to come for either him or Priscilla yet. Y/N of course appreciated that since he knew that he'd have to eventually fight some, but for now he'd just keep practicing him powers and fighting...then again it was just one type of monster that he had to look out for...

A Few Months Later

Y/N had just gotten out of the shower at his place and had just barely put on underwear and a pair of jeans on, when the next thing he knew was that there was a lot of loud banging on his door. While quickly putting on a shirt,  Y/N went and opened it up and in the next moment he had a crying Priscilla on his chest.

Y/N: *eyes widen* Woe! Priscilla What's-

Y/N couldn't finish because Priscilla only cried a little louder and hugged him tighter. Y/N then quickly hugged her back and just held her and let her cry. After a while he began to soothe her by stroking her back slowly and gently. When she was just about done, he noticed that she had a bruise on her arm. Y/N then quickly went from being concerned, to outraged. He only took one look at Priscilla's watery eyes to get his answer. He then gently sat Priscilla down, and in another moment stormed over to her apartment. Slamming the door open he saw Gabe groaning on the floor and holding his nuts from being kicked there.

Gabe: *doesn't see Y/N while trying to get up* Gah! That little bitch! I'll get her for this!

That was all Y/N needed to hear to know that Gabe had tried to force himself on Priscilla. Without even hesitating Y/N got behind Gabe and with one hand, grabbed the back of his head... and slammed it repeatedly back and forth to the floor. After a while Y/N picked him up by the collar of his shirt and threw him across the room like a ragdoll.

Y/N could still hear him groaning, so he knew the bastard was alive, yet instead of going any further he went and found Priscilla's room and got a bunch of her belongings. He then left there and went back to his place where Priscilla was waiting still on the sofa. He then handed her the stuff and took a closer look at her bruise. Deciding to take a little risk he got up and got a wash cloth and soaked it in water and began to rub the bruise on Priscilla's arm. Now at first it stung, but thanks a little bit to his healing ability, and also secretly Priscilla's, the bruise started to heal up.

Priscilla: *surprised* H-How did you do that?

Y/N: Just a little trick I picked up. How are you feeling?

Priscilla had a hard time answering that, because she only shook and flinched and started to tear up again. Not wanting to have her do that, Y/N decided to once again be bold. He slowly put his hand under Priscilla's chin and slowly had her face him. Of course that automatically got her attention on him and yet as the two looked into each other's eyes...it was almost they were drawn closer to each other as they got closer and suddenly slowly put their lips together and connected.

After a little while of making out, the two let go of each other to catch their breath. When they realized what they just did they were both red in the face. Y/N was the first to snap out of embarrassment and told Priscilla that she could stay with him for a while so she didn't have to go back anytime soon. She easily agreed and went to use his restroom where she called her mom to let her know what had happened. After reassuring her mom that he'd keep Priscilla safe, Y/N cooked them dinner and later he he led her to a spare bedroom.

When he went to his to go lay down, he was stopped by Priscilla was by his door frame.

Priscilla: Y/N....C-Can I sleep with you? I-I-I don't want to be by myself right now...

Y/N: *gives her a reassuring smile* Sure Pris.

As they got in bed, Priscilla got behind Y/N and snuggled up to him. She then held him like an oversized teddy bear and hugged him tight. Meanwhile Y/N simply smiled and held onto her arm. With that the two went sleep. Of course what Y/N knew and what Priscilla didn't was that in less than a week... their worlds would change again on their school field trip to a museum.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter.

I. If you have any questions about the story so far, ask them here. [Nothing about updates]

II. As always Thank you. Whether it's simply viewing, reading, voting, or commenting on my stories, or following me on Wattpad, it always means a lot to me.

Until Next Time  ⚔

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