After giving her approval to Discord to ask Fluttershy to date, Rainbow felt something strange in her chest. A strong, sharp pain. Dashie didn't understand what it was, but her heart did. Rainbow felt dizzy, so she went to the top of the castle, where there is a private room, with a giant window, which was more like a door.
Rainbow looked around in the dust. It was the same room she and Twilight had interesting... plans.
Rainbows looked around in the dark, and saw a bit of light shining on a box.
Obviously, there were books, and more books, original diary the mane six wrote in the past, which was about 5 to 6 years ago.
Underneath the book was an old photo. It was with Twilight and herself, drinking a chocolate milkshake in the Crystal Empire. Twilight was still a unicorn, but that was the year she became an Alicorn.
It was, also, the year where she would meet for the first time her future husband.
Rainbow had a broken look as she saw that photo.
"Why did I let you into my heart?"
Rainbow Dash, a married pony, with her first child on the way, had still a grudge on the lavender pony who changed her word.
Rapidly spinning and playing in her head...
"But Flash..."
"Twilight, I liked you for a while, from dreams years ago to now. I want to hold you..."
They kissed.
"Are you drunk, Rainbow?" Twilight asks.
"Maybe, but I'll remember this."
Time passes...
"What are you talking about? Rainbow and I are just friends!"
"Princess Luna, those dreams mean nothing to me!" Rainbow lied.
More time passes...
"Twilight...I like you!"
"Dashie, we... we cheated on... Flash and Soarin. I love Flash."
"It's fine if we cheated... Ok, it's not fine, but, we can do this! I know we can! I love you!"
"Rainbow Dash, no! I cannot!"
"Look, Twilight, I been loyal with you from the beginning, you always been one of my best friends as well, and now you are choosing HIM INSTEAD OF ME?! ARE YOU MORE HAPPY WITH THE STALLION YOU BEEN WITH FOR TWO YEARS INSTEAD OF ME, WHO WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR OVER TEN YEARS, TWILIGHT, TEN YEARS!"
"Then why did you leave me?"
"Because I CAN'T be with you. I would look at you and him, feeling only guilt and despair. I would have been more happy if you told me before..."
The top of the castle shattered into pieces as Rainbow, with full force, got out of the castle.
Rainbow looks around of the outside, with tears streaming down from her eye...
About to fall.
Mumbled screams, "Rainbow!" "Twilight, are you ok?!"
Rainbow's ears ring as she recalls those heart breaking moments. Dashie pushed the picture away, and tried to get the memories out of her head, but she couldn't.
Twilight goes upstairs, while Human Twilight follows, as everypony were eating their waffles, that Pinkie made, and asking Fluttershy lovey-dove questions.
"Pinkie!" Rarity scolled, yet again.
"What? They are so perfect for each other!"
"Pinkie, we didn't even start dating yet!" Fluttershy reminded Pinkie.
"What about those tea parties? I mean, he doesn't have tea with you every weekend because he likes tea!"
"What I said to Discord," was a quiet shout from outside of the room.
Princess Twilight looks around in the empty crystal castle, with a droopy feeling. She goes straight to the terrace, where the cold, majestic winds blew her pain from her heart.
With more courage, Human Twilight asks...
"Twilight, what's wrong?"
"AH!" Screamed Princess Twilight.
"It's me! Or, sort of, you."
"Oh. Do you need something?"
"Yes, like I said, 'Twilight, what's wrong'. I require for that question to be answered."
Now, in unison, Rainbow and Princess Twilight:
"I was the one who had it all."
I was the master of my fate
I thought I needed only one pony in here
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she's still there
She decided it was time for us to go
It's more than I can bear
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Hurt me, hate me,
Lose me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll fly right in
And be with me for evermore
I raged against the trials of love
I cursed the fate and more of my life
Though she's disappeared so far beyond my reach
She's never out of sight
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll walk with him
And as the long, long nights begun
I'd think of all that might have been
Both: Now waiting here for evermore!
Human Twilight looked at her, with pain. They stood silent on there, until Princess Twiligth started to move slowly the other direction.
"Princess Twilight, you loved some-pony else, which is..."
Twilight froze. Her heart went dark and her feelings felt numb.
"Rainbow," she admitted.
"Princess, you are in a similar situation as me and Sunset are. Sunset, just gave birth a couple of weeks ago and married to, actually, Flash Sentry, while I am married to Timber Spruce. Her and I saw each other again a couple of months ago, and we just fell in love. We know we can't be together, but we want to. I have to say, while your choice is correct in your head, is it in your heart?"
Princess Twilight, hesitant, waited for her mouth to speak, but it couldn't. She threw up her joy, and emotion so much, in less than five minutes, she felt different and light. She walked slow still.
Rainbow Dash ran to the exit, and flew to the sky, with her tears coming down with heaviness like a storm. Rainbow needed the fresh air.
"Why did you leave me, you... you bitch."
Dashie toppled onto a white, puffy cloud, as she always would whenever she feels like it would be easier for her to just swim down.
Ponyville, the town with once color and joy in her eyes, suddenly became grey and dull.
"Hopefully, Fluttershy won't have to experience what I dealt with Twilight. I hope she lives a happy and peaceful live."
Twilight looked at the doors, dizzy, as she was about to enter the castle.
Human Twilight whispered, "Twilight?"
Her last drop of weeping fell.
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