Good Morning
"Ugh… What happened…"
"I-I don't know… My head hurts…"
Soon, the two girls awoke from their unconscious state and slowly sat up fully from the futons that they were laying on, after a moment to fully wake up and gather their thoughts, they instantly noticed that they were in a unfamiliar room, much to their confusion and worry
"Um, Sis? Where are we?"
"I don't know…"
The siblings couldn't help but be on guard and careful at where they were at, it was a situation that they weren't comfortable with and couldn't help but be very tensed about it, however before they could do anything to either figure out what was going on and what they should next
"You're at the mountain temple called the Monastery, I do hope you enjoy your stay here."
The sisters quickly take out their weapons, one having golden gauntlet and the other having a red scythe, and aimed it at the person that startled them, which said person was none other than Wu himself, who was currently making tea
"Do you like sugar cubes with your herbal tea?"
The unfazed Wu finished making three cups of tea, keeping one cup to himself as he then lifted up a tray to them, the two just continue to stare at him for a few more moments, clearly still unsure about what's happening or who he even is, however seeing no reason to distrust him, the two just simply put away their weapons and sat back down, even accepting the tea that they were given, though they didn't drank it yet until they saw the the older man drink it first and saw that he was fine, silence has fallen amongst the three as they said nothing to each and just drink the tea they were given
"So, mind telling me why you were in front of my doorstep, unconscious no less?"
After drinking the tea, Wu decided to get down to business and start to speak with the girls on what happened and why they were here
"We… We actually don't know."
"Yeah, one minute we were talking outside a club, the next a big explosion knocked us both out, the rest we don't know."
The two had no reason to lie and spoke to the sensei with complete honesty, he listens and processed what he was told, and so far he did not see or sense any deception from what they said, which made him believe in them in what he was just told
"How unfortunate to hear, but seeing as none of you look hurt, I can only assume that you will be alright in the end."
Wu couldn't help but noticed that their body and clothes looked completely fine despite being told of they were victim of an explosion, which did make him glad that they weren't injured in any horrible way, though it did make him curious about certain things, but for now he said nothing about it
"Heh, well we are pretty tough and we kind dealt with way worse, somewhat~"
The blonde puffs her chest and place her hands on her hips, clearly taking pride in being such a tough individual, which made the elderly master chuckle in response
'What a spirited young lady, just like my students.'
Wu could already tell by looking at them, both in spirit and the weapons that they carry, that the two were more than meets the eye and he couldn't help but be interested about it
"Um, Sir-"
"Please call me Wu, young one."
Now that they knew his name, Wu hoped that conversation would be easier
"Oh! T-Then call me Ruby Rose, Mister Wu!"
"Yang Xiao Long."
The blonde, now known as Yang Xiao Long, and the silver eyes, now known as Ruby Rose, quickly did the same and introduce themselves to him, to which he nods in response and made sure to remember them, as did they as well
"A pleasure to meet you, and forgive me for interrupting you, what were you trying to say Miss Rose?"
Wu pours himself and the sisters s some more tea, while apologizing and allowing Rose to finish on where she left off at
"Yes, um, first off thank you for taking care of us and helping us after being left unconscious, we really appreciate it… But, well-"
Ruby was somewhat stumbling over her words, clearly wanting to say something to the wise sensei without sounding rude or impolite, though luckily for her, he was able to catch on and understand what she wanted to say
"You wish to return home now, I assume?"
Wu quickly guessed as he lifted up his cup and takes a sip, which made her panic, thinking she had offended him
"I-I don't hate it here! You have a very cool home! And I'm very thankful for you helping us out, and and I wish we could-"
Before Ruby could unnecessarily over complicate anything, her older sister quickly covered her mouth and stopped her from saying anymore than needed
"Yes, we would like to go home, we don't want our Father and Uncle to worry about us and accidentally blame you for staying out this late."
Yang gave her quick explanation on wanting to leave now, and why she wanted to do so, the elder master just nods in understanding before standing up to his feet and held out his hand to them
"I understand, no need to apologize or feel guilty for wanting to leave, I am just a stranger to you both, after all."
Once Wu helps the siblings back to their feet, he then turns away and started to walk towards the door that leads outside of the room that they were in
"I shall have one of my students lead you to the nearest bus stop, it should be able to take you anywhere in Ninjago that you need to be at."
Wu rubs his beard as he started to think about who should guide the girls to where they need to be at, while also wondering if they would need supplies or spare change for their trip, however, before he could make any plans, one of the two girls said something that instantly catch his attention
"Ninjago? Is that close to Vale?"
As soon as Ruby asked that, the wise sensei immediately pause in his walk and stopped himself from touching the door, turning his head quickly and looked at her in confusion
"Vale? I don't believe I recognize that location?"
It was the two sisters turn to be confused on what Wu just said, which did catch his attention even more so as he looked at the girls fully
"How can you not recognize Vale? It's one of the famous and well known Kingdom of Remnant? You would have to be living under a rock to not know what it is."
Yang wasn't trying to sound rude, but she genuinely couldn't help but doubt and stare at him in complete disbelief, however seeing such expression just only made him worry and be somewhat concerned on what he was hearing
"Remnant? I'm afraid I don't understand, ourworld's name is Ninjago, everyone knows this… Unless…'
Wu furrows his eyebrows as he then slammed his staff on the ground, which startled the sisters, clearly wasn't expecting that, but as soon as he did this, the windows suddenly opened and allowed the siblings to notice and looked over at it
"N-No way…"
Both Ruby and Yang rans towards the open window and looked outside, and noticed the outside world, which was currently dark and the only thing giving light was the full moon, however the moon itself is what made the two freak out very much, so much so that they couldn't help but either shake very violently or barely keep standing, Rose already fell on her knees from intense emotions
"T-The moon is supposed to be broken…"
Hearing what Ruby said next, plus they true emotions of pure devastation, was all the information that the wise sensei needed to hear, letting out a sympathetic sigh and gave them a sorrow face
"You are welcome to stay in my Monastery as long as you need to, please rest and process this, I shall prepare some proper accommodations for your new rooms."
Not wishing to cause any more trouble for the two, Wu turns away and decided to leave the sisters alone, not wishing to bother them, after discovering something mind shattering and unbelievable, he opens the door and walks through it
"Sensei Wu, what happened?"
The elderly master looked up and saw that Cole, Jay and Zane were waiting outside, both curious and somewhat concerned on what was just happened, they could tell something was wrong, from what little they heard and what they saw from their teacher's expression
"Our guests has just lost their home, so please welcome them with open arms and kindness."
It was all Wu had to say before leaving them all alone to process what he just said, 'Lost Their Homes', extreme guilt and sorrow filled their hearts, as Jay, Zane and Cole looks inside the room that Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long were in, seeing them on the floor and holding each other with such devastating expression, which only tightens the hearts of the three Ninjas in training
"We… We're no longer home, Yang…"
"I-I know Ruby… I know…"
Let see, in terms of power, normally, Yang and Ruby are naturally stronger than the four Ninjas, but after learning the spinning thing, getting their weapons and unlocking any hidden abilities and potential, then a lot of things will be much more complicated than need be~
(BTW, this takes place after the Yellow Trailer if I haven't made that clear)
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