A Day Of Wu


"Come on, I thought I taught you better than that~"


In the training area of the Monastery of Spinjitzu, which was located at the top of the Mountains of Impossible Height, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose could be seen in the middle of sparing with one another. Despite everything they've been through lately, it seems that the two have somewhat moved on. Though to say they weren't upset about their situation and still wish to be sent back home would be a lie, but at the moment, they knew they couldn't do anything about it. So with that in mind, instead of just being depressed and falling into despair, the siblings decided to just make the most of it, using it as a new opportunity to get used to their new life. Maybe have fun being here while having the chance, and if they do go back home, at least they would have a fun story to tell to their friends and family. Their problems were less than ideal, but they will face it head-on with a smile instead of crying.

"Got you~"

Anyway, back at them fighting one another, while Rose did have the advantage of speed, agility, and quick thinking, in the end, it was Yang who came out victorious, having superior strength, better combat training, and was much more experience when it comes to fighting with no weapons, unlike her young sister, who in the end got pinned down to the ground and put in a hold.

"Uncle! Uncle! UNCLE!"

Ruby whines and quickly admits defeat as she struggles under Xiao Long hold, who just chuckles in response as she lets her go and even helps her back up to her feet.

"Definitely lasted longer than last time, but you could still use some more work."

Yang pats her sister, both proud of how long she lasted, but still told her to do better next time, which made the younger sibling puff her cheeks in response.

"It would've been longer if you just let me use my baby..."

Ruby huffs and looks away with her arms crossed, though before her big sister could say something in response, the two suddenly heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming closer to them.

"You use babies to fight with? how cruel."

When both siblings looked to see who it was, it was none other than Sensei Wu himself, who seemed to have overheard the conversation and even made a joking remark about what he just heard.

"Hah! Nice one~"

Which Yang couldn't help but laugh at, no doubt understanding and liking the joke that the wise Master made.

"Oh God, not another one..."

Though Ruby was not amused at the slightest, in fact, she felt dread and worried that the experienced Sensei might be another "Pun Joker", she was clearly not looking forward to that.

"Hehe, sorry, just having a little fun."

Wu just chuckles in response as he walks up and stands before the two sisters.

"Though I must say, I can't help but notice how well you both fight, your martial arts seem so unique, yet familiar at the same time."

Though after that moment of playfulness, Wu spoke with a genuine tone and expression as he couldn't help but admire and compliment what he saw, specifically on how both sisters were able to fight together.

"Most of the things we've learnt came from our Dad and Uncle, though I added a few new moves of my own as well."

Yang was able to explain how she was able to fight and who taught her it, as well as taking pride in how good she was at it.

"Interesting, does that include you as well, Miss Rose?"

What Wu learned only made him much more curious and interested, as he looked at Rose and wondered if what her older sibling said was also the same for her.

"Mhm, though I learned more from my Uncle than my Dad and Sister, but we got the same training, even if we fight differently."

Ruby nods her head, confirming what the wise Sensei thought, as well as explaining what made her different or the same as her sister.

"I see, I see."

Wu hums as he rubs his beard, as he considers his next step in this conversation, and whether or not he was thinking about doing something specifically now or later.

"Would you mind showing me your skills and abilities?"

And Wu's specific thoughts were testing and seeing the sisters fighting personally, which he was now committed to experiencing with much interest.

"Huh? You mean fight you?"

Which immediately confused Yang, as well as her younger sibling, clearly wasn't expecting such a request.

"I prefer friendly sparring, but yes, I would like to fight you both, at the same time if you can."

Wu made it very clear what he was asking, and how specifically he wanted his desire to be met and done, which did cause some hesitation.

"I don't know, not really comfortable with beating up an old man."

"Yang! Don't be rude!"

But in the end Yang, and also Ruby, seemed to have denied the offer, though one of them preferred to not be rude about it.

"Old man you say?"

However, before the two Huntress could either continue training or probably call it a day, Wu would not take no for an answer, especially when called a "Old Man", so to both prove himself, and slightly revenge, he placed his hand on Xiao Long's shoulder, which caught her attention and made her look at him, though before she could ask what he was doing, he suddenly pinched a nerve of hers, which made her freeze up and fall over like a pushed-over statue, which definitely startled Rose from what she just saw.

"I think you will be quick to learn that this old man knows how to take down a young child like yourself."

Wu wore a mischievous, and maybe even a slightly evil smirk at what he just did with the blonde.


Ruby was speechless, as she didn't know how to properly react to what she just saw done to her older sibling, who was slowly getting back up to her feet after having a moment to recover.

"Alright, alright, I get it, but don't blame me if you throw your back out."

And once Yang was completely back up to her feet, she did not hesitate to swing a fist straight at the wise Master, who was able to quickly and narrowly dodge said punch aimed at him.

"Oh my, those fists do look scary, I could get a bruise if I let any of them hit me."

As Wu continues to avoid each punch that was thrown at him by the young Huntress, he couldn't help but analyze and admire the way his opponent fought, as well as noting and noticing how skilled, well used and dangerous her fist was.

"Key word, "If I let them", hehe~"

But once Wu saw enough, he was effortlessly able to end it quickly with a simple tripping Xiao Long with his foot, as well as a gentle shove to send her flying away and into the ground, much to her frustration.

"Ruby! Back me up here!"

Yang sat up quickly and looked at her young sister for assistance.

"I don't know..."

Though unlike the older sibling, Ruby was still unsure and hesitant with fighting someone who wasn't a threat or dangerous, especially with someone who treated them so kindly.

"I promise you, this is just training, and to satisfy my curiosity, so don't worry about hurting me."

Which Wu saw and smiled at, appreciating her kindness, but still he reassured her what he wanted, giving her full permission to do what needed to be done.

"... Ok, if you say so."

Ruby was still not 100% on board, but with the encouragement of both her sister and the wise Master, she couldn't refuse, so after a moment to accept this fact, she was ready to fight, no longer wanting to waste anyone's time, she dashed forward towards her new training partner, her speed superior to her older sibling, before she then jumped and prepared to deliver a flying kick to her opponent's face.

"Of course, if you "CAN" hurt me that is."

Unfortunately, Wu wasn't just going to simply take the hit and promptly ducked under it so casually, forcing Rose to overshoot her target, go over him, and crash into the wall, which made the blonde wince at this, and it did leave her dizzy for a moment, though once she recovered, she was able to dash back into action.

"Hm, definitely faster than your sibling, but I can tell you're not used to this kind of fighting style."

Unlike Wu's experience with the older Huntress, he couldn't simply just dodge and avoid most of the attacks that came from the silver eyes, it wasn't impossible, but due to her speed, it wasn't as easy and he was forced to block, deflect and parry. Despite the new challenge, he was still able to deal with her with the same amount of effort as the last one. He then jumps over the dashing young lady and forces her to crash into Xiao Long, who attempted a sneak attack, but was just tackled down instead by her own family member.

"I believe you both are weapon masters, no?"

Once the two sisters recovered from the collusion, both sat up and looked to see that Wu was flawlessly balancing on one of the training equipment with one leg.

"Why not step up the difficulty and fun just a bit."

Both siblings looked at one another as they considered what Wu had suggested.

"Good thing we had some dummy rounds."

A few moments later, the two sisters had gone to go get their weapons and prepared for the next round of the fight, Yang loading her "Ember Celica" with fake rubber bullets.

"We're ready Mister Wu!"

And as for Ruby, had unfolded her large red scythe, "Crescent Rose", also loading in harmless fake bullets and putting safety edges on her blade part of her weapon, to avoid accidentally cutting anyone.

"Then come at me."

Though Wu just came in with a simple staff, nothing advanced or gun mixed, just a long and large bamboo stick, once everyone was all set and ready, round 2 has begun, specifically starting with Rose going in first instead of her sister, spinning her Crescent Rose before swinging at her opponent, which he blocked with his staff.

"I must say, despite your young and small frame, you wield your scythe with such excellent skills, I'm impressed."

As the intense battle between a bamboo stick and a scythe has started with such veracity, Wu again started to analyze the skills and talents of the silver eyes. While her abilities of unarmed combat had left much to be desired, even he could admit when he saw greatness in her use of her weapon.

"And that's not mentioning how your weapon is also a gun, how fascinating."

Wu even admired the craftsmanship of how the scythe weapon with the sniper was made, which was he was forced to bend backwards when the gun part of the weapon was aimed at his face, luckily able to avoid an instant headshot.

"Thank you, I put a lot of work into making Crescent Rose and how to use it~"

Ruby giggles and blushes sheepishly from the praise, before quickly getting smacked away by the bamboo staff, which by this time, the blonde had come in, fist blazing.

"Now as for you, I must admit, your design and choice of weaponry is a bit simple."

Instead of dodging the fist of the Huntress, Wu instead used his staff to push and redirect them, forcing her to miss her punch that was supposed to be aimed at him.

"But I would be lying that it doesn't keep me on my toes."

Just as Wu was about to push away another fist, Xiao Long instead grabbed the staff and pulled him close to her, as she used her free hand to deliver a devastating punch to his face.

"If you were using real shotgun shells, I would definitely be in more deep trouble."

Though Wu was able to avoid the attack by ducking under the fist and shotgun black, before grabbing it and using her own moment to throw her over his shoulder.

"Lucky for you, you will be eating a knuckle sandwich instead of a bucket of pellet popcorn~"

Luckily Yang was able to stick the landing this time and used the chance to launch a few more rubber bullets at the Sensei.

"I prefer tea and ramen, thank you."

But Wu just spins his staff and deflects all of the rubber bullets, even purposely smacking it away towards the hoodie girl, who attempted to snipe him, but the rubber pellets hit her and forced her to not only miss her shot, but shoot the blonde instead, which did knock her back to the ground, groaning from being hit by the fake bullets.

"I must say, you girls are definitely promising, having the potential to match even my students."

After the shower of shots were over, Wu stopped spinning his staff and used it to lean on it, while this 2nd round in this sparring match did take more out of him, he was still barely phased and only took light quick breaths, as if he was still hardly trying at all.

"Though something tells me you both can do more than what you're showing me."

Despite defeating them a 2nd time, and fighting them twice already, Wu was still expecting and even wanting more from them, as if knowing that the two family members could do more than what they showed.


Ruby quickly went up to her older sibling, helping her up and acting if she had something to say to her.


Yang was rubbing her head from where she was just shot at, clearly annoyed by the person who did this to her, though was still willing to listen to her.

"Would you like to give Mister Wu some "Strawberry Sunrise"?~"

Ruby wore a mischievous grin when she said this.

"I don't think they have that drink in this worl-OH! I get it~"

Which did confuse Yang for a moment, but once she processed what her sister said, she couldn't help but smirk and look at the older man while cracking her knuckles.

"Ah, finally ready to show me everything you got?"

Seeing the expression on the two faces, Wu immediately ready himself, preparing and expecting what they had next for Round 3.

"You got that right old man!~"

Yang was also readying herself, stretching and preparing herself for what she was about to do to the Master.

"Ready Ruby?~"

After Yang felt ready, she looked and reached a hand to her younger sibling, who nodded and grabbed her hand back.

"Sorry For What We're About To Do To You Sir!"

Ruby, once she gave her last words of apologies for the Sensei, started to run, with her sister still holding her hand and following after her.

"Oh? What's this?"

Wu couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion as he watched the two run around the area, running faster and faster. They kept running until they were nothing more than a blur of rose petals.

'They're picking up speed, what are they trying to accom-?'

Though before Wu could figure out what was happening, the blurry tornado of red roses and yellow fire had suddenly dashed towards him with insane speed, which startled him greatly from such a sudden change of speed. Not only that, he only had enough time to see the two siblings coming out of the cloud of rose petals, with Rose specifically running towards him and dragging Xiao Long behind herself. Xiao Long's hair started to catch fire, her eyes turned red, and her fist glowed and came closer to the Master's face.

"Got you~"

Yang smugly smirked as she brought her fist closer to the Sensei, inches away from knocking his face in, however, before it could finally hit its target, he then suddenly spun and turned himself into a golden tornado. The two siblings only had a chance to gasp in shock before being sucked into the mini gold hurricane and then thrown away into some nearby trash bags, leaving them unharmed but now unable to continue fighting.

"Correction, almost got me."

Wu then stopped spinning and fell onto one of his knees, using his bamboo staff to keep him up straight, panting and trying to catch his breath.

"Whew, it's been a while since I last broke into a sweat."

Wu chuckles as he whines away his sweat, a bit surprised to experience something he hasn't in a while.

"Ugh... So dizzy..."

Ruby had swirly silver eyes and could only see spinning stars around her head.

"Tsk, losing to an old man, Uncle Qrow is never gonna let this down if we meet again..."

As for Yang, she could only grumble and pout, clearly upset to lose after being so close to victory, and against an older man no less, which didn't help her embarrassing humiliation.

"There is no shame in experiencing defeat, Yang."

Both of the siblings then looked up and saw Wu standing over them, a calm and warm smile could be seen on his face as he offered a hand to them both.

"In fact, you and Ruby should be proud of what you both were able to do, individually and together."

As Wu helped them up, he made sure to express how impressed he was, and how they should feel good for being so talented and skillful, which did make the two girls feel good about themselves, maybe a little shy and embarrassed for such compliments.

"Actually, you did so well that I have a favor to ask of you."

But then Wu said something that instantly caught their attention, and made them very confused on what he could be asking of them.

"What favor?"

Meanwhile, back with Cole, Jay and Zane, who were in the kitchen, having some light snacks and talking about their day, though before they could say more and hang out, they were interrupted by the sound of someone entering the kitchen, catching everyone's attention.

"Brothers, please welcome your new Sisters."

And what they were met with, was Wu bringing in Ruby and Yang, though instead of their usual get-up, they were wearing the same black ninja clothing as everyone else.

"I'm Ready To Learn!~"

"And I'm ready to teach~..."

Though what truly shocked the ninjas, was how Ruby and Yang were now officially a part of the group, not only as fellow ninjas, but also someone who was both ready to learn and teach with their so-called "Brothers" and "Sisters".

"And I'm ready to be both scared and excited for my life."
Next chapter should be about meeting the fire ninja guy? Unless you think I am missing something that I should establish before starting the main story?

(BTW, I have decided to add some other Lego Characters from different shows and movies and whatnot, they won't be as important or overshadowed Ninjago, but if you're interested in the idea I am open to suggestions in what character would work in Lego Ninjago?~)

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