~ Y/n's POV ~
I was about to get in the car when I stopped myself. I had for some reason wanted to walk to Fredbear's with Michael instead of drive there. I guess it was because I enjoyed walking side by side and chatting with him.
Y/n: "Michael?"
Michael: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "Could we actually walk to Fredbear's instead?"
Michael: "Why?"
Y/n: "I don't know it's just I kinda enjoy walking with you"
Michael: "Heh, fine love"
He then hops out and shuts the car door behind him locking it then slips his hand with mine and we headed on our way.
Y/n: "Another thing Michael"
Michael: "What is it"
Y/n: "Where did you get this Foxy mask anyway it's really cool and made pretty well"
Michael: "I bought it duh."
Y/n: "Wait so your dad didn't make it for you?"
Michael: "Oh fuck no the guy hates my fucking guts. Plus I'm glad he didn't make it for me anyway"
Y/n: "Why?"
Michael: "Because he's an engineer for fucking animatronics fucking springlock animatronics at that. So if he made the mask for me it would most likely end up being a Springfoxy mask and I don't want any of those dangerous fucking springlocks anywhere near my fucking face. Do you know how painful that would be if the springlocks possibly malfunction...*says under breath*...most likely from sweat..."
*returns to normal* "...I would have scars, springlock scars at that all over my face like more scars than I already do"
Y/n: "Haha you are pretty beat up with multiple cuts, scrapes, scars, and bruises most of the time"
Y/n: "Geez chill the fuck out Mike I know you are in fact your baddy persona...*says under breath*...as well as devilishly handsome good looks..." *says aloud* "...is what made me fall for you in the first place, So I was just teasing" *kisses him*
Michael: *returns it as instinct but still stays silent* ....
Y/n: "But yeah those springlock suits are fucking dangerous as hell, they're literally a fucking deathtrap waiting to happen so I'm glad your mask isn't a Springfoxy mask"
Michael: "Exactly"
Y/n: "Heh"
Michael: "But yeah these masks...all my friends have one of their own but it's a different animatronic each. Like Sammy, has a Freddy one, Jeremy has a Bonnie one, Ana Maria has a Chica one, and as you can see I have a Foxy one"
Y/n: "Yeah...You guys would bully me while wearing them"
That's when I softly growl and look away trying not to cry while I remembered it. It wasn't necessarily in a way to scare me like when they do it to Evan it was more so just annoying as fuck and no lie kinda hurting with what they said.
While I remembered that I noticed Michael had stopped walking then pulled me close and into a hug. Once he pulled away he gently pushed my chin up so my e/c eyes met his dreamy turquoise blue ones. I could tell from his eyes that he had picked up on what I was feeling after I said that.
Michael: "Look Love, I'm so very sorry we did that to you but things are different now and I promise you that. I could never dream of bullying you now that we're a couple. All I wanna do now is protect you and love you only nothing else, just like what I did when we were friends at a pretty young age before I became your bully"
That's when I couldn't take it anymore and ended up hugging him again and crying into his chest making him hold me like the sweetheart he was deep down
Michael: "I've always loved you even when I bullied you and I can't tell you that enough"
Y/n: "M-Michael..."
Michael: "It's true and I know it's not the time but if you except me entirely and become part of my friend group I might even buy you a mask of your own"
That's when I stop crying and look up at him as my eyes light up
Y/n: "Wh-Which one!! W-Would you get me a-a f/a (favorite animatronic) one?"
Michael: "I don't think they have that one plus the originals are already taken by me and my group and I as the leader say I don't wanna duplicate mask in our group."
Y/n: "O-Oh..."
Michael: "Hey cheer up, I was just thinking...we do need a Golden Freddy still...so maybe just maybe I would buy you that one and it's pretty expensive like more expensive than the others since he's a secret character with the Freddy and Friends gang and he's also like Fredbear in a sense so of course it would be expensive."
Y/n: "Sounds cool but why buy me one that's so expensive"
Michael: "Because You're Worth It~"
Y/n: *blushes hardcore* "Awwww Michaelllllll"
Michael: "What? It's true"
Y/n: "B-But still"
Michael: "Really I mean it so don't worry about it...*smirks*...my father is rich"
Y/n: "True you guys do have a really nice house. William is definitely more rich than my dad and he's pretty rich too"
Michael: "Heh the pluses we get for having fathers that own and run a business together"
Y/n: "Yeah
Michael: "Ready to continue?"
Y/n: "Yeah."
Michael: "Alright"
We walked for a little while longer chatting and making each other crack up. I will say it's nice to have my childhood friend back even if he was a bully to me but now it was definitely something more now.
Once we were at Fredbear's we ordered pizza then decided to play a few arcade games. When we went to sit back down I thought about what Michael said about how are fathers run a business together and even share the same office.
Y/n: "Michael?"
Michael: "Yeah"
Y/n: "I was just thinking about what you said about our dads earlier and thought of something..."
Michael: "What?"
Y/n: "I don't know I just thought...can you even believe that our dads have been friends since they were our age possibly even younger"
Michael: "No it's honestly crazy to think about"
Y/n: "I know right, now they're what in their 30s or 40s and now have a successful business together"
Michael: "Yeah, but what made you think about that"
Y/n: "I don't know it just seemed crazy"
Michael: "yeah"
Y/n: "Say I know it's random again but do you think we'll be running the business once our dads Ya know...pass"
Michael: "God I don't wanna think about that"
Y/n: "Why?"
Michael: "The job just seems so stressful and tiring doing both dayshifts and nightshifts at times and I already get less sleep because of my fucking anxiety so if we take over the business...ugh I don't wanna think about it"
Y/n: "Well I guess we don't have to I just thought it was kinda interesting. Like I've seen my dad work on as well as design on blueprints and work on building the animatronics a little and as hard as it looks it could be pretty fun"
Michael: "God you sound just like Henry"
Y/n: *cracks up* "Well I am his daughter what do you expect" *chuckles a little more*
Michael: "Yeah, I'm more into the brainstorming and then the straight up building part I'm not good at drawing"
Y/n: "That makes sense since your William's son"
Michael: "Honestly I wish I wasn't"
Y/n: "Why? I get that he's a killer and that you hate him since he doesn't care about you"
Michael: "Exactly my reason why. He fucking neglects us. You're lucky with being Henry's girl he's such a sweet loving father that actually cares about his kids...Th-That's why I've a-always been jealous of you and Charlie" *tears up*
Y/n: "Awww Michael"
With that I get up and hug him while He continued to sit even though it hurt that he brought up my sister making me wince a little. He instantly just leans into me and buried his head into my chest
Michael: "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to bring her up"
Y/n: "I-It's fine"
Michael: ...
Y/n: "Hey, why don't we stop being all sad and do something like play more games or something like that...I bet I'll destroy you at air hockey.
That's when he looks up at me with a smirk and a slight twinkle in his turquoise blue eyes. I was also now holding his head in my hands
Michael: "Is that a challenge love?"
Y/n: "Maybe..."
Michael: "Then we'll have to just see about that"
Y/n: "Challenge accepted"
Michael then stands up and grabs my hand dragging me over to the table and we put our coins in then play. A few minutes go by and he lost. So he wanted a rematch we do that and I lost. We ended up playing multiple rounds where Michael lost the majority of them and rage quit
Y/n: "Welp I win...again"
Michael: "Fuck! Why are you so good at this!"
Y/n: "Don't know"
Michael: ....
Y/n: "But see I told ya I would destroy you hehe"
Michael: *growls*
Y/n: "What? You mad that you were beaten by a girl multiple times"
Michael: "Whatever"
Y/n: "Let's play some more 2 player games maybe I'll let you win"
Michael: "Fuck you!"
Y/n: "Come on you love me"
Michael: *sighs* "I do"
Y/n: "Thats what I thought"
With that we go to play some more 2 player games. We played a few racing games which I was beaten by Michael at, then we played DDR which I beat him at because duh it was a dance game and I had way better coordination than him.
After the games we were a little bored and we went to scare a few toddlers. Well Michael did with his foxy mask I kinda just helped because why not. But I will say as much as it kinda hurt me to do so and I knew it was a jerk move it was pretty funny to see they're reactions.
(A/n: Oop looks like your fnaf bully/tormenter side is starting to show maybe you really will earn that mask sooner rather than later but who knows😏)
After that good laugh we moved on to the last game of the day which was playing Guitar Hero which I obviously knew I would suck at and be beaten at. As expected I did lose Michael destroyed me but what was I expecting I had no experience in ever playing guitar.
By the end of the day we both had a blast, our fathers never caught us, we had some fun scaring the shit out of kids, and now I was pretty tired and ready to go home
Michael: "Not gonna lie I missed hanging out with you y/n. Over the years I had forgotten how good of a friend you were. I missed doing shit like this with you your a fun gal"
Y/n: *softly blushes* "Heh...Thanks Mikey"
Michael: "No problem love. Now before we go there was a thing I wanted to do the entire time I was here with you"
Y/n: "What?"
He just smiles and takes my hand then takes me over to the prize corner it hurt especially since I knew the marionette had tried to save Charlie but failed. As I was distracted about to cry I feel Michael tap my shoulder snapping me out of thought.
Michael: "I wanted to get you this"
*blushes and hands her a f/a plushie and a foxy plushie*
Y/n: "Huh..."
Michael: "I know it's not much but it's something and I wanted to get you something from the fun day we had together."
Y/n: "Aww Mikey they're adorable"
Michael: "heh, I knew you would think so"
Y/n: "Honestly I think my favorite one is actually the Foxy one he's so cute and even handsome at that"
Michael: *blushes harder* "R-Really?"
Y/n: "Mmhm"
Michael: "Wh-Why?"
Y/n: "Heh...it's you, my Foxybro that's why"
I then reach up and boop his nose then kiss him making his bright red blush ten times brighter but he returns it anyway. Our kiss was interrupted when I herd a soft faint little girls voice behind me
???: "So you're dating him...aren't you..."
And end chapter hehe cliffhanger until next chapter but you can probably guess who the "???" is. If you don't I'll give you a hint...think about where I said you guys currently are in the diner...now you can probably guess who the voice is. If you still can't guess I'm not saying anything more hehe
Anyways this chapter was one of the longer ones finally it was approximately 2235 words in all by the end of it so yeah until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3
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