Those Who Were Not Involved

Sometimes it feels like someone is trying to strangle me. What do I do ? My arm feels heavy... How am I supposed to fight back ?

Shiori wake up ! Shiori ! This is a dream !!

Someone appeared in front of me and smiled. Shortly after, there was another person. However this time, instead of appearing beside the person who appeared first, they appeared behind them. Something was in their hand. I could feel my heart beginning to race. Suddenly there was a bright light, and I saw their faces. It was that woman and it was.. Mother. But it was strange. Instead of it being Mother, the person who was standing in front of me was that woman. A fearful and horrified expression slowly began to appear on her face as I saw Mother raise her arm. That was when I saw what was in her hand. My heart sank, and I moved. I don't know why, but I can't seem to remember what happened afterwords. I woke up, confused.

Is that what you call a nightmare ?


"Is there a reason to why you've called us out here so early in the morning ?", I was asked. Mitsuru, who was glaring at me, looked at his watch. "It's only 4:35 in the morning", he said hostilely, "This better be important you brat. I was forced to get up because of you." "Oh, but it is", I mumbled softly, "Although... that'll entirely depend." "So then ?", Ao asked. He was questionable, but at the same time, he sounded doubtful. "It's not every day that you're willing to cooperate with us, moreover, even ask for a favor. It must be important." "It better be", Mitsuru bitterly added. "If not, then I'll kill you myself." 

"Do you know where Reine is ?"

"Reine ?"

"Are you serious ? I thought this was important, you brat..." 

"But I'm not kidding", I replied as I looked into the direction of the Nakanishi household. "I'm being serious. There's something I have to ask him, but I don't know where to find him. Do you really expect me to just openly walk into the Nakanishi household and expect him to just show up in front of me ? Besides, if I recall, you have guests. If I were to suddenly make an appearance, don't you think that it would cause an uproar ?" Ao frowned and crossed his arms. Shortly after, he sighed, probably thinking about what I said. Mitsuru, on the other hand, averted his gaze from me, still scowling. "Well ?", I asked. "Is there, or is there not an answer ?"

"Well you see.. Reine is-"

"Ara, what's this ? Associating with a traitor while on the job now are we ?"

Ao and I looked over our shoulder to see someone slowly walking towards us. Mitsuru didn't even bother to acknowledge that person, seeing how he didn't even bother to look. 

"Who is that ?", I quietly asked. Ao turned around to face the person. "Someone from the Osaragi Branch", I heard him say. "Right now a few of them are patrolling." Mitsuru smirked and looked up at the morning sky. "How troublesome", he said. It was almost dawn by now. I heard the footsteps stop. Wherever they were, they weren't that far. "Is there something we can help you with ?", Ao asked him. "Answers really", that person replied, their voice stern. "Why are you with someone like her ? Aren't you aware of who she is ?" Mitsuru sighed and turned to face the person. "Clearly", he responded, sounding slightly agitated. "If we didn't know who she was, then why do you think we'd even bother associating with her to begin with ? In fact, you have some nerve to question us. Do you know who we are ?" I turned to see that person hesitate. Then I turned back to Mitsuru and walked over to him. "Hush", I mumbled as I reached over and ruffled his hair. He immediately slapped my hand away and glared at me. "Brat !", he snapped. I grinned at him and turned back to see that person suspiciously staring at me. 

"Pay no attention", I softly called out. "I was just about to leave." To my surprise, the only thing that person did was smirk. "They really should be stripped from their position", he said in a scolding manner, "Associating with a traitor.. letting her leave without trying to stop her... Can you really call yourself Rank A hunters ?" From the corner of my eye, I could see Ao beginning to glare. I assumed that Mitsuru was probably doing the same thing.



Out of amusement, I began to laugh. It always amused me to see how cocky some of the hunters got. For the first time in a while, this was the first hunter I got to see to act this way. What a fool. Honestly, they really should be trained more professionally...

"To be a Rank A hunter", I provokingly chuckled, "Tell me, what does that mean to you ? Does that mean that you're strong ? Does being a "Rank A" hunter mean that you're much better than everyone else ?" I locked eye contact with that person and smirked. He looked taken back, but he didn't stand down. For that small part, I guess I'll give him credit. It wasn't everyday that I got a chance to do something like this. "Only a fool would believe in something like that. To be a Rank A or B hunter... it's nothing more than a meaningless title ! Don't you realize that ? Your ranking means nothing !" "Who are you to say !?", he hissed, clearly falling for my taunting. Again, I laughed and glanced at Ao and Mitsuru. "Take me for example", I called out. "I have no rank, meaning that I must be weak right ? Why don't you come over here and prove to me that being a "Rank A" hunter means something."

"I'd be careful if I were you brat", I heard Mitsuru say. "He's a guest." "Does it look like I care ?" I took a deep breath and sighed. "Remember that I'm not obligated like you guys are. I can do as I please.. that is, if Ao doesn't get in my way." Ao slightly smiled. "How considerate of you", he said to me. I walk over to him and patted his head. His eyes widened in surprise. I slightly moved closer to him before whispering, "Don't force yourself." After that, I took a step back and sympathetically smiled at him. He stared at me with a blank expression before averting his gaze. I turned back to that person. "Well ?", I asked out loud. "Are you going to prove to me that it means something or are you going to be smart and let me go ?"

Although, his choice didn't matter. I was going to leave anyways, whether they liked it or not. That was when I noticed a faint aura coming closer. I recognized who it belonged to. It was at that point that I started to turn and leave. Ao must've noticed because he turned in that direction. It was Sotaru. I reached into the inside pocket of my jacket and pulled something out. A brown envelope with Grandfather's name. I tossed it to Mitsuru, who caught it. 

"Consider it as something to prove your innocence", I chuckled as I began to move away. I saw him smirk. "Will do", he replied, before I left.

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