The Hidden Gatekeepers
Blackmail... There's blackmail. They're waiting for my next move.
An uneasy expression appeared on Mizuki's face as we walked home together. "Yon ?", I had heard him ask from beside me. I slowly looked his way. "Nani ?" The both of us stopped and waited for the crossing light to turn red. Bustling cars drove by as we stood there waiting. "Are we going to Genkai's house today ?" I nodded my head and forced a grin. Could he tell, I wonder. "There's something I have to ask her", I replied. And very quietly, I added in, "A favor." "Does it have to do with Ciel ?', he asked next. Again, I nodded my head. "She didn't tell you why she left ?" I shook my head. "That's why we're going to Genkai", I replied as I noticed the crossing light turn green, "She can tell me." Mizuki crossed his arms and sighed. "Although you guys are close, you guys are weird." I peered over at him and grinned. "Aren't you the same ?", I asked, slightly chuckling.
"Ciel ?", Genkai asked, after putting her tea cup down on the table, "You're wondering about what she's doing ? Why she left ?" I nodded my head. Mizuki was sitting outside on the smaller stairway, munching on some of the onigiri that we had bought while we were walking to Genkai's. It was already mid-afternoon by this time. The sky was already welcoming those orange and pink streaks. The sunlight was beginning to fade.
"You see Shiori", Genkai began to say, "A few days ago Botan came to me saying that someone was trying to disarray something that connected Reikai and Makai. To Koenma's dismay, even he couldn't locate a source. During the time of Botan's visit, Ciel happened to come by and overhear. The situation seemed to apply to Ciel, so she volunteered to go with Botan to see if they could find anything." I took a deep breath and sighed. "So that's what it was about", I mumbled, falling back into the tatami mat. "I'm surprised." "Are you now ?", Gekai asked with a faint chuckle. I looked up at the ceiling. "To think that she'd leave when there's something else is going on", I replied, "I didn't think that she'd do something like that." I heard Genkai place her cup down on the table. "Perhaps she trusts you with the situation ?", she suggested. I grinned at her and slowly sat up so that I was looking at Genkai again. "Perhaps", I replied, beginning to recall what Ciel had told me. "After all, there are two sides to a person." Genkai sighed. "An inner reflection."
I heard footsteps moving towards me from behind. I peered over to see Mizuki suddenly standing over me. "I just remembered something", he said as he took a seat beside me, "I thought that this had something to do something with the Guardian of Makai or something ?" I glanced down at my hands, trying to think. Now that i think about it.. Tsukiya and Seiji were looking for someone like that when I met them that one night. "From what I've been hearing", Genkai replied as I noticed her gaze land on me, "I guess you can say that." I turned to see a frowning Mizuki. "I've heard about them before", he began to say, looking down at the table, "I heard that they were the gatekeepers that watched over each one of the different worlds. One resides in Makai, Reiki, and this world. But I've never actually seen anyone of them before. No one seems to have. I've heard that they're very strong." I grinned. "Although isn't the point ?", I asked, slightly tilting my head, "After all, they're gatekeepers. Shouldn't they be strong if they want to watch over the gates ?" Mizuki sighed and placed a hand on the back of his hand. "Oh yeah, there's that too", he muttered. "So basically what you're saying is that the Guardian of Makai failed to protect the gate way to this world ?" Mizuki nodded his head. "But that's just a guess", he said, "I can't say that I'm right. At least, just not yet." Gekai grinned at him and stood up from her seat on the tatami mat. "It's possible", she said as I handed her my empty tea cup. "The things that occur in the demon world aren't exactly known by those who reside in this world." I sighed and slowly stood up. I straightened out my clothes and looked at the clock that hung on her wall.
Ah, it's already appeared to have gotten late. I turned back to Mizuki, who was already standing up. "Jah, are we ready to go now ?", I asked him. He nodded his head just as Genkai returned from the kitchen. "Be safe", she said as she watched as leave. "Oh, and Shiori." I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder to see her walking over to me. Mizuki was already standing by the steps of her shrine. "Nani ?", I asked. She reached for my hand and put something in the palm of my hand. I didn't open my hand to see what it was. I knew it was important. The look on her face gave it all away. I took a deep breath and sighed, putting whatever she had given me in the pocket of my jacket. I smiled at her and slightly bowed. Genkai sighed and put her hand on her hips. She was shaking her head at me as we left. I wonder if she doubts me.
"So these Guardians are supposed to be strong ?", I asked Mizuki while we walked home. He nodded his head and looked up at the evening sky. "Maybe even stronger than you and Ciel Nee-san", he replied with a faint smile. "Maybe even Shi." I reached over and grabbed him, putting him into a weak headlock. I ruffled his black colored hair. "H..hey !", he shouted as he tried to break away from me, with a weary laugh, "What're you doing Yon !? Why're you messing up my hair !?" I laughed and staggered as we both continued to walk. "Just", I replied with a chuckle, "Just." Finally, after about a minute of struggling to be released, I let go of him. He glared at me, trying to fix his hair again. I laughed at his action. What an amusing person he was. "Why're you sooooo mean ?", he whined when we finally decided to settle down. I patted him on his head and sighed. "You'll understand someday", was my response. He brushed my hand away and stuck his tongue out at me. "Don't treat me like a kid", he said, "I'm not 7 years old. I'm 10, remember ?" I grinned. "Well no matter what age you are, you'll always be the child that I raised, you know ? Actually scratch that, you should stop growing right now ! You'll make me sad if you grow any older." Mizuki grinned. "Jah, then that's exactly what I'll do !", he exclaimed with a hint of excitement, "I'll grown older ! Just to get even with you !"
I chuckled and follow after him. "This little challenge of yours", I replied. "I accept it."
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