Appearance 1

Last day. And hello. Who are you ? 

 Since that day when he killed those demons right in front of me, not once has Shuichi and I spoken. Between us, a wall. Its reasonable though. I sigh at the thought and leaned against the wall of the classroom. What to do. What to do.

While Sensei was going over our assignment, I was too busy thinking about what I was going to do with him next. They weren't back yet, so what I was I going to do next ? This question stuck with me up until the school day ended. I laughed.To be honest, I didn't care. If I wanted to, I could easily.....

 ".....Shiori ! ...Shiori !!"I stopped walking and slightly looked behind me shoulder. Airi, and behind her, following slowly, Hotaru. "Nani ?", I asked them. Hotaru shrugged, and Airi took a deep breath. "Minamino-san !", she said loudly, "He's looking for you !" My eyes slowly widened. Him ? Shifting my position, I crossed my arms together. "What about him ?", I asked her. "Cleaning duty with him is already over." She shook her head. "It turns out you guys get an extra day !", she exclaimed. Hotaru sighed. "You see", he said, "The ones who were supposed to take your places today are both absent." "And so you get another day with Minamino-san !", Airi finished. She had a really happy looking expression. However. I sighed. "So he's already there then ?", I asked. Airi nodded and pushed me back. "Hurry up !", she hissed, "Don't make him wait !" I quickly glanced at Hotaru, his hand on his forehead. "She knows already", he said to her, slowly starting to walk off without her. "Oi ! Hotaru !", Airi shouted, "Wait for me~ !!" She waved at me and followed after him. My smile slowly began to disappear as I walked back. Him.


 When I reached the classroom, I found him staring out the window. A desloate look on his face. I walked into the room and watched as he quickly looked at me from the corner of his eyes. Silence. "So it looks like we're stuck for another day", I said as I set my things down. A smirk appeared on his face. "You", he said slowly, his eyes looking into mine. "I'll tell you this now." 

 "I don't expect us to be friends." 

 For some reason, there was a sharp pain. The other half of me slightly got agitiated. 'You ? Don't you know that this 'you' has a name ?' I leaned on a desk and smirked. "It's alright", I replied back, our gazes still locked on together, "We don't exactly have a reason to be." The silence grew heavier. In my head, I laughed at the thought. What good comes out of having 'friends' ? I walked over to the white board and erased any writing. A meaningless smile slowly appeared on my face as I had looked down. Heh. After that, there was nothing but silence as we cleaned. However, there were times where we looked as if we were on clean terms. Overall, it was pretty boring if I do say so myself. When we finally finished up, it was 4:30. And like the usual, we walked home together. 


 I sighed and decided to break the silence. 

"So how long have you known ?", I asked him. He slightly tilted his head, but didn't look at me. "You actually believed that I wouldn't notice such strange things ?", he said faintly. "I've noticed for quite a while now. That low ranking demons like them have been appearing around here lately." I put my arms behind my head and took a deep breath. 'So we were on the same page then', I told myself. "And you as well", he added in, slightly looking at me, "How long have you known ?" I looked forward and broke out into a grin. "Just like you", I replied. "A very long time."

"It's actually strange you see", he said, "I had a feeling that you knew something. I didn't think you'd know about this." "You too", I replied, "I didn't think that a 'prince' like you could kill."

"For all I know, you could even know something dangerous !" I heard him huff. "If thats what you want to believe." "You sound like you don't know anything", he said sarcastically. "i'm sure that you know quite a lot of things." I grimaced. Jeez. I noticed Shuichi stop walking. I did the same. "Yes ?", I asked, wondering why he did so. "..........." 

I walked in front of him and waved my hand. "Minaaaaaminooo-saaaaaan ?" He stared at my hand too. "Yahhoooo ?" He grabbed my wrist and I stopped flailing. "That time when you watched me kill them right in front of your eyes", I heard him say softly, "You didn't flinch at all." I tilted my head and smiled. "Should I have screamed and made it look like I was afraid of something that couldn't touch me ?" He let go of my wrist and smirked. "Guess not", he said, as he continued to walk ahead. Again. I followed after him and his hair. 

 About 25 minutes into walking home together, something sparked within me. I lunged forward and reached for Shuichi's arm. At first, he glared at me and gave me the "what the hell are you doing ?", look, but then realized why I did so. Somewhere behind us was this really heavy aura. To say, something bad. We continued to walk like this, me clinging onto his arm, and him just walking. He slightly leaned over to me. "So now you're scared ?", He whispered to me, a slight sound of annoyance in his voice. I gave him an uneasy look. "There's a difference !", I hissed. "Besides, its too early to be dealing with a demon right now. People are around. Unlike you ! I have timing ! " He averted his gaze and somewhat grinned. "Riiiiiiiiiiight", I heard him say, "Whatever you say." I tightended my grip on his arm, slightly getting closer to him. Whatever was behind us was different than the usual.

 Shuichi's pace slowy started to slow down once we reached an area where there was nobody in sight. I didn't understand what he was doing until I realized that we were all finally seperated from the open world. Just me, Shuichi, and 'that' behind us. When he stopped walking, our back was towards it. When Shuichi turned around, I stood behind him and froze. A lowly demon ? No wait.... thats not possible."What do you want ?", Shuichi said to him, staring in somewhat of a glare. That demon pointed towards him. Him ?, no wait. "Her", it said. "I want her." 

Shuichi turned around and I was just standing there with my eyes wide open. Haaaaaaaaaah !?? "Me ?", I muttered in question, "....Why me !?" Shuichi sneered. "Wonder what you did", he mumbled. I sighed and hid behind Shuichi. "I wonder about that", I replied back. The demon laughed eriely. "Come forth or I will be forced to kill you as well", he said. "Hah", Shuichi said in amuzement. I slightly moved to the side of Shuichi. "Who are you and what do you want ?", I asked. The demons gaze slowly sharpened. "You already know why", it said, before charging towards us. 

 Okay, so I expected Shuichi to block for me, but you know what he did ? HE MOVED. Luckily, due to a reflex, I moved as well. It ended up hitting the thing behind us, as I took in a deep breath. In my head, i'm asking myself: 'Why do I even...'

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