Chapter 31🌺-Family issues


Those eyes

I stared at those eyes that always made me lost in them whenever I stare at him and he stared back at me,his eyes full of emotions that I couldn't point a finger at which is what, but there's is one emotion clearly visible, anger. But at who?, me or zahra?,did he perhaps heard the conversation, and if he did,how long had he been standing behind me?

Soon enough, the footsteps were retreating before Ayaan removed his hands from my mouth and picked me up in his arms to our room not saying a word to me. I didn't try to talk too,I was too shocked at the recent events that took place and hurt,my feet are killing me,and the pieces of glasses in them are not helping.

He kept me on the couch before walking away to our room. He returned with a first aid box,sat on the carpet and pulled my left feet in his hand gently before removing the glasses away still not a uttering a word to me.

"Amor" I said when he finished treating my feet,surprisingly, he did it expertly though,I wonder if he's ever done this before. He didn't say anything

"Amor" I called again,still no answer

"Ayaan"this time I got his attention

"What's wrong?"I asked

He shook his head before sitting next to me,engulfing me in a warm hug "I'm sorry,I'm just so mad at Zahra,I don't know when she became like this she's trying to ruin someone's marriage, actually, two people's marriage"

"You heard it all?"

"Yes,every single detail,I'm really disappointed in zahra,I don't know what has gotten into her,she wasn't like this before"

"Hey,don't think about it too much,she might realize her mistake soon"

"Even if she doesn't, it wouldn't matter anymore"he said as if he knows something I don't

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"You'll know soon"

"Ok,Now,how am I gonna get downstairs later,I can't walk" I pouted

"Stop that"

"Stop what?" I asked

"Pouting, I can't resist kissing you when you do that" he replied pecking my lips and I blushed

"It's a good thing you still blush, I haven't seen you blush in a long time, and about you getting down,I'll just carry you"he shrugged

"You're bluffing!,you can't do that,our parents are gonna be there"

"And so,they'll know just how much I love you" he kissed my left cheek,then my right cheek, the tip of my nose,down to my jawline while I giggled and then we cuddled.


"Amor put me down, please" I tried to wiggle out if his grip. The man wasn't bluffing when he said he'll carry me downstairs cuz that's what he's doing currently

"Stop being stubborn"he argued smirking

"Amor,please, I can manage to walk down,please" I whined hoping he'll put me down but to no avail

"No,you can't walk"he continued walking while carrying me downstairs bridal style.

"ah ah,soyayya kenan" Anty Sumayya teased once she saw us. She,Anty Hajar,Anty Raheena,Ammie, Mamii and Anty Faiza were at the kitchen smiling at us. I blushed and his my face in Ayaan's chest

"Yesso,I just love my wife too much" Ayaan replied

"Kaji marar kunya ko" Anty Hajar teased making me blush crimson red

"Ah ah,lokacin su ne,ki bar su suji dadi" Anty Raheena wiggled her brows making them all to laugh except Anty Faiza who hissed and walked out

He took me to the dining room where our cousins were giving me teasing looks,he sat me down gently before sitting next to me

"Iyye,yau fa ranar masoya ce naga alama,su Ayaan saboda yanxu Ka nada mata sai ka nuna mana how much you love her koh,toh shadeen,me too you're gonna carry me back to our room" Tammy said to her husband Shaheed and we all laughed while Shaheed kissed her cheeks

"Of course my Darling, I'll carry you anywhere you want to go" he replied

"Awwwww" Saffy cooed while her husband, Adam kissed her forehead

"This married people eh,you're disturbing us and corrupting our poor innocent eyes" Daniyal whined making us all laugh

"Get married too" Ayaan said smiling

"Soon,Insha Allah" Daniyal replied before winking at Kalisat who blushed

The elders and children joined us later and we had dinner all together,chatting and laughing all through,but I kept seeing how zahra glances at Ya Hamza now and then and how she glared at Adda Hami whenever Ya hamza kissed her

"So,there's something we want to tell you all" Uncle Hashim cleated his throat gaining all our attention

"So,due to the recent events that's been happening we decided to get Zahra married to my son Haidar" he said making us gasp except Ayaan,Tammy,Ya Hamza,Mara and Adda hami whom looked like they new before

"What!!!" Zahra exclaimed standing up "no,I won't get married to him"

"Zahra this decision has been finalized, there's nothing you can do about it,your wedding is this Saturday" Abbie said his voice calm

"Wannan Ai maganar banza ce,ya za a yi ka aurar da Ita haka kawai,shima Haidar din ce muku yayi yansa son ta?" Anty Faiza yelled standing up from her seat

"Faiza,calm down,what we're doing is best for the kids" Uncle Hashim said. All the while Haidar kept calm,he didn't seem affected by this at all

"Bawanninan, akan meh,kawai shikenan kun ringa yi wa yayennan auren dole,kun samin ya a gaba,toh wallahi tsaya kuji,idan Har dai ina Raye,bawanda zai yi wa Zahra auren dole" she yelled again holding Zahra hand in hers

"Faiza,that's not your decision to make,it's ours,so please stop causing a commotion here" Abba said

"No,haba kun dama min ya. Kawai Don ka aurar da wancan yar kan wa Ayaan. Ai Ayaan yafi karfinta,banga abun so aji kinta ba,Ga yar masu mutunci,Ruma,Ai tafi wannan abun" Anty Faiza said glaring at me,I didn't know when tears started rolling out of my eyes

Ayaan stood up angrily "Anty Faiza, don't you dare insult my wife,ko wallahi I'll forget you're my aunt and make your life a living hell" he yelled,this is this first time I'm seeing Ayaan disrespect an elderly

"Muhammad, sit down,don't say that to your aunt" Uncle Shehu scolded even though he himself wanted to yell at Anty faiza by the way he's glaring at her and his voice calm yet anger is clearly visible in it

"Ah ah,ni kake cema haka,lalle wannan yar matsiyaciyar can ta asirce ka,kamar yadda uwarta tayi wa Abakar" she yelled again glaring at Ammie . this time,it was Adda Hami who stood up

"Anty Faiza,watch what you're saying, you insult my sister, I kept quiet, but do not dare insult my mother or God help me" She said. If looks could kill,Anty Faiza would be six feet under by the way Adda Hami is glaring at her

"Toh,uwar matsiyata,Ai kenan baki da kunya dama,ko dake duk a wajen uwarku Kuka koya, Abakar na zaman lafiya da Ummieta kawai wannan matsiyaciyar tazo ta asirce shi tasa ya saki Ummieta" anty Faiza blurted making us all turn to Abba and Ammie, who's Ummieta?

Adda Hami was about to lose her temper completely when Ya hamza held her hand "Excuse us,she needs to calm down" he said before they walked out of the room,even though adda Hami kept wiggling out of his grip.

Zahra hissed before storming out.

"Faiza,don't you dare insult my wife again,and you all know I divorced Ummieta,even before I met Hauwa,and so,dont you dare blame Hausa for that" Abba said holding Ammie's hands firmly in his.

"Excuse us,we're going too" he added before they stood up and left

"We're going too" Ayaan said carrying me in his arms walking back to our room but not before I heard Saffy saying

"Kan bala'i, Zahra is going to be my in-law, this is gonna be so much fun" and with that,she and Adam left too

So how's the chappy
Thank you
So,I might update again today,I'm not sure though,no promises


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