Chapter 2 And 3🍁-Wedding prep



Me of all people?

Marriage?!? To Ayaan?!? No freaking way!

Wait no maybe I heard him wrong, it can be that right?

"Kinajina Khairi?" my dad asked snapping me out of my thoughts. His gaze is fixated on me alone and when I looked up I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on me waiting for my reply.

I must've zone of while thinking of 1001 ways to kill the guy they're thinking of getting me married to. Of all the people they can possibly think of hooking me up they just HAD to choose Ayaan. Of everyone in the Qureish family it had to be him.

I quietly cleared my throat looking down, "Eh Abba" I replied my voice coming out lower than I want it to be. I'm pretty sure they are all thinking it's out of shyness, like what the hell? Wallahi it's not. I just don't trust my vocal cords knowing that I might end up sayings something about the situation at hand that I will regret.

Even though I'm not looking at him I'm sure my father is smiling, "Yawwa toh auren ku nan da sati daya but that is only if you agree. We just want to make it as soon as possible because there's no use for the delay and whatnot. If you don't want this just speak up now Ok? I'll never force you to marry anyone against your choice" my dad said in a firm tone that is his own way of saying I have a choice in this but do I really? I mean getting married in a week is way too soon. Who does that?

And what's with marriage out of the blue like this.

I know my parents always wanted me to marry one of my cousins; it's just the way our family is. They believe marrying someone from our family will strengthen our bond and whatnot all those logics only them old people understand and see sense in.

I bit the inside of my cheek so as to not say something stupid, "Toh Abba. If this is what you choose for me then I agree. I know you'll always have my best interest in heart ", Was the only thing sensible I could say.

"Allah miki Albarka" my mother said, her tone laced with underlying happiness and enthusiasm.

"Ameen Ammie"

The elders started rejoicing and congratulating one another while my cousins and siblings started talking about the wedding. I excused myself and went back up to my room wanting to get away from them.

I don't know what to feel right now honestly. I am neither happy nor sad. I don't even know what to think. I just made that choice out of respect and nothing more. But it seems like I just got myself stuck in one hell of a mess because marriage is for life and I'm in for it.

I picked up my iPhone X and called Maryam, she didn't pick up. I tried calling the idiot again but she still didn't pick it up. I hissed and threw the phone on the bed.

Just then, the door opened and my sisters and cousins came in.

Nafeesa is the first to hug me "Anty na!" She squealed fighting her hold around me.

"Feenah do you want to break her bones before her marriage ne?" Bahijja scolded Nafeesah lightly but she had that smirk on her face while wiggling her brows at me like the clown she is.

Feenah smiled sheepishly pulling back and sat on the bed, Bahijja hugged me too.

"Hey in-law" she smiled whereas Zahra just hissed and sat on a bean bag far away from us and kept her eyes in her phone. He girl has never liked me, I have always known that.

"Bahi ya kike" I asked ignoring the nuisance, Zahra. And also trying to change the topic I so dreaded right now

"Lafiya Anty amarya, matar ya Ayaanu" she replied smiling, she sat next to me; I just smiled back at her but it didn't reach my eyes. She made it sound like it's something good. What will be good in marrying Ayaan?

Adda Hami who was standing beside me and since and hasn't uttered a word glare at Zahra, "Ke zarah don't you know how to talk ne" she asked irritated though she knew the girl will only ignore her.

Zahra just rolled her eyes and hissed loudly crossing her legs and leaning back.

"Adda Zahra won't you congratulate Anty Khairi?" Feenah asked not knowing the mini devil her elder sister is.

This made her stop what she was doing, she swiveled her head to look at us before hissing again, "What is there to celebrate in this so called union? shaaa kuna ruwa tunda kune yen asara keep following her kunji? Continue" with that she stood up and left the room mumbling stuff to herself.

"Let me deal with that stupid girl" Adda Hami attempted to follow Zahra but I held her hand to restrain her knowing she will do something she'll regret.

"Just let her be" I muttered not having the energy to deal with the girl. Didn't she know that I'm just as unhappy about this as she is? Maybe, more?

"Don't worry about her, she is just like that ne" Bahi said trying to justify her sister's actions.

"No problem, I'm really not in the mood for her anyways"

Ameera and Adda Hami sat down and we talked on and on forgetting about Zahra and her drama with them occasionally them teasing me. You know, the usual.

That was until it's time for them to leave. I grabbed my veil and escort them downstairs.

We met my parents, uncle and aunt talking about the wedding as if it's the wedding of the century. My brothers and cousins were nowhere to be seen. My mom asked then me to call them from Ya Hamid's room which I wanted to protest against but I didn't.

I went up mumbling stuff to myself hoping to not see the annoying guy and knocked on the door, no one opened. I knocked again, still no one opened so as I was about to go in the door finally opened.

And there standing in front of me is thee one and only annoying Ayaan Qureish.

"Salaam alaikum" I greeted looking past him with my lips set into a straight line.

"Wa alaikum salaam" he answered back blocking my line of sight by moving.

I glared at him and try to get my words out, " know...Ummm Uncle and Aunt are calling you" I said fighting the urge to stammer. Why should I stammer?

Well because this is kind of awkward...... okay so awkward...

Besides, we never talked back then. He was always the annoying one I can barely stand.

He nodded, "You mean your in-laws are calling your husband to be?" He asked smirking.

See, annoying! The guy seriously likes getting on my nerves. He clearly knows how much I hate this.

I hissed slightly and glared at him. "They are calling all of you right now" I almost yelled seeing the smirk on his face which widens by the second; if possible.

Someone should gather money for bail and lawyer because I'm about to murder someone's child.

"You are so cute when you are angry"

"Shut up" I said through gritted teeth.

He laughed "Now c'mon, is that how to treat your future husband?" he asked leaning forth a bit.

I just turned and walked away not wanting to keep standing that close to him or anywhere nears him for that matter. God! He is so annoying; he had been like this ever since we were kids, always, constantly annoying me.

"Khairi, are you okay?" Adda hami asked once I reached down the stairs.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because you were murmuring something about someone being annoying" she asked raising one of her brow.

"No it's nothing" I added shaking my head.

Just then, the boys came downstairs, my cousins bade my parents goodbye and they left. Finally! I don't have to deal with them.

From then on the day passed in a blur with Ayaan sending me messages which I ignore by the way. But by the net day it got to a point that the guy left over fifty messages. After having dinner with my family, I went back to my room and sat on the bed trying hard not to think about everything that happened in less than two days ago.

I checked my phone when I heard a ping to see a message from Ayaan again. The guy simply doesn't give up. I sighed before I opened it.

Hey wife to be


It read.

I rolled my eyes.

What do you want?


Just want to ask how you're doing


Seriously, you've never done that before why start now?


Look, Khairi, I just want to talk


Okay. About what exactly?


My phone ranged, it was him. Why won't he just tell me whatever the hell he wants to say over message? I picked it hesitantly after letting it ring multiple times.

"Salaam alaikum"

"Wa alaikum salaam"

"So what do you want to say" I asked straight to the point regaining my composure.

"Look, although I love annoying you. I think it's high time we move pass that level. What I'm trying to say is that we should please just put aside this whole childish fight of ours"

I hummed thinking of when he got sense to say something as sensible as this.

"For Allah's sake Khairi we are getting married in five days" he said.

Actually he was kind of right, not that it entirely made sense and I agreed whole heartedly, but I'll say anything to end this call as soon as possible. I just can't stand him, not one bit.

"OK" was all I said hoping he'll cut the call now.

"So no more fights?"

"No more fights" I replied and I heard him laugh, which isn't the usual I'm-having fun annoying-you laughter but rather the I'm-honestly-happy laughter.

We then talked for some minutes before hanging up, which I've wanted to do but I resisted the urge to. Thank God he did the honors.

Did I just have a whole conversation with Ayaan Qureish without thinking of ways to send him to meet our ancestors? Ladies and gentlemen, it'll rain pigs today.

Get your umbrella.


It had been four days since my wedding has been set, meaning I will be married in three days. Ayaan and I have really grown close in two days and I kind of can tolerate him now. Turns out he's only annoying when he wants to be. And the guy chose to annoy me all the time before. Now he's just being all lovey dovey as if we've been couples for years.

Wonders shall never end. It does suit him one bit.

Today, his aunts from his mother's side are bringing the kayan lefe so as expected, I shouldn't be at home. So here am I driving to Coldstone to meet my best friends that are excited about my marriage as if they are the ones getting married and not me. Total drama queens I tell you.

I parked the car and went in. Once I stepped in the place I looked around until I saw them sitting at a table and I went to meet them.

"Salaam girls" I said

"Wa salaam" they replied smiling like the idiots they are.

"Amaryar Ayaan ya kike" Hanifa teased. Well, Hanifa is Ayaan's maternal cousin. And ever since she found out about our marriage, she had been teasing me nonstop. Her mom is also amongst the ones bringing the lefe so the girl had been gushing about it.

"I'm fine idiot" I replied smiling when she glared at me.

"Bride to be " Maryam exclaimed grinning.


"Iyye Har wani haske kike yi fa" Rukayya added looking at me as if I'm some creature she has never seen before.

"Wallahi fa" I replied sitting next to Ruky knowing that if I don't agree to what she said, they'll tease the hell out of me.

We talked for some minutes before I and Maryam stood up to go and get some ice cream for all of us when I bumped into someone on my way there.

"Sorry" I said looking up to see a girl of probably in her early twenties. She had on too much make up on her face but I have to admit she did look beautiful.

"Don't you have eyes??!" She asked harshly shoving me away from her as if being in my presence irritates her.

"Excuse me"

Just then Zahra walked towards us, and stood next to the girl looking at her with concern lacing her features. Something I've never seen on her face before.

"Ruma, what's going on?" she asked the girl.

The girl who was called Ruma glared at me and then said, "This girl here bumped into me, seems like she doesn't have eyes"

Zahra turned to me and then smirked as her eyes narrowed, "No wonder, Ruma this is Khairi, Ya Ayaan's o called wife to be"

Ruma looked at me disgustingly, "This thing here" she gestured at me before hissing, "Mtswww, no wonder she's a klutz. I don't even see what your parents see in this whor-" before she finished a slap landed on her face. Maryam slapped her, Maryam has a short temper. She has always been the one with a short temper.

Oh and did I say she slapped the Ruma girl because she sure as hell did.

"You ingrate I dare you to say a word more against my friend and I promise you'll regret it" Maryam said through gritted teeth pointing a finger in front of the girl's face.

Ruma's eyes widen and she touched her face where Maryam's hands were, "You! Did you just slap me?"

"No I hugged you" Maryam said sarcastically rolling her eyes. "And I'll do it again"

"How dare you!" Ruma screeched.

Maryam stepped in front of me blocking me away from the girl, "Do you want to see me repeat it again because I will"

Ruma huffed bringing her hand down. She stepped closer to Maryam and said, "This isn't the end, I'll promise you this. You'll regret this" she walked away and Zahra followed her.

"Buh bye Bitch!" Maryam screamed after them before they left not caring that there are people watching us now.

Oh Allah.

"Maryam you shouldn't have done that"

"She deserved it honestly" she replied walking pass me to get our ice creams and I nodded; honestly I wanted to slap her myself but that doesn't mean I should. We took the ice creams and went back to where the girls and then told them what happened.

They found it amusing that Maryam slapped her and were actually praising the girl.

We spent the day together, talk about the wedding and all and I later went back home after bidding them adieu.

On entering the house I met my aunts and they kept congratulating me. Some yodeling while some were grinning.

Ameera dragged me to show me the boxes after my aunts started going a little overboard with their teasing. There were all beautiful, but the one with bags and necklaces was the ones I loved most.

"Adda Khairi see this bag" Ameera said picking up a bag and showing it to me.

"Yayi kyau" I replied and we kept on seeing it.

That's how we went through it all admiring it. After we were done it was already magrib time. I performed ablution and prayed. I made duas to Allah to bless my wedding and prayed for a peaceful life with my husband, and for me to be a good wife to him despite how much I detested the wedding I have no choice but to make it work now since there's no going back.

After I was done, I sat on my bed and picked up my book, my exams is around the corner. It's in a month and a week, and with the wedding, there's just too much to do. I read till isha prayer time before I prayed again.

After I was done, my phone ranged. It was Ayaan, a small smile made its way on my face noting how he made calling me every night a regular routine.

"Salaam" he said.

"Wasalam" I replied sitting on my queen size bed after folding my hijab.

"Khairy ya kike" he asked and I could already imaging him smiling like the goofball he is at times.

"Lafiya kai fa" I asked taking my book again and placing it on my lap.

"Alhamdullilah" he replied.

"Ankawo kaya yayi kyau Masha Allah thank you so much"

"No need to thank me, besides it was mom and Bahi that bought most of it, all I did was pay for it"

"Well, still thank you"

"No probs"

"Hey, today I met Zahra" I said after contemplating on whether to tell him or not.

"What happened, did she say anything bad to you because if she did I swe-" before he could finish I stopped him.

"Calm down. She did nothing, she was just with a friend. Her name is Ruma I think"

He kept quiet for a minute.

"Hey, are you still there?" I asked because of the sudden silence.

"Yeah, just thinking" he said, "What did she say, the Ruma girl" he asked curiously.

"Nothing much, just forget about" I replied and we kept talking till Ameera called me to go downstairs for dinner.

After dinner, I went back to my room and sat down, Adda hami came in with a plate with tasty looking cupcakes on them, and on the other hand she had apple juice in a cup.

"Mmnnn can I have one please" I asked pouting and giving her my best puppy look.

"Move jorhhh, this is mine. If you want one so badly go get yours" she said sitting next to me.

I rolled my eyes "No fair ya hamzah brought that for you" I whined.

She hissed "Then get your husband to bring yours too"

"But Adda sharing is caring"

"And who said I care about you huh?" and with that she threw a couple of insults at me for no reason at all.

Damn pregnant women and their hormones. Yep, Adda hami is three months pregnant. She is 25 years old. She has a 4 year old daughter, Wafiyya and is happily married to Ya Hamza, a software engineer.

I watched her eat all the delicacies alone without sparing me a glance. Yes, she's that wicked.

After she was done, she kept the plate aside and turned to me, "So I wanted to talk to you" she said in a serious tone.

"OK?" I replied which seemed more like a question

"Khairi, I want to talk to you about Zahra" she said and I stared at her confusingly

"What about her?" I asked.

"Khairi, I know zahra, and believe me when I say she will do whatever she can to destroy your marriage with Ayaan since she doesn't like you"

"Adda Hami what can I do, it's not like I ever did anything wrong to her"

"I know my dear, but listen, don't ever let her know anything that's happening between you and Ayaan, not even the smallest and slightest fight. She can use that to her advantage, I know her well enough Khairi to know how cunning she is"

I nodded "Thanks for the advice Adda hami" I added

"No problem baby sistor and just in case she try anything stupid. Just know your elder sister and her muciya are only a call away" she added smiling and I laughed

"I most definitely won't forget"

We then talked on and on about the wedding and her baby to come.


Complete book available on Selar and Okadabooks only.


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