music fans protesting a Wonderland news special report
Voice over we interrupt your regular schedule program for this special report from Wonderland news me good evening everyone I'm mj and we interrupt for this special report here is what going on all music fans of millie favorite band Green day is protesting tonight because of Arthur from pbs made a September meme about there lead singer Billy about his story when he was a child the video shows one of Arthur friends name prunella is staying in her room all winter and she packing up food for ot her sis says to her she put of her mind but prunella don't care and goes downstairs to get some crackers to complete the food under the video the post says incrote wake us up when January ends wich Is making fun of the meme wake me up when September ends wich Is a song by the band when people saw this video they was not tooo happy let's just say pist red hot hoping mad and cursing under there breath and now they are at WGBH but they changed there name now it's GBH studios in Boston Massachusetts protecting about this and they not too happy about it eather leading this protecting March is our two reporters millie and amber because they was the first two to see this and was outraged about it so they posted something on there instergram pages about a protest on this all the green day fans agreed drove are fly to Boston and meet up at GBH Station to given then a pice of there mind and it's not too good eather right now the protecting is being peaceful and they just Marching around the building yelling and demanding nobody haven't did Annything wrong so it might be a peaceful protest to recap if you just turning in your regular schedule programming have been interrupted for this special report by us and again what is happening is all green day fans are protecting because Arthur from pbs has use a September meme in one of there posts they didn't like it so millie and amber schedule a protest at GBH studios are Station in Boston Massachusetts to protest about it and right now it's going peaceful nothing bad had happened we will interrupt if Annything have changed and stay on it all night and all day if we have to I'm mjdandridge and I thank you for waching bye vo this was a special report from Wonderland news we now turn back to your regular schedule programming in progress 5hours later doing cartoons vo we interrupt your regular schedule program for this special report from Wonderland news me I'm mj and the peaceful protest have gone bad now the green day fans have got into the GBH studios in Boston to go to the main guy who posted that Arthur video and thar September meme reports say they in the hallways neer the guys off looking for him so they can talk to him we do got a reporter at the scene but first here some video from earlier when it was pace and calm you can see it's pece calm just Marching around the building yelling and not doing nothing wrong and now look this video this show them going into the studios still Marching and yelling and demanding too with ther signs and 💿 too and now we go by phone to our reporter at the scene Tarrant aka mad hatter Tarrant what do you see and have they reach the man office yet please say Tarrant yes I'm live here at GBH studios in Boston where yes the green day fans have got into the studio looking for the man that posted that video snd meme by our other reporter Alice they have reached the Man office whent into his office tied him up that's all I know right now mj me thank Tarrant we will go back to you soon as you just herd Tarrant our reporter Alice said they in the man office tied him up so we don't know what they doing to him are saying to him let's go back to our hraecopter for more video and you can see the police have just arrived and they going in right now probly going to find those protesters so they better wach out so that's all we know right now the cops whent in and some outside the building keeping wach and blocking the entrance to go in so no one else will go in and by our reporter Tarrant said that Alice told him the protesters are in the man office and tied him up as we speak so we will go to break and when we come back we see what's going on more on this protest we be right back to our special report 11 commercials later me welcome back to our special report a lot has changed sents we whent to commercial break the protesters are still in the man office cops are inside and outside of the building perctecting it so no one else can go inside but here what Changed Alice our other report live at the scene now reporters that the protesters have broke something in the man office and lock his door so now the protesters and the man is stuck in his off we don't know how long this will last but it's starting to get bad now so we have to see what else will happen so please stay turn to this special report................................................. Hacker thank you for turning in with us we have swich reporters now Miranda and white rabbit is at GBH studios in Boston Massachusetts where the protesters are at mj whent home be back tomorrow to report more on this and I be with you all night and all we know is the protest are lock in the man office and have broke something and police are inside talking to the protesters so that's all we know right now keep staying with us for more on this story I'm hacker vo the next day I'm back into the studio again about this protest it still hadn't stop all the fans of green day still at wgbh wich Is now gbh the cops have the building surrounded nobody can't go in are out they got the guy who made the meme about the song he all tie up and they not letting him go and the cops are talking to the protesters but they still don't want to give up they said they whant to keep it up intell Christmas are the new year so we have to see what happens but we got the Helicopter abd reporters that will stay day and night on this story and we be here to keep guys updated please stay turned hacker it's day 6 of the protesters they have got into the building more have threw the roof and now the cops are going inside trying to get them out but they refusing trying to fight the cops but they cops got them right where they whant them so yes some is being arrested right now we have to see will the leaders who ordered this protest will get arrested will be have to see to see please stay with us as we give you more updates on this bad bad bad protest me the next day Miranda ww have swich reporters again and the protest have turn very badly quickly as you look on the tape now the protesters are breaking glasses on the building some are trying to climb into the building but the cops been arrested them and we also have another report out that someone we don't know who cot a car on fire we don't know it's the person who made the meme on Arthur are one of rhe workers cars when that info comes out we let you know but the building has broken glass and a car is on fire in the parking lot couple of hours later still Miranda ww know who car is on fire it's the guy who made the meme on Arthur car that's his car so he mad but he still I his office tied up because of the protesters so like mj said before I came in this protest have gone from good to bad in a heartbeat will this protest never in we on day 6 Allready so how Manny days we got to deal with this everyone here is tied and whant to go home but we can't inell this protest is over I hope it be over soon because I'm tied and whant to go back home to Wonderland not aboveland I love aboveland but I love Wonderland better so I have this to the protesters hurry up and end this end it right now please everyone us tied hereing this every evening and no regular news so please end this today are this week please that's all I ask for please end it thank you Alice it's day 7and 8 of this protest now the protesters have block the street where gbh studios is at and the cops are the works isn't toooooo happy about that but they not backing down from this fight they thing they going to win this but we got news for you guys the cops will win this because they got the tools and skills to a stop a protest the people who protesting don't so we have to see what this will lead to are how it will go hacker it's day 20 and the protest has gone for a week now none stop these protesters don't know how to stop it are enough is enough they don't knoto stop out of all the protesters 10 has been arrested and have been charged the rest is closed to being arrested they are on thin ice
Wich means today are tommow they might get arrested we have to see we tried talking to millie and amber the leaders of this protest about them giving up are stop we haven't got a aswer and we probably whount but we do know they don't want to stop they whant to keep it up intell next year wich Isn't good at all but again the protest is turning badly and we know very poor sad not good not happy and being smart and not acking like them shelf will they changed probly not are maybe they will again we got to see what happens wait Hua minute folks we got a call coming into the studio yes caller who is this millie it's me millie and I just want to say to your comment about the protesting ending will it's not ending its going on intell next year I don't care if it's going to be me and amber are 3 protesters it's not ending at all its going to keep going and going Intell we whant to stop so keep reporting this because we not stopping so that's all I called for bye hacker stunned hacker ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme we going to take a break and when we come back hacker should be back to nomal if not I will take over are Miranda are Alice we have to seee we be right back on this breaking news live coverage roll 67 commercials later me we back hacker is still not right so I take over so a couple minutes ago millie called into the studio and said the protest will not end as long it's 3 protesters arr just her and amber it's going to keep going none stop and she didn't say thank you she said bye so yes we shock and serpize but now we know the protest will not end so we got to keep a eye out and keep reporting to see what happens so like we been saying stay turned to us as we learn more Alice it's day 66 of the protest and again it's not stopping more stuff breaking and getting arrested and now it's down to 3 protesters before its amber and millie and when it gets to them its going to be tuff to arrested them and make them end it but if it keeps going down this path then that's what's going to happen we know everything doesn't whant that but it's coming and everyone knows it's coming so probably by the end of this week it's going to happen so we see me it's 200 day of this protest and like Alice said it he down t9 amber and millie and it has come to that we down to millie snd amber they in the guys office right now not coming out are giving up they yelling fighting and being mean to the cops so they not giving up and we all know that's not good at all so keep a look out for more updates hacker Mille and amber hasn't gave up yet they still fighting and breaking things because they mad snd not happy it's down to them will they ever stop are give up we has to see the next day Alice 100000 cops as surrounded the door of the office where millie and amber is at they think it's going to end today but all of us know it's not going to unless someone tells them to stand down if not then we bee here foe a few more months are days again we have to see it's Allready Halloween yes we are in Oct next month in nov and the next month after is Christmas then new years then we bevin the next year so we got to end this protest righ now and as of right now me yes this green day protest has been going on for a long time it needs to end hacker that's all we been talking about is this protest yes we fell sorry and mad with this protest but they need to drop it it start in rhe summer now it's Oct it's fall snd it's getting colder and Colder and if they don't stop they going to get a cold and get a fever me and get pneumonia so girls stop the protest end it it's only you two please end it Alice end it Miranda end it hacker end it Tarrant end it everyone plase end it allll end it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me before it's tooo late so that's all of this update see you guys tomorrow hacker breaking news green day told millie and amber to Standown snd the girls stand down so the girls said sorry to the cops and everyone and is goto jail for a little bit but not toooo long and it's the first day of Nov so the protest started in summer and now ending in November so it was a lot of months and now the protest is over snd we are glad too so that's all of the breaking snd story we see you guys again bye
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