We all want Jannah, muslims or non-muslims, obedient or not. Yet the fact that Jannah is an expensive commodity hasn’t hit our heads.
We take things a little bit lighter than we ought to.
The Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him said
“Indeed the commodity of Allah is expensive, indeed the commodity of Allah is jannah (paradise)” (Tirmidhi).
Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in Suratul Qalam:
إِنَّ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ
Indeed, for the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Pleasure.
أَفَنَجْعَلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ كَالْمُجْرِمِين
Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals.
مَا لَكُمْ كَيْفَ تَحْكُمُونَ
What is [the matter] with you? How do you judge?
He, azza wa Jalla also says,
أَمْ حَسِبَ الَّذِينَ اجْتَرَحُوا السَّيِّئَاتِ أَنْ نَجْعَلَهُمْ كَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ سَوَاءً مَحْيَاهُمْ وَمَمَاتُهُمْ ۚ سَاءَ مَا يَحْكُمُونَ
Or do those who commit evils think We will make them like those who have believed and done righteous deeds - [make them] equal in their life and their death? Evil is that which they judge.
Surah Al-Jathiyah, Ayah 21
“It is narrated from Anas bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him that he said:
"You do things you consider smaller than a hair (in importance), while at the time of the Prophet ﷺ we considered them of the mubiqaat."
Abu Abdullah said that mubiqaat means sins so great that lead one to the Hellfire.
Sahih al-Bukhari.
Meet Arafah and Lali, two inseparable friends, as they join Salma and Tasniim the best sisters forever in their struggle towards Jannah with their main strength lying in pushing each other forward, making sacrifices for each other, sharing pure love for the sake of ALlah.
The four had all taken an unsaid vow that no matter what they won’t separate till Jannah. But when the two pairs are tried, with something they both love dearly for Allah’s sake, will they stay true to their word?? Or as the word suggests ‘fri-ends’, will theirs also come to an end?
Embark on a journey of Tawbah, Sabr, Tawakkul, Ikhlaas, Ihsaan and on top of that Al-Walaa (Loving for the sake of ALlah).
A journey towards ALlaah..
A journey towards Jannah..
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