9. Near Yet Far.

Assalaam Alaykum every one. So this is like a really really long chapter, I pray that you enjoy it like I do. May Allah protect you and your families.

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"Children, no matter how old they grow, rather than what you say they tend to do what 'you' do more." ~Author

"Salma, wake up! It's time for Tahajjud." Husaynah shouted to her daughter, as she continuously tapped her thigh.

"Mom. It's just 3:00a.m." Salma groaned as she pulled back her blanket and covered her head.

"No, we are one hour late. Allah has descended since 2:00. Enough with your scoffs" Her mom spoke with a stern yet loving voice.

"But mom, it was a rough day at the P.M.G, fifteen more minutes." Salma wasn't willing to give in. 

"Okay. O Allah today my daughter says that you keep hearing out other slaves , as for her, she can pass these fifteen minutes. She is fine for now."

"Mom!! You aren't serious!!! Are you?" Salma asked, how do moms manage to do this? 

"Figure it out, won't you?." Husaynah used a rhyming comeback.

The arrow had hit its target. Salma had no choice, but to throw her blanket and get up for Swalaah. Her mother bent and kissed her on her forehead then said, "My darling, just a little more time. All this will be over once we reach Jannah."

"Amiin" Salma replied as she smiled to her mother.

She lazily recited the last eleven ayaats of Surah Aali Imraan as the Prophet peace be upon him did everytime he woke up for Qiyaam (night prayers).

It was Eidul Adh-ha eve, they didn't always wake up at two, that was just a special treat for Eid. Since she was ten, her parents always emphasized on the importance of observing Qiyaam in that night. 

"We must be especially keen on this night's Qiyaam. When everybody is busy preparing for this special occasion, they tend to sleep late, too exhausted to pray Witr (another name for night prayers) Others don't even sleep as they clean and sweep and iron. The chosen ones are those who humbly knock on the King's Throne at such a moment." His dad would advise.

How I miss you Dad. May Allah reunite us soon and May He protect you wherever you are.

"Salmaaa, did you go back to sleep??" Her mom called from the prayer room intruding her thoughts.

"No mom, am coming." She replied as she finally left her lovely bed and entered the toilet.

Everytime she is lazy, the Ayah from surah Sajdah reminds her what she has to do.

قال تعالى:

تَتَجَافَىٰ جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُون

(Sahih International)

They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend.

After praying 8 rakaa'h of Tahajjud, she lead her mother in Swalatul Witr. They still had around ten minutes to Fajr, so they each secluded and started chanting their Istighfar (asking Allah's forgiveness) by doing thus, they hoped to become among the inhabitants of Jannah.

قال تعالى

(كَانُوا قَلِيلًا مِنَ اللَّيْلِ مَا يَهْجَعُونَ * وَبِالْأَسْحَارِ هُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ)

[Surat Adh-Dhariyat 17 - 18]

They used to sleep but little of the night,

And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness.

When the adhan called, they silently responded and made their Dua's, in different sentences, the two hearts beseeched one request, 'the return of Abdullah Ibn Salam, his well being, his safety, and lastly, to be reunited with him in Jannatul Firdaws.'

After that they both stood and prayed the two sunnah (involuntary units) rakaah commonly termed as Qabliyyah. They wouldn't miss it for the solar system and all its stars and planets. As Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that The Prophet peace be upon him said,

"ركعتان قبل الفجر خير من الدنيا و ما فيها"

"The two units before Fajr are better than the World and its objects.

To them it was a wonder how one intentionally skips this swalah even after hearing that hadith. If it was because they were too sleepy, then isn't it clear that the two units are far much better than that cuddling sleep? Not only that, but also he peace be upon him himself made it really short, such that his wife, Aisha would wonder whether he recited Al-Faatihah or not. He only recited Al-Kaafirun and Al-Ikhlas consecutively.

So, the bottom line is Muslims must really pull up their socks and observe this particular sunnah as its among the simplest.

They then went on with their daily routine, today there was a slight difference though. As Salma stood on the Imam's side of the prayer mat, ready to lead the Fajr prayer, before calling the Iqamah, Husaynah spoke, "Pray as if its your last prayer, for death shall be tested by all souls"

Salmah trembled to that, she felt her soul shaking and her heart started beating faster. Now all her thought were focused only and only in her Swalaah, as she started with Allaah Akbar! Indeed Allah is the greatest.

Salmah had memorised Qur-an at a very young age, before she started school, she had also memorized a number of The Prophet's sayings, it was easier for her as she was fluent in Arabic, her mom was from Saudi Arabia while her dad was an Israeli who had learnt Arabic from Salma's mother's grandfather.

After Swalaah, the pair recited their morning Adhkaar, and listened to each other reciting Qur-aan. A page per person. This helped them improve Tajweed, and also worked as a shield from laziness instigated by Shaytaan.

While nowadays, most mothers, and fathers as a matter of fact, are too busy to have time with their children. Every time is business time. All the burden is left to the teachers. Parents fail to understand that, they also need to play their role, as children, no matter how old they grow, rather than what you say, they tend to do what 'you' do more.

To Salma it was a different case. She feared Allah in regards to her daughter's upbringing. Salma was not only an amanah (trust) from Allah, but also an amanah from her husband. She did all she could in instilling the Love of Allah and his messenger in her daughter's heart, she lived to fulfill one hope, to enter Jannah with her spouse and all their descendants.

After they prayed their Ishraaq (post-sunrise prayer), time was not in their favour anymore, they both got up and continued cleaning their house, sweeping here and there as they recited Takbeer since it was Eid.

Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar Walillahil hamd.

Although they weren't expecting any guests, as Husayna's family which included four elder brothers with their wives and children, and a few grand children all resided in Saudi Arabia, and Salma's dad's family remained unknown. They still found the need to clean their house as it was an act of sunnah.

The prophet peace be upon him said: Islam is cleanliness, so observe cleanliness (O Muslims), for indeed he shall not enter Jannah except he who is clean.

The following minutes were spent in preparing for the Muswallah, an open land, where muslims meet to pray Eid prayers.

Unlike other girls her age. By the mercy of Allah, Salma was saved from temptations. Eyeliner, eye shadows, lipstick, kohl none of these were in her "must wear on Eid day" list.

She did not despise them. No. Don't get her wrong. She loved everything to do with makeups, but her love and fear towards Allah surpassed all other kinds.

"Mom, why don't you apply kohl under your eyes?" a 7yrs old Salma asked her mother.

"Because Allah forbade us dear. A woman must not reveal any of her adornment infront of men, for doing so resembles the ignorants' acts."

"But you let daddy see you!"

"Because daddy is allowed to see."

"Then why do you apply it on me? I don't want to look like the ignorant ones."

Husaynah smiled, "but dear you are still young."

"But daddy says if children disobey Allah, their life will be bad, and they won't get to be with their parents in Jannah."

This one's tough, Salma thought, amazed by her daughter's intelligence.

"Daddy shall explain that"

"Okay. I'll ask him when he comes."

"And mom! What do you tell your friends when they laugh at you?"

"and why would they laugh at me?"

"Because if you go to Eid with no kohl you gonna look like an old lady."

Salma's heart was smiling more. "Darling, the best beauty is obtained through pleasing Allaah, the Most beautiful. If someone passes a bad comment I simply explain to them why I did what I did, and leave.

We believers are not supposed to be affected by any negative views from others, for even our Prophet had bad people but because he loved Allaah a lot, nothing affected him." Salma ended hoping that her daughter had understood.

"Wow, mommy I'll say the same to whoever is gonna laugh at me."

"And nobody will laugh because daddy's princess is cute with or without kohl." Abdullah interrupted the conversation.

"Yaay. Thank you daddy, I'll buy you ice-cream." Salma said as she rushed to hug her dad.

"Salma, I just remembered the day when you asked me to stop applying kohl on your eyes." Husaynah told her daughter on their way to the muswallah.

"And you had to bear with all the questions I posed." Salma lovingly told her mom.

"Yeah, lucky me, your dad would come to rescue me most of the times though." Husaynah spoke as her mind drifted back to those sweet memories.

Salmah was smiling now. She wouldn't lie, her little beating organ called heart hurt everytime her dad was mentioned.

Whether the fact that he only left sweet memories to be cherished cheered her up or made the pain more severe, she wasn't sure. Yet she always thanked Allah for this trial, and as her mom had taught her, with each memory, her hope to reunite with her dad grew more and more.

"Mom, I miss him. With every second I miss dad more and more." Salma spoke as she cuddled underneath her mother.

"Pray for him, dear. Invoke Allah and He shall fulfill all your desired as He, is shy to return His slaves empty-handed." Salma caressed her daughter's arm, sympathizing on her.

"I haven't lost hope, mom. I believe we shall reunite one day. Allah loves us a lot that's why he is testing us. We only have to prove our patience. Yaa Allah please grant us patience and steadfastness. Amiin." 

Husaynah side hugged her daughter, Salma wasn't just a child to her. She was her best friend, her pillar, her strength and her mirror. Every single day she gave her a new reason to be proud of her, and that, she was.

They arrived at the muswalla and joined the rest of the Muslims in chanting Takbeer, it was a lovely day, all faces filled with happiness. Young ones, adults, even old ones all shone bright like stars. How sweet.

Minutes later, Tasniim joined. The trio only exchanged greetings, Eid wishes, hugs, and a few kisses on the cheeks, they had no plans to forsake the Takbeer (saying Allah Akbar)recitations for worldly talks, for the World shall leave and only good deeds shall benefit in the Hereafter.

Salma, being the dream girl she is, had her eyes roam around. She was happily admiring Allah's creations, from trees to birds to the sky, the disabled people and without forgetting the sea.

Amidst her takbeer she would add,

تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين

So blessed be Allah, the best to create! 

She did have a hard time admiring the sea though, as the qiblah (where muslims face while praying) faced opposite, so every now and then she would turn around and enjoy the view.

As she did so for something close to the twentieth time, someone caught her attention. Someone? No, actually some two. Yes, the two girls from the PMG function. Lali and Arafah. Dream girls are good in remembering names, aren't they?

She wanted to wave at them but them being like 8 rows behind her, no way. That was equal to shouting, "Look at me, everyone!" and she so wasn't ready.

She decided to work the eye-communication. When she was at school, her friend and her believed if you stare at someone for long, the person tends to feel the heat of your gaze. The theory was well proven. One question arose though, this heat, was it hot enough not to be cooled by the sea breeze, let's give it a try.

She stared and stared and stared. Wind versus heat. Seems wind is winning.

No, I won't loose hope. Ya Allah please help me, please let them see me.

And Ta da. She got seen.

And that was another sweet thing about Allah, He always sends reminders, Salma pondered on how her wish was granted the very moment she returned to Allah, and made a pray while before her efforts had seemed fruitless.

Indeed Laa hawla wa laa Quwwata Illaa biLlaah.

Lali was the first to notice, she quickly nudged Arafah and by now they were both waving their hands as they mouthed Eid Mubarak. Salma tapped Tasniim too and Tasnim cheerfully waved back.

If Salma was a dream girl, then Tasniim was the drama lady.

Salma quickly looked in front, "How could you do that? See now, all eyes on us!" she whispered to Tasniim.

"Well, its not my fault that I am the beauty of the day" Tasniim fan-girled herself.

"Girls. You are disturbing others." Husaynah hushed them up.

"Sorry." Both girls apologized.

After the prayer, Salma and Tasniim resorted to search for the girls and give proper greetings and wishes. The area was large enough to make the task seem impossible, as hundreds of people were now scattered all over.

Salma had become wiser though. "Make dua' that we get to see them, okay" she told Tasniim.

"We will see them by the will of Allah" Tasnim assured.

After minutes of searching, they had to give in, Aliy, Tasniim's husband, was complaining that he couldn't wait anymore as the road would get more filled with cars and it will be hard to exit.

They had to sacrifice their wish. Tasniim for her husband and Salma for Tasniim. As they bid goodbye to Husaynah, with one last glance, the girls headed towards the car.

Salma was going to Tasniim's house to help her prepare for Lunch. Aliy's family was super extended and that was the first time they would celebrate Eid at Aliy's. Tasniim did need help as she didn't want a delayed lunch.

Husaynah allowed Salma to go and help while she chose to remain home, given that she returns home for lunch.

She was slowly training herself as the image of Salma in her wedding gown had started haunting her, and as much as she wouldn't want to admit, she wasn't ready.

She had never been away from her as after secondary, Salma could not join university.


Salma sat at the back seats, dwelled in thoughts. She had raised her niqaab (face veil) as her running nose was making it hard to breath under the niqaab.

She was thinking of life and its surprises. She never expected to see the girls, and after seeing them she never expected not to see them again. And in both cases the unexpected happened. Yeah, it was that complicated.

Then, surprise!!

At the car next to them two hands were trying hard to wave, Lali and Arafah's. They were more excited to see her. It was clear that they too had tried hard to search for them. They were shouting We wish you a Happy Eid.

Salma waved back amidst smiles and flying kisses. She couldn't shout back because as far as she was concerned, women should lower their voices in front of non-mahram (some one who can marry you). She was happy to discover that their souls had definitely connected.

As the girls were trying to say something else, the lights went green and the cars went in their separate directions.

And now, just as she expected not to see them again, she did see them. Life is indeed full of surprises, and wise is he who thank Allah in all situations.

And thus is life,

Sometimes as sharp as knife,

And others as sweet as a new wife,

Life, always ready to surprise,

In both good and bad ways.

Alhamdulillaah for everything.

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