28: The Gardener's reflection.

Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem.

This is for @nawar24 for being such a kind reader and generous in giving feedbacks. 

And @Umm-Rufaydah cause' she was like, 'tell us about the two old men! When will they get to their wives?' That sounded so funny and cute. Lol.


"Ah! There is the boy." Sulayman pointed to where one young man stood.

"The one you met at the canteen?" Abdullah inquired.

The pair were standing outside the masjid's compound. They had just completed their Jumu'ah prayer and were about to leave.

"Yes. I am supposed to give him a notebook and I haven't even bought one yet. I must atleast ask his name." Sulayman recalled his wife's request as he headed towards him with Abdullah following behind.

"Assalaaam Alaykum warahmatullaah wabarakatuh." He offered his hand for a handshake.

The young man looked a bit surprised, then his facial muscles relaxed upon noticing it was his university's canteen keeper.

"Waalaykumussalam warahmatullaah wabarakatuh, sir." He replied the salaam with a smile and a hand shake. Then offered his hand again to Abdullah, whom he well recognized as the gardener.

After the two greeted, Sulayman spoke again, "How you doing? Haven't been seeing you around."

"Oh yeah. Have been busy, you know." He told him with a shrug.

"May Allah make it easier for you."

Sulayman paused when the young man said Amiin to all and went on, "So, I told my wife about our meeting. Remember when I said you resemble my son? She was happy and just know that I owe you a pen and a book from her." A lovely feeling settled inside him as he talked of his wife to a boy who resembled his own.

"Really!!?" The young man found it unbelievable. "Wow. SubhanaLlah. I'd love to collect that. Expect me soon, 'dad'."

Sulayman smiled back amazed by his character. He recalled how he had planned to get close to the students in the university. His first attempt was going pretty amazing.

"Yeah. By Monday In Sha Allah. Am Sulayman. My brother here is Abdullah, and you are?"

"Who doesn't know the good old Mr. Abdullah. I am Ajmaal. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Sulayman responded feeling so happy.

"Hayyaaka Allah (May Allah preserve you)."

"I didn't know am well known." Abdullah interrupted them.

"Well, you made the building shine. Helps in motivation to come back the next day if you ask me." Ajmaal commented. Abdullah smiled. Gardeners don't always get compliments like that.

"You appear in tags of photo shooting too. Pretty famous in instagram you are. And by the way, thanks." Ajmaal smiled to the old man not realizing that Abdullah was definitely not understanding half of what he mentioned.

"BaarakaLlah Fiik." Abdullah prayed for him. And before he could ask for clarification, Ajmaal had to leave.

"So, I have to go now. Class is starting soon. See you laters alligators?" With hands inside his pockets and a grin on his face, he said goodbye the way Sulayman did when they first met.

Abdullah chuckled at that, "In Sha Allah Ajmaal. Everything about you is beautiful just like your name."

"Oh." Ajmaal didn't know what to respond to that. The only person who called him beautiful was his grandmother and when it happened his response would be a hug or kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks. I guess." He muttered uncomfortably. "Ok. Assalamualaykum." He replied and walked away.

"Waalaykumu Ssalaam." The two brothers laughed at his action. "Akhiy. You made him uncomfortable." Sulayman pointed out.

"I got nostalgic. Speaking to an innocent young man like that reminded me of my daughter, Salma."

"How old is your daughter, Salma?" Sulayman inquired.

"She is between nineteen and twenty. Quite grown now." Abdullah thought of his little girl she left years back praying that Allah would grant him the chance to reunite with her and her mother. "And how old is Ashur?"

"Ashur... Hhmm.. I am not really sure. Perhaps he is around the same age or younger, I don't really remember. I just know that we had him a long time back."

Abdullah looked at him with amusement and Sulaymaan understood the message as he gave some defense, "I am being honest. That was always my wife's and sister's work. To know the numbers. Another reason why I love Islam, Allah made birthdays and anniversaries haram to celebrate or else I would have been in trouble."

That made Abdullah chuckle while Sulaymaan giggled along. They were on their walk back to the university, to resume to their posts.

"Every time you think of your daughter, pray for her." Sulaymaan advised after a few minutes silence passed.

Offering one of the most healthy and blessed ways of treating loneliness or missments.

Wise, Maa shaa Allah was the one who said,

And whenever I missed you, I spoke to Allah.


When our arms cannot reach those we love, we hug them through dua's.

"JazaakaAllah kheyr brother. May Allah reunite us and all muslims to our families."

"Amiin" Sulayman responded as they kept on walking. "Sometimes funny thoughts cross my mind. My son marrying your daughter." He said to his friend though he himself found it weird. Last he checked, arranged marriages were buried and forgotten. Or was he wrong?

Abdullah took a deep breath, "Allah plans best. But I don't think my daughter is still available. My in-laws marry off their women really young. When we married, my wife when she was fifteen. I was new to that custom and had to request to personally hear the yes from her."

"Maa Shaa Allah." He wasn't ready to take down the house decorations he had pinned up in his mind for their children's wedding. Not that soon. "Anyway as you said, Allah plans best."

Ya rabb, give both our kids pious spouses, amiin. He silently prayed that as he really hoped Allah would unite his son and his brother's daughter.

"And yes, before I forget what was that in Star gram? What did Ajmaal just talk about?" Abdullah was curious to know what made people know his name.

"I know about Instagram. It is a social network website. Though I have never used one. And what he said about photo shoe tin. I don't know what that meant."

"Oh it's shoe tin. I thought I heard shooting. I heard him say fought on shooting. I was actually about to ask him when did the fight take place."

"But yours make sense." Sulayman remarked as he narrowed his eyes. "Because seriously, what's photo shoe tin?" And they both started laughing. "But it can't be fought on shooting, he didn't say an 'n', perhaps fought or shooting."

"No need to complicate things. He will come to your place. You will ask him there. In shaa Allah." Abdullah suggested. At his age, he was accustomed to feel lost whenever the younger generation spoke.

"Yeah. Allah help me to remember." Sulayman was keen on connecting every little thing to Allah. Baaraka Allah fiih.

"Amiin." Replied his brother. The masjid was quite a distance from their university. Abdullah was happy to have Sulayman join him at work, his company made things more enjoyable like the walk to and from the masjid on Fridays.

"I will be visiting my wife today in Shaa Allah." Sulayman told his brother as they entered the university compound and were about to part ways.

"That's good, Alhamdulillah. Do pass my regards." Abdullah spoke and fished out a few coins from his pocket. "Get her anything." He said as he placed the coins in Sulayman's palm and placed the other hand on his shoulder. He always felt the need to show his brother that he was with him in this difficult trial.

"You didn't have to." Sulayman replied, and because it wasn't polite to say no to such generosity, he added, "Jazaaka Allah kheyr."

"Wa iyyaak. And I will always have to." Abdullah responded with a weak smile.

"After dinner In Shaa Allah, please remind me I wanted to talk about today's khutbah." Abdullah told Sulayman.

"In Shaa Allah. May Allah help us remember."

"Now ma'ssalaam. Assalaam Alaykum."


They both headed to their assigned posts; Sulayman to the canteen and Abdullah to his little store. Once inside, he pulled out his lab-coat which he found in the store when he was first hired. He also picked a pair of gloves, boots, a hat and a few tools, ready to meet his babies. That day, he was going to remove some pink roses plants from the nursery and dig them in the ground at the reciptionist's verandah to allow the guests a beautiful view.

Every time he picked a plant or tree from a nursery, it would make him emotional. How the tree started from a seed or tiny stem in some cases and grew up so well in the nursery under his care, to him it was like how babies grow up under their parents/guardians care. Without their parents' supervision filled with love, children are most likely to go astray.

The soil and water which the gardener used, and the sunlight, showed how parents alone won't be able to help their children effectively. Parents need to mantain a good follow up with teachers, friends/relatives and the society at large so as to assist their children in becoming successful.

And then lastly, it's the air. SubhanaAllah, Abdullah found it amazing how Allah made it a must for all plants to need air like they would need the rest of the necessities i.e nutritious soil, water and adequate sunlight, yet, made air the most essential.

He had seen plants grow in the middle of roads' cracks and date trees survive in deserts but he had never seen a plant grow inside a box or any place that has less amount of air.

He compared the air/gas through which plants breathe to survive as Allah's guidance.

Parents could control every other thing in their children's life but Allah's guidance is only how Allah wishes and wants it to be.

A parent may be able to work out all the means to help their kids grasp it; through teaching them Qur-an, enrolling them to madrasah and so forth just like how the gardener makes sure he places his plants out in the open. Then, the rest is all in Allah's hands.

Allah says to his Prophet in, Suratul Qasas ayah 52

(Verily, you guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided.)

An important point of reflection can be established from the above phenomenon.

O brother and sister, the blessing that you and I have of Islam, is something really great. It's a gem so valuable and a status so honorable.

Nothing you and I did made us deserve this neemah of believing in Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah.

The leader of Munaafiqiin, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Saluul prayed behind the prophet may peace be upon him yet he never believed in him.Others went forth and apostated after the prophet's death after having accepted Islam.

Prophet Adam's first son (or second) died as a disbeliever. Prophet Ibrahim's father was a disbeliever. Prophet Nuh couldn't save his own son and Prophet's Lut's call to his wife fell on deaf ears. And we all know of our beloved prophet's uncle.

So, Alhamdulillah, that we woke up today attesting to Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah and we hopefully wish to make it till we die in sha Allah. Not because we deserve it, not because it's years now and we have never stopped praying, not because we put some cash in the poor man's tin last Friday, not because it's hot and am still wearing the hijaab and definitely not because I kept away from dating during my entire life.

But because it is Allah's mercy. And all we say is Alhamdulillah.

"O Changer of the hearts, make our hearts firm upon Your religion."

It was easier for Sulayman to manage to go for a visit because Friday was basically a weekend already, less people remained for the evening schedule making their canteen less busier.

He took route towards the prison using the time to convince himself that Allah is capable of answering his prayers and releasing his wife.

He had written the name of Ajmaal and his son's Ashuur on his palm so as not to forget to narrate the encounter to his wife. Weak memories wasn't a new issuer to prisoners after all. And ex-prisoners neither.

Looking at Ashuur's he smiled. Although he couldn't remember the exact age, he could very well recall that it was on Aashuraa' day. He was born on the blessed day of Aashuraa' and amazing enough, his wife managed to fast that particular day until the baby's delivery broke her fast. Because of that, they decided to named him A'shur.

His thoughts drifted from his son to the blessed day of Aashuraa'. The day when Allah saved Nabii Musa and the sons of Israel from their oppressor Fir'aun, the day when the sea split into two allowing them to cross safely and causing their enemies to drown.

He felt tranquil as he understood that his wife was in such a condition and biIdhniLlaah soon the sea will split for her too. Even though, neither of them had any means at that moment, it really didn't matter as long as Allah was on their side.

One of his inmates had explained to him the incident of Nabii Musa,

And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Moses said, "Indeed, we are to be overtaken!" Ash-Shuaraa 61.

But Nabii Musa was not devastated. His faith in Allah was unshakeable. With a calm heart and a sound faith he responded;

[Moses] said,"No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me." Ash-Shuaraa 62.

His peoplesaid, 'we are to be overtaken.
'His ears said,'listen the troops are near.',
His eyes said, 'You are done! Either The sea or the soldiers , no other way out.'
Even his brain said, 'there can't be anysolution.'

Yet. He trusted his heart that had tasted the sweetness of faith. The heart that understood the greatness of it's creator through which he responded with great certainty. 'Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.'

[I heard thisfrom a friend who heard from a sheikh. So basically, I cannot link it to any source, but I hope and pray it's the truth.]

After a surprisingly short wait, Sulayman was called to the visiting place.
If that wasn't enough, he found his precious wife already there waiting for him.

"AssalaamAlaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh." He started his greetings, his heart being the happiest part of the body. Whether body parts had feelings, that was discussion for another day.

"WaalaykumSalaam Warahmatullaah wabarakatuh. How are you?"

Before he could reply, the not so liked grumpy officer interrupted, "Three minutes only!!!"She spoke with a scoff.

Sulayman decided not to waste time wondering what wrong has he done to her and just focus on his wife, that he had learnt from his own days behind bars.

"Oh yes! I wasn't going to be allowed because we have guests, but then Alhamdulillah one of the top ones said I should come for only three minutes." Juweyriya explained.

Oh! Sulaymanfelt relieved that the three minutes weren't going to stay permanent."I am fineAlhamdulillah, we are soon starting the lunch program as our eligible chef's wife suggested."

"Who's theeligible one? The chef or the wife?" Juweyriya asked with raised eyebrows. Show me a single husband who isn't cocky.

They were lucky the lady grumps was on a phone call, or she would have been really pissed to be assigned to supervise such a conversation.

"My wife, you always have the answers to all the questions." He ended with a chuckle. Why did it have to be three minutes?

"And how areyou? Habibty."

"Am fineAlhamdulillah, better than before." She was referring to her state of faith andher level of patience.

"I met the boy again today. His name is Ajmaal. He was so stunned to hear about you. He really reminds me of Ashur. Trust me."Juweyriya smiled.

"Alhamdulillah for that. And how is our brother?"

"He is fine, salaams from him. And before the times end, do you have any important thing to tell?"
Juweyriya narrowed her eyes a bit trying to recall then she shook her head, "Nothing."

"Okay. Then I wanted to share this." There, he went on telling her about Nabii Musa. When he was done and he was sure the time has lapsed, he raised his eyebrows as he tiltedhis head towards the lady grumps and mouthed "What happened?"

Juweyriyasmiled and spoke in a louder voice, "My husband, what Allah willed to happen will always happen. Ever.Forever."

Sulayman smiled in return. "I just remembered the day you gave birth to Ashuur and you were fasting. Remember?"

"Yeah. And it felt so bad to go against mom, she was so worried." "Yes, no one managed to convince you.""But the onewho was able to didn't try to." She said that looking directly into his eyes. "Because he knew that the one year's forgiveness is worth it."
There were reasons why she was his role model.

"Because he was taught so. By the most beautiful teacher he has ever had." There, Juweyriya laughed softly, as Sulayman rubbed his forearms clearly affected by the sight in front of him.

The lady was still on the phone. They weren't allowed phones inside so, she wouldn't endtheir time until she was done speaking, O Allah bless her caller, if he/sheis a muslim and if not grant him/her guidance.

Prayer was his all time thing. He used prayer as a shield, as a friend, as a comforter, as a gift and so on.

"Zawjy. Our time will come in sha Allah. Perhaps Allah is delaying this so that when I come out, we will be ready to leave for home too. In sha Allah."
"Yes. It's true . For Indeed with hardship will be ease. Indeed with hardship will be ease."

"Yes dear. Let's just trust in Allah. Let us be happy that this trial only affects our dun-ya but leaves our deen safe in fact makes it better.The biggest tragedy is when you fall into sin and your deen is affected. When you turn awayfrom your..."

"Hey! Over! Over!Ju-riya you blew something on me, huh? Hey old man! Good bye. Get going."She was prettyrough, but the couple decided not to respond to her. "Oh Lord! I forgot to tell you about the fine. What they told me..."

Juweyriya remarked as she was at the edge of the room (a verandah actually).

"Next time inshaa Allah, but it's good news so rejoice."
"And I got good news too. I keep forgetting things too" He shouted laughing at his own statement.

Walking out,he passed through the reception; a room which had windows from both ends, wherethe6 prisoner would be standing from one and the visitor from the other in case there was anything he wanted to leave. Sulaymaan was leaving her cash that he got from Abdullah.

Hoping that the receptionist officer was someone kind, he requested, "Please ask her if she needs something next time."He had to seek permission because it wasn't allowed to talk at the reception.

"You heard her."In prison dictionary, that meant she was beyond kind. Thankfully.

"Coconut oilfor my hair please." Juweyriya responded.

"You can now leave." The same officer ordered Sulayman who was busy gazing at his wife.

Juweyriya mouthed , "I miss you." A statement which came from the deepest parts of herheart. Sulaymaan swallowed hard as he closed his eyes a bit and rubbed them. Then he opened them and said, "I love you."

Ignoring the looks on the ladies' faces he left like he always did after each visit, with an extremely heavy heart. And he couldn't explain how at the same time his heartfelt heavy and yet he felt that he has left part of his heart with his Juweyriya .

It was a heavy trial, that was why he ever asked Allah to grant him patience, and help him in that trying moments.
"Our Lord , pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory overthe disbelieving people."Al- Baqarah 250.

O Allah makeme understand,

Your ways,help me comprehend,

My Lord, make my heart apprehend,

That when Youtest to us, You don't do it to offend,

I am grateful,Lord, and I don't complain,

But I feel soweak, I don't cease to be in pain,

It's like am stuck and I don't know what to do,

Please grantme swabr and guidance from you,

My lord, I am asking you from deep within,

To forgive myeach and every sin,

O Allah please grant me Imaan,

To trust yourpromise that is in the Qur-an,

Grant meconviction that, you'll split the sea,

Like you did to your noble Nabii.

I believe in you, My Gracious Creator,

No matter how I plan, yours are always better,

If my enemies are great, my Lord you are greater,

I trust in you, please help my heart not to shatter,

Melt all my stress, like hot tea does to butter,

And My Lord, make my heart apprehend,

That when You test to us, You don't do it to offend,


Shahr bin Hawshab said:

"I said to Umm Salamah: 'O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said most frequently when he was with you?"

She said: 'The supplication he said most frequently was: "O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī 'alā dīnik).'"

She said: 'So I said: "O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: 'O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.'

He said: 'O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.'"


A small question:-

My primary science teacher taught me that plants breathe in carbondioxide and produce oxygen. What did yours say?

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